Outer Range - Tumblr Posts

Noah Reid as Billy Tillerson in Outer Range (X)
I think this is now my favorite cover of this song. The last half’s got some gently lively and overall wonderful Bruce Hornsby and the Range-type sound to it, but throughout is a mysterious little dab of country western strings and wistful piano coupled with the endearingly delicate vocals of my boy Billy Tillerson. Shame he goes a little off his rocker by the end of season one, poor dear man.

Noah Reid as Billy Tillerson || Outer Range || Episodes 7 & 8
you mean to tell me that not one of you crafty babes that are also obsessed with Lewis Pullman have made stickers or shirts with his character Rhett from Outer Range that say save a Horse, ride a cowboy? Fine, I’ll attempt to make them myself.
Seeing Lewis Pullman in carhartt or a bolo tie pulls the exact same reaction out of me that a Victorian man would’ve had at the sight of a woman’s ankles. I won’t be elaborating at this time.
the dumification of me whenever I see any pic of Lewis Pullman needs to be studied????
My sister makes me Valentine’s cookies every year and look at this Lewis Pullman as Bob Floyd cookie she made me, 🥺💘

Not me startling my dad as I run in from the other room screaming, “I know him! I know him!!”
'Outer Range' Cancelada tras Dos Temporadas en Amazon Prime.
Josh Brolin protagonizó la serie que mezclaba elementos del Oeste y la ciencia ficción. El streamer propiedad de Amazon ha cancelado la serie, que presentaba una mezcla de narración occidental y de ciencia ficción, después de dos temporadas. La noticia llega menos de dos meses después de que se estrenara la segunda temporada de la serie con un lanzamiento compulsivo. Outer Range está…
Home Sweet Home | Chapter 3. Reunions
Rhett Abbott x OC Reader
Summary: Sunny Pritchett decides to move back home, but without a reason why. Once she's back she runs into her childhood best, friend Rhett Abbott. Rhett seems very surprised to see her. Not only that, but he sees she has a small child on her hip. Will Sunny try to reconnect with Rhett and tell him the real reason you she's moved back. Or will her past come back and find her until everything blows up.
Warnings: Mental and Physical abuse, PTSD flashbacks, swearing, fighting.
Hello Beautiful People,
Sorry for the late post. I had some personal things to deal with. but I assure you all I will be posting new chapters on Wednesdays (hopefully). But back to the story baby!!

