sometimes-southern US dweller. in my second decade of fandom. I mostly read fic and write long reviews on AO3. multifandom, but currently (and always & forever) entranced by Victoria Goddard's Hands of the Emperor. always down to talk headcanons, sacred text analysis, or nerdy stuff. she/her.
797 posts
This. So Excited. How Often Have Readers Had The Opportunity To See Both Readers And Author Made To Engage
This. So excited. How often have readers had the opportunity to see both readers and author made to engage with the strong gender scripts underlying an incredibly popular work, made explicit and challenged by a gender-swap? Has it ever 'officially' happened before?
i know everyone and their grandmother is taking potshots at the new twilight novel but honest to god i have so many questions, so many things i needed to know in the agonizing hours occupying the space between “knew this thing exists” and “got my filthy, goblin hands on a copy,” and my first and most pressing being what are we going to do now that jacob black doesn’t have a knot? how does renesmee work in this universe – does she exist in this universe? would she have existed? if edward is the one who is against having the baby, would edythe have carried it given the reverse situation? would edward’s body – unable to change, age, or grow, even conceive a child? would there be a vampire abortion? would there, in this universe, have to be some kind of fanfic-style cis-dude mpreg for beaufort slash bella swan to fulfill her destiny of being a zombie vampire babychild incubation machine? and like, in a universe where the dynamics of half of the familial and romantic relationships are predicated on gender roles learned and assigned in like, the mid 19th and 20th fucking centuries, how does rosalie’s storyline even work? she was only a vampire because of a) her relative class status b) the existence and enactment of gender-based violence in the depression era, jasper was only a vampire because he was an active confederate soldier in texas during the southern vampire wars, would alice’s institutionalization and torture have even happened if she’d been a man? would carlisle have been a doctor? is edythe going to take the role of stalker slash protector without the hovering obligation of antiquated gender roles? how does leah’s struggle with the hypermasculinity assigned to her as a werewolf play out if she’s like, a dude, how does the whole lowkey racist narrative about quileute men being unable to control their violent, animalistic impulses because they’re native ameri– excuse me, werewolves, play out if all of them are women. i have been sending frantic, screaming voice memos about this to several people tonight and my only regret is that this was the way you all had to find out that not only did i read twilight but i am heavily emotionally invested in the consistency of the twilight universe’s internal logic buT LIKE FOR REAL IS THERE GOING TO BE MPREG IN THIS? IS BEAUFORT (BEAUFORT!!!) SWAN GONNA HAVE A BABY. WHAT HORRIFYING PORTMANTEAU IS RENESMEE GONNA SUFFER THROUGH THIS TIME
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More Posts from Featherofeeling
More Les Mis + Wolfpupy Tweets, for absolutely no reason and I'm sorry
The Bishop: you have to be cruel to be kind, no wait the other thing, you have to do nice things. phew, could have caused a lot of problems
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Jean Prouvaire: dead people taking up all the good graves, some of us alive folks want to be in the grave too you know
Feuilly: i could sit on power lines too if the world would stop keeping me down
Courfeyrac: it happens to the best of us, the best of us such as me, out of both of us im the best one, probably too great to give you usable advice
Bahorel: if the bible has taught us anything its that you have to fight for your right to party. a song? oh then i guess it taught us nothing then
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Valjean : my whole life has lead up to this moment, being dead in a grave
Bitter Sweet Symphony | The Verve
“There’s a Greek legend—no, it’s in something Plato wrote—about how true lovers are really two halves of the same person. It says that people wander around searching for their other half, and when they find him or her, they are finally whole and perfect. The thing that gets me is that the story says that originally all people were really pairs of people, joined back to back, and that some of the pairs were man and man, some woman and woman, and others man and woman. What happened was that all of these double people went to war with the gods, and the gods, to punish them, split them all in two. That’s why some lovers are heterosexual and some are homosexual, female and female, or male and male.”
― Nancy Garden, Annie on My Mind
reblog if you’re the bisexual cousin
I like this song as sung by women, but I love how Ramin kept in the gender of the one who left. Also this feels very intimate.
Ramin singing I dreamed a dream