intro post is pinned. if you ever catch me hating, that's not me, i've been possessed
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R*ggie Is Gonna Play Five Like A Fucking Fiddle In S3 Heres Why
r*ggie is gonna play five like a fucking fiddle in s3 here’s why

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Okay so I’m back to complaining about how Percy is treated because of his intelligence. One thing that never made sense to me was the immediate change to how the other members of the 7 treated Percy (specifically Piper, Leo, and Jason) after they had known him for ~12 hours.
At first they seem rightfully intimidated by him (Leo’s first POV in MoA). They’ve spent the past 6 months hearing fantastical stories about him. What confuses me is the 180 that they pull. Despite knowing most of Percy’s accomplishments, Piper is unimpressed by him in the flesh. This is to be somewhat expected because a lot of people at camp semi-worship Percy ‘cause he’s their big hero, but she hasn’t actually spent much time with him, just heard stories and seen his physical appearance. This seems pretty hypocritical of Piper, one of the bases of her character is that she doesn’t want to people to make assumptions about her. Whether they stem from her parentage or appearance. Piper makes comments on Percy’s personality, and thinks that its Annabeth that keeps him in check. (Jokes on her, it’s both ways, at least in the first series)
Honestly I don’t remember much from Jasons POV, he respects Percy as a leader in the beginning, but when Percy (and Hazel and Frank) join the others on the Argo II, Percy’s clearly out of his element. (so to speak) He and Jason have both been forced into positions of leadership by their respective camps (both relatively recently, in the past year-ish, but were kind of raised for it) which creates a mild power struggle. (Im mostly thinking of Percy’s self esteem issues, however the entire power struggle thing in MoA was ooc for Percy) However, Jason too, seems to forget Percy’s intelligence. He mentions in BOO how he forgets Percy’s accomplishments, and notes the façade Percy puts on that makes others dismiss him.
Leo doesn’t ignore Percy’s past like Jason and Piper. From his first POV in MoA he compares the look Percy gives him to the feeling of Jason controlling lightning, and comments on being uncomfortable alone with Percy because of the power he has. While Leo seems to keep the most respect in this way, he also dismisses Percy’s thinking frequently. (Odd, because Leo isn’t the most eloquent speaker either, and he and Percy are quite similar, especially with the whole façade thing) Another thing that is weird about this, is that Leo and Percy think quite similarly, despite Leo being “smarter”. (actually just more mechanically adept) An example of this is how Leo sacrifices himself at the end of BOO. He starts developing this plan earlier in the same book, seeing the bigger picture earlier, like how Percy sees battle, and predicted Kronos’s plans before even Annabeth and Chiron.
I don’t really know where I’m going with this, if I had more time I’d pull quotes out of the book, maybe I’ll rewrite later, but for people who haven’t known Percy very long they all seem to make quick judgments on him, and it made me sad.
Honestly I think one of the craziest things (and possibly the thing I love most) about Percy
Is that he could literally be the child of almost any God/Goddess.
Like if it wasn’t for his water power and Poseidon’s claim I’m not sure we would have been able to pinpoint Percy perfectly.
Okay let’s think about this for a sec (and let me elaborate):
1. Percy upon finding a sword that worked for him was quick to learn, understand and conquer the battle field. He was extremely quick in battle thinking and very impulsive. Also hella protective– Ares
2. We all know Percy is crazy smart when it comes to quick fire decisions. Especially in times of desperation. He’s able to analyse and act according to the situation. He’s also pretty good at recalling information (proven on multiple occasions)– Athena
3. He is gorgeous. Don’t deny it. Don’t defend it. Every single girl Percy has met (and some boys too) have labelled him everything from skater-boy cute to literal Roman God (and any cushy nickname in between). His beauty has often startled people and the fact that his impulsive, sarcastic, slightly hilarious wit follows him into every conversation makes him a sure charmer– Aphrodite
4. People LOOK UP to him. He is their leader, their decision maker and often their anchor in times of need. He is also extremely powerful (even more so than the circumstances allow)– Zeus
I know some will say I’m stretching too far but I’d like to state my case:
· Not all demigod children will be the same as each other. Which means even if they have the same godly parent they’ll act, think, learn, grow differently.
I’m actually very set on this idea that Percy isn’t necessarily who he is because he is a son of Poseidon. We see so many traits of other gods in him. (I’m not saying Sally slept with all of them).
Thanks and goodnight!
if percy tried he could really do smth
he could be fighting and loose riptide so he just focuses on the sweat to run down his arm into his hand and make a sword
he could focus on the scratch on his finger to make a small dagger in his hand
he could stab someone with like a shank and then focus on their blood to extend the shank or small dagger into becoming a full sword
he could spit into his hand make finger guns and shoot someone
he could explode ppl
he could make blood come out of someone’s eyes ears nose and mouth until they bleed to death
he could just make finger guns point at a person and their head could explode
if he was blind he could pull a toph and focus on the liquid in a person or in the earth
he could heal ppl using their own blood
he could use any body of water to make things-he could be walking downtown and make a skateboard out of water around him etc
if a car was thrown he could make it explode by focusing on the gas
he could uproot entire trees/make them explode as well
he can really make anything explode deadass
he’d be really good in a chase bc he would really do anything
if he was in a car he could drive off a clif and keep driving (if there’s water at the bottom obv) he could also do this if there’s a fountain near by
he could do that fingergun trick but with poison in his hand
he could twist poison arrows/bullets to where ever he wanted
he could make army’s out of water
he would have to learn how to do them and would have to learn about the human anatomy to do some other things but he could definitely be extremely op if he had the chance
if you can think of more feel free to add these are just the ones i could think of off the top of my head
I usually post every two days but I was scrolling through pinterest and found this.

Okay, so when you look at PJO Percy and HOO Percy, his character has almost completely changed besides the basics, and I was wondering if someone wanted to rewrite the end of SoN and the rest of the HOO books? The thing that angers me the most is how he acts around/about Nico. Like Percy was completely (kinda) obsessed with Nico’s safety for BotL, and yeah they had rough patches when Nico accidentally betrayed Percy in tLO, and later when he doesn’t tell Percy who he is in SoN, but when Percy learned that Nico was captured, he should’ve like, flipped his shit. He should’ve joined Hazel in standing up for Nico in MoA.
Nico gets a lot of people who care about him later (Hazel, Jason, Will, etc.) but I think we forget that Percy has known Nico longer, he and Nico were actually friends before he met Hazel and the others. Percy claims the prophecy and lies about Nico’s parentage to protect him??? And in HOO he barely thinks about Nico which is really out of character. When they get Nico out of the jar he would’ve immediately gone to him and tried to take care of him. I feel robbed of the Percy/Nico friendship, and the disaster that was Percy’s character in HOO.