91 posts

Love Your Coral Work Like It's So So Good! I Was Wondering If You Also Write For Lamina? If You Don't

Love your coral work like it's so so good! I was wondering if you also write for Lamina? If you don't mind I'd love to send a req in soon! And can I be N anon? Take care <33

thank you! and i could probably give writing for lamina a try 😊 i’m not gonna lie, i’m not too sure how anons work, but i’ll try my best lol

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More Posts from F0rlorn

1 year ago

so so so interesting to read abouttt. i’ve been thinking about what the tributes’ last names might be hmmm

naming in songbirds and snakes

authors note: it is 1 am and this is unbataed, apologies for any spelling or grammar errors.

the hunger games is known for its outrageous, futuristic names; one of my favorite pieces of the series. this post does a beautiful job analyzing the names that appear in the original trilogy and categorizing them into 4 different categories. but that post is a little old and we’ve just recently got a lot more content (and names) to pick apart and analyze.

researching these names reminds me how everything suzanne includes in her novels is intentional. she doesn’t pick random names because they sound good but because they mean something. i think that’s important to remember while reading this series. it’s definitely something i will keep in mind during my next reread of the trilogy.

i didn’t cover every name in tbosas. if there’s a name you have thoughts about, reblog and let me know.

potential tbosas spoilers and long post under the cut

Keep reading

1 year ago

Hii I was wondering if u can make a lamina and treech story were they dating!! Thank uuuu💗💗

love the way you lie

Hii I Was Wondering If U Can Make A Lamina And Treech Story Were They Dating!! Thank Uuuu

treech x lamina

a/n → while i don’t typically write character x character, i put that aside and decided to make an exception for these two because they are both in my top three tributes 🫶🏼 this is a rough first attempt, and if it didn’t quite reach your expectations, feel free to request again, i’m happy to try until i get it right :)

notes → in which an unlucky pair of lovers are reaped for the tenth annual hunger games. my longest fic yet at 2.5k words!

warnings → angst, violence, canon character deaths, typical hunger games warnings. not edited and uploaded via iphone

     oh, how unfortunate it was that district seven’s resident lovebirds got reaped together. treech didn’t think he could ever raise a hand to poor, sweet lamina. what was he to do? his heart was racing, fabricating all of the different possibilities, as well as outcomes. from where he stood on stage, his eyes scanned the crowd in search of her. lamina, who was already crying when they called treech’s name, couldn’t stop herself from weeping when her own name now echoed across the square. she was never a big fan of crowds, and it was worse now that everyone’s eyes were on the girl. she simply couldn’t handle it. sniffling, with tears stinging her eyes, she kept her eyes low as she shakily made her way to the stage. lamina began to ascend the steps of the hall, and treech couldn’t help but reach out to her, pulling her into a tight embrace. only then did lamina look around, possibly taking in the very last look of her district. her ears were ringing as the mayor made a final announcement that she had been unable to register. soon, the peacekeepers were forcing them into the hall, where they would then be placed on a cargo train and sent to their death.

     the first night on the train, lamina barely got a lick of sleep, and treech didn’t receive any, as he was too busy making sure lamina was okay. his reassuring affirmations lulled her to bed for at least a few hours. both sets of tributes from four and one were already in the cart when treech and lamina had boarded, and the duo from five entered not too long after. lamina cuddled up closer to treech, overwhelmed with anxiety. the boy was finally about to close his eyes and rest when the train came to a vicious hault, screeching loudly. treech winced at the volume as lamina instinctively grasped onto his arm. shouting could be heard from outside, and all the tributes had to squint when a peacekeeper swung the car door open, their eyes having not seen light for many hours. the peacekeeper began shouting, banging his gun on the wall as the tributes started to scamper out of the cart. treech’s hand found it’s way to lamina’s as the pair looked around at the change of scenery, as well as the other tributes. they didn’t have much time to adjust because almost immediately they were being beckoned to another vehicle, this time a van. treech sat lamina down near the front of the van, checking up on her to see if she was okay while more tributes filed in. with the new tributes squeezing into the seats, lamina was no longer directly next to treech, separated by the boy from ten. chaos ensued as one tribute tried to escape, sprinting out of line, causing treech to peer out of the van at him. lamina, on the other hand, was too distracted by the capital boy who had snuck his way on while the peacekeepers were preoccupied. as the little boy was apprehended and thrown into the van, the doors immediately shut and all eyes were on the capital boy. except for lamina, who kept her eyes down, not wanting to gain any attention. the capital boy greeted them hesitantly, intimidated by all the eyes on him, but he was suddenly shoved up against the wall by reaper, the male from eleven. lamina flinched, and tried making herself smaller where she sat. treech, much like the others, was glaring at the boy with animosity. with most of the tributes on the same page, many agreed to just killing the boy. at the proposition, his eyes widened and he looked around frantically. much more discourse occurred until the van started backing up, tilting backwards as the doors flung open. treech desperately tried to hold onto lamina before he fell, and the two descended nearly twenty feet, landing on a clump of rocks. 

