Narcissus Does Not Fall In Love With His Reflection Because It Is Beautiful, But Because It Is His.

“Narcissus does not fall in love with his reflection because it is beautiful, but because it is his.”
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More Posts from Enchantingarcadecreation
I just KNOW that if she didn't have magic in season 1 when Bloom dragged Riven verbally, she would have also dragged him physically. Bloom is always down to fight, especially in season 1.
Bloom is an impulsive little shit. You mean to tell me there wasn't at least one time where the impulsive thought won and she said fuck your magic and swung? I call bullshit. Her opponents gotta keep Bloom at a distance because she will bite.
Scared to ask this one lmfaoo!... Let's have the reaction of all of Diasomnia dorm! <3 Uuhhhh but can I get a Biological Teen Mother of Sliver!Mc... like she had him at a young age? Currently she could be in her late 20s going into her early thirties! And maybe they could be from a different or even from Twisted wonderland ( that's up to you! ^w^) but Biological father of Sliver, very bad man, evil king- And Mama Sliver/Mama Mc is very protective and got in contact with Malificent for help! I was thinking of a kind of Sleeping Beauty Syndrome for Mc! Which is an extremely rare condition that causes intermittent episodes where you sleep for long periods of time, which prevents you from staying awake during the day (hypersomnia). This would explain why Sliver is always sleepy, and also what Lilia could not find a cure for it! Mama loves her baby Sliver, but understands if he wants nothing to do with her at all even if she does want to be in his life again...
Female reader, obviously. Low-key made this a Lilia x reader fic lol.

It all started with an arranged marriage when you were 18. Your rich family from the Queendom of Roses were somehow in-touch with a noble family in Briar Valley, and they set up a marriage between you and their son. Upon meeting for the first time, the two of you did not get along. To put it simply, he was rather rude to you despite you both being human. Your family was forcing you into it because, and I quote, “How would you find a husband if you keep sleeping the day away?” You had sleeping spells that left you unable to do much, and your family shamed you for it.
At the wedding, you saw your now-husband slip away quietly, and when you followed him, you saw him with another woman… or three. It didn’t bother you all that much. It’s not like you loved him at all. What did bother you was that you were going to have to sleep with that STD-ridden flea bag in order to produce a child, and then you could escape this loveless marriage. However, that requires being in bed with him.
The first time you had lain with your husband, you felt absolutely disgusted. You were angry; at him, at your family for forcing you to be with him, and at the world for predestining you for this. But, you had gotten what you wanted out of it. You were pregnant, which meant you never had to sleep with that deadbeat husband of yours ever again.
Upon learning that you were with child, you contacted Queen Maleficia for help. You explained to her about your situation, and she was more than happy to help. She already had someone that the baby could go to, actually. You were basically a surrogate now. Her Royal Majesty understood that it would be no good environment for the baby if you were to stay with your husband, so she made arrangements for you to stay within the castle up until your labor and the recovery process.
Lilia was the one to hold your hand while you gave birth, actually. The Queen was making the preparations outside of the room. A nursery had been set up for the baby, and maids and servants were rushing in and out of the delivery room.
When the baby was finally born, you held him for a few moments. It was as though the world had gone quiet, because he was not crying. You weren’t crying either. Baby Silver was sleeping in your arms, and you realized that your child had inherited your condition. You trusted, however, that Lilia would not shame him for the condition as he had not shamed you. You could see the good future that Silver would have, but it would be without you.
One last kiss was placed on Baby Silver’s brow before you, with tears in your eyes and a heavy heart, handed him over to Lilia.
“I’m sorry, my baby. It’s better off this way. Just know, I will reunite with you soon.”
That started the recovery process, where Silver would remain asleep until your departure. When you left, you left to gain the help of the Queen of the Queendom of Roses. After all, you needed the help of both queens if you were going to get out of this marriage and gain the rights of your child.
When he was just a young boy, Silver couldn’t help but wonder where he came from. He knew that Lilia was not his biological father. After all, if he were, he would at least be half-fae, and their ears would be similar. No, he was fully human. The knight-in-training was very observant. Plus, there was his condition to consider. The man who he came to call his ‘father’ did not have it, and from what he had read it was a genetic condition.
