I Dont Have Designs But I Got Names For Dolores Kids!
I don’t have designs but I got names for Dolores’ kids!
Diego Baltazar - 17 years old (all the kids’ hermano mayor)
Paloma Abar - 15 years old
Ines Barbero - 15 years old
Camilo - 15
Mirabel - 15
Xavier Cruz - 13 years old
Jaun Alonso - 13 years old
Andres Delgado - 11 years old
Luz Almamilla - 11 years old
Marcia ruiz - 10 years old
Carlos Ballon - 10 years old
Lyla Cazarez - 10 years old
Esteban De Toro - 10 years old
Rosa Facundo - 10 years old
Donaldo Granado - 8 years old
Daniela Granado - 8 years old
Damaro Granado - 8 years old
Leandra Henriquez - 8 years old
Esmerelda Jerez - 8 years old
Olivia Jiminez Madrigal (the girl Dolores adopted)- 7 years old
Rafaela Lazcano - 7 years old
Juancho Bertan - 5 years old
Yago Terron - 5 years old
Frisco Segundo - 5 years old
Alejandra Mancha- 5 years old
Cecilia Reymundo - 5 years old
Vicenta Marciel - 5 years old
Patricia Ortuno - 5 years old
Almira Dantel - 3 years old
Cruzito Pabon - 2 years old
Bronco Socarras - 1 year old
Angela Tadeo - 10 months old
Amalia Tadeo - 10 months old
Victorio Jiminez Madrigal - 7 months old
I feel like the unofficial adopted kids (especially the abused ones) will use the last name “Madrigal” to estrange themself from the last name they got from their parents/guardian.
Also, when a kid (or kids) feels unsafe at home do they go to Dolores and/or Mariano? I’m sure it’s a yes but I’m just makin sure.
I kind of imagine a kid running to Tia Casita and going through the secret back door to Dolores. And in the morning all of the other madrigals just wake up and see a random kid at the breakfast table. Lolo silently dares anyone to say anything with her side eye.
In that type of situation she’ll have the kid stay at Casita with Camilo, Mirabel, and Antonio while she beats up the people who made her baby feel any sort of pain (and takes them to the authorities right afterwards.)
And on the plus side, a new baby gets to stay with her!
Lil side thought: The kids definitely call Mariano’s grandmother Bisabuela and it warms her heart so much.
Also I’m pretty sure that’s the case with most of the children there!! Don’t like being a (surname)? Dont worry just be a madrigal! 😃👍
When any of the children just start to feel bad at a certain point, they most likely go to Dolores. Calling her or just go into the room! But I’m sure that if they noticed that Dolores is busy they definitely will go to Mariano too :)
I would say that Dolores would’ve wanted the kids to rather have breakfast in the room since most of them maybe don’t trust any other adult but if they would still want to stay with Dolores (or any of the others) she would bring them down without an expectation!
Sooo true! It’s like- you hurt them and Dolores will hurt you 🙌 Dolores loves taking in new babies, since they’re literally adorable 🥹
Bisabuela on her way!💪 (literally such an cute name for her💕)

The next morning after Dolores took the two in
Alma would’ve been just like “seriously…an other one..”
Julieta and Agustín would start to eventually adore them! (But then question later on from where they come from)
Pepa would be confused meanwhile casita accidentally left Félix out! (Not in a mean way, he was just late and casita forgot)
Mariano would’ve come to visti too, just to make sure everything’s okay! (Alma would think he came for Isabela, and would put him next to her which annoyed dolores a lot)
Mirabel would tell the kids that she would come play later! (She’s their favorite playmate and it’s normal for them to eat faster than the Madrigals)
Antonio introduces the girl everyone in his family and would definitely keep talking to her!
Isabela would get annoyed that Dolores is doing it, thinking she’s trying to ruin breakfast time (but she actually also adores the new children)
Camilo would try to irritate Isabela on purpose when he sees that she gets annoyed by it, mostly he does it because he knows that she likes the children (he makes sure they eventually talk to her too, if the wanna)
Luisa waves to the little one, also finding it adorable :D (Camilo did it on purpose but then he started to wave on his own)
And dolores just stares Alma down, daring her to say anything about it!
+ Mariano’s grandmother (don’t have a name yet) would be with the children upstairs, making sure they’re okay while Dolores is gone
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More Posts from Evostar
Are the Gifts of the triplets also swapped in "Caged Souls"?
I haven’t actually decided that yet, it’s more like an I don’t know thing- I can’t decided so ima do a poll!
How's Camilo and the warm family doing in the bad tragedy au?
Well Camilo is devastated, the survivor guilt is eating him alive. He stays near to either one of them daily and often refuses to eat or sleep if it means he can watch if they are okay. Besides that he started to crochet *something that luisa suggested to him* and always makes stuff for them (Honestly makes me feel bad that i created this au 😭)
Pepa of course, is in one of her worst state, she’s constantly grieving and thinking it was her fault for not saving them as a mother. Like Camilo she watches them like crazy, she eats sometimes and gets sleep due to being exhausted. She always sings a lullaby she sang for them when they were younger.
Felix is often found sobbing somewhere, he also thinks that it was his fault. He rarely visits Dolores or Antonio since he can’t stand looking at them in that condition. He eats and sleeps fine but he became like the opposite of his personality.
The least, Dolores and Antonio are still in the hospital in a deep sleep at that time-line! 😀


