fan-castiel-toa-greekmytho - Yasmi23

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57 posts

Fan-castiel-toa-greekmytho - Yasmi23 - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago

**Hello everyone**💫,

I hope you are doing well. I need your support as my family is struggling due to the situation in Gaza💔.

I have posted their story along with photos.🙏🏻 Please consider sharing this post to help us reach more people who can offer support.🗣

Could you reblog the pinned post from my account🥺❤?

Thank you very much for your time and kindness🙏🏻❤.


5 months ago

Why did Apollo favor the trojans in the Illiad?

So, dear Anon, I've been thinking about how to answer this question since I got it a couple days ago and I think I kind of want to make something clear before I get into it.

The Iliad by itself as a poem only covers some of the events that occur in the final year of a long protracted conflict that had been brewing for at least two decades and was an active war for ten. Within the space of the Iliad itself, the motivations and affairs of the major players are often referenced but there are many, many parts of the story that are not there because they belong to a different story cycle that has been since lost or was never recorded with words. In the space of the Iliad Apollo's motivations are questioned a lot - his pride is questioned by Poseidon who thinks Apollo should be just as angry at the Trojans as he considering Apollo was treated equally as poorly by Laomedon while they worked together. His honour is questioned by Hera who chastises him for taking the Trojans' side when he'd proclaimed that Achilles would live a long life and prosper at Thetis and Peleus' wedding. His own sister calls him a coward for refusing to fight when Zeus gives permission for the gods to go wild on the battlefield. For all that there's this image of Apollo in the Iliad as some staunch and unwavering protector of the Trojans, believe it or not, I largely think of Apollo as neutral in the war.

Which, I suppose, comes back to the question - why did Apollo favour the Trojans? The truthful answer is that I don't know. The Iliad and all its connected stories isn't something I've done enough research on to have an answer or a reference to an answer off the top of my head. The reasoning I'm aware of is that Apollo was a Patron God of Troy and really a god doesn't need any reason besides that to protect his people but it's not like Apollo abandoned the Greeks either. Calchas is the biggest example of that I can point to - descended directly from a priest of Apollo and one who attributed his mantic power to the god, Calchas was pivotal in ensuring the Greeks even got to Troy in the first place.

From a personal perspective however, I think Apollo was more dedicated to the house of Priam than he was the city of Troy itself. Apollo's affection for that house and all its members ran deep - from his admiration of Hecuba and Hector to his love and attempted courtship of Cassandra to his blessings given to Helenus, Deiphobos, Cassandra, Troilus and even his partnership with Paris - Apollo loved the house of Priam. When you think about the times Apollo lashes out against the Greeks, it's generally because they've done some nonsense to earn his ire. The plague was caused by Agamemnon disrespecting his priest, his aid in the slaughter of Patroclus was because he didn't respect him, his minor grudge against Diomedes too was because he tried to test Apollo's mettle and well, the less said about Achilles the better. Apart from his obvious favouring of Hector in the skirmishes, Apollo doesn't really oppose the Greeks. He has a ton of reasons to by the time the Iliad rolls around, including avenging the death of two of his sons, but he remains mostly satisfied with conducting his father's business and overseeing the war from a somewhat professional perspective. To me, it's always been less about Apollo caring about the fate of Troy as a city itself and more about him just really wanting to protect the people in the city that he's come to love and respect.

Of course, I encourage you to take my words with a big tablespoon of salt - like I said, I don't really know enough about the facts in particular to give a solid, confident answer but I can give you my interpretation of it. Maybe consult someone like @littlesparklight for a more comprehensive and grounded response 🤔

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5 months ago

Will I be just a number, will my soul not matter, will I die young at 20 and my dreams go with me?!!!!

Can you donate the cost of a morning cup of coffee?

I have posted my campaign a lot (knowing that the internet is very slow, hard to get and not free) but what is the result? Only a few people have cared about me, I don't know what to do, I will post another and if nothing changes this will be my last post and thank you all

Will I Be Just A Number, Will My Soul Not Matter, Will I Die Young At 20 And My Dreams Go With Me?!!!!