     lamina stood behind treech as they assessed the new location, the inside of a cage. she took notice of the capital citizens that were peering in at them as if they were animals, and she took another cautious step further behind treech. a reporter was outside, calling something out to the capital boy. treech recalled the man as lucky flickerman, a weatherman. he pointed his observation out to lamina, who lacked a response. the pair watched intently as the capital boy led lucy gray up to the front of the cage, interacting with the children near the front until peacekeepers arrived to rescue the boy, leading him away. lamina gestured for treech to join her at the nearby rock she decided to claim for them, thinking it useful to have a surface to sleep on that wasn’t dirt.

     for the first time ever in their relationship, treech and lamina were both speechless. it wasn’t that they didn’t have anything to say, but rather those thoughts just couldn’t be expressed with words. as the day dragged on, more so-called mentors arrived. they came baring food and water, but unluckily for the district seven tributes, their mentors apparently had better things to do. typical. treech fumed at the thought, and lamina anxiously twiddled her thumbs, sniffling once again. she had always been quiet, spending her days atop trees, her head in the clouds; it was her happy place. the rest of the world was too much for her, too crowded, not to mention corrupt. but it was inescapable, and now lamina had to face all that she feared. the girl simply could not do it without crying. treech felt helpless as he was unsure how to make this any better for her, it seemed like an impossible task to accomplish. on top of that, both of them also had to cope with the fact that only one tribute got to come out alive. their dark thoughts were interrupted as a shrill shriek rang throughout the zoo. treech immediately jumped up, placing a protective arm in front of lamina and watching the whole ordeal. blood seeped from a mentor’s throat as she gasped for air unsuccessfully. in a matter of seconds, peacekeepers were shooting into the arena as treech pulled himself and lamina behind their rock in an attempt to dodge the bullets. adrenaline pumps through their veins, and lamina was fighting back tears. they decide right there that they should be treasuring the time they still had together.

     their plans forcibly changed when peacekeepers arrived to chain them up, hauling them away somewhere unknown. chained to desks and unable to leave, the tributes looked around in confusion, until the mentors arrived. both lamina and treech didn’t meet their mentors beforehand, so the  capitol children who sat before them were complete strangers. lamina was already on the verge of tears, and treech stared silently at his mentor coldly. pup harrington spoke something to lamina about winning and she snapped, hiding her face in her hands as she began to sob uncontrollably. treech glanced over at her in pity as he tried to answer some of his mentor’s questions, but he just couldn’t get through it without almost giving into his urges to jump at the entitled girl. both mentor’s emerged unsuccessful, and treech and lamina were taken back to the zoo, still in chains. 

     to the tributes’ surprise, when the peacekeepers came back, they came to take off their chains. treech rubbed his wrists, sore from the binds and looked over at lamina. together, they climbed into the van. this time, they were taken to the capitol arena, where they met with their mentors for the second time today. they entered the arena side by side with their mentors. upon entry, though, the tributes and mentors spread out, exploring the arena where twenty three district kids would spend their final moments. a whimpering lamina stayed nearby treech, but they were far enough apart that when a voice rung out, calling for treech, he ventured toward it without her. the disruption was caused by coral, mizzen and tanner surrounding her in a similar fashion to lackeys. when coral beckoned for treech to join them, treech turned, calling for lamina, and she began to follow before coral objected. treech stood astonished as he contemplated the idea of abandoning lamina. intrusive thoughts creeped into his mind. he would never admit it, but deep down treech was growing weary of lamina’s constant need for reassurance. if he were to stand by her side for the entirety of the games, continuing to baby her as he had been doing, she would surely drag him down, getting both of them killed. treech thought about his family back at home, the little sister that was always counting on him, his mother who cared for him with all of her heart. wasn’t that reason enough to want to win? and he surely couldn’t win if his sensitive lamina was quivering the whole time. treech told himself that this was for the better, that lamina understood where he was coming from and would want him to win as well. but he couldn’t be more wrong. as treech’s back turned to the girl, lamina’s lip trembled and she uneasily scanned the arena. she had never thought that treech would just leave her high and dry like that. what was she to do now? her mind was racing until a sudden explosion sent her flying across the arena, the impact knocking her out.