MMANWU: Animated Short Film by ZOMA Studios — Kickstarter
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Some ideas I had for La Madre Silenciosa
Dolores heard everything from gossip, to cheaters, and abusers.
She’s always heard abusers whether they were an abusive sibling, spouse, or parent.
Dolores would cry herself to sleep knowing there were so many people in Encanto who needed help but Alma nor any adult would listen. Mirabel was the last straw, she heard Mirabel crying alone in her room one night a few weeks after her ceremony. She was crying every night, but Dolores didn’t know what to do.
After some long consideration, Dolores took it upon herself to start caring for Mirabel. Pepa was sometimes too tired to play with Camilo so Dolores would take it upon herself to care for him too. Felix had a little more energy so he could watch him from time to time. But it still wasn't often.
So, Dolores started caring for her two kids at precisely 12 years old. It wasn’t hard, Tía Julieta and Tio Agustín were too busy/tired and same for her parents. Alma did take notice and would be a little confused by how much Mirabel spent time with Dolores but never said anything.
When out in public Mirabel would stick close to Camilo, “She’s helping me with my show/ she’s helping me make people laugh” he would say if anyone even TRIED to open their mouth.
Also, if anyone tries to verbally or physically hurt Mirabel, he has to help her in some way. Dolores told him that he is Mirabel’s older primano and that he has to look after her if she isn’t around. Yeah, he would get in trouble, but he didn’t care, as long as Mira was ok, he was happy.
By the time Antonio came along she was seventeen, and of course, she took him in.
Now when it comes to hiding abused people/kids I'm not sure how it would work. I think at first, Dolores asked Casita to make her room a little bigger and took people in over time.
The ages of people she takes care of range from 5-20+. These are just some ideas, you can tweak them of course.
I’m so happy to have this au! It seems so interesting and adorable🥹 (well half-)
I was thinking that Dolores kinda grew up to be a takecarer of the Encanto children who most likely either get treated bad by their parents or guardian. She’s either a big sister or a mother to a lot of the children, most of the children she has basically grew up with her and they eventually started to call her mother or big sister, most of the older children often help her take care of the others as if like a family, including camilo, Mirabel and Antonio! Camilo and mirabel kind of became a Tia or Tio too in the process.
And if there were any abuse to poeple who are way older then her, she made sure to report them to the police. She did try to do the same with the children but often got rejected because they thought she was just lying or ruining peoples lives so she stopped trying with the children.
The other family members had some suspicions about some stuff but rather brush it off. Isabela and Luisa are always watching though.
I also like to think that when Dolores was 18 she got together with Mariano! Who has also become a big part of the little (rather big) family! He’s like a father figure to most of them, many call him “papa” or “big brother” too! But their favorite word to call him is “gentle giant” all of them knew though that everyone’s favorite was Dolores.
Now I think that casita would have made an extra apartment like room for the little family, it’s somewhere in Dolores room (where it’s most likely hidden) and that casita often helps them take care of the family, such as providing food, making sure they are all comfortable or not left out, and definitely that none of the little ones escape into the house. They love to call casita “Tia casita” or “Tita” for short. There is door in the backyard that also leads into the room so it’s often easier to acces too! (Which ofc, is also hidden!)
Dolores loves to take care of these people, and if she ever felt ill or bad, they always made sure to check on her too :D!
(Little art 🩵👌)

(These two are siblings who’s parents got arrested for drug addiction and abuse, mostly the drug addiction but they are newly members to the family who adapted it quiet quickly)