I am a university student and I always imagined my dreams and my future. I dreamed of becoming a doctor, but unfortunately the war came and my university was destroyed. I want to travel abroad and I want to complete my studies and dreams. I want a life free of bombing. I want a life that has the basics of life. I do not want a life of luxury. I just want the basics!!! (Water, food, electricity, safety, education, medicine, net)

Will I Be Just A Number, Will My Soul Not Matter, Will I Die Young At 20 And My Dreams Go With Me?!!!!

I want to put pictures of me before the war and pictures after the war, so that you know how much the war affected us and how difficult and destructive it was and how much we suffered


Will I Be Just A Number, Will My Soul Not Matter, Will I Die Young At 20 And My Dreams Go With Me?!!!!
Will I Be Just A Number, Will My Soul Not Matter, Will I Die Young At 20 And My Dreams Go With Me?!!!!
Will I Be Just A Number, Will My Soul Not Matter, Will I Die Young At 20 And My Dreams Go With Me?!!!!


Will I Be Just A Number, Will My Soul Not Matter, Will I Die Young At 20 And My Dreams Go With Me?!!!!
Will I Be Just A Number, Will My Soul Not Matter, Will I Die Young At 20 And My Dreams Go With Me?!!!!
Will I Be Just A Number, Will My Soul Not Matter, Will I Die Young At 20 And My Dreams Go With Me?!!!!
Will I Be Just A Number, Will My Soul Not Matter, Will I Die Young At 20 And My Dreams Go With Me?!!!!

I think everything is clear from the pictures, it is clear how the war affected us

This is a previous post of mine that you can view.

Will I Be Just A Number, Will My Soul Not Matter, Will I Die Young At 20 And My Dreams Go With Me?!!!!

My campaign has been verified 3 times.

1- @90-ghost LINKS VITTED

2- @gaza-evacuation-funds LINE315

3- @heba-20 LINK VITTED

You can donate from

1- GFM

Donate to Help Abdallah Mousa and His Family Escape Genocide, organised by M V
I am from the U.S. and am organizing this campaign of my friend Abdallah Mousa.… M V needs your support for Help Abdallah Mousa and His Fami


Go to and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.


(My old campaign but it still works normally but people know GFM site more)

Your help is the only hope to save Abdallah & his family  from genocide
I am from the U.S. and am making this campaign on behalf of Abdallah from Gaza. 100% of the donations will be given to him and his family. P

@sayruq @sar-soor @90-ghost @vakarians-babe @northgazaupdates2 @helppeople @ibtisams @appsa @annoyingloudmicrowavecultist @feluka @el-shab-hussein @sayruq @tortiefrancis @flower-tea-fairies @tsaricides @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @vivisection-gf @belleandsaintsebastian @ear-motif @ibtisams @animentality @kordeliiius @brutaliakhoa @raelyn-dreams @troythecatfish @the-bastard-king @4ft10tvlandfangirl @queerstudiesnatural @northgazaupdates2 @90-ghost @skatehani @awetistic-things @baby-girl-aaron-dessner @morallyrainyday

@jonpertwee @flipton @bell-bones @ragingbullmode @envytherose

@rodent178 @tangledinourstrings @kraigerzz-blog

5 months ago

Thank you so much 🍉🍉for being generous and supporting for my family that is now undergoing to all forms of pain, torture 😞😞and hardship. Please don't hesitate to help the miserable, hopeless and jobless 😢😢people of Gaza in such hard and dire time We need your kind help 😍😍through donating whatever you can to enable us to cover some of our daily basic necessities or through sharing my posts to other. Your contribution will be highly valued.  ❤❤


5 months ago

Hello dear friends! ❤🤍🖤💚

🍉I am Mahmoud Ayyad, a Palestinian from the besieged and destroyed Gaza 😭😭, coming from an extended family of young children, women and elderly people ❤❤ who have been suffering😭😭 for 300 difficult days from an aggressive war.

Our lives are harsh because we lack all the basic necessities of life. Everything has become scarce and unattainable. There is no food, no water, no medicine.