     everything was a blur after that, being yanked off of the floor of the arena, the medical attention she received later that night from a vet, even the peacekeepers waking her up the next morning, dragging her to the games. but as the countdown began, she knew she must get it together. lamina wiped her tears away, looking around at her fellow tributes as a countdown played in the arena. treech peered over at her, releasing a shaky breath before relinquishing any second thoughts. if either of them wanted to return home, they could no longer rely on each other. the blood bath began as the countdown reached an end, the strongest tributes running to grab a weapon, including treech, who had grabbed an axe, beginning to swing violently at lucy gray. lamina stayed out of their way, avoiding the rest as she tried not to draw attention to herself, something she was an expert at. amidst the chaos, lamina had inserted herself into a small alcove under the rubble cornucopia and waited. time passed, and lamina wondered if it was all over yet. carefully peeking out, she examined her surroundings before determining it was safe and fully pulling herself out of the rubble. her mind worked quickly, and she grabbed a knife as well as a small axe. she turned the axe over in her hands, testing its sharpness, and it was then that she remembered treech was the one who taught her how to properly use the weapon. she wondered if she would have to kill him with one. she then wondered if she even could. lamina’s eyes landed on marcus, strung up on a crossbeam and beaten half to death. the sight broke her heart, but there was no more room for tears here. she made her way up the rusted steel pole gracefully. after years of climbing trees in her free time, lamina could climb far better than any other tribute could. she took a deep breath, leaning down and looking to marcus for confirmation, asking with her eyes if death was something that he wanted. he begged her pitifully, voice almost gone. lamina didn’t think twice before bringing her axe down forcefully into the curved part of his neck, putting him out of his misery. she then cut the binds that held his body there, letting him fall the the floor with a thud. catching her breath, she quickly got up when she caught sight of a drone coming towards her. her eyes widened as it drew closer, forcing her to duck as the drone crashed on the pole behind her. there, lamina settled down, curling up into a ball and allowing her thoughts to run rapid, thinking about her treech who was no longer hers. was he dead yet? maybe he was coming to kill her?

     meanwhile, the boy in question was lurking the tunnels, following coral and trying not to succumb to the doubt and guilt that had been eating him alive. when he left lamina, he left a part of himself behind. it took everything in him not so swing his axe down on coral and run as fast as he could to his lover. but could he even call her that anymore? he had deserted her when she most needed him. and who knew? maybe she was already dead. while the thought tore him apart, he knew it would probably be for the better. one person closer to going back home. but on second thought, he realized his home was with lamina. the realization made him stop dead in his tracks, where he stood for a solid minute before tannner called out for him. after that, thoughts of simply killing himself arose in his mind as he continued to follow the group into the next day. coral’s obsession with killing lucy gray brought them to where they were now, surrounding her in preparation to attack. coral was just about to ram her trident at the girl when a multitude of drones came crashing at the pack. treech tried to fight them away with his axe, but they brought him to his knees. in that time, lucy gray had gotten away as coral let out a myriad of complaints. she instructed treech and tanner to collect the water that remained, while she and mizzen gunned for lamina, who was draped over the large crossbeam. lamina. his lamina, his girl, his everything. how could he just stand by when his allies were going to kill her? he didn’t know himself. treech just tried to push down his feelings, organizing the water into a pile, then following tanner to watch lamina’s undoing.

     lamina fought with everything in her, dodging jabs with her axe left and right. she had finally got into the offensive position, when coral stabbed her in the back, forcing her to turn back over. coral’s weapon had much more range than hers, and there was not much she could do now with blood seeping out of her. lamina instinctively tried to call out for treech as coral’s trident plunged into her abdomen, despite knowing that his loyalties had changed. her voice was too weak, anyway, having not spoken for days now. still, she desperately looked to him, but his eyes were fixed to the floor, unable to watch the scene in front of him. her body was on fire as she attempted to persist, her spirit overestimating the state of her body. lamina took one last look at the world around her, at her treech, before life drained from her eyes. her body limply fell to the ground, and treech had to stop himself from breaking down as coral began yelling once again. he promised to help her. to get her out of here even if it meant getting himself killed. what had he done? everything he had accomplished in the past few days went against his very morals, his heart, for the sake of what? survival? he watched blankly as tanner sunk to the ground, lifeless as coral’s trident drive into his form. he desperately wished to suffer the same fate. maybe then he could have lamina back.

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1 year ago

hey! i was wondering if u would ever consider write a platonic fic for mizzen? totally fine if not 🫶

pinky promise → mizzen

platonic!mizzen x reader

notes → in which mizzen changes your outlook on the district kids. mentor!reader & gender neutral reader (no pronouns mentioned). 500+ words

warnings → it’s short, sorry about that! not edited & uploaded via iphone.

