Konig X Reader - Tumblr Posts
PLEASEE MORE Slasher!Konig in the halloween party!!
Konig doesn't enjoy the company of a bunch of drunk students, but he knows he has to wait. None of the victims were appealing - none were speaking to his inner psycho. The night was dry of good alcohol and good company, so he almost considered a good old mass homicide. Burned down party house, piles of bodies inside. No one would bother to check a bunch of frat boys for knife holes when their bodies already melted together. He found you while searching for gasoline. Cute, adorable you. You're tugging on his sleeve, probably thinking he is just some drunk party-goer who got lost in the frat. Thank god for the mask he is wearing - you make a silly joke about never knowing which one of GhostFace costumes are the real killer. You make a silly joke about him having "killer muscles...pun intended" and laugh like it was actually funny. He just shrugs, allowing you to take his hand and lead him to one of the quieter rooms of the house. You smile, saying it's totally fine if he is not feeling up for the party. You don't really like it yourself, but you promised one of the guys to help with catering and to watch over a rowdy crown not getting too rowdy. Played a good little housewife and smiled as he asked about other guys. He put a hand on your knee and you giggled a little. Said no one would bother to look for you here - everyone are too busy drinking. You might have a little fun. Oh, Konig is going to have fun, indeed. Pushed you on the bed, a hand on your throat. Chocked you, the perfect little victim. Wanted to pepper kisses all over your face, but that would mean taking off the mask - so he just continues to squeeze. Forcing you to submit to him. Smiling under the rubber. Then stopped. You're too perfect of a victim - didn't even tried to fight him. If anything, your hips buckled towards him - like a bitch in heat, perfect for the riping. Too perfect to kill you so easily. Konig huffs, feeling up your wet pussy through that little shorts of a vaguely slutty costume you were wearing. Suddenly kisses you on the forehead and searched for any rope or spare clothes to tie you up to the bed and shut your eyes and mouth. Doesn't want your screams to alert others as he finally finds the gasoline and enough matches to send the damn place flying. At least you're given the status of a missing person. At least Konig likes you enough to press you against his chest as he exits the building, taking you over to his house. You can play a cute housewife all you want over there.
Cabin in the woods (yandere!shasher!Konig x fem!Reader x yandere!slasher!Horangi) chapter 6
You start to break down, finally accepting Konig's soft advances.
WARNINGS: Blood, dub-con bordering on non-con, general slasher-y, mild knife stabbing
Masterlist with all chapters This on AO3

