facelessmemories - Welcome to my Domain
Welcome to my Domain

♡Reading shitty fanfic is my lifeblood♡ he/they/she | 20 y/o | Status: daydreaming ☾

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Facelessmemories - Welcome To My Domain - Tumblr Blog

2 years ago



req. “Can i req pt2 of skirt riding up with nori + todo?”

an. hello love!!thank u for the request <3 SO sorry this took a while, i wasn’t sure how to write kamo but i hope i did him some justice !

ft. noritoshi, todo, junpei x gn!reader

wc. 1.2k

genre. fluff

tw. none




— kamo has absolutely zero experience in dating

— but he is ultimately a gentleman

— he treats women the way he wishes his mother was treated

— i think kamo would simply tell you quietly, but he wouldn’t stay behind while you fix your skirt

— to him, letting you know and walking away like he saw nothing is more respectful

Keep reading

2 years ago

Faceless Memories

Dedicated to making faceless insert fanfiction

Hey, this is just a casual account for any fics I happen to write. Usually for JJK or HQ!! I unfortunately don’t take requests at this time, because I’m an incredibly slow writer lol.

Hope you guys enjoys the random story posts,and feel free to hmu!I love to chat ;v;

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2 years ago

Summer Memories

First Tumblr post wooo! Decided to post an old fic I had never posted, hope you guys enjoy.

Warnings: Kinda angsty, bittersweet ending, fluff

wc.6k +

Childhood! Kitsune! Miya twins AU x afab reader (she/her pronouns used)


Waves lapping against the shore, cicadas chirping as they nest on dappled trees, the smell of the lilting breeze and bitter goodbyes; golden sunsets tinting our summer memories.

It was summer again. This was made clear to the melancholic nine-year-old as you watched the trees blur past the back seat SUV windows. You never liked summer. To most children, summer was an exciting escape from scholarly activities; a time to visit beaches, wear flowing floral dresses with straw sun-hats or eat chilled melon by the lakeside- but to you, summer was hot and unforgiving. The sunshine that should have brought you joy only stung your eyes. To you, summer tasted no better than bitter orange rinds. 

Ma didn’t like summer either. You had to spend the entirety of it away from her. 

“You ought to be a big girl now” she would say. “Spend time with your Pa, it's only for a few months”.

A few months felt like forever- forever with a stranger. Pa was never home when you were young, even less when your Ma spoke through tears telling you he was never coming back. 

Di-vor-ce. Divorce? You had a hard time wrapping your head around the pronunciation, but you reckoned that ‘divorce’ was what your Ma had meant. You had heard a few concerned teachers talking about it in the hallways, only ushering you off frantically when they saw your head peeking from the corner. You scoffed. Adults were always hiding secrets. You guessed that they didn’t think you would understand because you were ‘too young’. 

The juxtaposing jubilant melody of summer hits hummed quietly in the background, the occasional rhythmic clicking of the turning signal or the jolt from bumps in the road served as a distraction from your stewing feelings of pensive sadness. You didn’t like summer, and you didn’t really like your Pa. 

I wish I was home.


The crunching of gravel and the slow swaying of an ending turn woke you from your stupor. Your father briefly opened his door to stretch before giving you an awkward smile. 

“Hey squirt, we’re finally here. Let me get your things and put them into your room”. 

When you gave no answer and only stared at the collar of his shirt with empty eyes and pressed lips, he sighed and ran a hand through his hair. 

Laughing to fill the silence, he smiled again- no less awkwardly before, but a little more dejected, you noticed. 

“Say what- how about I fix you a bento and you can go explore in the woods?” he gestured to the bountiful nature attached to his property. “There’s a frog pond close by and there’s some pretty nice weather today- leave the boring adult stuff to me”. 

Still silent, you nodded, to which upon noticing, the tension in your father’s shoulders lifted slightly. 

“Sounds good squirt”. 

