fantasiac - um... I- I just... uh
um... I- I just... uh

Her/she's kiss - I'm having a mental overload

227 posts

I Have Rebranded From "shad-fanatic" To "fantasiac"

I have rebranded from "shad-fanatic" to "fantasiac"

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More Posts from Fantasiac

6 months ago

game freak, can we get more environment stuff in pokemon battles?

pokemon battles have gotten kind of stale for me, and while adding new gimmicks like gigantamax and terrastulizing keeps it fresh... enough, those don't really affect the normal wild battles, so I propose you add environmental stuff to the battles, and I don't just mean adding weather, I mean the terrain can affect the battles, for example, Rock Slide might not work / be less effective in a normal field stage or an ocean stage, but in a rocky cave stage it could do bonus damage, or an ice stage could make the move become an ice type

also moves like Agility could be less effective in ceamped spaces, like tunnels, or moves that require the sun like Solar Beam could work less or not at all inside buildings or caves

this would open up possibilities of better gyms, because gyms are getting old, maybe a grass type gym could have a dense forest arena with no roof, adding bonus to sun based attacks for both the gym leader, and the trainer, and maybe this can be neutralized by setting up hail, and the vines and overgrowth make Constrict and Bind more effective, because environment is never taken into account in battles except for "oh, its going to use hail", but now there's even more strategy involved because now players would have to focus on where the battle takes place "oh this gym has a wire mesh floor, my ground type pokemon will be affected by electric moves", "oh we're in the sea, I can't use earthquake",

maybe the distortion world could change gravity based stuff, like High Jump Kick, the first time you use it, it wouldn't work and make your pokemon confused, then the second time, it would adapt to the new gravity and change the direction of the kick in the animation

this would also allow you to play around with more abstract areas, instead of just Cave, Field, Road, Snowy Area

I just want the battle arenas to be less "stand in the middle if this empty room" and more like you are battling pokemon in the dense world they inhabit, because the areas never feel like they are "inhabited by pokemon", it feels like you just crammed a bunch of pokemon onto this patch of grass, I want to be a part of this world, and your games feel like you just recreated Gen 3-5 on better hardware, rather than innovating and adding on to the world of pokemon, this could have been a idea you added when the hardware allowed it, like gen 8

also this would add new gimmicks to pokemon, for example, a dark area would reduce the accuracy of attacks, unless you use flash in battle, or if the pokemon can echo locate, Zubats accuracy would be unchanged whether the arena is dark or not

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6 months ago

how funny would it be if Black Doom's new form is called Doom Eternal?

New Key Artwork For Sonic X Shadow Generations!

New key artwork for Sonic X Shadow Generations!

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6 months ago



3d Maria and Gerald models! human in sonic are stylized the way Eggman is and it's cohesive and BEAUTIFUL

SO much damn polish, it looks like a triple A game now, BECAUSE IT ACTUALLY IS!!!



A N D T H E D A R K B E G G I N I N G S T R A I L E R ! !







something smells like toast...

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6 months ago

This minecraft short comic called "A strange Coast" made by Ian Flynn I believe, I found in a book from my library I work has to be one of the most beautiful and respectful takes on the game.

It understands minecraft so perfectly and doesn't treat it as childishly as the other stories in it did.

And all that within 10 pages and no word spoken.

This Minecraft Short Comic Called "A Strange Coast" Made By Ian Flynn I Believe, I Found In A Book From
This Minecraft Short Comic Called "A Strange Coast" Made By Ian Flynn I Believe, I Found In A Book From
This Minecraft Short Comic Called "A Strange Coast" Made By Ian Flynn I Believe, I Found In A Book From
This Minecraft Short Comic Called "A Strange Coast" Made By Ian Flynn I Believe, I Found In A Book From
This Minecraft Short Comic Called "A Strange Coast" Made By Ian Flynn I Believe, I Found In A Book From
This Minecraft Short Comic Called "A Strange Coast" Made By Ian Flynn I Believe, I Found In A Book From
This Minecraft Short Comic Called "A Strange Coast" Made By Ian Flynn I Believe, I Found In A Book From
This Minecraft Short Comic Called "A Strange Coast" Made By Ian Flynn I Believe, I Found In A Book From
This Minecraft Short Comic Called "A Strange Coast" Made By Ian Flynn I Believe, I Found In A Book From
This Minecraft Short Comic Called "A Strange Coast" Made By Ian Flynn I Believe, I Found In A Book From

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