Antonio Madrigal - Tumblr Posts

My Encanto Once Upon A Time inspired Au Madrigal Character designs. So far I have done everyone we have met in my story. I’ll do the others once they appear too.
Here is a link to my story if you want to check it out. Chapter 5 is now up!

Someone suggested Mirabel and Antonio…. Who I absolutely adore. I love their relationship so much, it’s so incredibly sweet. I wish we saw more of them together!
Being Camilo’s Twin Would Include…
A/N : I can’t think of anymore right now so here’s what I got. My friends did help me with some stuff. Reader is GN.

first of all, you’re gift would be duplication AKA cloning
second of all, ever since you got your gift Camilo’s never been able to know which you is you
it frustrates him to no end and you love it
you were born before him so you call him Hermanito
you also call him ‘Milo, Cami, Tramposo (trickster), Mi Hermano (my brother), Calaca (skeleton), Lobo (wolf, implies sly person)
your personalities are rather similar
you both love teasing each other relentlessly
your gift ceremony was on the same day each of you getting a door right next to each other
your door had you in the middle with multiple other yous surrounding the background
you look really similar to each other and everyone confused you too (especially if Camilo shifts into you)
he’s a drama king, so are you. it’s inevitable
making duplicates of yourself to distract everyone so you can get seconds at breakfast
Camilo shifted into you once to try and get you in trouble at breakfast once so you made duplicates of yourself and when they disappeared back to you, you hit Camilo on top of the head
“Ay, I’m not a clone.”
“I know.”
like your sister, Delores, you know way too much for your own good
your duplicates are a part of you so once they return you know what they know
your struggles are feeling like you have to be everywhere at once and having to be there to help everyone
and it’s draining to make so many duplicates of yourself as well
you have many jobs of just helping the townspeople with whatever they need and extra set of hands for
you mostly watch after children like Camilo, you play hopscotch, jump rope, double dutch, etc.
you love your family to death and would do anything for them
when you were five you and Camilo snuck down to the kitchen to get some arepas and found Bruno who (in your five year old minds) looked like he was 7 feet tall with rats along his back
you love dancing
your eccentric like Camilo
you both help each other the most out of the family
you both swear up and down with your family that you guys have an extra gift and that’s it’s twin powers
your family denies it all the time and repeatedly tell you twin powers don’t exist
Antonio believes you both though

There needs to be more stories with Dolores Madrigal x fem reader/oc. I feel like she is a very underrated character like she is so pretty. Pepa’s whole side needs their own movie. Also I really don’t like Mariano like he’s just a pretty face. Dolores can do better. That’s my opinion and I stand by it😂.
DOLORES MADRIGAL ladies and gentlemen she is HER!!!!!!
⚠️Heartbreaking Encanto Realisation ⚠️
So I was rewatching the music video to Dos Orugitas when I noticed something.
We all know that each family members room (with the exception of Mirabel) is unique to them and their likings. Antonio likes animals and his room is a jungle. Isabella likes plants and her room is a garden and so on and so forth.
Well…………look at Abuleas

It looks just like the one her and Pedro shared in their old home!

It’s not big and spectacular like the others. It’s small and simple and reminiscent of the life she once had. A small bit of familiarity, where after a long day of duties and responsibilities she can go back in time to the life she once had. When she didn’t have an entire town depending on her. When she didn’t know miracles existed because she never needed one. When she was just a young girl living in a small boring completely ordinary house with her loving husband and beautiful children.
Because THAT is what she likes most.

Black History Month Art Challenge
DAY 6: Antonio Madrigal - Encanto

Happy Hispanic Heritage Month! Here are my favorite Latina leads!
Encanto after the movie
Sooo firstly I will show this dynamic of the warm family in coure au!!

HAPPY BD TO CAMILO!! IK IM 1 DAY LATE BUT I FORGOT TO DO THIS 😭 (Felt bad not including Antonio 😪)

forgive me for the not posting time 🥲

And some second vision I did bc of the hair..

GRANDKIDS TROLLS SHEETS!! Can’t believe I’m making this an Au 😃..

The years the madrgial grandkids were born in from coure au!!
Isabela and Dolores- 2003
Luisa- 2005
Camilo and Mirabel- 2009
Antonio- 2019

Little drawing before bed🙌🩵

MORE TROLLS AU!!! I LOVE TROLLS SMM!! So yeah guess what’s happeninnggggg!!😃
New Au!!
Well I didn’t create it newly but I didn’t introduce it yetttt! So this au is called bad tragedy, it’s about Dolores and Antonio!
When the house was falling Antonio still was inside trying to save a kitten he saw (no door fell on him and casita threw them all out before anyone could take him) Mirabel was still trying to save the miracle and since Dolores heard and noticed him inside she ran after him. After that casita didn’t let anyone inside, the house was weak and could only help one person at time, he choosed Mirabel cause she was going for the candle. When Bruno’s tower was falling Mirabel already went meanwhile Dolores and Antonio were crushed before they got the chance to run.
They aren’t dead but got injured a lot, Dolores took most of the fall, trying to cover him for his safety, in the end though she lost her memories and got very bad hearing in her right ear. Antonio on the other hand got a pretty bad injury on his neck which made him mute for life.
That’s pretty much it! Any questions? :D
(Refence sheets)