This basement is filled with dead people. Or, so you thought at first glance.
At the second glance, you notice a broken bicycle, a bunch of furniture pieces, and something that you could only describe as a particularly horrible-looking attempt at wood carving. Or, maybe, a hanging post. You were in the killer’s layer, after all.
You were there for 10, maybe 15 minutes, and you already know that you are not making it out sane. Your whole body is trembling, your head is throbbing, you are dizzy after an orgasm, and Max is still lying here, his body is warm and soft. Blood stopped dripping from his stomach, but it didn’t make him any less dead. Coughing and almost throwing up from disgust, you spit out every last bit of cum that you managed to get out of your sore throat. You needed something – water, normal food, a good few hours of sleep because you’ve been running on sheer adrenaline for the past 12 hours and it started to take a toll on your…everything.
Just a few hours ago, you were a bored college girl on her forest trip with a bunch of weirdo friends. Your biggest problem was the utter boredom of this fucking woods, not the murderous maniacs on your tail. Now…
— Open wide, Maus. Let me feed you, ja?
Now you were spoonfed reheated chicken soup by König. Colonel in the PMC. The guy who dropped his mask to make you even more scared because you see all the burn marks and scars on his face, and just know that you won’t ever be able to resist someone as strong as him.
Guy who calls you “good girl” and pets your head and tries to engage you in this weird as fuck power dynamic that makes your cheeks warm and your mouth open, even though the saltiness of the soup makes you remember his cum and…fuck. Oh, god fucking damnit.
He is smiling like a maniac, making sure that with each spoon of your soup, you also eat something…you don’t even want to acknowledge it, your stomach is too empty, and your mouth was already tarnished by him, so what’s the problem with a few more drops of his semen, carefully added to the mixture so you won’t be able to miss it? You cringe in disgust as he smiles and pushes even more in your throat, almost making you gag from the spoon deep past your teeth. At least you know that the chicken bits here are actual chicken.
— Let…let me go. Please.
You finish the bowl of soup after a few torturous minutes. The salty taste in your mouth leaves you cringing, and König smiles, wiping your face with a napkin. You feel helpless – with your arms newly bound, there is nothing much you can do when he presses a bottle of coke to your mouth, making you wash away the incredible saltiness with even more incredible sweetness. You want to gag, but he closes your mouth swiftly after.
He smiles.
— We’ll walk you later. Now is not the time for girls to be out.
— I’m not a…
He scoops you in his hands, your body swinging in the air like a doll. It’s horrible, just how strong he is – makes you tremble in his hold, like a useless little victim you are. God, this even sounds embarrassing – yet you can hear the smile in his voice as he drags you along with him. Forcing you to look at Max’s dead body, the smell isn’t filling the room just yet. You try your best to consider yourself lucky.
— You’re cranky, Maus. Need to get you out of here before he starts to smell, right? Brainy ones usually rot extremely fast.
He laughs at his own joke as he pushes you in his arms further. Your head pounds with every one of his rough, deep phrases, his hands are going to roughly manhandle you in place. You whine, too weak to resist but not too weak to stop crying. God, this is pathetic. And scary, And not like those movies about hot killers and half-naked girls.
You’re not a final girl material because instead of fighting him and slamming your knee in his dick again, you get even further on his hands, hoping he would be able to hold you in place like you wanted it.
— Not sure if I should call you a Kitten or a good girl. What do you prefer?
He pushes his large, calloused hand to your face, smearing blood all over your cheeks once again. You cringe, your nose gets the fragrance of blood and decay from his skin – the weirdest fucking perfume that you hope to never smell again. Sobbing softly, you allow him to press his hands on your body, to roam around freely, like you were his fucking treat and not a real person with wants and desires.
— Fuck you.
— It’s Horangi’s job, girl. Not yours, ja?
He laughs plentifully, getting you in his hands. You shiver under his touch, not wanting his fingers anywhere near your abused body – they got you off one time exactly, and you wish never to come from your captor’s toucher. You don’t even want to look at Max, too scared to ever see his lifeless, cold face – terrified of the deep path you feel towards him. Like nothing has happened, like he wasn’t one of your friends. You don’t feel anything besides being tired, and you can’t begin to unwrap all the complex feelings behind your assholish friend group deaths.
Jenny and Chad are still out here, still could get help – but they were ignoring every one of your pleads, not wanting to ruin their nice vacation with your dumb panic. Deep down, you almost feel like screwing these fucking assholes and hoping that they would get impaled by a large freaking stick, preferably in the middle of very lame and satisfying sex. Preferably…
— König, I thought we agreed of not letting her out.
— You’re going hunting, and I need company.
— She could run, you know. You’re too soft on her.
— I can break her ankle! She won’t run then.
König’s voice is so cheerful you actually feel nauseous. He is smiling and laughing, and they both hug before the shorter guy gets out – you can’t even begin to remember the outline of their house because, honestly, serial killers shouldn’t have houses this nice. Ruch wood, probably painted with blood, some hunting trophies, probably incrusted with human bones and remains of their victims, a lot of silly little knickknacks that are probably trophies from the previous groups of dumb college kids…
Shit, no matter how much you wanted to say that this place looks horrible and straight out of a horror movie, it still looks nice. You wonder if it could be scored for a low price, with all the disappearing in the woods around it. You wonder if they started to kill people to make the house cheaper and buy it for half a Euro and a firm handshake.
König grabs you like a plush toy, squeezing you in his magnificent, strong chest, almost making you choke on his boobs as you just desperately try to breathe. He smells like masculinity, too much male perfume and blood – you tuck your face closer to his neck, trying to see if you could, perhaps, bite through his blood stream and vampire your way out of this place, but he only laughs, feeling your teeth on his skin as a form of foreplay. You didn’t want foreplay, you wanted to fucking kill him, maul him to death, do everything in your power to drop him on his back and perform acts that would be not only concerning to feminism but humanity as a whole.
He drops you on the couch before you can sink your teeth into his shoulder, leaving perfect teeth marks on the pale skin of his body. You heard somewhere that human bites are actually incredibly dangerous and call make you ill – you also hoped that you could somehow get rabies from that one poor rodent lying dead on the ground, and so you would be able to transfer the disease to these two fuckers.
You hoped that Karen would give them all the STDs that are possibly could be transmitted.
You hoped that Max would annoy the shit out of them before he died.
You hoped…but it’s useless now, isn’t it? You are sitting on the couch, your captor keeping a firm hand on your thigh, his erection still hard in his pants – you refuse to look at it, you’re better than this, but, oh god, you had no idea a dick could be this dick and don’t prod through pants. You feel like a house dog that was allowed to sit on the soft furniture for the first time in her life, and you hate it. With a groan and, perhaps, a bit of an angry yelp, you fall to the ground.
König smiles immediately – and pushes your face between his legs, perhaps thinking that you just died to suck him off. You wince, both from disgust and fear. Your jaw is still sore, and you aren’t sure how you can still close it.
— Such an eager girl, ja? I will give you what you want then.
Come to think of it, while he is relaxed and his partner is out of the house, you could try to bite his dick off. It should give you a headstart to run and find a weapon to eliminate one of the problems. Then, again, it would require you to put his dick in your mouth again.
Your jaw pleaded to just allow him to fuck your pussy instead.
Your pussy pleaded to just give him your ass, to not risk being pregnant.
Your ass…yeah, you’re not trying anal for the first time with a guy who can swing his dick like a baseball bat and kill some unhappy campers with it.
With the swiftness of the wind, you get up, sitting on the couch in the most modest pose you can imagine. You threw away a couple of pillows in the process – nice pillows, soft pillows, pillows you couldn’t imagine in the house of not just two killers but two military dudes who don’t seem like the type to like everything soft and cute. Besides you, you guess – or they always get one of their victims as leverage or a fucked up pet until they are fully committed to just killing you and eating what is left of your remains.
König only laughs, getting a hand over your shoulders and pressing you closer to him. You don’t want to, but you’re basically naked, save for your underwear and torn jeans, and he is warm. You don’t need a blanket when you have his hot flesh next to your skin – you suppress a smile, trying your best not to fall into their clutches. You’re tired, yes, but it’s not an excuse to be a whore! There are many more convenient moments to be a slut and this one is not it. They killed your friends!
Your asshole friends.
— You have any movie preferences?
He has to repeat his question a few times, you’re too lost in thought to actually listen. Only when he pinched your thigh, no doubt leaving a bruise, you kinda jumped in place, only barely containing a pathetic whimper. His fingers just started to gently squeeze and play with soft flesh, only making everything more warm and twisted and painful.
— No slashers.
He chuckles, pressing his hand deeper into your inner thigh. You try to close your legs, not wanting to invite his fingers in, but he just rests his fingertips on the border of torn jeans, gently brushing it over the sensitiveness of your skin. You gulp, suppressing any reaction.
— No slashers. Gut. I, too, prefer the real thing.
Shiver rund down your spine. God, you need to get out of here, not play house with a murderer! A handsome murderer who killed your asshole friends and who was also kinda nice(not killing you, that is) and even saved you from being too hurt and even allowed you on the couch and even…god, you’re a miserable shell of a woman and the greatest speedrunner of the Stockholm syndrome in the world.
Your body sinks into the couch that smells like a mix between a frat house and a meat fridge.
He turns on the TV, placing something dumb and loud. You don’t even want to look, but you’re bored, and you don’t want him to think you are letting him off the hook with your observant nature – you look at him, quietly as he intensely watches a…
A familiar melody fills the room. You actually need to wait a few seconds, blink, and then look at the screen again. God, is he fucking serious right n-
You are sitting in the house in the middle of a murder forest, with the dead body of your friend rotting in the basement of said house, you were forced to have sex with the killers of the said friends, and now you’re kidnapped in the said house…and the killer just turned on fucking Encanto for you.
— It’s popular among girls your age, right?
You want to say that, among normal college female population, porn would be far more suitable to watch. The guy looks older than you, for sure, mature, with a rugged face and scars and that perfect stubble and touches of silver in his ginger hair, and…shit, you’re dreaming of his rough handsomeness again. Quick, think about your dead friend.
— I’m not 5.
— You act like you’re 5.
— Wh…what do you mean?
— You left your friends to die, you don’t care that we can hurt you…
— I care that you can hurt me!
— You’re silly, Liebling. A normal person would try to run away three times already.
— You said you’d break my ankles.
— I will. Still, you look like you prefer this place more, ja? You can watch dumb shows and eat whatever you want and never worry about…whatever you were doing before.
— I don’t! I…this is stupid.
— You’re a bit dumb, Schatzen. Don’t worry, we’ll take care of you.
He smiles as he ruffles your hair again, his hand goes to gently cup your face and cover it with hungry, sloppy kisses. You can’t even focus on the cartoon on the screen because he is basically devouring your lips right now, forcing you to open your mouth and invite him in – you don’t want him to bite you, you are hurt enough without that kind of contribution. You feel dizzy, dehydrated, you are still exhausted, and you’d want nothing more but to close your eyes and allow him to do whatever he wants with your lifeless body.
You want to roll to the side, hug the pillow, and watch Encanto on pair with some trash TV about housewives killing each other over a garden salad. You don’t want to think about your dead friends because they are dead, you are alive, and your lips are getting crushed as he forces the kiss to be more deep, as he brings his hand to gently squeeze your waist and brush over your back.
You are flushed by the end of the kiss, König grins sluggishly as you are panting, shocked, excited and a bit overwhelmed. In the heat of the moment, you didn’t even think about biting his tongue off – which sounded a bit stupid right now, yes, he would probably just kill you for trying, but you could at least…you could at least close your lips and don’t allow him to kiss you like an excited puppy who just loves loves loves covering your face with his saliva.
Like a dig with a boner, König presses wet lips all over your face and head – in your hair, on your temple, gently brushing over your forehead and cheeks, making sure that he traces his lips over every last bit of blood that he left on your skin. He grunts in the kiss, something more like a guttural moan, and you never knew that just the motion of simple, sloppy kisses can make a man so excited – you are scared and just a little bit curious. Just how much he wants to touch his victim.
König gently places you down on the couch, forcing you to sit straight. He picks up one of the fallen decor pillows and throws it into your hands, allowing you to have something to fidget with. He almost looks guilty, anxious, that barbaric, rugged face is red with embarrassment and sadness as he can’t really do anything nice with you right now, can’t play with you like he wants to. God, König would give up a lot to just fuck you raw on this couch, to forget about your stupid friends and make you their nice little couple addition – but he promised, he knows he is, and you’re too sensitive and overwhelmed to take him like this now.
König can bet that you’d be so tight he wouldn’t even get a finger in. Breaking you in should feel fucking amazing.
— Can’t fuck you right now, Schatzi. Promised my tiger we would share you.
He smiles guilty, boyish, that dumb smile brings heat to your cheeks again. You turn away from him, feeling his hands keeping you in place firmly – but otherwise, he allows you to just watch the movie, getting lost in the plot you saw a couple dozen times.
You are watching the movie, and König is watching you.
— You aren’t sad?
— About what? You can sense a certain level of nervousness in his tone. You lick your lips, hugging the pillow closer to your face so he won’t be able to read your expressions.
— That we can’t fuck right now.
— I don’t want to have sex at all.
— You came stronger than I did.
— It’s a…ph…physical reaction. I didn’t want it.
— You don’t sound convinced.
He is drilling the dangerous thoughts in your head. The desire to just empty your brain and allow them to take the lead, the desire of your mind to simply shut down from all of the horrors you already saw. This is an apathetic stance – you don’t see a point in fighting after you see what they are capable of, and you certainly don’t see the point in ever trying again. Still, you somehow want them to stop, just so you can stop worrying about falling for their trap and stop being a good person who cares for her friends.
You feel like almost falling asleep, dozing off on the couch – not because you feel safe or warm, but because your body is simply refusing to reach anymore, too exhausted to produce even the most basic self-reservation instincts. König forces your head on his lap, gently stroking your tear-stained face.
When Horangi returns home with a bloody axe and Jenny, kicking and screaming in his hold, you are fully asleep on König’s lap.
ᥕᥲs 𝗍һіᥒkіᥒg ᥆𝖿 mᥲkіᥒg ᥲ ᥡᥲᥒძᥱrᥱ sᥣᥲsһᥱr ᥕһ᥆ mᥲkᥱs ᥡ᥆ᥙ kіᥣᥣ ᥲᥣᥣ ᥡ᥆ᥙr ᥲssһ᥆ᥣᥱ 𝖿rіᥱᥒძs і𝗍 іs g᥆іᥒg 𝗍᥆ ᑲᥱ [ᥒ]s𝖿ᥕ s᥆᥆᥆᥆...
ძ᥆ᥱs ᥲᥒᥡ᥆ᥒᥱ ᥕᥲᥒᥒᥲ ᑲᥱ 𝗍ᥲggᥱძ іᥒ і𝗍?
ᥴᥕ/𝗍ᥲgs: sᥙggᥱs𝗍і᥎ᥱ, mᥱᥒ𝗍і᥆ᥒs ᥆𝖿 gᥱᥒі𝗍ᥲᥣs 𝗍һᥲ𝗍's ᥲᥣᥣ і 𝗍һіᥒk
ᥲ/ᥒ: 𝗍ᥲkᥱ 𝗍һіs ᥲs ᥲᥒ ᥲ⍴᥆ᥣ᥆gᥡ 𝖿᥆r ᥒ᥆𝗍 һᥲ᥎іᥒg mᥡ k᥆ᥒіg sᥣᥲsһᥱr ძ᥆ᥒᥱ ᑲᥙ𝗍 ȷᥙs𝗍 𝗍᥆ 𝖿ᥡі і ᑲr᥆kᥱ mᥱ ᥲᥒkᥣᥱ ᥲᥒძ һᥲძ 𝗍᥆ һᥲ᥎ᥱ sᥙrgᥱrᥡ ᥲ ᥣіᥣ mіᥒᥙ𝗍ᥱ ᥲg᥆ ᥲᥒძ s𝗍ᥲr𝗍ᥱძ ⍴𝗍 ᥲᥒძ і𝗍's r᥆ᥙgһ s᥆ ᑲᥲrᥱ ᥕі𝗍һ mᥱ і'm ᥲᥣm᥆s𝗍 ძ᥆ᥒᥱ ᥕі𝗍һ і𝗍,⍴ᥣᥱᥲsᥱ 𝖿᥆rgі᥎ᥱ ᥲᥒᥡ grᥲmmᥲr ᥆r s⍴ᥱᥣᥣіᥒg mіs𝗍ᥲkᥱs, і𝗍 іs ᑲᥣᥲᥴk!rᥱᥲძᥱr ᥴ᥆ძᥱძ ᑲᥙ𝗍 ᥲᥒᥡ᥆ᥒᥱ ᥴᥲᥒ rᥱᥲძ і𝗍 ᥲs skіᥒ 𝗍᥆ᥒᥱ іsᥒ'𝗍 mᥱᥒ𝗍і᥆ᥒ, і'm ᥆⍴ᥱᥒ 𝗍᥆ ᥒіᥴᥱ 𝖿ᥱᥱძᑲᥲᥴk ᑲᥙ𝗍 ძ᥆ᥒ'𝗍 ᑲᥱ mᥱᥲᥒ ᥆r rᥙძᥱ ᥲᑲ᥆ᥙ𝗍 і𝗍. rᑲs arᥱ ᥲ⍴⍴rᥱᥴіᥲ𝗍ᥱძ!
Captain.John Price





➥ 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐: 𝚢𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎!𝚜𝚕𝚊𝚑𝚎𝚛!𝚔𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚐 x 𝚏𝚎𝚖!𝚌𝚑𝚞𝚋𝚋𝚢!𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
➥ 𝚜𝚢𝚗𝚘𝚙𝚜𝚒𝚜: 𝚐𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚘 𝚊𝚗 𝙷𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚙𝚎𝚘𝚙𝚕𝚎 𝚠𝚑𝚘 𝚑𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚖𝚊𝚢 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚑𝚊𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝.
➥ 𝚌𝚠/𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚜:𝚙𝚠𝚙, 𝚑𝚎'𝚜 𝚊 𝚔𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚘𝚘𝚘....𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚗𝚘 𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚔, 𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚘𝚏 𝚙𝚎𝚘𝚙𝚕𝚎 𝚍𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚜, 𝚍𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜, 𝚍𝚛𝚞𝚐𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚖𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚛*𝚙𝚎(𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚍𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚋𝚢 𝚔𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚐), 𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚢 𝚏𝚊𝚜𝚝 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚌𝚔𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚖 𝚜𝚢𝚗𝚍𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚒𝚐, 𝚞𝚗𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚜𝚎𝚐𝚐𝚜, 𝚋𝚊𝚝𝚑 𝚜𝚎𝚐𝚐𝚜, 𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚢-𝚙𝚘𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚍, 𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚢 𝚜𝚘𝚏𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚜𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚝 𝚜𝚎𝚐𝚐𝚜 (𝚕𝚖𝚔 𝚒𝚏 𝙸 𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚊𝚗𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐)
➥ ᥲ/ᥒ: 𝚒𝚔 і'𝚖 𝚜𝚞𝚙𝚎𝚛 𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚙𝚕𝚣 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚙𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚐𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚢 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚌𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚐𝚎 𝚒𝚝'𝚜 𝚋𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚎𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚛𝚊𝚏𝚝 𝚏𝚊𝚒𝚛'𝚜 𝙸'𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢 𝚋𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚐𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚒𝚝'𝚜 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚜𝚘 𝚕𝚖𝚔 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚢'𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚔, (𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚌𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚘𝚗 𝚙𝚞𝚛𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚎, 𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚢 𝚐𝚛ᥲ𝚖𝚖ᥲ𝚛 𝚘𝚛 𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚜), 𝚏𝚎𝚎𝚍𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚒𝚜 𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚍, 𝚛𝚋𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚍! 𝚜𝚘 𝚜𝚊𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢 𔓘.