You watched as he disappeared from the car and into his cottage home, leaving the trunk and car doors open. A good way to let in flies, but you weren’t going to tell him that. 

Trees shifted slightly in the warm breeze, the dappling of the evening sunlight casting shadows of foliage onto the warm wooden deck you had retreated to while waiting for your promised bento. 

Your father was wealthy, you supposed. You constantly heard the prim ladies of your mother’s office gossip about his famed writing career- something to do with traditional Japanese literature and poems- (though you noticed that the ladies gossip was snide regarding your Ma, which is why you never brought it up). You knew nothing about poetry or writing but you could definitely see the connection between your estranged father and his esteemed job. It simply made sense that he was eccentric, yet reserved and awkward. Most artists seemed to be that way, like Ms. Maraday; a European woman dressed in vibrant purples and eclectic, clashing, patterns that lived next door to your flat in Tokyo. She often wore long feathered caps and copious scarves, chemises, and silks. Your Ma told you she was an ‘interior designer’ (‘someone who made houses look pretty’-she later said when you told her you didn’t understand). 

If you remember correctly, you were now in Hyogo. It was a simple village with an emphasis on nature. The traditional Japanese home that laid amongst the towering trees made it look peaceful. You supposed that is why your father moved here, away from the bustle of the glowing city where he could concentrate on his work and be inspired by the elements that simply weren’t of abundance in a place like Tokyo. It made sense why he left-you knew this. People with passions like him needed suitable places for creation, yet this reasoning didn’t seem to cure the bitter ache that left a taste too pungent in your mouth. 

The sliding paper door caught your attention when your Pa returned, a cloth-wrapped bento in hand. 

“Go explore, squirt, just be careful and come back before it gets too dark”. 

He gave you an unappreciated head ruffle and limped back to the car to unpack (he’d always had a funky waddle- your Ma always called it his ‘penguin walk’). 

‘Time to explore’ you thought before stashing your bento into your yellow backpack and trekking down the forest pathway leading away from the house. 


The warm breeze flew past you gently, stringing along stray leaves and bending the branches above you in a graceful arc. It was more shadowy now; the shade from the canopy casting flowing shadows akin to when sunlight hits the sea. These woods seemed quite magical. Quiet; yet unexplored and imbued with mystery. You enjoyed the silence away from the reality of summer, and the fresh air that filled your lungs brought you temporary relief. 

You were no longer following any sort of pathway, having strayed from the main areas in a moment of distraction whilst looking at the rays of vibrant light peak through the leaves. This didn’t bother you much- you were keen on exploring and any bought time away from the house was time well spent as far as you were concerned. Birds chirped and creatures scurried along the tall blades of grass. Perhaps you would find a fairy- that would certainly make your adventure more exciting. You continued on, unwavering heat beating on your brow and causing gleams of sweat to form.

How long have you been out? It didn’t matter you supposed. It was just fun to wander in an unfamiliar place- plus you had been hoping to come across the frog pond your Pa had mentioned so you could hold them. There weren’t many frogs in Tokyo for you to hold. 

Though, despite your efforts to trudge on, you couldn’t ignore the rumbling in your stomach. The bento was looking more appealing by the second, and eventually, your hunger outweighed your determination to continue, as you settled by a sunning rock and dug around your belongings for the wrapped bento. 

Untying the pink patterned sheet, you unveiled your lunch, the rice from your tuna onigiri sparkling in the sunlight like a polished stone. You couldn’t wait to eat. 

Before you could even take a bite, a harsh rustling from a nearby bush caught your attention. You narrowed your gaze on the shaking bush, fear making hairs rise along your neck. Surely it was just a woodland creature- a rabbit perhaps? You wanted to find a fairy, not a monster, but when you creeped closer in fearful curiosity, the two identical pairs of glowing brown eyes within the shadows of the bush-branches made you leap away with a yelp. 

You squeezed your eyes shut and brought your chubby little arms to brace yourself from the bush-monster. 