(These are kinda old so I apologize for the bad drawings 😭)
How's Camilo and the warm family doing in the bad tragedy au?
Well Camilo is devastated, the survivor guilt is eating him alive. He stays near to either one of them daily and often refuses to eat or sleep if it means he can watch if they are okay. Besides that he started to crochet *something that luisa suggested to him* and always makes stuff for them (Honestly makes me feel bad that i created this au 😭)
Pepa of course, is in one of her worst state, she’s constantly grieving and thinking it was her fault for not saving them as a mother. Like Camilo she watches them like crazy, she eats sometimes and gets sleep due to being exhausted. She always sings a lullaby she sang for them when they were younger.
Felix is often found sobbing somewhere, he also thinks that it was his fault. He rarely visits Dolores or Antonio since he can’t stand looking at them in that condition. He eats and sleeps fine but he became like the opposite of his personality.
The least, Dolores and Antonio are still in the hospital in a deep sleep at that time-line! 😀

Soo i saw these fruit lores and i was just thinking..what if i just stick some pics on there 👌

Some ideas I had for La Madre Silenciosa
Dolores heard everything from gossip, to cheaters, and abusers.
She’s always heard abusers whether they were an abusive sibling, spouse, or parent.
Dolores would cry herself to sleep knowing there were so many people in Encanto who needed help but Alma nor any adult would listen. Mirabel was the last straw, she heard Mirabel crying alone in her room one night a few weeks after her ceremony. She was crying every night, but Dolores didn’t know what to do.
After some long consideration, Dolores took it upon herself to start caring for Mirabel. Pepa was sometimes too tired to play with Camilo so Dolores would take it upon herself to care for him too. Felix had a little more energy so he could watch him from time to time. But it still wasn't often.
So, Dolores started caring for her two kids at precisely 12 years old. It wasn’t hard, Tía Julieta and Tio Agustín were too busy/tired and same for her parents. Alma did take notice and would be a little confused by how much Mirabel spent time with Dolores but never said anything.
When out in public Mirabel would stick close to Camilo, “She’s helping me with my show/ she’s helping me make people laugh” he would say if anyone even TRIED to open their mouth.
Also, if anyone tries to verbally or physically hurt Mirabel, he has to help her in some way. Dolores told him that he is Mirabel’s older primano and that he has to look after her if she isn’t around. Yeah, he would get in trouble, but he didn’t care, as long as Mira was ok, he was happy.
By the time Antonio came along she was seventeen, and of course, she took him in.
Now when it comes to hiding abused people/kids I'm not sure how it would work. I think at first, Dolores asked Casita to make her room a little bigger and took people in over time.
The ages of people she takes care of range from 5-20+. These are just some ideas, you can tweak them of course.
I’m so happy to have this au! It seems so interesting and adorable🥹 (well half-)
I was thinking that Dolores kinda grew up to be a takecarer of the Encanto children who most likely either get treated bad by their parents or guardian. She’s either a big sister or a mother to a lot of the children, most of the children she has basically grew up with her and they eventually started to call her mother or big sister, most of the older children often help her take care of the others as if like a family, including camilo, Mirabel and Antonio! Camilo and mirabel kind of became a Tia or Tio too in the process.
And if there were any abuse to poeple who are way older then her, she made sure to report them to the police. She did try to do the same with the children but often got rejected because they thought she was just lying or ruining peoples lives so she stopped trying with the children.
The other family members had some suspicions about some stuff but rather brush it off. Isabela and Luisa are always watching though.
I also like to think that when Dolores was 18 she got together with Mariano! Who has also become a big part of the little (rather big) family! He’s like a father figure to most of them, many call him “papa” or “big brother” too! But their favorite word to call him is “gentle giant” all of them knew though that everyone’s favorite was Dolores.
Now I think that casita would have made an extra apartment like room for the little family, it’s somewhere in Dolores room (where it’s most likely hidden) and that casita often helps them take care of the family, such as providing food, making sure they are all comfortable or not left out, and definitely that none of the little ones escape into the house. They love to call casita “Tia casita” or “Tita” for short. There is door in the backyard that also leads into the room so it’s often easier to acces too! (Which ofc, is also hidden!)
Dolores loves to take care of these people, and if she ever felt ill or bad, they always made sure to check on her too :D!
(Little art 🩵👌)

(These two are siblings who’s parents got arrested for drug addiction and abuse, mostly the drug addiction but they are newly members to the family who adapted it quiet quickly)