(Bold letters mean flashbacks)
7 years ago
Driving up to the Abbott Ranch was the most nerve wracking and terrifying thing you had to do today.
Stepping out of the car and walking up to the house, you're shaking with fear and scared about telling your bestfriend that you're leaving early to go to your dream school.You wish you didn’t have to go, but this is your chance to leave. Plus this is your chance to live your dream, and become a truly amazing artist. You could also try and convince him to leave with you,you loved him so much, more than he should already know. Maybe after you both leave, you can tell him how you really feel, how you want to be more than just friends. Both of you could finally make an escape. Live in peace. Live with the person you love. Hopefully that can convince him.
“What do you mean you're leaving early?” Rhett says with his eyebrows pinched. “ The art program I got accepted into is starting early. I can’t miss this” you say. There's a pregnant silence between both of you. Not knowing what the other one is going to say to each other.
“So that’s just it, you're leaving me behind!” Rhett’s loud voice startles you, he’s never raised his voice at you until now.
"I'm not leaving you behind Rhett. I... I want you to come with me." You say with a trembling voice. Trying to keep your tears at bay. "It's just like we talked about. I can be in my art program, a-and... you can become a bull rider-"
"Stop! Just... stop Sun." he says in a defeated voice. "No, I'm not stopping, because a love and care about you and I don't want you to be stuck here too." You say with your chest heaving. You want to say more but your too scared now.
"I can't. You know I can't." you can tell he's getting more annoyed with you keep pressing him. But you need him to hear the truth." "You can leave Rhett. I'm sure your parents will understand." You try to plead with him. A beat passes. Then another.
"You're scared" you say. "You're scared to go out into the world. The only thing you want to do is stay on this damn ranch for the rest of your life and do nothing." You say and also trying to regain your breathing.
"Ya know what. Just go... Just go and leave everyone behind."
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Rhett knows how much this art program means to me. Why is he saying this?
“How could you do this to me. To us?"
He steps closer to you, you try and take a step back but he's faster., so now both of your chests are together, both heaving and trying to breath. You can smell the bourbon on his breath. He’s been drinking. He tries not to drink around you. It can go either way. He can be a goofy drunk, which he normally is when he's around you. Or he's an angry drunk. Wanting to start fights with random people he sees. Starts yelling and making more problems than he's already in. Now you can see which type of drunk he is tonight. You wish you didn't want to see this.
What you didn’t know he overheard his mom talking on the phone with your mom, about you leaving early for college.
“What do you want me to do Rhett? Just stay here and be stuck with nothing to do? I don’t want that” I say with some anger laced in my voice.
“Ya know-” You interrupt him “R-Rhett you're drunk, don’t say anything you're gonna regret.”
“Just go! That's what you do, anyway just walk away like you always do. JUST LEAVING EVERYBODY BEHIND! YOU SELFISH BITCH!" Startled by his yelling, you finally let go and now have tears streaking down your face. You're too astonished to say anything else. How could someone you love to say the cruelest, and most horrid things to you. You back away from the porch and go to your car.
“Sun- I-I didn’t mean it... I swear you have to believe m-me.” He says back you in a weary voice also trying not to cry.
Without another beat you just look back at him and shake your head, with tears streaming down your face. Turning back, you get in your car and just speed away from the Abbott ranch. Looking back in your rearview mirror seeing an angry Rhett, kicking the dirt and walking back into the house. That’s the last you heard from Rhett. Abbott.
Until now.

Waking up on Sunday morning you feel a light weight on your chest. fluttering your eyes open and looking through your lashes, you see your precious baby tapping lightly on your chest. Then you fully open your eyes and you both are smiling ear to ear at each other.
“Hi baby, how was your sleep?” you say with a groggy voice. and trying to snap out of your sleepy daze. “Hi mama, it was otay.” he says, rubbing his eyes.
Then sit up, and give him kisses all over his chubby face, which makes him erupt into a fit of giggles. You look over at the clock on your nightstand, it’s 7:30 am. You have a couple of minutes to stay in bed, keep having your snuggle party with your baby boy, then go downstairs, and be dragged all the way to church, where you are dreading to go.
A little bit later you finally get Ollie and you dressed. You put him in a t- shirt, and a cute little pair of baby blue jean overalls and put on your usual Sunday attire, and ready to go downstairs and hit the road. You walk into the kitchen with Ollie on your hip and see your mom, and dad talking at the table while drinking some coffee.
“Good Morning sleepyheads, are you ready to go?” she asked while grabbing Ollie and putting him in his highchair and getting food for him.
“As ready as I’ll ever be” is the only thing you can say while putting your diaper bag together, and grabbing everything you need to get ready.
As you walk up to the church with your parents you get nervous all of a sudden. Not only because you haven’t been to church in such a long time, and you need a lot of confession to be done. But also, you are dreading to see the one person you are trying to avoid as much as possible when you're back home.
When you first walk in you see Dept. Sheriff Joy. She greets you and your parents with open arms, and seems to be excited that you showed up. You knew that it was because she has a young daughter with her wife. But you aren’t mad at it at all, you want Ollie to have friends in his age range, this is a new start for him too. And he definitely needs this. The only thing that could make you happy was for your baby boy to have a good life. If he was happy, so were you.
While Sheriff Joy and you mom were making conversation, you and your dad make their way into the church out of the corner of your eye you spot Ceceilia Abbott, talking with her husband Royal. Almost acting in a serious manner when engaging with each other. But, you just keep walking and find a seat next to your dad.
During the service the preacher announces you return, in which everybody takes their eyes all to you. You become very annoyed but also anxious. You hate that everyone's eyes are on you. It almost feels like they are trying to pry every detail out of your body and soul. The only thing you can do is smile and wave at the people who have their cold, dead stare on you. Just waiting for this to all be over. When he returns to preaching, you can feel someone staring at you. You turn your head just a little, and you spot Rhett looking, but he turns away quickly and focuses back on the service.

