featherofeeling - I guess I go here now
I guess I go here now

sometimes-southern US dweller. in my second decade of fandom. I mostly read fic and write long reviews on AO3. multifandom, but currently (and always & forever) entranced by Victoria Goddard's Hands of the Emperor. always down to talk headcanons, sacred text analysis, or nerdy stuff. she/her.

797 posts



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More Posts from Featherofeeling

8 years ago

On days like this Sam Wilson calls in Black to the Avengers and refuses to go into work.

I imagine he spends his days this week at the VA with Black vets and they sit and talk and cry praying they’ll be alive tomorrow and the next day because cops don’t really give a shit about a Black vet with PTSD.

What do y'all think the other Black characters are doing to cope today?

[non-black fans your only place in this post is to reblog and like, btw]

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8 years ago
Something Good In This World
Something Good In This World
Something Good In This World
Something Good In This World
Something Good In This World
Something Good In This World
Something Good In This World
Something Good In This World
Something Good In This World
Something Good In This World

Something good in this world…

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8 years ago

What I meant was, aren't all these calls for "compromise" and "lesser of two evils" just teaching the progressive electorate to accept any mediocre/bad Democrat candidate, because the Republicans will always run someone worse? There's every chance the 2020 election will feature a Republican worse than Trump and a Democrat more compromised than Hillary. When does a voter say enough?

Honestly?  Voters saying “enough” during a presidential season won’t do anything, not unless it comes out that both presidential candidates are, like, space invaders in disguise or engaging in human trafficking on the deep web, or something.  Our political system as it stands now is a two-party system, for all intents and purposes.  Yes, third parties exist, but their existence does not make them a viable option.  The way our electorate works, they have no chance.  The only way a third party could gain traction in a presidential election within our current system is if one of the two major parties completely collapses, and that third party takes its place.  At which point we still have a two party system, it’s just that the parties have changed.

The problem here is that every four years, we get a group loudly shouting “Enough is enough” and declaring that they refuse to compromise and vote for a lesser evil.  But these same people are most often nowhere to be found during midterm elections.  These same people are less likely to vote down-ballot.  Like clockwork, every time we’re picking a new president, there’s a loud contingent who refuses to endorse anyone who doesn’t pass their purity test.  Some of these people don’t vote at all.  Some of them vote third party to “make a point.”

Except with how our system works currently, a third party vote is either the same as not voting, or will actively count against the major party most closely representing that person’s interests.  It’s most likely that the major party that voters wanted to make a point to will ignore them altogether.  If they do notice?  They’ll conclude that the further to a political extreme people in the party are, the less reliable they are as voters.  And then the party will do more to appeal to moderates, getting the protest voters the exact opposite of what they wanted.

The solution here?  Don’t make presidential elections your hill to die on.  Don’t play the game as if the rules have already changed to be what you want them to be.  We have to start reforms at the lower levels: Local and state elections.  Only when we can consistently elect senators, governors, state representatives, mayors, and city council members who are independent or much further to the right/left than the major parties will our two major parties consider those people as serious presidential contenders.  Only then will third parties ever be seen as an option the electorate could actually support.

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8 years ago
Ive Been Trying To Finish This For Weeks But Soul Destroying Work Happened And I Suddenly Needed 36 Hours

I’ve been trying to finish this for weeks but soul destroying work happened and I suddenly needed 36 hours a day to do anything. I’M SORRY. More to come. Anyway, a little fluffy thing with Sam and Steve because I love them so, and I have a certain weakness for the potential domesticity with those two, okay, don’t judge me. I assume Sam would be like “Is it your answer to having to wear the uniform all day, because, yes please, sign me up.” And Steve laughes and goes “mmmmmffff”. Or something :D


[please don’t repost, use without permission, or delete comment, thank you <3]

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8 years ago
MCU Genderswap Aesthetic
MCU Genderswap Aesthetic

MCU Genderswap Aesthetic

Lupita Nyong’o as T’Challa / Black Panther

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