halloween was coming up and surprisingly you were actually excited for it finally having a reason to relax, drink and look pretty while doing it. you'd rather be with konig a guy you've been talking too but he told you he had plans sadly, plus you were already invited to a halloween costume party that your friends we're throwing so might as well go, you decide to put together a cute corpse bride costume.despite them being horrible friends you weren't going for them.
you already knew where the party was but as much as you hate car pooling that's what you planned on doing so since you wanted to get drunk and most definitely didn't wanna drive back with a hangover, the party was at an house that jess's boyfriends friend found which is interesting saying as it's only going to be you ,jess, sofia, max, alex in a rural forest area an cabin from what google showed you for 2 days. knowing that you don't like sharing food you decide to bring your own food but you'll be judge you decided to bring your on snacks and quick meals to last the idea coming from a guy your talking to.
jess the supposed best friend texted you notifying that max was on his was to pick you up and they had already headed out and too hurry since it was a long drive there, which is typical behavior of theirs leaving ahead of you and making you rush to catch up but instead of rushing to please them you were going to take your time and get ready even if you were done. also knowing she sent max to pick you up because he liked you despite you telling her how uncomfortable you felt around him solidified how little she cared for your feelings.
you've been friends with jess for so long it's hard to understand why she treats you like your below her, but with the recent therapy, better job and talking to this guy you for outside opinion, decided that after this party you'll never talk to them again and little did you know that would happen maybe not how you planned it but it happened none the less.
around the time you finished packing and your makeup max texted you saying he was outside. you sighed to yourself and dammed yourself for actually being done with everything.
you walked out of your home unknowingly for the last time. you walked down to where max packed his car and got in saying a quick hello hoping he wouldn't attempt to continue to talk to you, but of course nothing goes your way. "yn, can't i get more than a hello?"
you sighed quietly "well what else do you want me to say?" he leaned towards you a little and said "well, a hello kiss would be ideal." you rolled your eyes at him saying a strong "no, now stop ." he raised his hands in mock surrender and started driving.
knowing he'll talk your ear off if given the chance, you turned his radio up and let it drown out any chance of his to pressure you into being with or intimate with you, and got as comfy as you could get in the passenger seat as it was hour drive.
finally pulling up into the driveway of the gated house, you couldn't help but admire the gothic style of the house. max pulled into the drive way and you could see that their was another car there knowing it was jess's boyfriends car alex, sighing to yourself you prepared for anything they might throw at you and got out of the car. max got out right behind you "no hug and no kiss you, must not like me much." he said while smiling knowing you didn't like him touching you as he'd seem to make an habit of not knowledging your no's and stop.
he's never assaulted you but he most definitely didn't take your no's into consideration "yeah, you know I don't give hugs." you responded quickly which was a lie you were a very affectionate person obviously not with him or anyone who was going to be at this party.
you walked up the house steps to the front door and max quickly followed behind you. but before you could knock he grabbed you arm pulled you to him and said "I hope you know I like you, I want you, fuck of you'll let me I'll love you." he paused slightly then continued "a man can only take so much teasing." as he rubbed his hand down your arm and tried to grab you ass but thankfully the door opened.
sofia was who opened she had a massive crush on max, you knew she doesn't likes you but it was always weird when you thought about it. she looked you up and down seemingly angry that you actually came and on top of that with max, like anyone gave you the option. before noticing max a.k.a the reason she didn't like you, despite it being obviously clear you didn't want him.
sofie quickly looked up at him and smiled stepping out to hug him, while she did that you stepped inside and was shocked how pretty it was in the inside as it was outside. seeing the rest of the group you did or well tried to give greetings as like always they ignored you and continue what they were doing. sometime went by when sofia and max decided to finally join everyone inside.
forgetting to grab your bag because you wanted to get away from max, you went back to get it and noticed it was sitting outside of his car rolling your eyes "such a gentleman." you mumbled to yourself. grabbing the handle and looking around the scenery you noticed a tall masked man by the gate but as quickly as you noticed him he was gone.
being bothered by it you went to grab a drink to help you relax, not realizing that no one else seemed to have one. you quickly were filling up a cup you found in the house you could hear hushed whispers coming from the living room where everyone was seated. when you walked into the room the talking immediately stopped as you found a seat and sat. looking around the room filled with jess, her boyfriend alex,sofia, max. looking at them as they looked back at you "what?" you said as you sipped your drink they looked at each other then jess responded "nothing" she paused but continued "its just that when we got here me and sofia think we saw someone walking around the gate." they looked at each other "did you see anyone?" alex finished for her.
being a it's been a while since you had a drink you couldn't tell if it was the alcohol or something else entirely but you felt dizzy and could feel your body numbing you responded to the question but your speech came out slurred "yesh" was all you could say your body and lips felt heavy and soon you passed out.
˚₊‧꒰ა 40 mins later ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
you don't remember passing out but you remember waking up scared, not being able to move you arms or legs much, not even able to scream only slurred words would come out. only seeing max on top of you with a frightening stare that made you regret ever walking into this house, getting into his car, and ever leaving your home.
"didn't i warn you a man can only take so much, baby doll." max whisper into your ear. you stiffen in fear realizing anyone's worse fear is about to become you reality. as he's pulling off your clothes squirmed hoping whatever was in your system would wear off.
as he finally got you skirt down enough for himself the door busted in and the man you saw earlier. funnily enough how tall he was reminded you of konig and you couldn't help but tear up missing him and his pretty green eyes, even though he told you to go you can't help but wish you stayed with him.
before max could do anything or say anything the man grabbed him by his collar, and seemingly knocked him out with a punches to the face. shaking in fear almost getting assaulted now you're going to die by a masked man with a gun. the man looked at you but never at your exposed body.
pulling rope from his pocket he tied max up and grabbed him by his tied wrists. he walked towards you but only grabbed the cover that was thrown off the bed and gently tucked you in and gave you a kiss on your forehead.
his hand smoothing your frazzled hair before he stood to his full height and walked out of the busted door with max dragged behind him. thankful whatever was in your system seemed to wear off and you could finally move though not without staggering a little.
quickly making your way out of the room well as quick as you could go you could hear gunshot. Knowing now it's life or death you needed to get out of this house if you wanted to survive to live you needed to use Max's car knowing that his keys were in his jacket you just needed to reach it.as you quietly moved down the stairs you heard even more gunshots fired knowing you need to speed up if you wanted to find where max was as he still had his jacket on the closet next to the door.
making your way down stairs as quietly and quickly as you could you. you could feel your body screaming in pain from whatever they drugged you with and from being held down but knowing that some crazy masked man was planning to kill possibly everyone in this house you had no time to relax it tend to your pain and soreness.
peaking into the living room you could see the masked man standing over a terrified max not knowing what to do exactly you waited till max started to talk to move using his voice to cover any noise you would make. when you could hear max start talking you slowly crept forward as you did you could also hear him clearer "hey, man listen I'll let you have the girl upstairs if let me go. i won't tell anyone about this, just let me go and you can do whatever you want with her." to hear him bargain for his life with you as you meant nothing but a doll made you sick but what could you expect from someone who was going to do the same to you. you would worry about that when you leave this house.
moving closer towards the door you and max made eye contact" hey! man look at her she's pretty right? have her just let me go!" knowing what he was trying to do you got up to sprint for the door but sadly the masked man was quicker and swiftly grabbed you before you could make it, but refusing to let yourself die like this you quickly fought against his hold but of course it was pointless with how big he was and he tied you up and you could of swore he apologized. he sounded familiar too a german accent you hear from konig and weirdly soothes you.
he kicked jess and laim dead bodies down off the couch and sat you so gently on it that it was comforting after all you've been through. max's chatter to get the man to let him go never stopped until the masked man told him to. "silence." max immediately went silent and looked at you before looking back at him. "do you think you deserve freedom?, no you don't you will bleed out slowly while watching your friends corpses decompose in the forest where no one will find you." not saying a word you kept quiet, max on the other hand didn't have the same idea.
"man, listen i won't tell let me go please. i promise not to tell anyone about this." not wanting to hear it the man moved quickly and grabbed max and alex not knowing what to do your body seemed paralyzed.
"i'll take care of you, liebe (love) when I get back." the man said as he grabbed the last two corpses jess and sofia then he was gone as quickly as he came leaving you with your thoughts. you couldn't help but tear up when thinking about your untimely death that was going to happen in this house. you may not have liked jess, alex, sofia or, fucking max all that much but death would not be your answer for their actions.
you don't know how long you've been left tied up waiting but when he came back he locked the door behind him and took off his shoes and sighed softly knowledging you slightly and walked up down the hallway to the stairs. soon you could hear water going in the bathroom. you couldn't help but scoffed at him he kills innocent people, has you tied up on a blood soaked coach and has the nerve to start bathing like you weren't still there tied up.
when a couple of minutes went by and he seemed satisfied with what he was doing he came back down the stairs and for the first time since he busted into the room he talked again. "i drew us a bath, are you going to cooperate with me." you nodded you head, you wanted to lie to yourself and say it was because you didn't wanna anger him so you agreed but in reality you knew it was because he was so similar to your konig.
he gently grabbed you and carried you up the stairs and to the bath he made. once there he finally untied the rope around your wrist and ankles quickly doing the same to your corset but allowing you to take off your clothes. not once did his eyes leave yours but strangely enough it was comforting too comforting saying you don't know this man and without thinking "who are you?" you voice came out softly as if you didn't want to ask but still his eyes didn't leave yours and he only responded "don't worry about it, liebling (darling). just know i'll take care of you."
"okay" you agreed quietly knowing you can't fight him and once you were fully unclothed he helped you into the tub. your body relaxing into the streaming bubble bath he drew, letting out a happy sigh the man chuckled and began to also undress. startled you yelled " what are you doing." the man continued to undress while talking "I said us, mein hübsches mädchen (my pretty girl)." he paused to look up at you "do not worry, I won't do anything you won't like." he looked back down at his belt the movement of him working on undoing his belt made you look down at the movement too and you noticed something that made miss kitty meow meow throb.
feeling your gaze he looked up as he pushed both his pants and underwear down making you look away in embarrassment. he chuckled at you fidgeting figure but made his was over to get in behind you. sitting you on his lap despite being undress he made no move to take the mask off. deciding that if you were to die might as well ask questions before your death so you asked " who are you? why did you do this? and why am i still alive?" you wait to see if he answers but all he does is kiss your neck though his mask ignoring your questions " would you like to wash yourself or can i, liebe (love)." was the only response you got out of him feeling restless knowing what that meant because konig called you that all the time.
you couldn't help but tear up again and cry wanting nothing more than to go home safely to the only person that cares about you. doing nothing to soothe your tears but place oddly comforting butterfly kisses "i'm sorry, mein hübsches mädchen (my pretty girl)" the man behind you said with such sincerely that you looked at him and noticed that you were staring at your konig, your blue eyed, long haired konig. the man was konig you didn't know if you should be happy or cry harder knowing konig could do something like this.
your body chose for you, your hands shake while you reach for his face feeling konig skin you cried harder. konig reach his own hands up to wipe your tears before tilting your chin up so you meet eye to eye. "i'm-" before konig could say more you kissed him not knowing if it was the near death experience or having to bath with who you thought was an unknown man. but you missed him too much to care about anything else, and with the same passion and, lust, and love he kissed back. his hand moving from your chin to hold your throat and, his other rubbing your lower back moving it's way to your ass.
he turned you around on his lap pulling away from the kiss to suck on your neck. as the hand on your ass helped you grind on his bulge feeling it twitch against you made you wetter. letting out soft moans you reached between you to grab his dick but he stopped you with a hand on your wrist. pulling away from your neck breathing heavily " no, mein liebe (my love). I want to you. I must prepare you my pleasure can wait." and before you know it he pulled you up on his face like you weighed nothing and began to suck on your clit.
your hands reached for his hair and held on as he sucked and licked your folds. "please konig more~" you moaned out " what do you want " he mumble his breath hitting your clit before he gave little kitten licks to said clit. " your fingers ah~please" he pressed a kissed to your clit before he dived back in " mein liebe (my love)" he said as he went to town. you were a virgin and konig knew that but this it's the first time he's been between your legs. "i'm about to cum. please don't stop." you moaned louder feeling the knot in your lower stomach get tighter and tighter when he added a third finger you felt it snap. "fuck~" he kept going not stopping for a second. being though this before he'd want two more out of you before he actually put it in. legs shaking you pulled him away using his hair, and looking at him he looked so pretty with your juices covering his lips.
removing yourself off of his face and back on his lap you quickly kissed him and tasting yourself on his lips and tongue. "put it in " you mumbled against his lips " you sure? i would like to prepare you more." he responded of course you were sure he's been preparing you for months now. " yes, please" you whined slightly he only chucked in response and gave you a kiss on the forehead "okay."
grabbing his shaft as you position yourself on top, his tip teasing your entrance while his lips made their way back to your neck creating even more love bites on the skin. searching once again for your sweet spot when getting the moan he wants he sunk you down on his dick. hearing his moans of harmony helped ease the pain you felt but didn't stop the gasp of pain from coming out of your mouth, hearing this he stopped halfway and began to reassure you. kissing your tears away, whispering sweet nothings, and rubbing your clit to help.
feeling you tightened around him "are you okay? do you want to continue or should we stop." a pause went by before you answered "no! i'm okay, I wanna keep going please konig." konig groaned "mein liebe (my love), please relax, i'm trying to control myself." he said while continuing to kiss all over your face. steadily relaxing you but also drawing little giggles out of you.
relaxed enough for him to continue," you can move now." giving him the okay to move. one more kiss was planted on your lips, before he steadily moved you up and down on his shaft. the slow but deep thrust hitting your g-spot very quickly causing soft moans to leave your mouth. "like that mein liebe (my love)?" nodding your head before you let it fall on his shoulder with your reassure "I'm going to go faster now." and faster he did. replacing your soft moans with louder moans and gasps of his name.
doing your best to ride him, taking one of his hands in yours and trailing it to your clit caused him to chuckle softly. "need it here, huh?" removing your head from where it rested on his shoulder to look at his eyes. "say where you want my hand or I'll stop." when you felt his thrusts slowing down you quickly spoke. "no don't stop please. rub my clit please." trailing kisses down your forehead, the tip of your nose and finally your lips. "there's my girl." he said before quickly resuming his thrusts.
one hand grabbing your ass the other rubbed quick circles on your clit. sending mind numbing thrust deep inside you. feeling you tighten around him he speeding up his strokes and his thumb on your clit. you could feel your second orgasm coming "go ahead. cum liebe (love), cum for me." between his thrusts and his thumb you couldn't hold it long. "fuck, I'm cumming." he groaned out, hearing his moans topping off the orgasm that was building up with a couple more thrust you quickly orgasm with him not far behind you.
the pleasure causing you to faint, when you came to again your dry and dressed in a shirt that's most definitely konig's. looking around the room you noticed the water next to you, you grabbed it and took generous sips of it. hearing a door open you turn to it to see konig coming out of the bathroom seemingly freshly showered with a towel around his waist and a smaller one helping drying his hair.
neither you or konig saying much just enjoying each others presence. konig getting ready for bed got dressed then climb in with you, still not a word spoken between you too. getting settled konig gently grabbed you settling your head on his chest while rubbing the same hand the grabbed you on your back. before you could say more sleep took you quicker then you wished it did, but with your body and mind being exhausted it was hard to fight it.
konig looked down at your sleeping figure and kissed your head mumbling under his breath "sweet dreams mein liebe (my love)." before he fell asleep happy to have you in his arms, safe from those horrible excuse of humans that you used to call friends.