(Rhett’s POV)
There are a million questions running through your head right now. Sunny moved back, she has a kid? Has she moved on? Why didn’t she tell me? You want to know more. But you’re afraid that you're gonna spook her, and she’s gonna run away. Like at the supermarket.
The only thing you want to do is just hold her, hold her and say you’re sorry. You want things to be the same before everything happened, how she felt underneath your fingertips. How she used to smile and laugh when you said something that you didn’t think was funny. How she wasn't afraid to speak her mind. You just want that Sunny back. Your Sunny back.
The only thing on your mind is always her.
You just have to sit back and watch her live her life how she wants.
The only time she even looks at you is when she sees you staring at her. You look back to the preacher quickly, acting like nothing happened. Just pretending like you were nothing to her. Just some fuck up that had to ruin the only good relationship in his life.
You also see her with a small boy in her lap, snuggling into her chest dozing off. She seems like a good mom. Always taking care of people. So kind and compassionate with others. You just wish you could’ve had a future with her. Only I could dream.
(Back to your POV)
By the end of the service everybody is up out of their seats socializing and making small talk with others. You walk out to your car with your mom and dad. Only to be stopped by the Abbott’s calling you mom and dad’s names, trying to get their attention. First you see Cecilia and Royal, their coming up to your mom and dad talking.
Then you see Perry with a little girl, who you assume is his daughter. Your mom gave you updates on your little town, including the Abbott’s. She told you the oldest Abbott son Perry settled down, got married, and had a kid. But a couple years after his wife disappeared and never came back.
You felt bad for Perry, you also seemed like you were both in the same shoes. Not only being a single parent role, but also not having your partner by your side. Not really caring about the child. But in your situation, you had to leave or become beaten to death by a bloody pulp.
But snapping out of your thoughts you finally see the person you don’t want to see. Your eyes land on Rhett, and the same back at you. You both stand there in awkward silences wondering who's gonna break the ice first.
Rhett’s the first one to speak. “How have ya been?” he asks in a husky tone that runs a shiver down your spine.
What you really want to say to him is “ Oh, ya know the past couple of years have been my absolute hell. I had to live and be in a relationship with an abusive asshole, who also doesn’t want to claim his own son. So, I had to run away without him knowing. Mind you I have to be here right now talking to someone who is supposed to be my best friend. But things have changed.”
The only thing you can say back to him was “I’ve been good.” Then you both fall back into silence, not wanting to say anything else to each other
The silence once again breaks between the two of you when Oliie waddles his way over to you with Sheriff Joy’s daughter. “Mama!I'm hungy,” he says. Out of the corner of your eye you see Rhett lift his lips up into a smirk.
“You have a kid?” He asks. You turn back to him, now but you have Ollie on your hip.
“Yeah, this is my son, Ollie.”
“Ollie, this is my fiend Rhett, can you say hi?”
Rhett was taken back. He didn’t think you guys were friends after everything that you’ve been through. What he put you though. But he knew you were just trying to be polite around your son.
you try to get Ollie to say hi but he hides inside your neck while you talk.
While your baby boy was on your hip, he was starting to slip out of your hold a little bit. So you put him on your hip. In the process it lifts your shirt up, just to expose a little bit of your skin on your stomach. You can see Rhett look down at the patch of skin that was exposed. He sees a big black and blue mark, it looks about the size of his hand. When you see him staring you tug your shirt down, pretending nothing happened.
You don’t want people knowing what your situation was. Especially Rhett. You knew Rhet growing up. You also know him to have a short temper. If he ever found out what Gabe had done to you. He would be a dead man.
Moving back here to Amelia County was a really good decision, you wanted to start anew for Ollie, and for yourself. You really couldn’t imagine Staying with with Gabe after what you had been through.
“Can I take you to dinner… so we can talk?” He asks you suddenly. “I don’t think tha-” “ Please Sunny, I just want to talk, I haven’t seen you in forever. I’ll take you to dinner, we’ll talk, and I’ll drive you straight home. No funny business.” He says, and also putting his hands up in surrender.
You're hesitant at first. Not really believing him for just wanting to talk. But it would be nice catching up with him. See how life’s been treating him. But who would watch Ollie? Your parents might have a prob-
“Sure, I’ll go. But straight to dinner and straight back home.”
Your thoughts were running so quick, you hadn't realized what was coming out of your mouth.
“Sounds like a date. I’ll pick you around 9?” He says with a curious look, and makes sure you won’t deny his request.
“Sounds good also, but let's make it clear, it’s definitely not a date.” You give him a quick smile and walk back to your car. But you were giving a smirk while walking away. You just don’t know that he’s giving one right back.
That’s what he loved about you, you always called on his bullshit. He just wished you were close again, having that amazing bond that on one else had. He can’t wait to see you tomorrow. Just like old times he thinks to himself.
On the other hand, you're thinking you don’t know what you got yourself into.
(Here is some outfit inspo for Ollie and Sunny.😊)

