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US climate with equivalent cities from around the world.
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Any climate change policy that does not acknowledge the outsourcing of CO2 is not going to do much…so many countries in the West are “improving” environmentally because they dump their pollution in and outsource emissions to the third world. Source
If y'all had to pick a natural disaster to live with, which would it be?
I know everyone's been busy with what's going with Twitter and probably a lot of other things happening in this world. But, it was literally high 70s in November where I live. This is not normal for us and I'm honestly so worried about climate change. If fall is this warm with only a month left until winter, then how hot will summer 2023 be? There were already multiple heatwaves in 2022. It's so hard not feel helpless when you feel like the world is burning.

Sean bienvenidos japonistasarqueologicos a una nueva entrega del país del sol naciente en la que os explicaré que es el tsuyu, una vez dicho esto pónganse cómodos que empezamos. - ¿Qué es el tsuyu? ¿En qué consiste? El tsuyu, en hiragana つゆ y en kanji corresponde a 梅雨. Esto corresponde a los meses de verano en Japón: Mayo a julio seguramente todos habréis visto la película de Tenki no ko, del director Makoto shinkai, en el que se puede apreciar muy bien este fenómeno por poner un ejemplo. En estos dos meses caen grandes trombas de agua a raudales que para algunos le resultará placentero y otros una tortura¿Qué es para vosotros?, ¿os gustan los periodos de lluvia? - Espero que os haya gustado y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones que pasen una linda semana. - 日本の考古学者諸君、ようこそ、日出ずる国の新連載へ。ツユとは何かを説明しよう。 - ツユとは何か?つゆとは、ひらがなでは「つゆ」、漢字では「梅雨」にあたる。皆さんは新海誠監督の映画『天 気の子』をご覧になったことがあるだろう。この2ヶ月間、滔々と降り注ぐ大雨は、ある人にとっては喜びであり、ある人にとっては拷問である。 あなたは雨の時期が好きですか? - それでは、また次の記事でお会いしましょう。 - Welcome, Japanese archaeologists, to a new installment of the land of the rising sun in which I will explain to you what the tsuyu is, having said that, make yourselves comfortable and let's get started. - What is tsuyu and what does it consist of? Tsuyu, in hiragana つゆ and in kanji it would correspond to 梅雨. This corresponds to the summer months in Japan: May to July, you have probably all seen the film Tenki no ko, by director Makoto Shinkai, in which this phenomenon can be seen very well, to give an example. In these two months, huge downpours of water fall in torrents, which for some people will be a pleasure and for others a torture. What is it like for you, do you like periods of rain? - I hope you liked it and see you in the next posts have a nice week.
Good Climate News: Headline Roundup April 1st through April 15th, 2023
Contrary to what you might expect, there's actually way more good climate news stories than I have time to post about individually. (Especially now that my health is better and I'm back to working more!) Which itself is fantastic news!
Some stories are big, some are small, but they all add up. All over the world, people are doing far more than we realize to help save the planet - and ourselves.
I'm posting this is mid-May bc I've gotten really behind on news posts, but trust me, there will be more roundups coming. And this is SO FAR from all the good climate news in April 2023. I may do weekly roundups in the future.
So, without further ado, some reasons to have hope, all from just April of 2023:

^Article date: 4/15/23

^Article date: 4/14/23. And to clarify, the cleanup will NOT be temporary, they are building infrastructure and changing laws for the long term.

^Article date: 4/13/23

^Article date: 4/12/23

^Article date: 4/10/23

^Article date: 4/12/23

^Article date: 4/11/23

^Article date: 4/8/23

^Article date: 4/5/23
More roundup posts to come!
⟡ ⊹ ❀✿

"I was too small of a person to be
able to accept everything about you.
It's just that I preferred the pain of
breaking into pieces, to the loneliness
I felt from losing everything. I was just
too fragile, It's not your fault."

