Kristen. 28. Sweaters. Warm Tea. Horror Flicks. Books. Halloween. Pumpkin Patches. Ghost Stories.
126 posts
Equinoxofautumn - Falling Leaves. - Tumblr Blog
People who said the Saltburn bathtub scene was traumatizing never stepped foot on this app, wattpad, or ao3 🤷‍♀️
girls will see your fingers and imagine what it would feel like inside of them
A violent man calling me a good girl would fix me
the dumification of me whenever I see any pic of Lewis Pullman needs to be studied????
sorry for finding it hot when people's hair goes grey. as if im wrong
Seeing Lewis Pullman in carhartt or a bolo tie pulls the exact same reaction out of me that a Victorian man would’ve had at the sight of a woman’s ankles. I won’t be elaborating at this time.
you mean to tell me that not one of you crafty babes that are also obsessed with Lewis Pullman have made stickers or shirts with his character Rhett from Outer Range that say save a Horse, ride a cowboy? Fine, I’ll attempt to make them myself.
I'm like a girl who wants to read more books but doesn't
men with longer hair if you hear a voice that tells you to cut it that's the devil talking. you have to ignore it at all costs im not joking
i don't know who needs to hear this, but you're allowed to gain weight in your twenties. you are a grown ass adult now. your body can and should not be the same as it was at seventeen. allow it to grow along with you <3
having to ask people if you’re still hanging out is one of the worst things ever . like is our playdate still on? im gonna stab myself
what I want to do to mens' bodies is between me and God and everyone on the internet and no one else
the bond between a girl and their favorite fictional man is both an unstoppable force and an immovable object
sorry for who i become when cod mw3 drops
You ever read smut that was so well written it had you feelin like you the one that got fucked
“cApTaIn PrIcE lOoKs LiKe mY dAd”
okay i wanna fuck your dad, why would you tell me that
"Not all men..."
Yeah your right José Pedro Balmaceda Pascal would never treat me like this
"Not all men..."
Yeah your right José Pedro Balmaceda Pascal would never treat me like this
I really like the specific niche of star wars fans that are just obsessed with clones (like myself) bc I swear, we are the most avoidant group of ppl the galaxy has ever fcking met.
what do you mean Hardcase died on Umbara? he looks fine to me?
Fives? Died? girl when? last I remember he was choking the life out of chancellor palpatine
Waxer, dead because of Krell? not if you don't look at it he's not
Ponds? killed by a bounty hunter? I'd like to see her try, Mace would kill her
99 will never die, fight me
Tup? are u crazy, I saw him yesterday, we hugged it out
THE ENTIRE 332 COMPANY? We are literally having drinks with them right now, what are you on about?
Jesse has never hurt a soul in his life, he is the goodest boy in blue, he would never raise a pistol to Ahsoka, stop talking okay??
Cody? kill obi wan? someone's been drinking the funny juice huh?
order 66 who? never heard of her, leave me alone, no I mean it. go away. stop. STOP, LEAVE!!
Hunter: Wrecker, no!
Echo: Wrecker, no!
Wrecker, sadly: Wrecker no...
Phee: If I was a gardener, I'd put our 'two-lips' together
Tech: *blushes*
Hunter: Why aren't we like that?
Y/n: If I was a gardener, you'd be my hoe
Hunter: That's why
All I want is for season 3 to begin with the line
“Somehow, Tech returned”
Every new generation of girls at some point as a child or teen must watch Lord of the rings so they can fall in love with Aragorn and Legolas.
Also faramir and Eomer too
Psychic: I will now read your mind
Me: ok
Psychic: what the fuck is bagginshield?
Me: [begins to cry]