So, I ask you to help me keep my family safe and alive, especially after we had lost all our sources of livelihood.Please do not leave my family to struggle and suffer these difficult days alone. You can support my campaign by donating whatever you can or by sharing my posts to reach others who can help us survive the war to safety and peace. You are helping the lives of many people with your small contribution. Every donation makes a difference in our very difficult lives. But this is a legitimate campaign and has been checked by 90-ghost.


5 months ago

Hello dear,,,,

My name is Marah Baalousha from Gaza.

Computer engineering student

I hope you are well . 🇵🇸

I write to you with a heart full of hope and faith, and I ask for your urgent help. My family is in great danger due to the war, and I am running a fundraising campaign to save them. My father and mother suffer from diabetes and high blood pressure. Help me secure them

Please, any donation makes a difference in our lives, and every reblog helps reach as many people as possible. 🍉

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for any help you can provide.

Checked by Ghost 90 .🔻 . .


5 months ago

I am Ehab Ayyad ❤ a palestinian youngman from Gaza🍉🇵🇸, seeking to find safety and peace ☝️for my family if twenty members. We have been ❤🇵🇸🍉passing through all forms of torture and pain for almost ten months because of the war on Gaza.

Life is very miserable and tragic❤🇵🇸 as we are now deprived ❤🇵🇸🍉of all means of living. Drink water, healthy food health care and medicine❤🇵🇸 have become things 🇵🇸🍉❤of the past. We are dying dear friends. That is why I am asking you to help us break through this tough situation.Life in hot tents is incredibly sad and miserable. We are now experiencing the worst circumstances we have ever had in our life. The war has stolen happiness and life from us.

Please don't leave us alone in such dire times. Your kind contribution either through donating whatever you can or sharing my posts will be highly appreciated and valued.❤🇵🇸🍉


5 months ago

Hello, my name is Ahlam, I am 21 years old. I apologize for asking you, but the situation in Gaza is very difficult

Imagine that your entire life is limited to one thought: How can I stay alive? . You no longer think about the future, because the present has become a battlefield . Every day you wake up to the sound of an explosion , or you see fear in people's eyes greater than words 🥺. War doesn't just take your home 🏡, it takes away from your heart every sense of security. Even the places that used to be full of children's laughter , are now empty except for destruction and ashes. Food? It has become a dream . Water? Every drop of it is a treasure . And sleep? It has become a luxury that only those who have completely lost their sense of fear can afford. Do you remember when you used to plan for your future? Now, the future is just an empty word. Every day that passes is a small victory, but the price? Your soul that is eroded with every moment. And amidst all of this, there is something that still clings to hope inside of me, even if it is lost. I search the faces for remnants of humanity, for any hand that reaches out to tell me "there is still life after the war" . I created a link to collect donations for me so that I can leave the war zone and start over in a safe place and live in peace away from fear, anxiety and destruction.If you can contribute any amount, even a small amount, it will make a big difference.

Vetted by :




I hope you will help me and donate to me 👇👇


5 months ago
 2500 Me Gusta!

¡ 2500 «Me gusta»!

Tags :
5 months ago
Doodles From Class Lmao
Doodles From Class Lmao
Doodles From Class Lmao
Doodles From Class Lmao

Doodles from class lmao

6 months ago

Hello, my name is Asala Al-Mashni, I am 28 years old, and my daughter Alia Salama is 3 years old. I lost my husband at the beginning of the war 💔 and my only daughter lost her father. Now we are alone😞. We ended up in a tent with a group of people after our house became uninhabitable. please. I do not want to lose my daughter as well. She is all I have left in life. We want to survive and escape together to safety. If you cannot donate🍉🇵🇸, share our story.🙏

Donate here, thank you.👇


6 months ago

Hello 👋 my ❤ friends !

I am asking you to support my newly created campaign to help my family survive the gruesome war over Gaza to safety and ✌️ peace.

Life has become incredibly harsh, tough and full of hardship and painful suffering. We lack all he basic living essentials and necessities such as food, water , medicine and other needs.

The war has made our life hopeless and desperate. My six-member family has been going through the hardest days they have ever experience for almost eleven months due to the disastrous war.