Two small shadows with pointed ears loomed over you and the bantering whispers of hushed voices made you peek cautiously. 

“I told ya I smelled food!”

“You said ya smelled something, not food.”

“Did not-”

“Did too!”

“Yer a liar-”

“Ya? Yer justa’ scrub.”

Two brunette boys around your age stood over you, bickering as their colored kimono- blue and red respectively- swished with each dramatic flair of their arms. The two were perfectly similar, like looking at your reflection in the mirror, and even more odd than the traditional clothing they were wearing, was the pointed fox ears and matching orange tails they donned. Were they real? They looked eerily realistic and the fact that the red kimono-wearing boy’s tail was flicking violently, affirmed that they were. 

Perhaps they were the mischievous kitsune fox-spirits from folklore. You gulped. They were talking about food- you just hoped they weren’t meaning you. 

“P-please d-d-don’t eat me” you stuttered quietly. 

Your meek voice managed to catch the attention of the twins as they gazed upon your crumpled form. 

“Ha- we don’t eat humans, ya scrub.” The red kimono-wearing boy said, gazing down at you with a look that said ‘you’re an idiot’. 

“We want soma’ that onigiri ya got there.” Chimed the second boy, his face stoic; a contrast from his more fiery counterpart. 

You hesitantly put down your arms and stood back up from the ground, getting a better look at the twins who gazed at you with intensity. 

“What are ya waiting for, human?” the red kimono boy hollered “Stop ya starin’ and share yer bento with us”. 

You listened, grabbing your bento and holding it out for them to take. 

The two wasted no time (you noticed the blue-kimono boy was the first to snatch a bite) gobbling up the tuna onigiri. You were safe for now, you hoped, and so you sat along with them near your rock and began to eat as well. 

“Uwahhhh~ these re’ delicious!” the boisterous red-boy spoke rudely through a mouthful of tuna and rice. You could practically see stars in his eyes as he chewed in delight- it reminded you of Ms. Maraday whenever she saw ‘handsome younguns’ pass by your neighborhood (you didn’t quite understand, but your Ma said you would when you were older-you weren’t too sure).  

You were very curious about these strange boys and who they really were. You desperately wanted to know, but you remained quiet, afraid to bring more attention to yourself. 

“We’re kitsune” the quieter one spoke, rice grains littered around his mouth. When you gave him a look of confusion he replied with a mouthful of onigiri “Ya looked like ya wanted to ask”. Nodding in understanding you smiled at the two, which caused them to stop chewing. 

“What’cha smilin’ for, human?” 

“Just happy that you aren’t monsters- and that you’re not gonna eat me”.

The boys gave each other a mirrored look of shock and proceeded to burst out laughing. 

“This again? Of course we aren't gonna eat ya, human,- yer probably not even tasty” the red boy cackled, showing his miniature pointed fangs. 

“Yer such a scrub” he added. 

“Super scrubby” his brother agreed. 

Ignoring the insult, you started to feel more comfortable around them. You didn’t think that they were going to bring you any harm. 

“What are your names?” you asked, chewing on some grapes.

“I’m Osamu,” the blue-wearing boy pointed to himself  “and Atsumu is my idiot brother over there” 

Atsumu lit up in indignation as he swatted his tail to flick his brother- ending in a small tussle between the two that you awkwardly witnessed. 

“I- my name is Y/N!” you exclaimed quickly, hoping to break up the fight. It thankfully worked, as the two separated (albeit glaring at each other) and nodded along, ears flicking in irritation. 

“Sounds likea’ pretty scrubby name to me” scoffed Atsumu as he dusted off his Kimono. He looked at you deeply, his more golden-flecked eyes searing into your mind. 

Though Atsumu seemed to be the more loud of the two, Osamu was just as intense. He had this aura of coldness and aloof eyes to match, despite his age. 

“Let’s call ya froggy instead. Ya look like the dopey frogs by the pond.”

Atsumu agreed with his brother, snickering at the suggestion, while you simply nodded in indifference. 