The only thing he has from his mother or father is a letter containing just three words. It isn’t signed, but he knows it’s from one of his biological parents:
“My dearest Silver.”
He had many questions about his parents: Were they kind? Did they know how to cook? Where were they? What did they do? Why did they give him up?
That last question wasn’t one out of sadness or spite. He genuinely wanted to know. He is sure they had a good reason. From what Lilia had told him, which was very little and very vague, you gave him up because you wanted him to have a better life. A better life compared to what alternative?
“When you’re older, Silver, I will tell you everything. Just know that your mother loves you very much,” Is what Lilia often told him. This answer frustrated him, and he wanted to know more. But, the former General would just brush his questions away.
“Is everyone ready?” Here we are, a few years later. Silver was a second year at NRC, and the Briar Valley crew was going to head back home for Winter Break. He made sure that he had everything he needed, and he made sure to say farewell to Yuu and Grim before going through the mirror. It was unfortunate that they couldn’t go home to visit, but maybe they could enjoy their stay at NRC?
Anyways, everything was just as Silver had left it. His room looked exactly the same. The days were exactly the same. The training post was exactly the same.
…So why did something feel different?
The air was more sombre than he remembered. Typically, there were festivals held in Briar Valley, or there was something happening in the palace. However, the maids and servants were whispering amongst themselves as he made his way to the prince’s chambers. Gossip did tend to spread, so he wondered what the latest piece of gossip was.
“Silver, follow me. Your presence is required in the throne room.” Malleus met him in the hallway, surprising the knight. His tone was serious, and he nodded before trailing after the dragon fae.
“I apologize for taking so long, Your Majesty, General Lilia. A marriage of this sort hasn’t really happened within the Queendom of Roses.”
“It’s quite alright, Y/N. I am just happy that you are out of that dreadful marriage. I apologize that you had to go through something like that anyway!” Queen Maleficia exclaimed.
“I’m sure you would have been here if you could, Y/N,” Lilia smiled as he said it to you.
A knock on the large door to the throne room echoed, making you jump a bit. It had been 17 years since you have been in the Briar Valley Palace, and for that you regretted every second of it. You have kept yourself away from your son just so you could get a divorce, but you missed all of his firsts: his first word, his first step, his first real food, his first day of school, etc.
The door opened, and a guard was followed by Prince Malleus and Silver. You could recognize that hair and those eyes from anywhere. They were your baby’s. You let out a gasp, and your eyes immediately started to tear up.
“Your Royal Highness, Malleus Draconia, accompanied by Sir Silver,” The guard announced, as though you needed an introduction. You quickly stood up and walked over to the pair, hands shaking as you reached out to touch your son’s face.
“Silver,” Queen Maleficia started to say, “Malleus, this is Silver’s mother.”
Tears made their way from both yours and Silver’s eyes. Your hands met the sides of his face, and his hands immediately went to cover yours. This is what the both of you have been wanting for years now.
“My dearest Silver…” Upon hearing those words, Silver broke down in a full sob as he wrapped his arms around your frame. You returned the favor, holding your son close to you. It has been too long, truly.
“My dearest mother.” Were the first words he uttered to you, and you couldn’t be happier in your entire lifetime.
If time could stop, it would have stopped right there. However, he pulled away after a few moments before turning to Lilia, who had walked up to the two of you. He was in his army-day getup, dressed as a former General would be.
“This isn’t some cruel prank, is it, father?” He asked, wondering if he was going through another one of his sleeping spells.
“I assure you that it is not, my dear boy.” Lilia pulled the knight into an equally affectionate hug. The three of you were crying, and you turned to give the bat fae a hug as well in gratitude.
You and Silver decided that, in order to bond a little, it would be best if the two of you went on a walk with one another. So, you were taking your time in going through the palace gardens.
The 17-year-old knight had so many questions to ask you, and you were very happy to answer any that he had. The first was about his condition.
“Mother, do you have the sleeping condition that I have? Are you where I get it from?”
“Yes, you inherited it from me. Your grandparents from my side in the Queendom of Roses did not like that I had it.”