     “mizzen?” you called out, hands brushing the rough metal bars as you circled the monkey house in search of the tribute you had been assigned. your lips were pressed together in a thin line, quite concerned for the little boy. he was district, you knew that, but something about his eyes made you feel for him. the eyes that should’ve held childlike wonder and curiosity had been overcome with bitterness and fear, things that a boy his age should know nothing of. if you had been assigned to one of the older tributes, you probably wouldn’t have thought twice about whether they lived or died, more concerned with winning the plinth prize. upon reevaluation, the whole ordeal made you realize that none of those kids were old enough to be rebels, and they were obligated to pay the price for lives they never took. it was unfair the panem’s youth to have to learn of war and pain. “mizzen!” you called again, louder and more sure of yourself this time. he stood near his district partner, coral. the boy swung his head towards you, then turned to coral for confirmation. coral looked warily at you, but shrugged, gesturing for him to go see what you wanted. slowly but surely, mizzen ambled over to you with a cautious glare. 

     “hi there, mizzen, my name is y/n. i’ll be your mentor for the games.” you introduced yourself with a smile, trying to appear as friendly and welcoming as possible.

     “why weren’t you at the train station like the rainbow girl’s mentor?” mizzen questioned innocently, catching you off guard. oh, coriolanus. you sly, cheating son of a gun. you tried to remain calm while you thought of an answer that didn’t make you seem like a total ass.

     “well, my classmate, coriolanus, sort of bent the rules to be there. i’m real sorry i couldn’t make it, but look,” you slung your backpack over your shoulder, unzipping it to show mizzen the contents, “i brought you some food and water. you must be hungry, huh? the trip here was a long one, i bet.” mizzen nodded hesitantly as he scanned the arrangement of food and drink stuffed into your backpack. “take whatever you want. and bring some to coral as well!” you suggested, peering over mizzen’s shoulder at the girl. mizzen reached his hands into the bag with force, accepting your invitation eagerly as he grabbed many handfuls of what you had brought. if this were any other tribute, the sight would have likely unsettled you, but all you felt for the boy was sympathy. mizzen’s face adorned an ecstatic, genuine smile. quickly, he thanked you, running back with his new goods and excitedly showing them off to coral. the girl whispered something to mizzen that you couldn’t make out, and he turned towards you again, making his way over to you once more.

     “will you come back tomorrow?” he asked, his hope hidden under the mask of interrogation. you beamed, glad that he had come back to you after previously running off.

     “of course, mizzen. i promise to visit you anytime i can.” you carefully stuck your hand through the bars, holding out your pinky to him. mizzen’s face sported a toothy grin as he hooked his smaller pinky around yours, shaking it slightly to solidify the promise.

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1 year ago

as snow observes lucy gray run from a crazed jessup, he notes how they create a strange tableau. one of a rabid boy, a trapped girl, and a bombed-out building (tbosas, 260). a tale that could only end in tragedy. star-crossed lovers meeting their fate. a war saga that took no prisoners (tbosas, 261). 

and what perfect foreshadowing this is for snow's relationship with lucy gray. one of a boy whose thirst for power made him rabid with paranoia against those who could threaten his standing (tbosas, 505). and a trapped girl whose only vice was seeing through her lover's charismatic facade too early (tbosas, 500). and a relationship between two star-crossed lovers that could have never really worked out, right (tbosas, 518)? 

yet, it could've worked out. 

because, huddled in the bombed-out tunnels under a war-torn capitol, was a boy who was failing to resist slipping back into insanity (mj, 267). and there was his lover, making a decision (mj, 267). one that she believes could be considered suicide. because she is gambling her safety and survival for her lover's life (mj, 268). because she can't let him die. and she would rather die herself than live in a world without him.

and it was the same predicament that snow found himself in. what do you choose? self-preservation, or self-less love? 

and snow always chose himself. every single time. and was convinced that was what everyone else would choose too. it was only the natural conclusion.

until the berries. until the quell. and up until his final moments. when he saw them both. his perfectly curated rabid boy. and a girl trapped as a figurehead of a rebellion. still standing. still protecting. still loving.

and, to me, that is probably the biggest reason why snow was haunted by katniss and peeta. it is less likely that he saw peeta and katniss as carbon copies of lucy gray and sejanus.

but more so, that he saw them as the antithesis to his life experiences. becuase coriolanus snow has spent a lifetime cutting people out of his life (through death or other means) in order to maintain control and power. and protect himself. because he thought that was the only natural conclusion to such a war saga.

and here were two children. demonstrating over and over again that the miserable life that snow created for himself was not the only path. that it didn't have to end that way. that he could have been happy.

and that was what snow was running from the entire trilogy. 

1 year ago

just found out that treech calls for lamina after the explosion in the arena. i am ill this is not okay 🥲

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