“You know where the frog pond is?” You asked.

The two boys quit their teasing and looked at you with identical squinted eyes of suspicion. You felt a little nervous. 

“Can you show me where the pond is? My Pa said it was close by but I can’t find it” you continued, hoping they would lead you so you could see the frogs they had named you after. 

“Hm… I dunno Froggy, that’s mine and Samu’s secret spot…” he trailed off with a pout on his lips and a mock-questioning expression, and you looked crushed. 

Atsumu quickly realized your fading expression as he piped up quickly with feigned disingenuous interest “I guess ya can tag along Froggy. Yer a scrub, but yer kinda cool I guess”. 

“-Cool enough ta’ give us onigiri” Osamu joined, hands folded inside his kimono sleeves. 

Your eyes sparkled like river stones in the sun as you gripped your yellow backpack straps in excitement.

“Let’s go ‘Samu-’Tsumu!”

The two boys bashfully looked away with pinkish faces, but you were too stoked to notice. 

The three of you traversed to the pond, you doddling behind the two twins as they playfully told you to hurry up. 


Meeting up by the frog pond became a regular occurrence throughout the summer spent at your father’s cottage. No longer was it ‘Tsumu and Samu’s secret spot’- it was your secret spot as well. Times when your father had to work on manuscripts, became times for the three of you to explore the plentiful woods together and gather by the frog pond for a lunch of tuna onigiri (you made your Pa pack extra routinely, and though he was confused at first, agreed- you were a growing girl, he reckoned). 

“I’m going to catch the biggest frog today!” Atsumu beamed with unwavering confidence. You giggled and cheered him on despite Atsumu frequently proclaiming this and never living up to it. 

“Good luck catching a frog ‘Tsumu. Yer ugly face scares them all away”. Osamu sneered, grinning cattishly. He stood knee-deep in the muddy pond with his kimono robe hitched up into undershorts and his sleeves rolled to his shoulders.

“Ya have the same face as me ya scrub!” Atsumu barked back, similarly in position like Osamu, but on the opposite side of the small pond. You simply sat on the banks, dipping your toes in the luke-warm shallows as you didn’t want to dirty the yellow sundress your Ma had given you. 

“Just ya watch ‘Samu! Yer gonna be cryin’ once ya see the fat toad I catch- Froggy! Watch me!” his fluffy orange tail flicked around as he wriggled like a cat in a hunting crouch. His eyes were focused on the water underneath him as his brother merely rolled his eyes with an irked huff. 

“Y/N could catch a bigger frog than ya and she’s not even in the water, ‘Tsumu.” 

The boy gave Osamu a deadpan glare and returned to his concentrated form.

A quick fox-like dash of a hand and an unceremonious splash (not appreciated ‘Tsumu) later, Atsumu cupped his prize delicately with both little hands, trodding out of the water towards you with Osamu following. He unveiled the grayish frog to you, basically the size of his entire palm.

“Ha! What did I tell ya ‘Samu? Look at my frog!” 

Osamu paled when you cooed, fascinated at his brother’s catch, and rolled back his sleeves preparing to go back into the water- this was a competition now. 

Atsumu had looked pretty pleased with himself, a cocky smirk and high-raised tail, only feeling his ego inflate larger when you complimented his frog-catching prowess. This was only temporary of course, as Osamu reappears by your side, cupping a perfectly same-size frog to Atsumu. 

“Ah- my frog is still bigger than yers ‘Samu!” Atsumu stomped bitterly, the puppy fluff by his ears riled. “Froggy- ya measure ‘em up. Tell us which frog is bigger!” 

You analyzed both frogs carefully. They were utterly identical- a lot like the twins facing you with beaming anticipation for your decision. 

“They’re both the same” you concluded, bringing faces of disappointment as the two bickered about which frog should have won the competition. 

“Here-” they stopped their fighting to look towards your smiling face as you stood to perch a daisy-link crown around the two ears between them. “You both can win the prize.” 