⟡ ⊹ ❀✿
The people who agree that the world is run by a cabal of pedos mostly don’t believe in anthrogenic climate change.
Yesterday was the autumnal equinox and I still needed my AC. It’s fucking hot out. Also, the last time there was this much CO2 in the atmosphere there weren’t any ice caps.
Is the point here to make sure nobody has a consistent worldview? Or are people who worry about what happens to new people usually not the type that worries about global thermal trends, and vice versa?
[ @slartibartfastibast ]
Bhikshu explained the reasoning they’re using pretty well, from what I can see.
To expand on that, for the educated right within the technical class, the environmental movement’s opposition to nuclear power is amazingly damning, and IMO this filters down to a lot of the rest of the right even if they don’t talk about it much and aren’t consciously aware of it.
On the one hand, it’s said that to avert the consequences of this looming disaster, people will have to live in tiny boxes, give up on cars, eat insect powder (even though chicken feed ratios aren’t much worse), tightly ration resources, stop having children, and apparently for some reason, ban straws.
On the other hand, for the right technical class, it’s obvious that society already knows how to produce low-carbon power stations that produce a reliable, steady output of the scale necessary to operate modern society.
So from the right-wing perspective, the environmentalists are willing to make everyone do all those other things because they claim the situation is so bad, but not only will they not build a single atomic power plant (from their perspective, well worth the risk if the forecast is that bad!), they actively try to shut the existing ones down! Even though that makes the emissions numbers worse!
Since within the right-wing frame, that’s totally illogical, they go searching for whatever the real motivation for this plan to live like monks in a Communist monastery might be, and then they run face first into Von Wokenstein’s Monster.
Left-wing and SJ policy isn’t decided by one person, but by competing interest groups that, unlike making a software release, don’t go back and see if it compiles into one single coherent worldview.
But on the receiving end, this shambling, stitched-together assemblage of contradictory policy and opinion is largely experienced as one vector. For instance, if a democratic party controlled legislature passes a straw ban and also shortly thereafter they pass a gun ban, these are both experienced as the result of the same force by red tribe voters, even if the interest groups that instigated it don’t interact with each other at all. (They do, but it holds even if they don’t.)
If you try to analyze the motives of Von Wokenstein’s Monster as a single coherent entity, then you can come up with some pretty crazy stuff. For instance, Wokenstein’s Monster will tell you that you need to have fewer children because children in the first world create too many carbon emissions, then tell you that you need to import people from the third world (where per-capita emissions are lower) to the first world (where per-capita emissions are higher) as a form of poverty alleviation, while simultaneously telling you that emissions must crash before 2032 or humanity is doomed. Trying to resolve this into a single coherent viewpoint could take you to some dark places, but in practice most of the people making these statements at the same time actually just aren’t thinking it through.
Unfortunately, overlapping policies from different interest groups can have unintended real effects that single policies or coherent policy regimes do not, and therefore the various [N]-stein’s Monsters of differing ideologies are of material interest.
Btw all these record-breaking high temperatures we just saw this winter is not removed from the incessant bombing of Ghazzah.
Dropping 7 hiroshimas on 1 city in 6 months is not without environmental consequences for the ENTIRE GLOBE, especially at such a critical time in temperature and emmission control.
The zionist terrorist occupation and the 'American' terrorist empire have jointly fast forwarded us all towards certain ecological doom unless they cease to exist overnight. Which won't happen.

After hearing a little more about diabetes from a Filipino classmate today, it got me thinking about the rising temperatures & health problems. This seems to particularly affect the Polynesians & Melanesians even more than it does for most of us, or even West Asians--who are particularly vulnerable to it--and their famously strong sweet tooth. In any case, a few weeks in the cold should do wonderfully if this is true.
Paleo Climate
In the wake of recent climate change discussions, we decided to talk about how scientists study the climates of yore.

Gazing at the sky 🌠

Earth from international space station 🌏

Oregon coast , USA

Bioluminescence Algae at Jervis Bay , Australia

Pelican nebula ( IC - 5070)
pyrocumulonimbus has a wiki page but that encompases cloud spawned from all extreme heat sources (like nuclear explosions) and the tornado thing is a FOOTNOTE. LIKE "yeah sometimes they also make tornados" I am so FREAKING INDIGNANT ABOUT THIS YOU GUYS YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND.
Why does pyro-tornadogenesis not have a wikipedia page. In fact, why are only like 3 articles and 1 ai-generated youtube video even talking about it specifically. I feel like planet earth suddenly generating an entirely new and frankly terrifying type of weather system because our climate is so fucked up is kind of a big deal.