Echidna - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago

And [Ceto] bore another irresistible monster, nothing like mortal men or the immortal gods, in a hollow cave, the divine, strong-minded Echidna [‘Viper’], who in half of her body is a nymph with rolling eyes and fair cheeks, but in the other half is a monstrous snake, terrible and great, darting, eating raw flesh deep in hidden lairs in the sacred earth. There is her cave, down below, under a hollow rock, far from the immortal gods and mortal men. There the gods allocated to her a glorious home in which to dwell. And the baleful Echidna keeps watch under the earth in Arima, an immortal nymph, unaging all her days.

Dragons, Serpents, and Slayers in the Classical and Early Christian Worlds: A Sourcebook, Daniel Ogden

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9 years ago

what say you that Kanaya's and Karkat's visit to Echidna will still end up be the same choice being asked of them? Jade's quest require resolution post-scratch, John's quest ended up factoring things that APPEAR to be outside sburb's programming (retcon powers), so perhaps Echidna of the troll session was asking a task of Kanaya that's only resolved across 3 sessions(!) so it appeared impossible to her?

Could be. Echidna may very well give both Kanaya and Karkat a second chance to rectify their previous actions. Kanaya, the same “impossible” task as before, which she may accept this time. Karkat, the opportunity to set right his previous mistake of rushing the frog breeding which resulted in the kids’ cancerous universe. (Which wasn’t entirely his fault, but he certainly blames himself for it.)

Maybe Kanaya and Karkat will sendificate the Genesis Frog to Jade in the past. (That still needs to be resolved.) Maybe they’ll breed a second Genesis Frog, so there will be one that becomes the Cherubs’ universe and another that becomes a universe for a new instance of Paradox Space. 

If there ends up being two Genesis Frogs, maybe one of these frogs is the “perfect” one from the Trolls’ session that they never found and bred. Echidna could certainly help them with that, and it could easily relate to an “impossible” task that would also be resolved across multiple sessions.

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1 year ago
Alright, The Green One Is Done

Alright, the green one is done

This is Eliza the Echidna, and she’s a journalist! (She wasn’t a journalist when I first made her when I was probably 10-ish, but I changed her to be one sometime in middle school.) Being a journalist can be dangerous in the Sonic world, so she’s got some comfy and protective clothes.

Alright, The Green One Is Done

She’s going to stay green like her older version, though I might mellow it out a bit to make it more pleasant and less poo-color. Also, I tossed the awful sneakers and whatever sort of weird sort of sci-fi spotlight laser gun thing she had.

I started with Eliza since I figured she would be the easiest to redesign. It only gets harder from here…

Alright, The Green One Is Done

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5 months ago


Echidna, a mothering monster.


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8 months ago
Echidna From The Squaresoft PS2 Game The Bouncer

Echidna from the Squaresoft PS2 game The Bouncer

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5 months ago
Wait No This One's More Accurate

wait no this one's more accurate

im only a man when im a grown ass man and im only a woman when god forbid women do anything

any time other than that? im a fucking Echidna

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5 months ago

I've came across this Typhon×Echidna VS. Zeus×Hera comparison many times. Basically, people are talking about how the monstrosity who tried to overthrow Zeus and scared the shit out of all Olympians has a more stable, unproblematic relationship with Echidna than Zeus has with Hera, and that he would never cheat on her. Which is an unnecessary over exaggeration.

There's one version of the myth of Typhon (specifically in the one where he's Gaia's son, not Hera's) where he starts telling Zeus about all he's gonna do after he'll overthrow him. Here are some of the lovely things listed by him:

I will keep the chains of Iapetos (Iapetus) for Poseidon; and the soaring round Kaukasos (Caucasus), another and better eagle shall tear the bleeding liver, growing for ever anew, of Hephaistos the fiery: since fire was the for which Prometheus has been suffering the ravages of his self-growing liver. I will take a shape the counterpart of the sons [the Aloadai giants] of Iphimedeia, and I will shut up the intriguing son of Maia [Hermes] in a brazen jar, prisoned with galling bonds, that people may say, "Hermes freed Ares from prison, and he was put in prison himself!" Let Artemis break the untouched seal of her maidenhood, and become enforced consort of [the giant] Orion; Leto shall spread her old bedding for [the giant] Tityos, dragged to wedlock by force. I will strip murderous Ares of his ragged bucklers, I will bind the lord of battle, and carry him off, and make the Killer the Gentle; I will carry off Pallas [Athena] and join her to [the giant] Ephialtes, married at last; that I may see Ares a slave, and Athena a mother. ‘Kronion [Zeus] also shall lift the spinning heavens of Atlas, and bear the load on weary shoulders--there shall he stand, and hear the song at my wedding, and hide his jealousy when I shall be Hera's bridegroom. Torches shall not lack at my wedding. Bright lightning shall come of itself to be selfmade torch of the bride-chamber; Phaethon [Helios the Sun] himself instead of pine-brands, kindled at the light of his own flames, shall put his radiance at the service of Typhoeus the Bridegroom; the stars shall sprinkle their bridal sparks over Olympos as lamps to my loves, the stars lights of evening! My servant Selene (the Moon), Endymion's bed-fellow, along with Aphrodite the friend of marriage, shall lay my bed; and if I want a bath, I will bathe in the waters of starry Eridanos.

Chaining up Poseidon with the same chains that Iapetus is bound by (this one is justified, but still horrible).

Sending a bigger, stronger eagle to peck out Hephaestus' liver to avenge Prometheus (again; justified but still horrible).

Trapping Hermes in a jar forever.

Enslaving Ares, Selene, Aphrodite and Apollo (Selene and Aphrodite would've been his sex slaves).

Forcibly marrying off Artemis, Leto and Athena and letting their husbands rape them.

Forcing Hera to marry him (Typhon) specifically.


And yet people are really going to claim that Typhon is faithful to Echidna just so that they could make the relationship between Zeus and Hera seem more problematic than it already was. Speaking about "problematic", both Typhon and his offspring could definitely be described like that. The reason why not all of them are terrible monsters is because the gods realized that the best decision is to make good use of them instead of letting them free.

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2 years ago

luffy’s mom

Echidna... that's a good name for luffy's mom. in greek myth Echidna was the mother of all monsters. the world government would look at luffy like he is a monster, and also his crew as well. so in a way luffy's mom was the mother of these "monsters". But who WAS she? my answer is... a celestial dragon! Monkey D. Dragon would have been 17(i think?), so he would likely have been only a Seaman Recruit marine (yes, i believe that Dragon was a marine, at least before St.Echidna was un-alived) they may have met when the marines that were there got rewards for dealing with Rox, and 1 thing leads to another, now Luffy. And yes i believe that Sun god Luffy was born in the holy-land, and that dragon managed to sneak luffy to Goa

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1 year ago

Weeeellllll shit!

Guess who's dealing with a Sonic phase all over again? THIS BOI

So i made Knuckles :D

Two pictures rather so, one with a normal picture, one with some tribal paintings on his face ^-^

Ngl, i really enjoy the face panting one a lot, it was very fun to do!

Weeeellllll Shit!
Weeeellllll Shit!

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1 year ago
An Echidna I Made For A Film. Then I Thought Of A Different Film And Made DONKS Instead. Sorry Echidna

An echidna I made for a film. Then I thought of a different film and made DONKS instead. Sorry echidna you're stuck in gif purgatory

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8 years ago
Messing Around With Retroboy And A Gif Maker.
Messing Around With Retroboy And A Gif Maker.
Messing Around With Retroboy And A Gif Maker.
Messing Around With Retroboy And A Gif Maker.

Messing around with Retroboy and a gif maker.

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