𝚝𝚊𝚐 𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝: @blue20190520 @icepancakes @oneofthesedaysimgoingt @imbluedabadeedabada @cherry-chainsaw @mlkyshxrtcke

➥ 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐: 𝚢𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎!𝚜𝚕𝚊𝚑𝚎𝚛!𝚔𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚐 x 𝚏𝚎𝚖!𝚌𝚑𝚞𝚋𝚋𝚢!𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
➥ 𝚜𝚢𝚗𝚘𝚙𝚜𝚒𝚜: 𝚐𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚘 𝚊𝚗 𝙷𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚙𝚎𝚘𝚙𝚕𝚎 𝚠𝚑𝚘 𝚑𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚖𝚊𝚢 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚑𝚊𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝.
➥ 𝚌𝚠/𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚜:𝚙𝚠𝚙, 𝚑𝚎'𝚜 𝚊 𝚔𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚘𝚘𝚘....𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚗𝚘 𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚔, 𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚘𝚏 𝚙𝚎𝚘𝚙𝚕𝚎 𝚍𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚜, 𝚍𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜, 𝚍𝚛𝚞𝚐𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚖𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚛*𝚙𝚎(𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚍𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚋𝚢 𝚔𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚐), 𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚢 𝚏𝚊𝚜𝚝 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚌𝚔𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚖 𝚜𝚢𝚗𝚍𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚒𝚐, 𝚞𝚗𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚜𝚎𝚐𝚐𝚜, 𝚋𝚊𝚝𝚑 𝚜𝚎𝚐𝚐𝚜, 𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚢-𝚙𝚘𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚍, 𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚢 𝚜𝚘𝚏𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚜𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚝 𝚜𝚎𝚐𝚐𝚜 (𝚕𝚖𝚔 𝚒𝚏 𝙸 𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚊𝚗𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐)
➥ ᥲ/ᥒ: 𝚒𝚔 і'𝚖 𝚜𝚞𝚙𝚎𝚛 𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚙𝚕𝚣 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚙𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚐𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚢 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚌𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚐𝚎 𝚒𝚝'𝚜 𝚋𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚎𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚛𝚊𝚏𝚝 𝚏𝚊𝚒𝚛'𝚜 𝙸'𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢 𝚋𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚐𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚒𝚝'𝚜 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚜𝚘 𝚕𝚖𝚔 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚢'𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚔, (𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚌𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚘𝚗 𝚙𝚞𝚛𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚎, 𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚢 𝚐𝚛ᥲ𝚖𝚖ᥲ𝚛 𝚘𝚛 𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚜), 𝚏𝚎𝚎𝚍𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚒𝚜 𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚍, 𝚛𝚋𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚍! 𝚜𝚘 𝚜𝚊𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢 𔓘.