“What were my grandparents like?”
“Well, from my side, they forced me into a marriage with your father. However, from your father’s side, they were very kind to me. They actually helped with the divorce process.”
“Why did you and my father get a divorce?”
“That is a story for another time. Just know that it was why I kept myself from seeing you because I knew that it was not a good environment for you to grow up in.”
“Is he why you gave me away?” You stopped in your tracks to look at your son, and his eyes held both anger and sadness. You reached your hands up once again to cup his face, your face straight but emotional.
“I did not give you away. I never wanted you to think that, Silver. I wanted to give you your best chance, and that was not with me by your father’s side. Because he hailed from Briar Valley and I hailed from the Queendom, the process got complicated and I had no choice. If I left anybody intentionally, it was him and not you.
“Lilia raised you to be a good man and a good knight to the prince, and he did not judge you for our sleeping spells. You made it to Night Raven College with him guiding you. Your father would have tried to prevent you from reaching success just as he did with me. I was in college myself, studying to become a doctor and maybe find a cure for my… our condition.”
Silver was in deep thought, and you couldn’t read his face. Then he nodded before continuing to walk.
“What was my father like?”
“I don’t really know how to describe him. He valued his work and he did not value family as much as he should have. He was the son of one of the very few human noble families within the Briar Valley. I’m trying to think of a way that doesn’t impact you negatively, if I’m being honest.”
“I would rather have your honest opinion. I am nearly an adult, and I am a knight now. I should be able to handle it.”
“Well, on our wedding day, I saw him in bed with a few other women, so that was not a very good impression at all. I hadn’t met him before that day, actually. Now, he is where you get your silver hair and auroral eyes. However, from the letters Lilia has sent me throughout the years, you seem to have gotten my personality as well as the Sleeping Beauty Syndrome.”
Silver nodded, looking forward before starting to speak again.
“I waited for as long as I could remember for some other form of communication. I don’t even have any last name. Not yours, not my father’s, not even Lilia’s. Why didn’t you ever send me another letter? Why didn’t you address the one I had received?”
“I didn’t want you looking for me. You don’t have your father’s name because I didn’t want you looking for him either. I do not know why Lilia didn’t give you his last name. You might have to ask him.”
“All my life I have asked the old man many questions about my parents, but he didn’t give me any information aside from that you were beautiful, that you loved me very much, and that you let me go to give me the best chance I could have.”
“I don’t know about the first one, but the other two were correct,” you giggled. Lilia had always been a bit of a flirt towards you, especially during your pregnancy. Even through the letters he had sent, there was always a bit of a flirtatious attitude. “I do love you very much, Silver.”
“I love you too, mother. And for the record, you are very beautiful. All of what Lilia has told me would be correct.” You turned to look at him and he also had a smile on his face.
“Wait… so, what you’re informing me, Waka-sama, is that after 17 years, Silver’s mother finally appeared. How do we know she is his true mother?”
Sebek could not believe this. He has known Silver his entire life, and only now does any of his parents reach out. He sat with Lilia and Malleus in front of him in one of the many rooms of the palace. He placed himself on the chair at a table within the room, holding his head in his hands as he tried to retrace everything that the two had told him.
“Because, silly, I have met her before. One would say that I’ve even loved her before,” Lilia was still in his mature form when he said this. The former general was there from the beginning. He was at your wedding because the family had history in the military of Briar Valley. That was when he found himself entranced by you.
The reputation of the man you were wed to was less than desirable, and his family was mostly just desperate to get him married to somebody. They opted for someone who didn’t know about the guy, so they decided to choose a family of high standing from another realm.
He remembers the day you came to the palace, a slight bump visible under your gown. You had a cloak on to conceal your identity, and he was the one who answered the palace gate. Tears were running down your face, and Lilia immediately took you inside to get you warmed up.
Malleus remembers that day as well. He was also at your wedding, and while he didn’t talk with you much because you were very quiet, he could tell that you were very nice. He was still awake at the time you had entered the castle, and he listened along with his grandmother about your issues. He also saw the almost murderous amount of anger in Lilia’s eyes.