They stood tensely with synchronized blushing faces- both frogs long gone by now from the lack of watchful eyes. 

“Yeah…w-whatever. I guess we can both win..” Atsumu pouted as his hands fidgeted with your gift. Osamu similarly looked bashfully, whispering a ‘thank you’ and playing with his damp kimono sleeves. 

Despite their many differences, you could definitely see their brotherly similarities as they stood with mirrored shyness. You could only giggle. 


“I’m King of the rock today!”

Osamu huffed, a frown on his rounded face. 

“Yer always King of the rock ‘Tsumu!”

Breeze ruffled the long fronds of grass, the sound akin to brushing the fur of a large pooch (you imagine that such a pooch would need to use a pool as a bathtub and a rake as a comb). You pleasantly tuned out the background noise as you relaxed in the golden evening, serenaded by the season’s cicadas. This had been going on for a while now, the sharp tang of clashing voices sometimes pulling you out of your sleepy daze. 

Two twins perched on the highest ledge of the sunning rock, billowing tails irate and ears pinned flat against their brown locks, bickering about who would be crowned the prestigious title of ‘King of the rock’. This was often a game the three of you would play, Atsumu and Osamu rotating between the ‘King’ role and you faithfully claiming your position as the court advisor (neither of them knew what that meant, and you only knew about it because of your father’s habitual tendency to spout oddities at the dinner table). Though you certainly had no opinion on the matter, you knew for certain that the two trouble making brothers would rope you into it somehow. 

“Froggy!” “FROGGY” (said simultaneously) 

And here it was.

“Ya agree don’t ya? ‘Tsumu would make a better princess than a King”.

You held in a laugh at Atsumu’s blinking shock as the twins pounced on each other; frolicking fox kits in the summer sunlight. You could tell there was no real malice behind the two’s actions, they were brothers- hearts intertwined and spirits invigorated by each other’s energy. It almost made you envious. You grew up relatively lonely, only enjoying the presence of Tokyo and your imagination; the subway was your carriage, the chimes of streetlights your music, and the songbirds and alleycats, your friends- you wondered if a sibling would help fill that void. 

“OW! ‘Tsumu!”

You snapped out of your reverie, lying up from the flattened grass you nested on. Osamu sat on the mossy rock, eyes watering, lip quivering, and little hands nestling the bottom of his foot. You got up immediately, looking back to see Atsumu guiltily shuffling beside his brother, wringing his hands. He looked unsure what to do, and you could see tears beginning to well in his eyes as well, as he saw what he caused to his brother. 

Gently you took Osamu’s muddy foot into your hand and inspected the scrape from the fall. It was bleeding slightly, running a crimson pathway down his heel and pooling between the crevices between his toes. Running your sleeve along his heel to wipe the blood, you caught him wince- you tried more delicately this time, removing residual grime as well, seeing as the two fox-boys never wore footwear. 

You turned back to Tsumu who by now was sitting on the opposite end of the rock, looking ashamed and wilted like an unwatered houseplant. “‘Tsumu-” you called for his attention. 

He turned.

“Help me bandage your brother up?” You pawed around your yellow backpack looking for the small first-aid kit your mother insisted you carry around- finally the heavy tin box would be put to use. 

You instructed Tsumu to hold up his brother’s foot while you held up two bandaids- a hello kitty one with polka dots, and a blue one with patterned hearts. Both brothers grimaced at the ugly choices, but you gave them a look that got them to settle down. 

“Hello Kitty or hearts?” 

Osamu sniffed and chose the blue one (of course), to which you complied and stuck it to his heel. You prodded Atsumu who had returned to sulking, and whispered at him to apologize. 

It didn’t take long for his pride to break. He started to sob as he hugged his brother in a tight embrace and tugged at his kimono sleeves “Sorry ‘Samu! I didn’t mean ta hurt ya!”  