halloween was coming up and surprisingly you were actually excited for it finally having a reason to relax, drink and look pretty while doing it. you'd rather be with konig a guy you've been talking too but he told you he had plans sadly, plus you were already invited to a halloween costume party that your friends we're throwing so might as well go, you decide to put together a cute corpse bride costume.despite them being horrible friends you weren't going for them.
you already knew where the party was but as much as you hate car pooling that's what you planned on doing so since you wanted to get drunk and most definitely didn't wanna drive back with a hangover, the party was at an house that jess's boyfriends friend found which is interesting saying as it's only going to be you ,jess, sofia, max, alex in a rural forest area an cabin from what google showed you for 2 days. knowing that you don't like sharing food you decide to bring your own food but you'll be judge you decided to bring your on snacks and quick meals to last the idea coming from a guy your talking to.
jess the supposed best friend texted you notifying that max was on his was to pick you up and they had already headed out and too hurry since it was a long drive there, which is typical behavior of theirs leaving ahead of you and making you rush to catch up but instead of rushing to please them you were going to take your time and get ready even if you were done. also knowing she sent max to pick you up because he liked you despite you telling her how uncomfortable you felt around him solidified how little she cared for your feelings.
you've been friends with jess for so long it's hard to understand why she treats you like your below her, but with the recent therapy, better job and talking to this guy you for outside opinion, decided that after this party you'll never talk to them again and little did you know that would happen maybe not how you planned it but it happened none the less.
around the time you finished packing and your makeup max texted you saying he was outside. you sighed to yourself and dammed yourself for actually being done with everything.
you walked out of your home unknowingly for the last time. you walked down to where max packed his car and got in saying a quick hello hoping he wouldn't attempt to continue to talk to you, but of course nothing goes your way. "yn, can't i get more than a hello?"
you sighed quietly "well what else do you want me to say?" he leaned towards you a little and said "well, a hello kiss would be ideal." you rolled your eyes at him saying a strong "no, now stop ." he raised his hands in mock surrender and started driving.
knowing he'll talk your ear off if given the chance, you turned his radio up and let it drown out any chance of his to pressure you into being with or intimate with you, and got as comfy as you could get in the passenger seat as it was hour drive.
finally pulling up into the driveway of the gated house, you couldn't help but admire the gothic style of the house. max pulled into the drive way and you could see that their was another car there knowing it was jess's boyfriends car alex, sighing to yourself you prepared for anything they might throw at you and got out of the car. max got out right behind you "no hug and no kiss you, must not like me much." he said while smiling knowing you didn't like him touching you as he'd seem to make an habit of not knowledging your no's and stop.
he's never assaulted you but he most definitely didn't take your no's into consideration "yeah, you know I don't give hugs." you responded quickly which was a lie you were a very affectionate person obviously not with him or anyone who was going to be at this party.
you walked up the house steps to the front door and max quickly followed behind you. but before you could knock he grabbed you arm pulled you to him and said "I hope you know I like you, I want you, fuck of you'll let me I'll love you." he paused slightly then continued "a man can only take so much teasing." as he rubbed his hand down your arm and tried to grab you ass but thankfully the door opened.
sofia was who opened she had a massive crush on max, you knew she doesn't likes you but it was always weird when you thought about it. she looked you up and down seemingly angry that you actually came and on top of that with max, like anyone gave you the option. before noticing max a.k.a the reason she didn't like you, despite it being obviously clear you didn't want him.
sofie quickly looked up at him and smiled stepping out to hug him, while she did that you stepped inside and was shocked how pretty it was in the inside as it was outside. seeing the rest of the group you did or well tried to give greetings as like always they ignored you and continue what they were doing. sometime went by when sofia and max decided to finally join everyone inside.
forgetting to grab your bag because you wanted to get away from max, you went back to get it and noticed it was sitting outside of his car rolling your eyes "such a gentleman." you mumbled to yourself. grabbing the handle and looking around the scenery you noticed a tall masked man by the gate but as quickly as you noticed him he was gone.
being bothered by it you went to grab a drink to help you relax, not realizing that no one else seemed to have one. you quickly were filling up a cup you found in the house you could hear hushed whispers coming from the living room where everyone was seated. when you walked into the room the talking immediately stopped as you found a seat and sat. looking around the room filled with jess, her boyfriend alex,sofia, max. looking at them as they looked back at you "what?" you said as you sipped your drink they looked at each other then jess responded "nothing" she paused but continued "its just that when we got here me and sofia think we saw someone walking around the gate." they looked at each other "did you see anyone?" alex finished for her.
being a it's been a while since you had a drink you couldn't tell if it was the alcohol or something else entirely but you felt dizzy and could feel your body numbing you responded to the question but your speech came out slurred "yesh" was all you could say your body and lips felt heavy and soon you passed out.
˚₊‧꒰ა 40 mins later ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
you don't remember passing out but you remember waking up scared, not being able to move you arms or legs much, not even able to scream only slurred words would come out. only seeing max on top of you with a frightening stare that made you regret ever walking into this house, getting into his car, and ever leaving your home.
"didn't i warn you a man can only take so much, baby doll." max whisper into your ear. you stiffen in fear realizing anyone's worse fear is about to become you reality. as he's pulling off your clothes squirmed hoping whatever was in your system would wear off.
as he finally got you skirt down enough for himself the door busted in and the man you saw earlier. funnily enough how tall he was reminded you of konig and you couldn't help but tear up missing him and his pretty green eyes, even though he told you to go you can't help but wish you stayed with him.
before max could do anything or say anything the man grabbed him by his collar, and seemingly knocked him out with a punches to the face. shaking in fear almost getting assaulted now you're going to die by a masked man with a gun. the man looked at you but never at your exposed body.
pulling rope from his pocket he tied max up and grabbed him by his tied wrists. he walked towards you but only grabbed the cover that was thrown off the bed and gently tucked you in and gave you a kiss on your forehead.
his hand smoothing your frazzled hair before he stood to his full height and walked out of the busted door with max dragged behind him. thankful whatever was in your system seemed to wear off and you could finally move though not without staggering a little.
quickly making your way out of the room well as quick as you could go you could hear gunshot. Knowing now it's life or death you needed to get out of this house if you wanted to survive to live you needed to use Max's car knowing that his keys were in his jacket you just needed to reach it.as you quietly moved down the stairs you heard even more gunshots fired knowing you need to speed up if you wanted to find where max was as he still had his jacket on the closet next to the door.
making your way down stairs as quietly and quickly as you could you. you could feel your body screaming in pain from whatever they drugged you with and from being held down but knowing that some crazy masked man was planning to kill possibly everyone in this house you had no time to relax it tend to your pain and soreness.
peaking into the living room you could see the masked man standing over a terrified max not knowing what to do exactly you waited till max started to talk to move using his voice to cover any noise you would make. when you could hear max start talking you slowly crept forward as you did you could also hear him clearer "hey, man listen I'll let you have the girl upstairs if let me go. i won't tell anyone about this, just let me go and you can do whatever you want with her." to hear him bargain for his life with you as you meant nothing but a doll made you sick but what could you expect from someone who was going to do the same to you. you would worry about that when you leave this house.
moving closer towards the door you and max made eye contact" hey! man look at her she's pretty right? have her just let me go!" knowing what he was trying to do you got up to sprint for the door but sadly the masked man was quicker and swiftly grabbed you before you could make it, but refusing to let yourself die like this you quickly fought against his hold but of course it was pointless with how big he was and he tied you up and you could of swore he apologized. he sounded familiar too a german accent you hear from konig and weirdly soothes you.
he kicked jess and laim dead bodies down off the couch and sat you so gently on it that it was comforting after all you've been through. max's chatter to get the man to let him go never stopped until the masked man told him to. "silence." max immediately went silent and looked at you before looking back at him. "do you think you deserve freedom?, no you don't you will bleed out slowly while watching your friends corpses decompose in the forest where no one will find you." not saying a word you kept quiet, max on the other hand didn't have the same idea.
"man, listen i won't tell let me go please. i promise not to tell anyone about this." not wanting to hear it the man moved quickly and grabbed max and alex not knowing what to do your body seemed paralyzed.
"i'll take care of you, liebe (love) when I get back." the man said as he grabbed the last two corpses jess and sofia then he was gone as quickly as he came leaving you with your thoughts. you couldn't help but tear up when thinking about your untimely death that was going to happen in this house. you may not have liked jess, alex, sofia or, fucking max all that much but death would not be your answer for their actions.
you don't know how long you've been left tied up waiting but when he came back he locked the door behind him and took off his shoes and sighed softly knowledging you slightly and walked up down the hallway to the stairs. soon you could hear water going in the bathroom. you couldn't help but scoffed at him he kills innocent people, has you tied up on a blood soaked coach and has the nerve to start bathing like you weren't still there tied up.
when a couple of minutes went by and he seemed satisfied with what he was doing he came back down the stairs and for the first time since he busted into the room he talked again. "i drew us a bath, are you going to cooperate with me." you nodded you head, you wanted to lie to yourself and say it was because you didn't wanna anger him so you agreed but in reality you knew it was because he was so similar to your konig.
he gently grabbed you and carried you up the stairs and to the bath he made. once there he finally untied the rope around your wrist and ankles quickly doing the same to your corset but allowing you to take off your clothes. not once did his eyes leave yours but strangely enough it was comforting too comforting saying you don't know this man and without thinking "who are you?" you voice came out softly as if you didn't want to ask but still his eyes didn't leave yours and he only responded "don't worry about it, liebling (darling). just know i'll take care of you."
"okay" you agreed quietly knowing you can't fight him and once you were fully unclothed he helped you into the tub. your body relaxing into the streaming bubble bath he drew, letting out a happy sigh the man chuckled and began to also undress. startled you yelled " what are you doing." the man continued to undress while talking "I said us, mein hübsches mädchen (my pretty girl)." he paused to look up at you "do not worry, I won't do anything you won't like." he looked back down at his belt the movement of him working on undoing his belt made you look down at the movement too and you noticed something that made miss kitty meow meow throb.
feeling your gaze he looked up as he pushed both his pants and underwear down making you look away in embarrassment. he chuckled at you fidgeting figure but made his was over to get in behind you. sitting you on his lap despite being undress he made no move to take the mask off. deciding that if you were to die might as well ask questions before your death so you asked " who are you? why did you do this? and why am i still alive?" you wait to see if he answers but all he does is kiss your neck though his mask ignoring your questions " would you like to wash yourself or can i, liebe (love)." was the only response you got out of him feeling restless knowing what that meant because konig called you that all the time.
you couldn't help but tear up again and cry wanting nothing more than to go home safely to the only person that cares about you. doing nothing to soothe your tears but place oddly comforting butterfly kisses "i'm sorry, mein hübsches mädchen (my pretty girl)" the man behind you said with such sincerely that you looked at him and noticed that you were staring at your konig, your blue eyed, long haired konig. the man was konig you didn't know if you should be happy or cry harder knowing konig could do something like this.
your body chose for you, your hands shake while you reach for his face feeling konig skin you cried harder. konig reach his own hands up to wipe your tears before tilting your chin up so you meet eye to eye. "i'm-" before konig could say more you kissed him not knowing if it was the near death experience or having to bath with who you thought was an unknown man. but you missed him too much to care about anything else, and with the same passion and, lust, and love he kissed back. his hand moving from your chin to hold your throat and, his other rubbing your lower back moving it's way to your ass.
he turned you around on his lap pulling away from the kiss to suck on your neck. as the hand on your ass helped you grind on his bulge feeling it twitch against you made you wetter. letting out soft moans you reached between you to grab his dick but he stopped you with a hand on your wrist. pulling away from your neck breathing heavily " no, mein liebe (my love). I want to you. I must prepare you my pleasure can wait." and before you know it he pulled you up on his face like you weighed nothing and began to suck on your clit.
your hands reached for his hair and held on as he sucked and licked your folds. "please konig more~" you moaned out " what do you want " he mumble his breath hitting your clit before he gave little kitten licks to said clit. " your fingers ah~please" he pressed a kissed to your clit before he dived back in " mein liebe (my love)" he said as he went to town. you were a virgin and konig knew that but this it's the first time he's been between your legs. "i'm about to cum. please don't stop." you moaned louder feeling the knot in your lower stomach get tighter and tighter when he added a third finger you felt it snap. "fuck~" he kept going not stopping for a second. being though this before he'd want two more out of you before he actually put it in. legs shaking you pulled him away using his hair, and looking at him he looked so pretty with your juices covering his lips.
removing yourself off of his face and back on his lap you quickly kissed him and tasting yourself on his lips and tongue. "put it in " you mumbled against his lips " you sure? i would like to prepare you more." he responded of course you were sure he's been preparing you for months now. " yes, please" you whined slightly he only chucked in response and gave you a kiss on the forehead "okay."
grabbing his shaft as you position yourself on top, his tip teasing your entrance while his lips made their way back to your neck creating even more love bites on the skin. searching once again for your sweet spot when getting the moan he wants he sunk you down on his dick. hearing his moans of harmony helped ease the pain you felt but didn't stop the gasp of pain from coming out of your mouth, hearing this he stopped halfway and began to reassure you. kissing your tears away, whispering sweet nothings, and rubbing your clit to help.
feeling you tightened around him "are you okay? do you want to continue or should we stop." a pause went by before you answered "no! i'm okay, I wanna keep going please konig." konig groaned "mein liebe (my love), please relax, i'm trying to control myself." he said while continuing to kiss all over your face. steadily relaxing you but also drawing little giggles out of you.
relaxed enough for him to continue," you can move now." giving him the okay to move. one more kiss was planted on your lips, before he steadily moved you up and down on his shaft. the slow but deep thrust hitting your g-spot very quickly causing soft moans to leave your mouth. "like that mein liebe (my love)?" nodding your head before you let it fall on his shoulder with your reassure "I'm going to go faster now." and faster he did. replacing your soft moans with louder moans and gasps of his name.
doing your best to ride him, taking one of his hands in yours and trailing it to your clit caused him to chuckle softly. "need it here, huh?" removing your head from where it rested on his shoulder to look at his eyes. "say where you want my hand or I'll stop." when you felt his thrusts slowing down you quickly spoke. "no don't stop please. rub my clit please." trailing kisses down your forehead, the tip of your nose and finally your lips. "there's my girl." he said before quickly resuming his thrusts.
one hand grabbing your ass the other rubbed quick circles on your clit. sending mind numbing thrust deep inside you. feeling you tighten around him he speeding up his strokes and his thumb on your clit. you could feel your second orgasm coming "go ahead. cum liebe (love), cum for me." between his thrusts and his thumb you couldn't hold it long. "fuck, I'm cumming." he groaned out, hearing his moans topping off the orgasm that was building up with a couple more thrust you quickly orgasm with him not far behind you.
the pleasure causing you to faint, when you came to again your dry and dressed in a shirt that's most definitely konig's. looking around the room you noticed the water next to you, you grabbed it and took generous sips of it. hearing a door open you turn to it to see konig coming out of the bathroom seemingly freshly showered with a towel around his waist and a smaller one helping drying his hair.
neither you or konig saying much just enjoying each others presence. konig getting ready for bed got dressed then climb in with you, still not a word spoken between you too. getting settled konig gently grabbed you settling your head on his chest while rubbing the same hand the grabbed you on your back. before you could say more sleep took you quicker then you wished it did, but with your body and mind being exhausted it was hard to fight it.
konig looked down at your sleeping figure and kissed your head mumbling under his breath "sweet dreams mein liebe (my love)." before he fell asleep happy to have you in his arms, safe from those horrible excuse of humans that you used to call friends.