Anyway, back to the present, Sebek was having a hard time grasping everything that was happening. Then, he stood up.
“Would it be appropriate if I were to go see her?” He asked.
“I have no doubt that it would be very appropriate. I expect her to drop by your domicile later because she is well acquainted with your father. As humans hailing from Briar Valley, they connected, and I believe your father was her dentist when she resided here,” Malleus explained.
Suddenly, the crocodile was overcome with even more shock; His father knew you?? How come he had never informed him or Silver of anything about you?
“Your mother knew her too. The two were actually quite good friends, if I remember correctly…” Lilia trailed off in thought, trying to remember if what he said was actually true.
Then, Sebek passed out from the overwhelming feeling of this bombshell that was dropped on him.
When you had returned from your walk with your son, you were met with Lilia extending his arm to you. You looked towards Silver and he nodded his head at his father figure before walking off. So, you accepted the fae’s arm and began walking with him.
“How was your conversation?”
“It went exceedingly well, Lord Vanrouge. He had so many questions, and I answered each one he had.”
“That is good to hear, darling. I’ve missed you very much, as you’ve probably guessed by now,” Lilia stopped in his tracks as he slipped his arm from yours to bring your hand to his lips and place a kiss upon your knuckles.
You couldn’t help but feel a tad flustered, but a smile graced your lips as you leaned forward to place a kiss on his cheek.
“I’ve missed you too, Lilia.” Said fae smiled in return as he once again extended his arm for you to take, and you began walking again.
“By the way, Lady Y/N, young Sebek would like to see you. He’s Dr. Zigvolt’s youngest son, 16 years old. A meeting has been arranged at their abode.”
“That sounds lovely! It’s been a while since I’ve visited the Zigvolt’s. From what I remember, I have only met their older son and daughter.”
It was in the evening when the gathering was, and you, Lilia, and Silver knocked on the door to the Zigvolt’s house. The door was answered by the matriarch of the house.
“Y/N! It’s so good to see you!” She gave you a very tight hug, letting a few tears run down her face at knowing that you were alright.
Everyone went inside, and the table was set for supper. The older Zigvolt children walked up and gave you hugs as well. You remember seeing them when they were barely old enough to speak, but the memory of a half-fae is not to be underestimated under any circumstances.
“LADY Y/N! IT IS VERY NICE TO MEET YOU AT LAST!” You turned towards the shouting voice to see a young man bowed at a perfect 90° angle. “MY NAME IS SEBEK ZIG-”
“SHUT UP! SHE PROBABLY KNOWS WHO YOU ARE!” His older sister shouted at him, bonking him on the head to try to get him to quiet down.
“Thank you for introducing yourself, Sebek,” you were trying your hardest not to laugh at the family dynamic. “It is very nice to meet you! Silver has told me many wonderful things about you, and your dedication is the first thing I see within you.”
The guy was very close to tears at your words, his heart feeling warm.
“Y/N, is that you?” You turned to see the patriarch of the household, and you greeted him with a warm hug of his own.
Walking back to the palace, Lilia lingered behind you and your son so that you two could continue talking with one another. After all, you had only one question for him.
“Silver, I know I have not been present in your life, and I hope you can come to understand the reasoning behind it. However, I am finished with my education and I will be working alongside Dr. Zigvolt as a doctor in Briar Valley. I wanted to ask you something, if you wouldn’t mind.” Your nerves were at an all-time high, not sure how you should phrase your question.
“What is it, mother?”
“Would you still want me in your life? I know you’re almost an adult, and I missed every single milestone of your life. I will understand if you don’t want me to-”
“Yes, please.”
“I said yes, please. I would love to have you in my life. But, how will Lilia take it?”
“He knows, honey. That’s why he’s behind us. I believe there is a way where it could work out…” and suddenly, you were being hoisted up into the fae’s arms in a bridal carry. You let out a squeal as Silver smiled at the shenanigans of his parental figures.
Yeah, he knew that Lilia had been smitten with you for a while now. Throughout his childhood, he has had the pleasure of hearing a story be told and retold, and he understands that it was a metaphor for Lilia’s love for you.
