Art gets old with time. I might as well put it somewhere. Tags: #old art - [Art made prior to this account's creation] #new art - [Art made after this account's creation]
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Evanescent-shorty - Art Barf - Tumblr Blog

A nymph. She's exclusive to the Metec Greek world. Her mother was a pond that Ares infused with rage- but her actual father is Zeus (omg so surprising, I know)

I was the fucking around and finding out. Phobos and Deimos are there too.
As promised, her redesign. Aphrodite.

The wings can come and go. She's a god.
OUTDATED Aphrodite interpretation.

Not only story wise, but in form. Perhaps this is once the form she took on in my Greece, but not anymore. Stay tuned for her updated design.

Uuuuhm. Yeah. Have a child.
This one is a little out of my usual style, but yeah. I also hesitated to post it- because yeah.

To you, dear teacher,
As much as I want to look up to you, your mouth drips like vile plauge and you forget to acknowledge you still can be put out of your comfort zone.
This isn't a school built on competition, it's built on expression. I hope on day you can understand that.
For I wish your experiences opened your eyes instead of your mouth. For already you've shut people out.
I see your heart- the good message you want to send, but your like a robot who says what you think you must but not believe. Your words have been cruel.
It isn't very often people make me feel inadequate in my craft. I wonder if you'd be proud of the spite you've filled me and a few others with, or ashamed at the people you've turned away, or would you not care at all?
My dear teacher... when will you teach?
Echidna, a mothering monster.

Digital colored Verion to the sketch.

Slight adjustments to it because I was too far to fix what I'd done.

He sounds demanding- but he is trying to just ask!
Meet Helios. He got chained up to follow route after he threatened to put the sun in the underworld. Ahah... good times....

Within this photo is three years after his ESCAPE before Zeus bursts his routine bubble and activates Prometheus' well practiced 50 alternative escape routes.
Fun mythology fact! Prometheus didn't steal fire, he simply stole it back.

Hypnos final... maybe?... design.
With his pupils in this case.
Two of Thanatos- one with his hood up and then down. I felt his hair was missing something but...
I also added in Hypnos!
I was attempting to redesign their redesigns- so now it begins. This wip was still too precious to give up though, so now it is documented here.

He sounds demanding- but he is trying to just ask!
Meet Helios. He got chained up to follow route after he threatened to put the sun in the underworld. Ahah... good times....

When I made this, I was really struggling with her skin tone. I like the texture it has- but I do feel like it's too dark. Sand of the sea doesn't get baked.
Granted, it does look beautiful- but it doesn't match my envisionment of her.
Another one of the Nymphs wield by the gods!

The transitional form of Kumo. The gods didn't always look human.
The three items of the gods are nymphs ðŸ¤
They aren't even aware of it. Good thing. Zeus would have a field day...

Our favorite little cloud boi of this account. Kumo! Having a little nap.

I missed a good opportunity on her over the arm hair pool- but we can ignore that.

River of Lethe, as her nymph. Her head is a little in the clouds all the time.

Some morning before~work doodle of Metec Greece Dionysus.

Fifi has a long lost sister. Comet is a half day older and obtained the family blessing. However, due to the child's impure nature, her powers can't be used by herself.
People hunted the mother (a dragon) and took her as a prize as they found her abilities. She also has forgotten about Fifi.
Basically, she's imbued with the wish spell. The spell's charges are categorized by a meter than an actual number and can been estimated by the intensity of her glow.