Reblogs are always welcome. Unless you're under 18. I will block you. You all should be responsible. Also comment if you wanted to be added to the taglist.
Taglist: @callsign-magnolia @roosterforme @angelbabyyy99
dividers are by @saradika
I'm turning 23 in a few hours so for my last few hours of being 22 I've decided to start watching outer range
It may or may not be for the fact that Lewis Pullman is in it 👀
Like I'm sorry but???

I'm turning 23 in a few hours so for my last few hours of being 22 I've decided to start watching outer range
It may or may not be for the fact that Lewis Pullman is in it 👀

Me seeing the Outer Range season 2 trailer

me @ the outer range writers
Y'all Bridgerton season 3 and Outer Range season 2 releasing on the same day 😭
If anyone wants to know what I'll be up to May 16th👀
hi! my name is liv, and i go by she/her pronouns. i am 23, and this is a nsfw account so mdni! i love getting requests, and i will write smut, fluff, and angst. i will also write for poly ships. everything i write is x reader.
my work:
- jake “hangman” seresin
- bradley “rooster” bradshaw
- natasha “phoenix” trace
- robert “bob” floyd
- pete “maverick” mitchell
- tom “iceman” kazansky
- rhett abbott
- tyler owens
- glen powell
- daisy edgar jones
- kate carter
- others
if you request anyone who is not on this list, i still might write it, even if it is in a different fandom. so never be afraid to send a request!
howdy, neighbor
Rhett Abbott x reader

