Every Time I Go To This Little Chinese Mall I Visit This Goldfish. She Looks Like A Little Dancer!!
every time i go to this little chinese mall i visit this goldfish. she looks like a little dancer!!

fibro-freedom liked this · 2 years ago
More Posts from Explvrer
some funny things as of late:
watching anime w my dad ahsjshs. imagine a middle aged man watching anime w their kid. YEAH it's the sweetest
my sister calling me at the drop of a hat just to show me her daughter (cat) juno. juno now plays fetch w her ahsjd. ALSO she tells Juno on call to say hi to auntie/uncle LIKE imma sob. cannot wait to have spawn of my own
my friends adopting the phrase 'keep your head up king' from me to cheer me up. we love gender affirmation from da pals
realizing i... like schedules... n routines and discipline to accomplish my goals. like ive avoided this for so much of my life ??? ur saying i actually loved this??
the stark realization that the biggest fears i have are symptoms of my biggest wants. like ur saying i hate spending time w people or being perceived but my greatest need is to be seen n loved?? self sabotage is so ironic!! hurtful but a lil hehe every time i recognize it

Sneeze Archon
Combined all my recent Venti drawings with the question I got recently >:D

thinking today about how naive it is to think i am an adult with answers. that because of that simple and cruel misunderstanding i continue to fling my heart with reckless abandon. childlike. adult. want. ache.
with one withered breath in burning passion nestles deep, the same pained breath out i feign ignorance of how much it will hurt at the end of this great fall.
sometimes breathing hurts.

On Forgiveness.
Sources (top to bottom, left to right):
Victoria Chang (“Love Letters”) 🌙 sin-condiciones 🌙 Harindranath Chattopadhyay ("Forgiveness") 🌙 sin-condiciones 🌙 cornbreadlesbian🌙 Vicki A. Zinn ("Self-Forgiveness") 🌙 happyheidi 🌙 lindamarieansonsnaps 🌙 Anastasia S. Manyonga ("I Can Not Sleep")
look at this plate i painted !!! she is food safe but she is too frickin pretty to eat out of and potentially damage!!