evanui27 - the razor crest
the razor crest

ao3 | mentally zooming through the galaxy on the razor crest

99 posts

Theory: Baby Yoda Is Going To Turn To The Dark Side

theory: baby yoda is going to turn to the dark side

force choking cara and the stormtroopers is totally foreshadowing

he only uses the force when he or someone else is experiencing strong emotion, which is basically what the dark side is

so like he's kinda dark already

he's too young to have a moral compass beyond "daddy is good, people who try to hurt daddy are bad"

if palpatine killed din and told grogu to "strike me down!!1!" he definitely would (not that that will happen, but baby yoda wouldn't even hesitate before killing palpatine unlike luke and rey)

plus ahsoka literally said he'll turn to the dark side so there's that

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    lotus-ignis liked this · 3 years ago
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    terrake liked this · 3 years ago
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3 years ago

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3 years ago

until things get messy

rating: g (word count 431)


Mayfeld honestly doesn’t believe the guy’ll take off his Mando armor until he’s right there with a kriffing stormtrooper helmet screwed onto his shoulders.

The guy makes himself out to be some sorta moral big shot, y’know? All that this is the Way and you start to think a guy’s serious. Not, like, a strong possibility, but it’s a maybe. It’s out there. ’Cause most people in Mayfeld’s line of work are all talk and nothing to show for it, but then here comes this guy who’s no talk and a hundred percent wicked fighting machine, who can take out four New Republic security droids all by himself without breaking a sweat. Mando’s on a level of his own. Makes Mayfeld think, maybe somebody like that doesn’t have to make concessions.

’Cause the rest of them make concessions all the time. Mayfeld sure does. He’s got a backpack full of excuses and it never runs out.

But if anyone could do it, make it through the mercenary business without stretching their conscience, it’s Mando. Mayfeld didn’t expect to find himself still breathing after he felt a presence approaching him in the prison transport hallway, much less locked up with a still-very-alive Xi’an and Burg. He would’ve pulled the trigger in a heartbeat if their shoes had been swapped. But Mando didn’t.

From a practical standpoint, their lives probably weren’t worth the idealism. Not that Mayfeld wants to be dead, but once Burg and Xi’an get out of prison they’ll track Mando down and kill him. They’ll have to be taken out of the equation sooner or later.

Everybody starts out like Mando, convinced that you’re gonna be the good one when everyone else has failed. Eventually you reach a point when you’ve got to choose between being good and being dead. But a tiny part of Mayfeld has started to think the old buckethead is invincible, started to think that maybe idealism doesn’t have consequences if you’re a Mandalorian. There’s not much that could hurt or even slow down a guy like that.

Maybe it’s naive, but Mayfeld owes his life to Mando’s code. Can’t blame him for starting to believe in the man a little.

But no. Turns out Mandalorians have their weak spots just like the rest of ’em, and this one’s is a little green kid with big ears.

When Mando turns his brand-new stormtrooper face to look at Mayfeld, there’s a clear You happy now? written all over it.

Nah. Think what you want about Mayfeld, he’s not that cold. Doesn’t make him happy to be right.

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3 years ago

i first watched rogue one around the time i was doing a lab in ap bio involving potassium sulfate so now i can never remember whether the droid's name is k-2so or k-2so4

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3 years ago

i love how literally everyone din meets is either a deadly enemy or a potential babysitter

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