Smut under the cut! Mdni. Everyone feel free to send requests!
@atuman thanks for sending in this request!
sub!Rhett x dom!Reader
You sighed as you unpacked the last box in your brand-new room. Moving from Texas to Wabang, Wyoming was a big change after living in Texas. "Y/N! Get down here!" your mother yells from the kitchen.
"Go take these brownies to our new neighbors and introduce yourself. You need to make new friends around here. Maybe they will have a kid your age or something." your mother mutters as she shoves the brownies into your hands.
You sigh as you grab the brownies and make your way to your neighbor's house. It was quite a long walk, but anything is better than listening to your parents argue about where to put the new couch or the dining table.
You find yourself lost in thought during your walk as you arrive at the Abbott's ranch. You notice there is only one truck in the driveway, and you silently pray that nobody will answer the door so you can save yourself the embarrassment of explaining why your mother sent you over here.
You walk onto the porch and lightly knock on the door. You wait a few minutes, with no response so you begin to make your way back down the porch to walk home. Just as you step off of the porch, a man who seems to be around your age peaks his head out of the door.
He looks at you for a moment before muttering "Can I help you?". You take a moment to admire how handsome he is. He has gorgeous blue eyes and is trying his best to hold back a border collie from jumping on you.
"Oh! Uh, hi. I'm Y/N Y/L/N. Your new neighbor. My mama asked me to bring you guys these brownies as a gift." you pause for a moment before asking "Are you the only one who lives here?". He chucked before shaking his head and saying "Nah, this is my mom and dad's house. I live here with my brother Perry and my niece Amy". You immediately notice his sexy southern accent. Thicker than any accent you ever heard in Texas.
You nod and smile as you hand him the brownies. Before you can say anything, he says "Do you wanna come in for a beer? I got the house to myself and it's awfully lonely. Nellie here really wants to meet you, too" he says with a smile as he looks down at the gorgeous dog behind him.
You happily accept his offer. As the night progresses and you both progressively get more tipsy, you begin to talk about deeper subjects. "The whole town things I'm a man whore because I'm a bull rider. It's kind of funny, honestly. I wonder what they'd think if they knew I've only ever been with one girl" he snorts as he takes another sip of his beer.
You stall for a moment before asking "Only one girl your entire life? Are you guys still together?". He sighs before saying "Nah, we broke up 4 years ago. She moved to Colorado". You look at him in disbelief "You haven't had sex in years?". He looks at you and chuckles before smirking and saying "Unfortunately not. Just haven't found a girl I was really interested in since my last relationship... until now."
You smile back at him and lock eyes for a moment. Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe it was the fact that he was practically undressing you with his eyes, but you swiftly stand up and move to straddle his hips, immediately kissing him. He immediately kisses back, and adds his tongue into the kiss.
"4 years is far too long, don't you think? Must've been so hard for you to go that long without sex. You want me to help you out with that, baby?" you whisper in his ear in between your attack of kisses on his neck.
He groans at the feeling of you sucking a mark into his skin and nods with excitement. You stand up and tell him to direct you to his room. He grabs your hand and drags you up the stairs as you take a moment to collect your thoughts. You find yourself very surprised at how naturally submissive he is, but who can blame him after years of not being with a woman.
Once you arrive in his room, you immediately push him onto the bed and begin kissing down his body. You rip his shirt off and admire his muscular chest and faint abs. You begin to unbutton his jeans and pull them down. Once his jeans are on the floor, you begin to press messy kisses over his boxer-clad cock. He moans at the sensation and bucks his hips up in an unsuccessful attempt to gain more friction.
You push his hips down and give him a dirty look and he whines out an apology. Once you are done teasing him, you hook your fingers under the band of his boxers and begin to pull them down slowly. You press tiny kisses to his cock and he lets out breathy moans and lets his head fall back in pleasure.
You take his cock into your mouth and begin slowly sucking him. His moans and whines make your slick begin to drip out of you. He is such a good and submissive boy. You can't wait to ruin him. After a few minutes of sucking, you pull off of his cock and rip your clothes off.
He admires your body intently, with his mouth slightly open in adoration and lust. You lean down to kiss him and he roughly kisses you back. You stroke his cock as you kiss and slowly line up his cock with your dripping pussy. He moans at the feeling of his throbbing head meeting your core.
"Such a good boy for me, yeah? You want me to fuck you, baby?" you whisper in his ear. He responds "Yes! Please, please, please!". You smile at this response and slowly sink down onto his cock. He throws his head back and lets out a loud moan as he envelops your warmth.
You look down at him take his cowboy hat off of his head and place it onto yours before you begin riding him. He moans even louder as he watches you bounce on his cock while wearing his stetson. "You're such a pretty boy for me, baby. Isn't that right? You're gonna be ruined for any other girl. Only ever gonna be able to think of my wet pussy, yeah? Only able to think of me and how good I made you feel" you say to him.
He whimpers and nods his head before he says "Ba- babe I'm not gonna be able to last long, it's too good". You sigh before looking at him and saying "You wouldn't dare come before me, would you? I thought you were a good boy". His eyes shoot open and he says "No, ma'am. I wouldn't come before you. I'm your good boy, I promise".
His hand flies to your clit and rubs in tight circles before bringing you over the edge. Feeling you come around his cock has his own orgasm setting off as he fills you up with his warm cum. You smile down at him in this vulnerable state. This little cowboy is going to be your fun little toy from now on. Maybe Wabang isn't so bad after all.
Rhett Abbott work

howdy, neighbor
summary: you move in next door to Rhett and you spend some time learning more about him. turns out he's not as sexually experienced as you'd think. sub!rhett. 18+
howdy, neighbor pt.2
summary: rhett gets jealous at a bar and makes sure that you know who you belong to. 18+
howdy, neighbor pt.2
Rhett Abbott x reader