The war has taken every beautiful thing from us, leaving us homeless, displaced and jobless.

The rising prices of all necessary items of life has complicated our living conditions especially when all our savings were spent over the least necessities and needs.

So I am now asking you to lessen and minimize our burdens and loads of life through your contribution. You can help my family survive through donating whatever you can or reposting my messages.




Please donate.

6 months ago

Don't give up

A friend of mine wrote it for me here on Tumblr, because for the first time I didn't reach my goal on time.

This message had a great impact on me, and I decided to share it with you.

Here stands next to me a team called the Champions Team. This team does not know the meaning of surrender. They are strong in every sense of the word.

Here stand by my side are friends, followers, and supporters who put the determination and will within you.

We will not give up, and from here I tell you that at the end of this day, Friday, I will reach the seventh goal.

Don't Give Up

Show me your support, strength and determination, and share this post with your friends and relatives.

Donate to Support Siraj's Family in Rebuilding Their Home, organized by Ahmad Abudayeh
hi, my name is ahmad and I'm raising a fund for my cousin Siraj and thi… Ahmad Abudayeh needs your support for Support Siraj's Family in Reb

Now $69,000 and only $1000 left to reach the goal.

6 months ago

Hi. I'm Khaled from Gaza. Because of the war, I want to evacuate Gaza and continue my studies. Please donate for so that I can achieve that.

I have £1864 raised as of August 29

My old post on the deleted account vetted by @90-ghost click here

Donate to Help Khaled evacuate Gaza and get a Master's Degree., organized by Khaled  Altaban
My name is Khaled Altaban. I'm a 24 years old Palestinian from Ga… Khaled Altaban needs your support for Help Khaled evacuate Gaza and get
6 months ago

can we discuss the underworld aspects Artemis (Diana) and Apollo picked up in Rome yet

6 months ago
You Think Dipper And Mabel Have Experience Deescalating Fights Because Of Their Parents

you think dipper and mabel have experience deescalating fights because of their parents

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7 months ago

immortal apollo kids headcanons!

this is specifically for the rrverse versions of Apollo's immortal kids! but feel free to think about it in the mythology context too! :3


still has a room in Apollo's palace

still sleeps in it

but he also has a room in Eros's because he's an Erote

this makes for some awkward situations when Apollo and/or Eros have to go to the other's place to grab him for something or other

they basically share custody of him

divorced dads behavior

when he was little he tried to get people to marry his dad because he reeeally wanted to plan his dad's wedding

technically, he succeeded, because he was the one who made Apollo/Cyrene's marriage official XD

his hair is fluffy like a sheep's fluff. also somewhere between strawberry-blonde and a very light amber. and reaches to just under his chin. don't forget the floppiness tho >:3

has his dad's bright blue eyes

LOVES his dad's swans. and corvids. he loves birds.

probably because he also has wings

wings are brilliantly white with a soft pink and gold flush

never looks older than 16

many of the other Erotes find Apollo hot. Hymen is distinctly horrified to know this.

Himeros: Your dad's a DILF

Hymen: a what?

Anteros: don't you dare-

Himeros: A Dad I'd Like to FUCK-

Hymen: *much screaming*


also still has a room in Apollo's palace

as a matter of fact, he still lives in said room

his room is also in apollo's basement (he wanted it there)

he is the emo kid. but he's also not necessarily antisocial

he just likes his solitude. and honestly, mood

imagine dragons is a favorite band. and hozier. he likes "slower" songs as well as sad ones

has Apollo's long hair, but in a very dark brown

has vivid green eyes. like radioactive ones.

likes ponytails

cows are his favorite animal

they are calm creatures he can ramble too so he likes them

knows a lot about things. comes with listening rather than talking ;)

WILL infodump


these girls are the PARTY KIDS

they are the ones throwing parties in their dad's house at 2 am

they also still live in Apollo's palace

frequent clubs and discos; can be seen at concert venues and are in many of the big city concerts (ie, Las Vegas, Madrid, Vienna, ect.)