Samu pouted his lips pretending to still be offended, but you could tell it was all forgiven as he flicked his tail atop of his brother’s head like a strange hat and patted his arms. 

“Ya ya. Yer alright ‘Tsumu”.

It was genuinely heartwarming to see them interact and you began to enjoy your summer a little more while watching your friends. Atsumu’s sniffling ceased, as he looked up at the two of you bashfully. 

“Hey ‘Samu?”


“Ya can be King today”.


The smell of cedar is strong in the midnight forest as you trek with your fox-eared friends. Cicada’s chirp loudly, framing the sounds of wooden sandals and calloused feet on the grassy pathway. 

“‘Saaamuuu, how long till we’re there?” You complained for the nth time that night. 

Looking to the right, with a mopey face to ‘Samu, posture slouching from what seemed to be hours walking in your young body, you were interrupted by the wrong twin.

“Keep it down, ya, Froggy?! Yer gonna scare the buggies with all ya groanin’!”

Osamu flicked his plume of a tail and nipped his twin’s ear at his snappy response. Atsumu only shrugged it off, but clearly looked peeved, taking the heel of his palm and smoothing out the fur of his ears with a huff. 

“We’re nearly there, Froggy. Don’cha worry ya little Froggy head, ya?” 

You giggled as ‘Samu ruffled your hair like a wet umbrella. Only to giggle louder when ‘Tsumu joined in the attack- the two boys relentlessly tickling you and making you forget about your aching tiredness. 

They two stopped only when spotting a scooping hill in the distance. 

“C’mon, Froggy! The night waits fer no one!”  

You attached yourself to the racing twins by holding on to their obi, venturing to the moonlit meadow just outside of the forest. 

You sucked in a deep breath as you gazed upon the endless expanse of the glittering indigo sky. Arcs of night clouds circled the pearl moon, trees bending in a graceful embrace around the tickling sweet grass, the scent of chill and clarity enrapturing the senses. The flickering stars reflected in your irises; gleaming with some wondrous awe the two boys became utterly fascinated with, as their own sharp eyes studied your tranquil ease. 

Placid lips, once silent, parted to speak- though it was clear your focus was still diverted to the summer heavens. 

“This place is so…” you paused; gentle winds jostling your locks and chirping creatures filling the silence. 

“Beautiful” you finished. 

The sway of the long grasses caressed your body as you laid to stargaze in the meadow. The twins, still entranced by your contentment with their surprise location, sat on either side of you- mirroring cheshire grins of success lacing their canine smiles.

The more boisterous fox chirped as he flattened his arms behind his head like a pillow. 

“Just ya wait. The best part hasn’t even started yet”.

You directed your starlit gaze to ‘Tsumu, wondering what else could be more magnificent than the ether above. Anticipation paid off, as in the corner of your eyes (next to a pair of smirking foxes), golden, floating, stars started to come from underneath the grass. 

“They’re stars!” you burst out in excitement. You look at the faces of your two cherished friends, watching them giggle at your unlady-like outburst. They didn’t bother correcting you, as you looked like you were having too much fun hopping like a grasshopper in the meadow, a huge grin on your face as you attempted to catch the floating stars. 

“‘Tsumu! ‘Samu!” you called. “Come catch the stars with me!” Atsumu was the first to wriggle his tail and pounce like a hunter towards you, tickling you as you absolutely beamed. Osamu watched on, laughing identically with his brother at your giddiness. When was the last time he and his brother had a friend like you?

It had always been him and Atsumu, facing the world together. Foxes are solitary creatures, and it’s rare that Inari, the fox goddess, would send such young kits to work in the human realm. You truly were a treasure. A glittering golden stone like the bright sun; something so ultimately precious to them, as if you were worth more than the tastiest fatty tuna onigiri or the high of winning against his brother- you were family. No longer was it two unlucky twin fox kits facing the shadows of the earthly plane- it was ‘Tsumu, ‘Samu and Froggy-forever. 