Smut under the cut! Mdni. Everyone feel free to send requests!
dom!Rhett x sub!Reader
Ever since that fateful night at the Abbott Ranch, Rhett and you have been dating for almost 6 months now. He was such a sweet and attentive boyfriend. He was always so caring and kind. Except tonight. Tonight you fucked up.
It started as an innocent night out with Rhett, and some of his friends at the bar. Rhett was in a great mood due to seeing his old bull-riding friends again for the first time in a long time.
While getting ready to go leave for the bars, you decided to wear Rhett's cowboy hat. Everyone in Wabang knows the rule: you wear the hat, you ride the cowboy. It was a very simple way for everyone at the bar to know you were taken by him.
When you arrived at the bar, you immediately split ways with Rhett to go talk to one of his friends girlfriends, Cassie. You have known Cassie for years, because she was related to your brothers childhood best friend, Connor.
After catching up with Cassie, she mentions that her brother is also at the bar for a bachelor party. You decide to go speak to him, after not seeing him for a few years. As soon as you approach Connor, you can feeel Rhett's attentive eye following you everywhere you go.
After talking to Connor for around 20 minutes, Rhett begins to grow jealous. He hates the way that you laugh with Connor. His final straw is when Connor takes Rhett's stetson off of your head and places his own on to yours instead.
Rhett immediately stands from his seat and walks over to Y/N and Connor. He doesn't bother to say a word to thee two of you, instead he just grabs your hand and pulls you out of the exit of the bar, throwing a 20 dollar bill on the table.
"What the fuck, Rhett? Baby what's wrong, why are we leaving?" you say in shock as he drags you to the car. He swiftly turns around and says "Are you fucking kidding? You want me to sit there and watch Connor flirt with you all night? You're MY fucking girl" he growls before pushing you against the side of his truck and roughly making out with you while grinding his bulge into you.
You moan into his mouth as he quickly opens the back door of his truck and throws you into the back seat, climbing on top of you. "I'm gonna take you right here, baby. I want to fuck you stupid while Connor is just 100 feet away" he grunts into your ear.
You nod in response and immediately pull your dress up so he has easier access. His fingers quickly find your soaking cunt and he swiftly presses two fingers into your entrance, curling up to hit your sweet spot.
You moan loudly and grind your clit into his palm for extra stimulation. You quickly find yourself nearing the edge as he continues to finger you perfectly. Right before you are about to come, he retracts his fingers and you whine in protest.
"Shut the fuck up, you slutty girl. You think I'm gonna let you come so fast after flirting with another guy right in front of me?" he whispers into your ear as he pulls his cock out of his pants and begins teasing your slit with his tip.
You whine as he teases you, until he finally thrusts into you roughly. He gives you no time to adjust as he starts fucking you at a brutal pace. His entire truck shakes as he fucks you harder than he ever has before.
"Oh, angel you're already about to come for me, aren't you? Too bad. Fucking hold it" he says and you cry out in response. You feel your orgasm nearing as he continues fucking you so hard and whispering dirty words into your ear.
You love it when Rhett fucks you raw. You love feeling all of his dick and you swear that sex feels so much better without a condom. You are so thankful for your decision to get an IUD in this exact moment.
He fucks you until your legs are shaking and you cannot hold your orgasm back any longer. He moans into your ear and says "Come with me, baby girl. I want to feel you come on my fucking cock" while he shoots his load deep inside of you.
You feel your orgasm crash over you and you lay there for a little while, recovering from the sex. He finally pulls out of you and puts his clothes back on. "C'mon. You're gonna go finish talking to Connor with my cum dripping out of your pussy."