That Video Better Play On That Post, Otherwise, I'm Ending It All.
that video better play on that post, otherwise, i'm ending it all.
miss-may-i liked this · 6 months ago
living-undead liked this · 6 months ago
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i went ahead and made his "trailer" a little bit bigger because truthfully, it was just too small. aether managed to gather all of the evidence to create a secret dossier and managed to buy the keycard (goodbye 250 simoleons), and he'll be heading to the lab pretty soon.
just finished watching the deliverance. was this movie supposed to be scary or am i just used to these kinds of movies? i liked the touch of ebony’s actor actually speaking in tongues though.

welcome to strangeville!
i'm also a little mad because i accidentally closed sims 4 while using task manager to close photoshop when it was unresponsive earlier and i didn't even save my game... so i gotta do all that all over again...