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I pledge myself to your teachings. STAR WARS: EPISODE III - REVENGE OF THE SITH (2005)

Padmé and Anakin parallels in The Revenge of the Siths (dir and written by George Lucas, 2005)
that pic of hayden christensen just… stickin his leg up sure is something
Anakin was a creative and innocent child. Even though he lived his whole life as a slave he was hopeful and brave, he had a strong will and he wasn't willing to be broken. He wanted to explore the stars and he was sure that he would have freed his people; he had dreams and he had them because he knew that he wouldn't be a slave forever because it was NOT RIGHT.
He dreamt about becoming a Jedi and going back to Tatooine for his people, he wanted to free every single slave of the galaxy because it was right and he thought that the Jedi were MEANT TO DO THIS. He had this belief about the Jedi as holders of peace and knights of justice, and when Qui Gon and Obi-Wan appeared he thought that they'd came to rescue everyone and LOOK AT HIS FACE WHEN HE REALIZES HIS MOTHER IS NOT COMING WITH HIM!! She knew they wanted him because of his powers, but she also wanted him to have a better life and with her he couldn't. Wrong choice.
With Wattoo he was forced to work, that's true, but he was aware of being a slave, plus, he was with his mother. In the Jedi Order he was all alone against lies, doubts, diffidence, they made him think he was bad, a mistake. When he says « I want more and I know that I shouldn't. » he wanted freedom. He just wanted to be free once and for all.
In ROTS we see Master Windu talking to Yoda saying that is dangerous to put Anakin and Palpatine together, and what are they doing? putting them together. Anakin's self destruction was started by the Jedi. When Yoda found out what he did to the younglings he said « the boy you trained gone he is, consumed by Darth Vader. » and that's NOT TRUE!! Yes, killing the younglings was a terrible thing, but on Mustafar Anakin was STRUGGLING and I believe he wanted to be saved. He just didn't have the courage to come back after what he did to the younglings. And, of course, Obi-Wan didn't help.
thinking about Obi-Wan and Cody's last scene together in revenge of the sith but specifically the NOVELIZATION and how Cody flirted with Obi-Wan in a way that made Obi-Wan Kenobi 'Master of Sass and Trolling', the FAMED Negotiator blush and duck his head!!! and wondering if perhaps the fact that this was potentially their last battle and that Obi-Wan had just killed Grievous and they all could practically FEEL the end of the war brushing against their fingertips had given Cody that spike of courage, hope, peace that had made him pursue the drumming of maybe maybe maybe to his heartbeat that led to Obi-Wan blushing so profoundly he tried to fucking laugh it off and then zoooooomed tf out of there on bogas back.

Oh god, I just realized.
I never noticed until I saw this moment in gif form. Aayla hears her men bringing their weapons up–and immediately scans the trees for the threat they must have seen.
She’s not looking at her troopers, she’s looking up and to the sides assuming they saw something she didn’t. Because what else could they possibly be aiming at?
Χελλο Δερε
Wait, what?
So you mean to tell me that Padmé had this conversation with Anakin, displaying this body language, and she hadn’t told him she was pregnant yet??

It’s so intimate- and her hand on her obvious baby bump-
But it’s definitely before she told him she was pregnant because she didn’t tell him until he got back to Coruscant from saving Chancellor Palpatine, which takes place in the Siege of Mandalore arc, after the Bad Batch arc.


Characters that had good intentions but fucked up methods

Morally grey

Ahsoka using the world between worlds to explore the different events throughout her life where she regrets taking a certain path…Thinking that she regretted leaving the order and seeing what would’ve happened if she had stayed… FINDING OUT THAT ANAKIN WOULDVE TURNED TO THE DARK SIDE ANYWAY BUT SHE WOULDVE HAD TO FIGHT HIM…AND PROBABLY DIED????
Remember her vision of her future self on Mortis? She was told that she “may never see [her] future if [she] remain[ed] his student.”
If they’re confirming that she would fight Anakin on Mustafar instead of Obiwan if she went back to the order, then she’s probably going to lose that fight. Let’s be real, Anakin at that point had accepted the dark side and had already become Darth Vader. He was always more powerful but I think at this point Ahsoka might have been too hesitant to do what needed to be done like Obiwan did. Obiwan only went because Yoda forced him to. He said he could not kill Anakin, but Obiwan is unique in that his dedication to the Jedi Code is stronger than his attachments. He let Qui-gon, Satine, and eventually Anakin go despite loving all of them. I honestly don’t know if Ahsoka at that point in her life would be able to handle Anakin’s betrayal. When Maul tells her that Anakin is Sidious’ new apprentice, she was in denial. I doubt she’d put all of her effort into the fight. If Anakin was willing to kill Mace Windu, younglings, Obi-wan, and force-choke Padme, then he would’ve been willing to kill Ahsoka too, and I believe he does in this hypothetical we’re gonna see in the show…
I’m gonna cry when I see this omg
Had Padmé been 20-30 years older than anakin instead of 2-3 it wouldve fixed a significant portion of the franchise, including padmé's own chracterization
Happy birthday to me🤭

Was supposed to be a warmup but eh…
Like/Reblog this if you DON'T hate Anakin Skywalker
please do this, i really want to know how many people don’t actually despise him
Y’all this the new Mona Lisa😮💨

What have you become
fans: how did padme die?
george lucas: she died in childbirth
fans: oh that's so s—
george lucas: of heartbreak
fans: ...
What I think the Obi-Wan series did right for me, which a lot of similar fill-in-the-gaps stories don't, is it filled in an emotional gap and not a plot one. This wasn't "how did Boba Fett survive the sarlacc pit" or "how did Anakin's/Luke's lightsaber get from Bespin to Takodana" or even (the simplest form of fill-in-the-gap) "what was he doing between x event and y event" (even though the series does answer that question, it's not the question it's answering). It didn't set out to "fix" or "explain" a plot "hole". It just looked at Obi-Wan at the end of Revenge of the Sith (betrayed, confused, guilty) and the next time we see him, in Rebels: Twin Suns or A New Hope (centred, calm, decisive, able to face Vader with equanimity and a hint of a smirk), and asked: how does this person become this other version of himself? What must he go through to get there? What must he realise and/or decide, and what would push him to get there? I'd love this to become the key question that determines whether it's worthwhile to revisit a character and tell an untold part of their story: are we just looking to answer a plot question, or are we bridging an emotional gap?
Greetings Brethren

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Where my damerey brethren at?