“-forever” Samu turned to your voice, you and ‘Tsumu panting and tired after chasing each other, and lying in the ticklish grass. 

“Let’s stay together forever” you repeated, turning to face Osamu with glittering fireflies reflected in your endless gaze.

“Forever” the twins agreed in unison.


“Ya know, Froggy” Astumu chirped, hands lazily folded behind his fox-eared head, “Those weren’t stars, they were buggies”. 

You gaped, eyes wide. “EHHHHHHH!!??”


The last day of summer vacation came too fast, and it also just so happened to land on the rainiest day in years. The weather was torrent, trees lashing by aggressively amidst the sharp drops of rain and the howling wind. Roads were closing, trains were halted- all in fear of the upcoming storm.

“You can’t go out today sweetie, I’m sorry-” your father tried to placidate your rising temper. He gestured his hands towards you, in a friendly embrace, only for you to whip out of his grasp in anger. 

“It’s not fair!” you cried, fat tears rolling down your soft face. “Why can’t I go out to see my friends?- I won’t-” you paused to catch your breath as you continued to choke on your emotions. “I won’t be able to see them for a long time!”

Battling his confusion at the mention of your unheard of ‘friends’, he ached in sympathy to see you in such a state, but your safety was his uttermost priority “Now, sweetie-”

“NO!” you stomped your foot in utter outrage. You couldn’t believe the audacity of your Pa, to try and stop you from seeing your friends-no-your family- before you left. You hardly spent the summer with our own father, as he was too busy, and now he wanted to take you away from your only reprieve of loneliness? 

“You can’t tell me what to do when you’ve never been there- you- you’re barely my Pa anyways!”

Your father looked on in horror, not only at your stinging words,but your small form dashing away quickly past the paper doors and into the unrelenting storm.

“Y/N!” he shouted- you didn’t listen, quickly evading him even as he attempted to chase you on his bum leg. 

The wind clawed at your tiny body- rain slicked your floral summer dress and chilled you to the bone. The bending trees, once so welcoming, were being tossed around like marbles in a dish, and the sun that watched over you all summer- gone without a trace in the pluming smoke-like clouds. You continued to run as fast as your legs could take you, every once and a while slipping on the wet stones and skinning your knees in the gritty mud. You couldn’t tell if it was the rain pouring down your face or your tears. 

“‘Tsumu! ‘Samu!” you cried, eyes blurry, and snot dripping onto the bib of your yellow collar. Your socks were beyond ruined at this point, and the tears from the sharp branches and many tumbles you took, only worsened the burning sting of the raindrops and buffeting gale. 

A gnarled, slippery root brought you to your bleeding knees, and you felt as if you couldn’t possibly continue any longer. You were there- at your secret hideout, but the absence of your foxy friends made your heart drop. 

You were wet, bleeding, scared, and alone. Your small little paradise was crumbling, and the angels that once played such sweet melodies to lift your lonesome spirit had faded away into their now-melancolic tunes. 

“Froggy!” You whipped your head with re-invigorated energy as you heard the voice of your twins. “Tsu--m mu-Sam…” you cried incoherently as they bent to hug your shivering form. 

“I- I just want to go home”.

The twins looked at each other, and with a saddening, but newfound resolve, spoke.

“We can take you home, Froggy- if that’s your wish”

You nodded, feeling defeated, but also confused at how a gangle of small children would be able to pass through the bitter storm for the second time. 

“Don’cha worry ya little froggy head- yer safe, with us- always-”

Chocolate eyes met yours in a teary gaze. You were caught in a spell; the familiar slitted eyes communicating their immense sadness, yet, determination as they continued explaining.

“We heard yer wish, ya know, the one about ya wantin’ to go home, and Inari sent us to fulfill this wish, as spirits of the forest”.