“There once was a princess, as beautiful and as kind as could be. Her voice would draw in fauna of all kinds. However, she was afflicted with a curse. She couldn’t stay awake.
“Her family was horrible to her, calling her names because of her curse. All she ever wanted to do was help people like her, but the family wanted to continue their bloodline. So, they married her off to a noble from a distant land.
“The wedding was a party to remember, but in the audience was a soldier, smitten with the princess. From that point on, he swore to himself that he would protect her until the world ends. Even then, his dying breaths would be used to serve her instead of himself.
“She eventually fell pregnant with a child, and she went to the castle to seek the aid of the Queen of this distant land. There, her unborn child received a blessing, and the soldier took care of her for the nine months following. He was at her beck and call; whatever she wanted, he took it upon himself to acquire it for her.
“It was in her 6th month where the two shared their first kiss. She had been working hard to try and separate herself from her husband, as she never loved him. Instead, she found herself in love with the soldier. His kindness and the stories he had to share of camaraderie and bravery on the battlefield entranced her. She found herself being lulled to sleep each night by his voice.
“However, sleep kept them apart. Her condition extended itself because of the child taking a toll on her energy. There were days where she would sleep for days on-end. However, the soldier would not leave her side. Instead, he would keep bringing her cups of tea in case she were to wake up. Each evening, he would place a kiss upon her forehead and speak to her as though she were awake.
“The night she gave birth to her child, she was accompanied by the soldier. He held her hand, and when the baby was born, the midwife cleaned the infant and handed him to the soldier. At that moment, the soldier swore to protect both the princess and the baby with his life.”
I can so see the vet face as this:😑
Monster!König when his pet started bleeding out of nowhere! And alot! What the hell. (She got her period and is nearly fainting because of the fatigue and cramps)
And when vet says it's normal, Bros just standing there, in front of her, staring, how is this normal!?. (While she is just rolling on the ground because of the cramps)
Konig isn't afraid of many things. You could be losing clutches of eggs after clutches, he wouldn't really care. You could be cursing him out of his existence and try to kill him - he would just straddle you with his tentacles and put your nasty mouth(and other holes too) to good use. But when you just woke up one day, snuggled close to him in the nest(not because he likes to have you here, definitely not like that, he just needs something warm for his tentacles to cling onto) and you are bleeding all over...he actually thinks you're dying. The thing is - every time you're bearing eggs, your body is being tricked into thinking you're pregnant. With the usual hormonal disbalance, lactation, and weird cravings - your periods are obviously stopping. Even you were surprised when, just after Konig left you without his eggs for a while, you started bleeding again - so he hauls you in his hands and forces you into the human vet office. And the vet is not pleased. Not at all. Because when the colonel is panicking, they are expecting you to come over to the office without a head - not with obvious signs of menstruation. You tried to tell your impossible monster husband that it's normal but, of course, he wouldn't listen. Vet sends you two back with a pack for menstruation - pads, sweets, even pills for your cramps because Konig won't settle for the problem that can't be cured with a few pills. You know this situation when cramps are terrible, but you also want to see just how long you would last without pills? Yeah, with monster!Konig, it's literally impossible. He can sense the tiniest bits of discomfort and will get you pills immediately, finally putting the heated pad to a good use.
Brain it's 5am let me fucki g sleep
Sooo you know all those Amity was displaced into the DC universe when returned after Pariah's defeat aus? What if that happened but alittle more extreme?
What if when it returned, Amity was in the middle of the ocean?
Danny is a protection spirit, one with a huge heart and completely OP even by the time he fights Pariah. He's going to do something drastic the split second that he realizes Amity is in the ocean and it is Sinking. The land that had been transported with the town is breaking apart. Buildings are crumbling and people are panicking.
His People are screaming to be helped.
So he does. He dives under Amity and channeling his still developing Ice/space Core creates a pillar of Never Melt Ice from the Sea Floor to Amity, cradling the floating town and filling the cracks. Only to do this, to keep his town safe, Danny is in the center of the Pillar.