𝚝𝚊𝚐 𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝: @blue20190520 @icepancakes @oneofthesedaysimgoingt @imbluedabadeedabada @cherry-chainsaw @mlkyshxrtcke
KorTac Fraction Masterlist


˖ ࣪⊹Konig𓂃꙳⋆ ˖1❁
˖ ࣪⊹Horangi

˖ ࣪⊹Konig
˖ ࣪⊹Horangi

˖ ࣪⊹Konig
˖ ࣪⊹Horangi

˖ ࣪⊹Konig
˖ ࣪⊹Horangi

˖ ࣪⊹SMAU
˖ ࣪⊹Headcanons

Hello Dear,
We hope you get my message while you're doing well. We, (Najwa, Jana, Farah, and Maryam), the sisters of Khalid Ash-Shawwah, who was martyred on 07/31/24 along with Al Jazeera correspondent Ismail Al-Ghoul.
Before the IDF killed our only brother Khalid, they forced us to evacuate our house and leave everything behind. They then destroyed our house and our father’s restaurant. We had to move at least 10 times since every new area we seek refuge to gets destroyed by the IDF.
We have created a campaign to help ourselves and our parents get the basic needs of food, drink, etc. Our campaign is vetted by @olagaza @tahseenkhazen, @determinate-negation and @northgazaupdates.
All of what we are asking of you is to please donate if you can and reblog the pinned post on our page https://www.tumblr.com/khalid-sisters/760119846412353536/help-khalid-sisters-in-gaza-not-to-be-homeless?source=share
Please take a look at our GoFundMe donate and share with others: https://www.gofundme.com/f/khalid-little-sisters-in-gaza-not-be-homeless
By sharing and donating, you are helping us survive the ravages of famine and genocide. You will give us hope to rebuild our home, and reclaim some of the life which was stolen from us.
We would also be very grateful if you could follow us to stay updated. We are waiting for your response. Thanks in advance for your kindness and support.
Najwa, Jana, Farah, and Maryam
Help if you can, it's always appreciated
I can't stand when a character in a fanfic starts smoking, even if the character can't die of cancer cuz they're powerful or sum shit I DON'T CARE. Do y'all realize that cigs give you YELLOW TEETH, and BAD BREATH. Getcho crusty mouth out of my face bro.
Whenever i see character smoke even if the character cant die or sum shit i still think to my self (Bro prob got the worst breath😔).
I really be posting the most random shit huh💀
Zombie!König x FEM!Reader
Pairing: Zombie!König x FEM!Reader
Tags: Primal König, Choking, Biting, Blood, Rough Sex, Not Beta Read.
Notes: Little German like Schatz and stuff, but nothing much, I'm not going to Google translate and get badly translated phrase. I'll spare the cringe for the Germans reader. Anyway, enjoy, I tried my best.
P.S. I still don't know how male anatomy work, lmao.
König turned into a zombie. Y/n found out and decided to hide it from the other members of KorTac. But, she couldn't hide him forever, so she told them. She told them everything and to trust her. Since then, König's been under her care. He began speaking again, though in a very broken English, he also started eating "normal" food, like snacks and processed meat, he still struggled with vegetable and cooked meat. But, he was good enough to be left alone for long times. So, y/n left for a mission that lasted 4 month. She thought it would be no big deal.
She came home, unusually dark and cold. She smelled König's scent, the scent of rotten meat mixed with soap. Weird combination but tollerable. She took off her gear and shoes, putting her backpack on the sofa. "König?" She calls out, then she hears big stomps, like he's dashing here. She chuckles and then turn around to face König, something about him looked primal. His eyes were blown wide and his breath was erratic. "Me... You... Sex" what? She looks at König confused "What- König, what do you mean by-" before she could finish her phrase König takes her wrist and pins her down on to the sofa, restricting her with his massive body, and a very noticeable bulge in his pants.
"Schatz... Sex... Now!" His to e was different from the first time, this time he sounded... Primal, and... Commanding. She puts a hand on his chest as a way to symbolize that she was not up to it. "König, listen. We can't... You'll break me." Her voice trembled when she said "break me", but as soon those words left her mouth something snapped in König, his grip tightened on her wrist and he was drooling now and growling. "Y/n... Please... Sex?" He said now begging and rubbing his erection on her stomach, she swallows her spit and gives up. She caresses his masked face "Okay... Fine. You win. Try to be nice, ok?" He nods excitedly. He takes off her shirt and pants, struggles with her bra which she helps him out with it.
There she was, laid bare and naked in front of König. He takes off his mask and tries to kiss her, but due to the lack of his lips he struggles a bit, but she understood and guides his mouth open and intertwine their tongues. He felt cold, compared to her she was warm, he could still feel it a bit on his fingertips. He traces her spine and trails down to her neck and collarbone, leaving small kisses and licks. He stops and looks at her with pleading eyes, she nods and he opens his mouth and bites her neck. She lets out a pained moan, which scares König for a minute, he looks back up, and she just nods again. He holds her hand, and rips his pants off of him, he lines up against her wet pussy. He looks up one last time and she nods again, maybe for the last time.
He takes a deep breath and pushes himself inside of her, immediately a wave of heat against his dick and the wetness, he let's out a satisfied groan. The caresses her face and starts moving with a steady pace. Little by little he gets faster and faster then he hits her cervix. She let's out a loud moan and her eyes rolling back into her skull. Her mouth hanged open and she breath was short and erratic. She looks up and sees that König was now lost, his reason was now gone, replaced by his primal instinct of sex. He let's go of her hand and puts it around her neck choking her lightly and starts fucking into her. He kept moving his hips and groaning and she kept moaning and pleading uselessly to König to slow down, but he won't listen. His grip tightens on her neck choking her completely, she cries out and squirts all over him. He let's out a satisfied laughter, and let's go of her neck and pulls her up against him. He holds her and kisses his neck and bites her, she yelps. With that he starts moving again, this time he felt even deeper inside of her, their moans and groans could've been heard all over the house. After God knows how long she feels König emptying inside of her, he pulls out and immediately positions y/n's face against his still hard member now covered in his and her cum. She doesn't think twice and give it a lick and takes it into her hand giving him a couple of pumps, she kisses his base and balls and goes up to the head swallowing whole. He groans and cums in her mouth pushing her even deeper onto his dick.
After he was done she lays there her mind fucked out of her and he looks at her, both ends filled with him.
He picks her up in bridal style and takes their clothes to the laundry.
He tosses their clothes in the washer and opens the door to the bath. He turns on the hot water and adds some bath salt.
He carefully washes her and after soaping her up and washing her up, he gets into the bath with her in his arms. She slowly blinks her eyes open and looks at him, they make eye contact and smile. She lays her head back on to his shoulder, falling asleep once again.
The End.
End note: Aahdhdbdbdhd hope y'all liked it!!! I tried my best!! Byee
Random König Headcannons
A/n: Guess whos been playing Cod, yeah I'm not sorry, also happy pride!!
Synopsis: Just some random headcannons I thought of, reader mentioned

Has let you attempt to paint his nails but couldn't keep the polish on because he chews his nails to much so he eventually just gave up on trying to have painted nails all together
He overthinks everything, every little interaction he has so to avoid this anxious feeling he keeps interactions short and sweet, which can make him seem cold in distant in contrast
Has such a guttural, breathy laugh, not many people have seen him laugh so consider yourself a lucky few, in public he want even chuckle but in private he's the loudest person in the room, his laugh bounces off the walls and fills the room
He's the type of person who slaps his knee or your back when he laughs
He's one of those people that's always warm, no matter where he is or what the temperature is he just radiates heat some how
Has rough, calloused skin. His skin feels like leather, almost every inch of his body is littered in scars
Is not very outward about his interests or beliefs in fear of being judged or cast away in some way so mostly keeps to himself, but if you have ask him personally how he feels about something he can feel a genuine smile creep up onto his face, though you can't see it because of his hood, he's grateful
Fidgets a lot when he's nervous, he's good at masking his emotions, he learned how to cover up stress as hes worked in the military, but physically he can't contain himself, he'll tap his foot, or scratch his arms until their red, but if you ever ask him about it he'll snap at you
Enjoys lazy mornings the most, when he wakes up first, and starts his day with a cup of coffee and no one to bother him
He enjoys hiking a lot and has invited you to join him on several occasions, something about being surrounded by the serenity of the lush green forest and gentle sway of the breeze calms him

Gonna post some Ghostface fluff after this
I have an addiction to putting the most cold hearted, anti social, sociopaths into the cutest fluffiest scenarios
German lessons
A/n: Sorry I’m in love with König, and I saw no one had done this idea so I thought I needed to change that
Summary: During a light hearted German lesson with your favorite KorTac operator, a small misunderstanding leads to a confession between you and the Austrian
Pairing: König and Gn! Reader (fluff, pre relationship, maybe some spelling mistakes)

