Pronouns: My existence cannot be contained by your pathetic "genders" so use whatever I guess Armchair sorcerer whose complete disregard for personal safety and lack of fear of consequences is only kept in check by serious concern for personal safety and much fear of consequences. My current goal is to eventually get off my sorcery armchair and immediately go overboard with a spell and have it blow up in my face. I'm going to keep adding lines to my bio and hope the fact that it all gets mushed into a single unreadable line on mobile is just on my end actually fuck that I can use an unreadable bio like caltrops to deter invaders and ninja spies

34 posts

Pyrocumulonimbus Has A Wiki Page But That Encompases Cloud Spawned From All Extreme Heat Sources (like

pyrocumulonimbus has a wiki page but that encompases cloud spawned from all extreme heat sources (like nuclear explosions) and the tornado thing is a FOOTNOTE. LIKE "yeah sometimes they also make tornados" I am so FREAKING INDIGNANT ABOUT THIS YOU GUYS YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND.

Why does pyro-tornadogenesis not have a wikipedia page. In fact, why are only like 3 articles and 1 ai-generated youtube video even talking about it specifically. I feel like planet earth suddenly generating an entirely new and frankly terrifying type of weather system because our climate is so fucked up is kind of a big deal.

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More Posts from Enigmattoid

5 months ago

reblog if your blog is a safe space for ghouls and goblins

5 months ago

Spirit pot update coming tomorrow just - so freaking busy lately I'm so sorry my children

5 months ago

Spirit Pot Update #2

One week later and some actual observations to be made! A couple of the pots I'm pretty excited about, but I'll get to those.

As for the sigils themselves, despite having been perpetually soaked and burried in the soil none of them have actually started breaking down yet because I was dumb and used the thickest paper possible. Great advertisement for the sketchpad I used I guess.

Onto the subjects:

Spirit Pot Update #2

Happy blueberry bush is still happy. Nothing crazy here, no sudden bursts of growth or sudden downturns.

Spirit Pot Update #2

The baby pawpaw had taken a turn for the worse right before I started this experiment and appeared to be declining rapidly, but the decline appears to have stopped, or at least slowed aignificantly. The leaves that were already affected continued to brown and fall off, but it didn't spread any further.

Spirit Pot Update #2

The herb pot has begun germinating, but nothing all that unexpected except perhaps a higher germination rate than I expected. Also that the basil next to the sigil germinated much more quickly than the chives that were farthest away, as in my experience chives are usually fastest (oregano, also next to the sigil, was still slow tho). This is the pot directly above that miner's lettuce pot that germinated stupid quick though (I looked it up, and apparently the absolute minimum germination time in ideal conditions is 4 days, which is already uncommon as it's usually at least a week. Mine germinated in 3 days). I'm making a bit more note of that now because:

Spirit Pot Update #2

CAPSICUM!! FLEXUOSUM!! I'm super excited about this one because wild peper seeds tend to take months to germinate (so far it's been 1), and I'm excited about these plants in general. I did soak the seeds in peroxide solution before sowing which probably helped a bit, but I just used normal potting soil as my medium so I still didn't expect such quick germination. I only have 1 seedling so far, but notice that out of my big ol' tray with ~30 seeders active, it happens to be directly next to the sigil. COINCIDENCE!? Maybe but I choose to believe NOT!! I'm specifically noting that things next to the sigil but not directly with the sigil for both seedling sigils seem to be germinating exceptionally quickly.

Spirit Pot Update #2

Empty mushroom pot. You're doing great honey.

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5 months ago

Back when I lived in an appartment building I had one (1) instance of someone stealing one of my packages. It was returned to my doorstep, opened, the next day. The contents was a plastic bag labeled "human hair". Never had someone try that again as long as I was there.

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