And well there are Consequences to this, for one Danny's Core is in fluctuation between settling as an Ice Core or as a Space Core. Thus the Land and the People are changed, their Protector sacrificed himself to become their City/Island essentially. His Core Shattering and Reforming a second time with this Sacrifice, though the Reforming is taking time. During that time, Amity has become basically the Center of Bermuda Triangle in the DC universe. Space and Time warped around the partially Frozen island. The inhabitants changed by their extreme contamination from their Heros Sacrifice and the Ghost Zone, as well as becoming Eternal Beings. Amity is now a Frozen kingdom of Ice and Stars.
And is only discovered by the JL due to their Creator finally Reforming, thus the turbulent connection to their new reality has Stabilized.
I find this oddly sweet.
hi, can I request a plus size reader who keeps running away from könig bc she thinks she's undesirable but the chase just makes könig get turned on ever more? and he finally dominate her, breeding her full and a lil dub con would be nice.
sorry if's too much and sorry the English, it's my 2nd language. btw big ass fan of your writing :(
plus size!reader who thinks she’s undesirable despite the affection her big boyfriend showers her in :(( nowt wrong with your english, pet. and i’m a big arse fan of you 🫵🏻 :3
mdni. slight dub-con, cat and mouse pursuit, obsessive/yandere themes, in public, no foreplay :(, praise, sappy and sloppy, dom x sub, shy!reader, down-bad könig, very big-dicked könig :((, belly bulge, breeding kink, creampie !! not proofread </3
creds to the original creator of this image, whoever ya are ((:

you’re not sure how long you’ve been walking aimlessly, lost in thought. you just don’t feel good enough for him. he’s so beautiful — perfect in every aspect of whatever ‘perfect’ equates to. you’d bagged the austrian war machine somehow, at some point. he’d approached you in a club, noticing you alone and nursing the same drink since you’d arrived, stirring the liquor with an olive-speared cocktail stick. the rest is history.
but you just can’t wrap your head around the fact that he’s yours. you’re in love the fact that you’re his. but why is he so content with you? he should be with a woman of athletic stature, like him. right? you’ve asked him before, and every time he tells you, “you think too much, schatz. i love you the way you are. i do not care for shape or size.”
and könig would remind you that he’s no arnold schwarzenegger or apollo creed himself. he has thick, meaty thighs and bulky shoulders — almost too wide for his body. he has firm fat on his pectorals that jiggle when he walks, like yours. his stomach folds when he sits down and bends over, quite chubby in the lower region where his pubic bone extends. his biceps aren’t defined or ripped, but more beefy with a little squidge if you pinch them.
and he doesn’t give a flying fuck. in fact, he’ll care when fucks can fly. he doesn’t understand why you’re so conscious of your appearance. könig worships your body. he’ll touch you whenever the opportunity strikes, hands cupping, massaging, rubbing, stroking, resting as soon as the chance presents itself. but you just can’t accept that his admirations and reassurances are genuine. he’s too good for you. he should be with someone who is confident and self-assured. someone who’s willing to give themselves to him sexually.
it’s your own low opinion of yourself that’s holding back the intimate domains of your relationship; in the sense that you’ve not had sex yet. again, könig doesn’t care. he’ll wait for you. he’ll wait until fucks fly (preferably the fuck you give about your weight), but he understands it’s a deep and meaningful forte.
and great, now you don’t know where you are. you stop in your tracks, glancing around at your surroundings. you’re losing light as the setting sun kisses the horizon, the silhouette of distant trees skimming the pinkish clouds. you pull your phone from your pocket — he’s been blowing it up. fifty messages at least. you could backtrack, you guess. but then you’d have to face him. you’ve done this before, left your shared home. he finds you every time, but he’s never mad. only ever concerned and self-deprecating, rambling that he should be better.
so you keep walking, fingers kneading at your tummy as you do. your lower belly moves independently from your physique with the low incline of your stride — but only slightly. no one else would notice, not that they’d be looking. but you always notice, and it makes you feel like you matter a little less. you’re walking away from the one person who makes you feel like you belong. who lets you know that you have every right to feel comfortable in your own skin. but he shouldn’t have to, because he should be with someone prettier. someone skinnier.
your phone rings then, a selfie of you and könig displaying as his caller id shows on the screen. you swallow, still wandering like a headless chicken towards the treeline up ahead. “hey.” you answer, twigs snapping beneath your feet once you reach the woods. “why are you doing this again, mein liebe?” his voice is soft and inquisitive. he’s so patient with you. “i’m sorry.” you sniffle, emotions finally getting to you. “i can’t give you what you want.”