Borysthenis is the 'oldest' (Hypatē - the lowerest & first string on the lyre); has curly brown hair and dark green eyes

Apollonis is the 'middle' (Mesē - the middle string); has Apollo's blonde hair, but straight, and dark eyes (crow-like, even... >;3)

and Cephisso is the 'youngest' (Nētē - the highest string); has poofy black hair and silvery-blue eyes

Hypatē has a comfy sort of style, such as sweaters and sandals

Mesē likes to wear aesthetically dark clothes with silver accents

Nētē wears blouses and loose jackets

one time they highjacked the sun chariot and got away with it by pulling the puppy eyes

they have demigod children in CHB


the baby

died at 15- still treated like he's 10

snuck onto the Argo mission at 13

Idmon and Orpheus played pass the babysitter with Jason

He kicked Heracles in the shins once for "trying to steal my dad's stuff!!"

Atalanta and Asclepius were buddies

The Boreads played games with him to keep him occupied

went on the Calydonian Boar Hunt to make sure Atalanta didn't 1) hurt herself; or 2) kill someone

he grew up in the beginning stages of CHB

in 'camp' with him were: Jason (the oldest), Atalanta (raised by bears), and Hippolytus (it was his boarding school).

Theseus dropped by sometimes and Asclepius was able to smuggle his way into his belongs so he could visit Athens. just because :)

Jason and Atalanta freaked out and they and Hippolytus went on a 'quest' to find him

Phoebe the hunter is his favorite sister

he befriends snakes quickly

he died at 15

his death pushed Phoebe into distancing herself from her other siblings

when he was resurrected, he wasn't allowed to see Apollo

his only visitors in his prison medical school is his wife and children. he hasn't seen or heard from his father or any sibling in centuries.

has his mother's shiny black hair but his father's curls as well as his bright blue eyes


the REAL baby

has anxiety

severe imposter syndrome

pov: all your siblings are great and wonderful and accomplished people. and you made cheese and honey :)

mom and dad were very proud of u ofc but you feel like you didn't even do much

especially when your cool older brother went on the Argo mission even though he knew he would die (RIP Idmon)

gets easily defensive over agriculture (specifically the innovations and how they have taken over the Good Ol' Days's way aka his way)

(he got that from his dad <3)

he also got his dad's blonde hair, but in a honey tone. his skin tone is also darker and closer in shade to Cyrene's

makes really good charcuterie boards

hangs out in the Midwest

visits his mom in Cyrene, Libya (he is a good son ty)

(ironically) mice are his favorite from his dad's sacred animals

he hates locusts though

don't u love it that apollo's number is 7 and he has 7 immortal kids...

7 months ago
Crying Screaming Throwing Up As I Imagine What A Modern Twdg Au Would Be I Like To Think Clems Class

crying screaming throwing up as I imagine what a modern twdg au would be 😭😭 I like to think Clems class took a field trip to UGA and she bombarded professor Everett with random questions and facts about history :)

and then a small doodle of the bitter reality we got :(

Crying Screaming Throwing Up As I Imagine What A Modern Twdg Au Would Be I Like To Think Clems Class
7 months ago
"ever Since I Met You I've Had Good Luck, So Don't Worry"

"ever since i met you i've had good luck, so don't worry"

7 months ago
"I Cant Explain It But She's Slipping" Yea I Wonder Why Too Zuko, Is It The Diy Bangs?

"I cant explain it but she's slipping" yea i wonder why too zuko, is it the diy bangs?

7 months ago
Yue The Fierce Moon Warrior | Azula The Prized Fire Lily

yue the fierce moon warrior | azula the prized fire lily

8 months ago
Hoy Hace 1 Aos Que Llegu A Tumblr.

Hoy hace 1 años que llegué a Tumblr. 🥳

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8 months ago
25 Publicaciones!

¡25 publicaciones!

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8 months ago
Isaiah Sherman | Infamous Second Son: Misc Concepts
Isaiah Sherman | Infamous Second Son: Misc Concepts
Isaiah Sherman | Infamous Second Son: Misc Concepts

Isaiah Sherman | Infamous Second Son: Misc Concepts