Blog primarily aimed at posting my own artwork. A bit of an oasis when certain sites where I've posted begin to fail miserably. Will contain obscene NSFW imagery. I'm not to be held responsible for any initial corruption of feeble minds...well, unless I tended that to begin with...
67 posts
Also A Requirement For My Blog
Also a requirement for my blog

for my lovely neku—sakuraba! ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ
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More Posts from External-factor
Sheepheavenly's pretty much got most everything down.
Since he’d apparently asked, why didn’t Hanekoma just tell Beat how to create Noise, instead of imprinting him?
Hanekoma's an extreme enigma throughout the storyline until read the Secret Reports. He's a bit of an external factor--that third+ party character in a plot that has his/her/it/shem's own goals that help or hinder the protagonist's progress depending on said goals. His intervention in the Game is borderline illegal.
Using imprints instead of telling Beat would avert questioning to Mr. H's true identity and role. He's incognito much of the plot, after all (according to secret reports). Besides, with Beat's black-and-white thought process at the time, anyone with properties of Reaper is as such and is automatically set to enemy in his eyes.
Why is Rhyme’s pin the only Noise pin that’s unclassed? (If one needs “special Imagination” or to be a Reaper in order to use it, shouldn’t it be Reaper class?)
This can also be chalked up from the one who made the pin and the process itself. Rhyme's noise is the leftover sentience (conscious) of Rhyme herself and was made into a pin by one of a much higher caliber than Reapers. Like the Player Pin, it's technically in a separate league of it's own. If this was an adventure RPG, Rhyme's pin would be a Key Item--something you couldn't sell, trade, or drop. It's primarily plot relevant, not combat relevant.
If Beat was already imprinted with the instructions for summoning Noise, what did he go looking for the Reapers for?
I'm going out on a limb with this one. Beat's prime concern and one-track goal was summoning Rhyme, not Noise. He may have thought that there was a specific way to summon specific types of Noise and wanted to confirm that process. Then again, Rhyme was of a different breed of pin...and Beat's attention to detail during his quest for Rhyme's resurrection wasn't all that great. Standard "Don't care how, just make it happen" mentality.
In another perspective, going to the Reaper's would've kept him in existence through the rest of the plot. With Rhyme reduced to an unused pin and somehow still under pact with Beat to keep him from fading, how would he survive solo to give Rhyme her second chance? Really, he could've been erased at any given moment. Buuuut~ by going to the Reapers, there would be a greater chance to return Rhyme to her original form and survive long enough to get her back to life. Also, more future plot-wise relevant, Week Three would not have been if Beat didn't involve himself with the Reapers. Like Joshua's extra Player Pin, Beat is another last-chance lifeline for Neku.
...I do hope I didn't confuse you...
Hey TWEWY tag, help me out?
I’d always assumed that Rhyme’s pin was Reaper class, which was the reason why Beat couldn’t use it until he joined the Reapers. But when I looked it up, Rhyme’s pin is unclassed (like yen pins, meaning that there shouldn’t be any special...
beat/neku really does need more love as a ship. its so perfect and for some reason i like it almost as much as i do josh/neku. its cute levels are off the charts. like eoifjrveoirjgoei theyd be big dumb boyfriends and do stupid things together and try to one up each other in...
This is practice experimenting with a different style of line and color. The anatomy suffered a bit in the trials... *sigh* Anyway. Usually I color mainly controlling the darkness (shadows; light to dark tone method). THIS time, I controlled the light (highlights; dark to light tone method). I'd like to say I never want to do that shit again, but I can be a stubborn bastard at times.
Coloring practice
"Prompt": This was supposed to be a quick shower alone. Five, ten minutes tops. That all went out the door when Beat wormed his way in uninvited. It started out tame. Each of the two washing each other's body down. But the skater's hand had rubbed down a certain area longer than necessary. Neku knew it was intentional the moment he caught his lover's mouth curl into a small smirk out of the corner of his eye. "Gotta make sure EVERYTHING's squeaky clean..." Neku grunted in an attempt to conceal a moan. Well, two can play that game. "Ah...!" Beat gasped as a firm, clothed grip seized his cock and began a circular scrub. "Have to make sure everything's 'Squeaky clean', huh? Sounds like something else to me." "Grr...Tha's right! Gotta...problem?" Taking it as a challenge, Beat began to put effort into getting the orange-haired guy as hard as possible. This, of course, was retaliated with the same intense massage from his lover. Few grunts and moans soon fill the air and both boys are standing at full attention. Free hands begin roaming the other's bodies while the two move closer for a long drawn out kiss. "Hnnnn...! Neku...!" Neku broke the kiss for a moment to catch one of the skater's nipples in his mouth. "Ahh...! Ahhhhhh....!" The pin adept could tell he just gained significant ground in this contest and their was nothing Beat would be able to do to recover. Without really thinking about it, Neku moves his right leg to spread his lover's legs apart. He then uses that chance to snake his free(r) hand down to rub against the skater's slightly exposed entrance. He can feel Beat's cock twitch in his hand. The moans from the skater increase in volume and he involuntarily widens his posture to give Neku more access. It simply feels too good and he wants more. Moments later, unable to take anymore of the foreplay, Beat abandons massaging Neku's nether regions and wraps his arms around his lover's neck. Following up with wrapping his legs around the orange-haired boy's waist. "Gh...! Fuck me already!" Passion blazes in the skater's eyes. "...Heh." Chuckling a little, Neku leans Beat a bit against the tile wall and starts to slip his hardened cock into Beat's hole. "AhhhhHHHHHAAAANNNNN!" Open-mouth moan. Eyes squeezed shut. "Fuuuuuck yeeeeaaaah..." The skater tilts his head forward, closer to Neku's ear and seductively growls. "Rip my ass open..." "...Hn. You thought I wasn't going to?" Without waiting for an answer, the orange-haired boy withdraws a bit, then thrusts back in with excessive force--just the way the skater likes it--and proceeds to pound the yells out of Beat. ~~~~~~
Obligatory shower scene
Great thing about doing scenes like this...no clothes to draw and color! And that significantly cuts down the time I spend!