“and what is it i want that you think you can’t give me?” he asks you, his signal slightly distorted. it sounds like he’s outside too, probably looking for you. you don’t answer his question, holding the phone to your ear as you walk in silence. leaves rustle beneath you, birds chirping above.
“you look beautiful today, haser. that dress is new, ja?”
you stop dead, heart plummeting into your churning gut. you spin on the spot as you look around, eyes darting like a compass in a blizzard. “könig?” your voice wavers, chest heaving as you scan every bush, every tree, every fallen trunk. “did you follow me again?” now it’s your turn for the silent treatment. “könig, where are you?”
and you swear you can already hear his footsteps thundering towards you when you flee, the call still connected as you sprint through shrubbery and branches. an evil chuckle echoes from his line and you whimper, nostrils flaring and cheeks burning as you hurry, weaving the obstacles of nature in your path. “that’s right, little rabbit. don’t let me catch you.” his sinister voice tells you — distorted. “let’s make a deal.”
you glance over your shoulder, almost tripping over as your legs carry you haphazardly through the brush. “if you escape, i promise not to come for you.” his voice proposes, but you swear you can hear it somewhere behind you. ”but if i catch you, you’ll never leave me again. ja?”
you cry out, exhausted. doubling over, you brace yourself against the nearest tree, face glistening with a thin film of sweat. you hang up the phone, huffing out staggered breaths while you check the coast is clear. something snaps nearby, no doubt under the heel of a combat boot. you clasp a hand over your mouth and nose, steadying your breaths. the phone rings again and your heart drops when his face appears on your screen. a notification pops down, then.
pick up, herzchen.
you swipe it away and stub your thumb onto the red button, declining his call. leaning back, you allow your head to thud against the tree, windswept hair sticking to the rough bark like velcro. your heart rate skips when movement to your left alerts you of your uninvited company. he’s closer than you’d anticipated. your mobile vibrates yet again in your palm and your resolve crumbles. “leave me alone, please.” you plead with him, eyes flitting back and forth. he chuckles, darkly. a shiver rockets down your spine.
“you look ravishing, my dear; panting against that tree like that. i can see your skin sweating through your new dress. are you trying to turn me on?”
your lips part to retort, but you feel a hot breath fan over your neck and you shriek, dropping your phone as you duck away and swivel on the balls of your feet. he’s standing behind the tree, tall and menacing. his blue eyes pierce into your wide ones, wild and feral. you hadn’t heard him approach you. he’s frighteningly sneaky for his size.
“caught you, little mouse.”
you start to back away, shaking your head ‘no’ with your arms outstretched. but as quick as a hiccup he’s launching himself at you, pouncing on his prey as he tackles you to the forest floor. you squeal, the wind knocked out of you as he settles himself above you, parting your legs with his hand. “oh, schatz. you must stop running from me. i’ll always find you.”
you sniffle, hands weakly attempting to push him off. “why? why do you keep coming back for me?” his mask shifts as he frowns, head tilting like a curious mutt. “you are my liebling, nein? and also, finders keepers.” his hands caress the soft slope of your belly and the pudge of your sides, before sliding down to embrace the plump curves of your hips. “but why me?” you ask again, attempting to squirm away from his touches.
“i believe there is somebody out there for everyone.” he tells you, lifting your dress up so he can reveal your clothed pussy to him. stretch marks decorate your lower belly and upper thighs, faint cellulite dimples peppering the loose flesh. the sight gives him a drastic erection, the rigid outline of his straining cock imprinting the front of his cargos. “and you are my somebody.”
you wiggle and writhe when his hands vacate yours to arrive at his belt, fumbling to unbuckle it. “könig, anyone could see.” you whisper, raising your head to look around. he shushes you, gently pushing your head back down, before traipsing his finger down the divot of your cleavage, over the swell of your tummy, and between your legs. you suck in a shallow breath when he hooks the hem of your cotton panties, ripping them from you like it’s no biggie.