A deep, gravely chuckle echoed through the empty room, filling it with a warmth. It dripped from Königs lips like honey, the sound was sweet to your ears.
You groaned as you lifted your face from between your folded arms, you couldn’t contain the smile forcing itself onto your face, you fought back small giggles as you gently elbowed Königs forearm that he laid rested on the wooden table in front of you.
“Please stop laughing, I told you I wouldn’t be any good at this!” You exclaimed, your gazing shifting as you narrowed your eyes at the German book between you, scanning the page amongst the foreign phrases to see if anything framillar popped out, but to your dismay it seemed to be a sea of uncertainty.
König shook his head softly, as he watched you with an uncharacteristically soft look in his pale eyes.
“Nonsense, you just need more practice.” He spoke lowly, his deep voice coated in an airy, velvety tone, he spoke softly as if he was cooing to a frightened animal.
“You wanted me to teach you, remember Schatz?“ he teased weaponizing the nickname, he knew you had a soft spot for his pet names, as you shot him a playful glare
“Don’t you dare, use that name against me.” You grinned with a teasing scowl, before your eyes threaded along the paper, this time your eyes had a curious glow to them, like a child peering through the window of a candy shop. Your eyes fell upon another interesting word
“What’s this one?” You whispered your finger falling to the word you were referring to, your head tilted slightly as Königs eyes drifted to where you had pointed
“Ah, Hase?” He asked softly, his murky blue eyes shifting from the paper to you.
You nodded softly
“What does it mean?” You pressed as you watched König eyes melt from behind his dark hood, like a light peeking through a jungle of darkness.
“It means bunny.” He replied, his voice rasped but as soon as he saw how your face lit up at the word he could feel his cheeks began to glow from under his hood, he gave an airy chuckle, it was such a pure sound, and it melted your heart as you watched him, your eyes never leaving his figure.
König could feel your piercing gaze burning holes through him, he turned to you with a nervous glance
“Why are you staring?” He deadpans his heavy accent bleeding through his words, your soft lips crease into a warm smile.
“Nothing, it's just a cute name.” You hushed with an airy chuckle as you turned from the tall man, a wavering silence lingered in the air filling the space between you.
“You know, I’m really glad I get to spend this time with you, I really do like you.”
You smiled with a pause “how do you say it in German? "Ich liebe dich?”
Your tone was hesitant as you spoke, but as soon as the words fell from your mouth König blue eyes widened, it looked as if they glowed from behind his hood, emulating a soft shimmer in the sea of black paint that coated his pale skin.
A warmth filled his cheeks, now looking away from you, desperately hoping you couldn’t see the effect your words had on him as he offered a choked response
“That’s, that’s how you say “I love you.” He rasped, a slight squeal in his voice
Now it was your turn to become embarrassed, your heart stuttering in your chest as your face grew to a soft red.
“O-oh.” Was the only thing you could muster
Another wave of quite rested, yet this time it seemed to crowd the two of you.
Königs breathy chuckle seemed to snap you from your sort of trance as you looked up to him. His large hand patted your shoulders, König turned to you, looking into your eyes as whispered something
“Ich liebe dich auch, meine süße.”
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you turned to him
“What did you say?” You asked Königs eyes had a warmth to them you’d never expected as he spoke. Standing from the table with an airy laugh. You smiled as you called after him
“König! Wait what did you say!” You pressed with a lighthearted smile, you sighed as your eyes drifted once again to the book beneath you falling upon a now framillar phrase,
‘Ich liebe dich…’
I hoped you enjoyed I really enjoyed writing this!!
A/n: kissing Königs scars🤤
Pairing: König and Gn Reader (romantic, fluff)

“What’s this one from?” You whispered,
Your lips pursed into a soft frown as you traced your fingers over the rough, leather like patch of skin, on his bare back.
The sunshine creeping through the window painted his scars in a soft golden light.
The skin trailed down his pale back like a waterfall, ending at the small of his back, dipping into flesh like paint to a canvas.
König shivered beneath your soft touch, a soft red picking through the paint smeared across his masked face.
He felt so open, so exposed, his body was open to you, and you handled him so gently like he was made of glass. The thought enough had his heart hiccuping in his chest, he only prayed you couldn’t hear the sound.
“They’re burn marks…” he muttered, silently cursing himself out on how soft that sounded, the way his voice wavered as you touched him.
His eyes widened as he felt your soft lips lean into him pressing a delicate peck against the twisted red that covered his skin. He felt his breath hitch at the feeling.
“Was that okay?”
You whispered unsure of whether he was comfortable with the action, based on the way his body tensed you had assumed he didn’t enjoy it.
König shook his head softly with a nervous laugh that rang from the center of his chest. Your lips curved at his light reaction.
“No, it was fine, I’m just not used to this kind of attention…” he murmured quietly, waving vaguely at the situation.
“Well I think you should get used to it, because I don’t plan on stopping.” You replied, pressing a warm kiss to his shoulder.
König shuddered again at your touch.
He felt a smile of his own fight it’s way to his face.
“I guess I will.”
He felt himself leaning into each lingering touch, his walls breaking slowly, wanted to let you in, he needed you.

Daisy Chain
A/n: While I work on Atsv requests please enjoy some Konig fluff that I wrote impulsively at two in the morning
Summary: You want to know why KorTacs operator won't stop staring at you but today you finally had the courage to talk to him
Pairing: Konig and Gn Reader (Fluff, I don't know if the ending is that great but I tried)

You couldn’t help but feel a piercing stare burning holes through your head as you tirelessly scrubbed the dirt and dust that clung to the cold metal of your rifle, every movement you made began judged and evaluated by the brooding Austrian.
Sweat clung to your forehead as the sun continued to beat down on you, and his stare only made you more sweaty.
He always sat alone, his presence seemed to be enough to clear any area of beating hearts that wanted to remain beating, soldiers steered clear of him, and you did too, until today.
He loomed on the bench his gaze unwavering, from your small frame. You glanced to him every now and then but you didn’t allow yourself to linger.
But every move you made felt stiff, you felt suffocated, like the breeze that blew softly against exposed skin, didn’t fully reach your lungs only filling them with gentle, shaky breaths, it was too much.
You sighed, your body tensed as you slid off the wooden bench, your thundering boots pounding clouds of dirt from the dry earth as you walked to the soldier, it was almost endearing how he tried to avert his gaze as if he hadn’t been shamelessly staring at you a few moments ago.
Your heart rattled in your chest as you stopped in front of the stoic man, his large stature intimidating even as he sat, he looked out over the green field that surrounded the patch of dry land that you stood upon.
“Hey.” you said hushed, your voice shook as you spoke but you only prayed he wouldn’t notice, it took everything in you to not run away right then, while you still had the chance, you had seen this man in battle, you had watched him break men over his knee like they were mere twigs, who knows what he would do if you managed to piss him off.
The man's sharp eyes darted back at you briefly, like he expected you to disappear any moment, but when he shifted his gaze to see you standing still before him he lifted a brow before turning his full attention to you. Not a word leaving his lips as an unbearable silence stretched on.
You inspected the man in front of you, you had never been this close to him before, he smelled like the outside, he had a musk of rich soil, an overwhelming earthy tone, with a soft whisk of rust.
You stared at his chest trying to not make it obvious that you were practically drinking in his appearance, his large figure was covered head to toe concealing every inch of skin that could possibly be exposed to the world, his dark hood draping down past his shoulders.
The red bleach marks that plastered onto the dark fabric smudged down his face like crimson tears, the slots carved into his mask bored into you, but from the sea of black paint that smeared his hidden flesh two beautiful orbs of blue stared back at you, they looked like cloudless skies of blue, you found yourself lost in them.
And the words seemed to bubble up leaving your lips before you were able to stop them.
“You have…pretty eyes.” you stuttered out awkwardly, avoiding his gaze as you stiffened at your own words, the shifted at your sudden praise, an amused smile crept up under his mask as he looked at you, silence lingered before he spoke up
“Thanks.” his voice was low yet it held a velvety tone to it, his accent flowing with each word. From how he spoke you couldn’t gauge whether he appreciated the comment about his eyes and that level of uncertainty left a feeling of dread bubbling up inside your chest. Yet you persisted.
“You must be Konig.” you said, your tone seemed confident with your assumption as you held his firm gaze.
The Austrian nodded, his large hands moving to rest on his rifle, the movement was small and subtle, but it was a simple gesture that said a lot to you.
You felt yourself stiffen, the air suddenly felt too thick to breathe as you stood there, you felt his eyes hunting you. You needed to diverge his attention. With a shaky breath, you managed a smile as you spoke
“I’ve heard a lot about you.” you stuttered out, to this Konig paused his steady movements, his brows furrowing, but you couldn’t tell at what it was. His eyes seemed to soften, but a hint of caution still swirled in his pupils, his shoulders fell with a huff.
“Really?” he muttered, his tone seemed to contain a touch of surprise, the sound was strangely pleasing to hear from the distant man.
You nodded softly
“You're the big Austrian everyone finds so intimidating.” you spoke lowly, but you felt a wave of panic flood through you as you noticed Konigs eyes narrowing, quickly you tried to think of something to add
“But uh, I’ve also heard you're quite tall.” you chuckled nervously. The soldier's brow raised as he glanced down from his towering height, seeming to straighten himself out at your comment, which only increased his size as he offered you a slow nod.
“I am.” he said flatly, the words seemed to linger in the dense atmosphere that surrounded you two. You felt my foot tapping anxiously with the settling silence, so you spoke up again, trying to keep the flow of conversation.
“How tall exactly?” you whispered curiously glancing up to the big man.
“Six foot ten.” he huffed his chest out a bit at the answer, sounding a bit prideful about it, speaking with more confidence than he had before. Your eyes widened at his answer
“Damn.” was all you could think to sputter out, Koing nodded approvingly with a deep hum echoed from the base of his chest.
“Tallest of my unit.” he spoke, though it wasn’t boastful, he stated it as the simple truth, and you believed him, he was certainly taller than most.
“I’d believe it.” you chuckled, felt yourself begin to loosen up around Konig, and even he himself seemed to be more open with engaging in conversation than he was before.
“How tall are you?” he mused with a pointing finger as he crossed his arms over his chest leaning back on the wooden bench slightly. At this question you felt you shrink into yourself more as fiddled with my hands awkwardly.
“Well uh.” you trailed off hoping he would get the memo, but this only seemed to intrigue the soldier as he leaned in curiously.
“Yes?” he pressed, encouraging you to continue. You glanced away
“About five three.” You sighed, heat rising to your cheeks as you felt his eyes glued to you as you spoke, for some reason now more than ever you felt all eyes on you.
He tilted his head to the side as he leaned back, his eyes seemed to glow at your answer, a softness to them that only drew you to him, he seemed to smile with his eyes, it left your heart stuttering in your chest, you found it attractive.
No, you gently shook the thought from your head, you couldn’t be thinking these things about him, you scolded yourself. But Konigs heavy voice steered you from your thoughts.
“A lot smaller than me.” you could practically hear the smile in his voice, at this you felt the corners of your mouth tug into a smile as well, you snorted softly.
“Yeah, well I’m sure most people are to you.” you teased, the comment felt so natural, like you were talking to an old friend, a comfortable feeling stirring in you that you would have never guessed you could feel around this man, you couldn’t help but feel a rush of excitement at your progress with prying the cold man open.
But that wasn’t even the best part, with your comment Konig let out a deep, hearty, booming sound, it was like nothing you had heard before, it rattled in his chest before it died out slowly and he returned his warm gaze to you.
“True.” he said simply, but his eyes didn’t glance away from you, he looked deeper into your eyes as if searching for something.
“You must be brave to approach me.” he quipped, to this you raised your brow in confusion.
“Really? Why is that?” you asked, he crossed his leg over his knee as hummed in thought
“Most people tend to avoid me all together, as you said they find me too intimidating to approach.” he said, his eyes drifting across the greenfield to his right, as he thought. You felt a pang of guilt wrenching up your stomach, you didn’t mean it like that.
“Yet you seem to do that easily, even going as far to say that I’m ‘pretty’ “ he recited your words, amusement dripping from his low tone as he looked at you. You smiled at his comment as you nodded.
“Because you are, you have beautiful blue eyes.” you grinned feeling comfortable enough to speak your opinions to him
“And a wonderful laugh.” you added, your smile stretching across your face as you spoke. With this the Austrian didn’t reply, he turned his head to stare back over the field baking in the golden sunlight of the afternoon, he himself began to feel a bit hot, but it was because of the heat, right? He felt his cheeks bitten with a soft red, he sighed at your words.
“You're a flirt.” he groaned, his pale eyes meeting yours once again. You chuckled at his comment, your face lighting up in a way Konig hadn’t seen before.
“Or maybe I’m just honest.” you shot back playfully
“Why not both?” he challenged, he couldn’t remember the last time he felt this comfortable around someone, but he just wanted to bask in this feeling.
“You make a good point.” you say as you sit down in front of him, the dust that sat among the soft splotches of grass settled under your weight. The soldier felt a feeling of admiration bubbled up in his chest, it was an addicting feeling something he wasn’t used to in the slightest.
“I like you.” he said softly, his voice sailing through the air light enough for only you to hear, with this you couldn’t conceal the blush that made its way to your sun kissed skin as you smiled.
“I like you too.”
His eyes seemed widened in surprise at your response, as if he hadn’t been anticipating that at all, your brows furrowed at his confusion.
“Really?” he hummed lowly, as if testing the waters. He wasn’t used to people enjoying his company, or, better yet, him enjoying theirs
“Well yeah, you think I spend this much time with people I don’t like at least a little bit.” you chuckled, but you did not like Konig a little bit, you liked him a lot.
You couldn’t help but let out a yelp of surprise as the Austrians face was suddenly in front of yours inches away as he leaned down to you from the bench, you felt the air in your lungs cease to leave your quivering lips, you could feel his warm breath brush against your skin, the feeling sent a shiver up your spine.
“I really like you.” he hushed into your into ear, the sound was so deep, so rich, you felt your heart stutter in your chest as he pulled away a proud look in his blue eyes as you chuckled
“Now who's the flirt?” You teased trying to take the attention off your flustered state the large man let out a gravely laugh
“Me? Definitely.” he chirped, you grinned looking at him with admiration as your hands mindlessly wandered the patches of grass beneath, plucking a daisy from the mellow earth you poked a hole through the stem, picking another daisy as you slid it through the hole.
The action seemed to come so natural to you Konig watched curiously, as your skillful hands gently held the flowers, you noticed his straying gaze with a smile.
“Do you want me to teach you?” you asked lowly, as Konigs eyes widened before he hummed thoughtfully as he slipped down from the bench, you could see his muscular figure shifting from under his uniforms layers, you averted your gaze away trying not to stare, as he sat next to you patiently waiting as he picked two small flowers of his own.
You awkwardly cleared your throat as you grabbed two more daisies for your demonstration.
“So you take the first flower and poke a small hole through the stem.” explained as Konig mirrored your quick, yet gentle hands, as you pushed the second daisy through, he fell silent and it seemed as though all he could focus on were your hands, at his silence you felt yourself grow slightly anxious.
“Did you get the second part?” you asked, turning your attention to him, he hummed lowly as he offered his palms to you displaying the fragile chain that he clutched delicately in his large hands.
You couldn’t help but smile, watching this trained assassin of sort, sit on the grass with you as docile as a kitten as he entertained your ideas of making silly flower chains.
“Great! Now you just repeat that.” you said mindlessly as you worked on your own, Konig let out a breathy chuckle at your words
“I got that.” he snickered at your directions which led you to feel a little bit dumb at the simple instructions you had given him.
“Yeah, right.” You muttered, you glanced back to your daisy chain, as it seemed everything had been silently, the soft summer sun creeped carefully up your back clinging to your hunched over figure like a blanket of warmth had been draped over your sweating figure, the breeze hushing and whispering to you as the grass swayed lazily in reply, the sound of crickets buzzing in the distance rang in your ears.
And Konig, his watery gaze lingering on your soft lips, you noticed but this time he didn’t flinch away instead he leaned in and you couldn’t help but gasp at the feeling, his hooded face inches from your, you could practically feel his hot breath grazing your lips, you felt your gaze locked on his.
He now hovered over you almost straddling you, as he caged you in his strong arms, you felt dizzy begin this close to him, like an hunted animal. His eyes flickered from your eyes to your lips.
“Can I…?” he was interrupted by the sound of a soldier calling out to him from behind, he let out a soft groan as he pulled away. Raising from the ground with an irritated groan, you couldn’t help but feel disappointed as he pulled away
“Captain wants to see you.'' The soldier spoke quickly, his eyes not leaving the field in front of him as if he was scared of Konigs now narrowed gaze.
He tilted his head with a grunt and that seemed to be enough for the soldier to give a frantic nod before scampering away, you couldn’t help but frown as Konig sighed, turning to you as he squatted down leaning into your ear as he spoke.
“We'll finish this later.”
And you couldn’t help but feel like that was a promise.
I love him sm 😩
pure könig filth yall i have no excuse sorry
tags: idk how to tag this just smut smut smut smut konig being rough and size kink
i can imagine your first time with könig :(( he’d try to be so gentle with you, but he can’t hold back. he would be fucking into you at an ungodly pace and it would all be so overwhelming for you. he’d try to make it better by whispering sweet praises into your ear whilst destroyinggggyg your insides. when tears start rolling down your face könig would kiss them away and tell you how good you’re makin him feel. that bubble in your stomach finally burst and you came all over his cock. it was so overwhelming but the feeling of him filling you up with his cum seemed to ground you. he would clean you up and shower you with praises before tucking you in and falling asleep