Osamu chimed in- “That’s what kitsune do- we grant wishes” he paused and took your frozen hands in his. You noticed he was still wearing the bandaid you put on his foot. “We can help ya, Froggy, but after, our mission will be done…and once ya step out of the forest- you’re gonna forget everything that’s happened…”

“No!” you interrupted, your gaze flicked between the two soggy-haired, solemn boys as you balked in disbelief. “N-no- I’d never forget you guys!” The tears that had slightly dried before came back tenfold as you squeezed ‘Samu’s clawed hands. “The frog pond, the buggies, sharing onigiri?? I’d never forget any of that!” you proclaimed. “We- we promised to stay together-forever! I won’t go home if I won’t remember you two- you are my home!”

“Froggy.” Atsumu silenced you, tucking the stuck hair off your forehead, to behind your ear. You had never heard the jovial boy so serious before. “Ya need to go back to your own world- to grow up in Tokyo-” “-to experience the other seasons-” Osamu added. “-to be with yer Ma and Pa and that crazy hag Ms. Maraday…” They could go on, but by the defeated look reflected in your eyes, they could tell you understood. 

You shakily stood up. 

“Let’s get ya home, ya, Froggy?”

With their hands joined with yours, they steadied you. Like a beautiful dance, they conjured ghostly blue flames with their spare hands and you watched as the foxfire shot up into the sky like bullets, and returned as glowing orbs leading a pathway through the forest. 

Slowly, the three of you began to run through the rain, laughing as you splashed into cold puddles. This was it, the last you’d ever hear of their laughter, so you couldn’t help the tears that mixed into your giggles as they gazed upon you so fondly. 

The trail of glowing sky-like fire reached an opening in the forest and you could see the engawa of your father’s summer home shadowed in the near distance. 

You dug your heel into the mud and spun around right before the drop off out of the forest pathway. Your face glowed with the slick rain and the heavenly light emitting from the globes of fire that still surrounded the three of you. 

The twins cried. You cried, but your signature smile overtook your face. They let go of your hands. 

“I’ll never forget you two. We’re friends- forever”.

“Forever”, they agreed, smiling through their tears. You took one last look at their identical faces, tall pointed ears, and their plumes of fluffy white-tipped tails- committing it to memory. You’d remember them. That was a promise.

And with a leap, your muddied sock passed the border between the trees and the outside, and you looked back, seeing the two figures holding hands and grinning caddishly, fading away like transparent ghosts.

As you landed, you suddenly blanked. What were you doing here? You can’t remember, but all you know is that you’re wet, aching, and feel overwhelmingly empty- like something was missing. 

“Y/N- thank god you’re okay-!” your Pa hugged you tightly, looking over you as you faded back into reality. Police officers, sirens, and a gaggle of old adults who bore the fireman’s uniform huddled around you and your father, making sure you were okay. You didn’t really understand what was going on, but you hugged your father tighter as your daze looked back at the empty, dark forest. You were ushered inside immediately to get warm, and though the forest seemed to have some sort of significance in your brain, you let it slip your mind as you were being coddled. 


And though you could not remember quite everything that happened during your adventures in the forest by your Pa’s home, you were left with an uneasy feeling in your gut like something was missing. As the familiar crumble of gravel marked the beginning of the journey back to Tokyo, you couldn’t help but gaze upon the slowly receding forest. The tall trees swayed mystically in an enchanting embrace like they were reaching out for you; saddened by you leaving. You wanted to reach back too- only being separated by the pane of the SUV’s car window.

To you, summer was about catching frogs, playing king-of-the-rock, gazing upon fireflies, eating fatty tuna onigiri in the summer warmth, and oddly enough- about two orange foxes with identical brown eyes. To you, the feeling of summer was like home. 

The trickling streams of the frog pond, fireflies fluttering in the dimming night sky, the smell of the deep amber woods and yesterday’s rain; vibrant dusk tinting our fading summer memories.


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3 years ago

Just an experiment. Reblog if you actually give a fuck about male victims of domestic violence and rape.

Of fucking course

What sick bastard doesn’t

3 years ago

god I hope my friends don't find this account