“no one comes out here. only silly girls who insist on running away, ja?” he confidently states, freeing his hard cock with a relieved sigh. your eyes bulge from their sockets, jaws literally dropping. he’s fucking huge, his cockhead sitting above his belly button when his length springs upright to slap his stomach. your pussy clenches at the thought of it being inside you, juices drooling down your arse crack of their one accord.
“let me show you, mausebärchen… how much i love this body of yours.” he crawls over you, his sniper hood draping over your chin and neck when his face levels with yours. you can only gawk up at him wordlessly, dumbfounded. your heart thaws at his determination to make you feel valued and attractive. you muster a small smile, eyes starting to water when he humps the swollen tip of his dick through your slick folds.
the stretch alone of your pussy lips spreading for him stings, and you can only imagine the pain of what’s to come when he finally enters you. “i will be gentle, haser.” he assures, as if reading your mind. “but i am big, so it will be… uncomfortable, no matter what.” you nod, eyes unable to part ways with his.
soon, he’s lubricated himself in your wetness enough to contemplate pushing in, cockhead resting heavily at your entrance. he tucks his face into your neck when he begins to roll his hips forward and you wince, squeezing your eyes shut as your fingers curl into the dirt beneath you. könig bends your legs, granting himself an easier angle to work with as he manouvers himself into you, his belly sandwiching against yours. you whimper, tears spurting with the dull ache of your cunt widening dramatically to take him.
“you’re doing so well, meine liebling. just a little more.” he praises you, hips still rocking gently as he tries to fit his impressive length between your tight walls. he’s slotted halfway into you so far, and he knows you’re struggling to adjust. “never mind.” he decides, propping himself on one arm so he can wipe the tears from your flushed cheeks. “i will not go any deeper.”
you frown, feeling guilty. “a-are you sure?” you peer between you, seeing a good portion of his cock still exposed. “ja, schatz. if you can only take my tip, that’s all you will get.” he practically demands as he commences soft strokes, thrusting his cockhead through your velvety cunt slowly and thoughtfully. you gasp, hands flying to cling onto his back, the muscles beneath his skin twitching and rippling with his efforts.
it takes ever fibre of self-control for könig to not ram his entire cock into your soaked cunny, having to bite his lip until he tastes blood to refrain from snapping his hips all the way. “gott, you’re so tight. so beautiful.” he drawls, hands planting on either side of your head, the lewd sounds of heavy breathing and broken moans filling the clearing. your pussy squelches around him, gradually sucking a little more of his length with each careful drag of his cock.
his gaze is fixated on your stomach, a few rolls present thanks to way he has you positioned. he can see the bump of his cockhead bulging below the flesh as he starts to sink deeper, a raw heat stirring in his balls. “perfect body for a mother.” he mindlessly tells you, and you swear you can see drool soaking through his mask. “let me make you one. let me fill you with my child, ja?”
you mewl, nails scratching at his back through the fabric of his compression shirt. “oh god, whatever you want.” you moan, face contorted with pleasure. “shit- ah!”
he grunts, retaining a deliberate and dexterous pace within you as he concentrates on giving your body the treatment it deserves. “i will breed you, liebe. i’ll breed you so full.” he blurts deliriously, drowned out by your cock-drunk whines. he chases the ambition with admirable determination, grunts and even whimpers falling from his mouth as he breeds your pussy — slurping around him.
before long you start to tremble, a white bliss bubbling in your loins as your uterus contracts. könig curses, sweat dampening his hood as his tempo starts to stutter and jitter. you wrap your limbs around him like a cub, face nuzzling in his chest to muffle your cries when you finally succumb to the rapture, milking him dry as he hits the same high in tandem with you.
he continues rocking into you, knees surely bruised and his trousers definitely mud-stained as he stays bent over your frame, mumbling drowsily about planting his baby in your pretty stomach. he doesn’t stop until he’s certain you couldn’t be any more full up.