smut is tagged with ☆
harry potter:
call of duty:
first time w könig blurb ☆
sub! könig riding blurb ☆
simon ‘ghost’ riley
rough mission? give your bf some head! ☆
johnny ‘soap’ mactavish
john price
lust for life (professor price x student reader) ☆
alejandro vargas
alejandro vargas x thiccckkkk reader ☆
philip graves
oneshots + hcs
141 + könig react to you wearing thigh highs ☆
141 + könig, alejandro,n rudy with thick thighed s/o
141 + alejandro rudy konig graves with plus size s/o
house m.d:
dr gregory house
robert chase
your houses kid and he just wants to treat u good
james wilson
u just wanna have fun but james is mean :(
clear your mind ☆
allison cameron
house is spying on you, cute lovey dovey w my girl
spider-man atsv:
miguel o’hara
a jealous man ☆
riding miguel drabble ☆
brat ☆
hobie brown
music to his ears ☆
peter b. parker
miles morales
earth 42! miles x reader fluff
pavitr prabhakar
the outer banks:
rafe cameron
sub könig blurb beneath
tags: breeding kind of, riding, once again just pure filth

ok he’s big and scary and his dick is huge duh. but he’s definitely such a baby. when you get on top and ride him, taking complete control, it drives him insane. he’ll start to get handsy but you’ll smack his hands away and tell him he can’t touch until he’s been a good boy :((. he hates not being able to touch his darling but he can’t really concentrate on that due to the fact your bouncing up and down on his cock like your life depends on it.
when he starts whimpering and begging to cum you’ll stop. könig will buck into you at an attempt to get you moving again, but you quickly put his antics to shame. calling him a needy whore, cant go a second without being inside you. your words go straight to cock as it twitches inside you, so you made a deal. you’ll let him cum, only if he fills you up. he wastes no time getting work. fucking into you at an unholy speed, hitting that sweet spot that turns your vision into static. he whines things like, “wanna be your good boy” and “wan’ make you feel so good”. without any warning he fills you with his seed. he doesn’t move, not wanting anything to spill out. you use him to teach your own high, moaning out praises like “m’ sweet boy fills me up so good”. you collapse onto his chest, feeling his arms wrap around your body as you both lay there, infatuated with one another.
141 + konig reactions to seeing reader in thigh highs?
141 n koni babys reaction to seeing u wearing thigh highs
nsfw under cut you’ve been warned

john price is a simple man. even old fashioned, if you will. so he does what any normal man would do. sat you on the bed and began kissing down your thigh all the way to your ankle. savoring how beautiful your skin looked in the elegant fabric. he eventually began leaving sloppier kisses against your inner thighs. by the time he got to your dripping heat, the lacy garments were off.
simon riley basked in the sight for about a minute before tearing them off. something about how gorgeous your thighs looked drove him insane. your legs are fully spread apart, taking his full length as if your life depended on it. while tears are forming at your eyes due to his sheer size, he scolds you. he scolds you for wearing such a slutty thing, basically asking to get ravaged.
johnny mactavish tried his best to ignore the fact you had been walking around your shared kitchen in nothing but his t-shirt and a pair of white thigh highs. the way the delicate material wrapped around your thighs made his cock twitch needily. you stood over the countertop making a simple lunch for your boyfriend, johnny let his arms snake around your waist and let his hands wander. he began softly humping you through his sweatpants, whining for you to come to the bedroom.
kyle garrick tried his hardest to pretend he didn’t notice that sexy lingerie sitting atop of your thighs. but he did. he noticed it all. the way you shuffled between him and the coffee table when the two of you were watching a movie, ass moving right across his face. the way you had sat on his lap while texting your friends back, ignoring the way his throbbing dick was proding against you. he eventually gave in. bending you over the sofa and softly lecturing you about how it’s naughty to tease him all day while wearing tight lingerie around the house.
poor könig couldn’t contain himself for that long. the way your thighs looked so perfect killed him. he pulled you onto his lap facing him. whining about how you made him so needy by wearing something so cute. he used giant hands to rock your hips back and forth on his hard length, leaning down to your ear whispering about how he’s fuck you stupid while watching the lacy fabric hug your plump thighs
141 + konig, Alejandro, and Rudy with an S/O that has thick thighs
141 + koni, alejandro, n rudy with a s/o that’s got thickkk thighs
a/n: im so sorry for the delay in posts but i trust have sm to post yall don’t even worry
mainly cutesy stuff with some suggestive moments

john price loves how your thighs hug any pants you wear. he loves to keep a spare hand on them whenever he’s next to you, whether that is in a meeting or just relaxing on the couch. he believes that your thighs make your body just that much more perfect.
simon riley is obsessed with the shape of your thighs. he believes that they’re plush pillows that were made specifically for him to lay on. not even in a sexual way, he loves kissing up and down your thighs. the soft skin makes it a luxury experience for him.
johnny mactavish thinks your thighs are the best part of your body. of course he adores your face, but the way your thighs get bigger when you sit down, almost welcoming him to use them as pillows. he loves the way they grip around him when you’re on top.
kyle garrick believes being between your thighs is heaven on earth. in a sexual and non sexual manner. he loves sitting between your thighs and letting you stroke through his hair. he listens to you talk about your day but tends to get distracted by thinking about what your reaction would be if he flipped his head over.
könig LUUVSSSS how your thighs look in shorts. good lord omg. like you’ll just be walking around base and it takes everything in that tank of a man to not put you on the countertops and. i mean what omg lol. but he’ll also love up on you if you ever get self conscious about stretch marks, reassuring you it just adds to your perfections.
alejandro vargas is a slut for your thighs, sorry. the way they’re like the foundation of your body’s shape drives him insane. especially if you’re going out to an event and decide to wear a risqué dress, exposing the plush skin to everybody there. when you get home he’ll make sure to teach you a lesson.
rudy parra loves massaging your thighs. you’re not sure how it started. whenever he gets home from a particularly rough mission or if he just needs intimate time with you, he’ll make you lay down and allow him to massage them. it’s stress relieving for both you and him. rudy can’t help himself, not his fault your build is perfect.