fictionfixations - The Fiction Archives
The Fiction Archives

Fixations on fictional subjects in the form of rants, writing prompts, head canons, and so on. We'll see where this leads us. (They/Them) (The banner is from r/place 2023)I make impulsive posts because I get struck with ideas late at night and don't schedule my posts because I like seeing my mistakes in real time /hj.

993 posts

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(this Is For An Ao3 Fic So The Images Dont Disappear)
(this Is For An Ao3 Fic So The Images Dont Disappear)
(this Is For An Ao3 Fic So The Images Dont Disappear)

(this is for an ao3 fic so the images dont disappear)

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11 months ago



( i succumbed to the power of tsums. i didnt even know there was a twst event going on.. what...!?)


lOOK AT HOW CUTE IT IS (or do i say he? i mean we know they're alive. so. ..i guess he..? HE'S SO CUTE)

(also is that rook's hat i see down there?)

they look so soft.. whoever thought up the idea of tsums is so smart, cause its like. free advertising of merch. but its part of the game so ppl arent that annoyed about it.

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11 months ago


fictionfixations - The Fiction Archives

[Belphegor: I had a weird dream.

I dreamt about wanting to whisper sweet nothings in your ear and make you melt into a puddle whenever I saw you.

I kept whispering corny pickup line after pickup line like some kind of broken record... eventually, my brothers got spooked by it and stopped letting me see you.

I was in the middle of writing you a letter to express my feelings when I woke up.]

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11 months ago

In All My Dreams I Drown / TWST Fic (Fic Rec)
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

There is a voice, distant but oh so familiar in cadence as it crooned words so sweet and loving, full of praise and affection in equal measure. The clack of heels came ever closer, click, clack, click, clack; a gentle touch of cool metal in the shape of sharp tipped claws brushed softly down Yuu’s cheek in their slumber causing them to relax even further with a silent puff of breath as a deep chuckle thrummed in the air. - Prologue, Act I.

..i need more fics centered around fae. but maybe im looking wrong. but ive been barely stumbling into them (with the exception of like lilia and malleus because i haven't searched anywhere close to those two.)

like. like. cMOON FAE YUU??? (there's so little... AND ITS A TAG TOO)

there's this cool fic with harry potter being a fae (and i foresee a lot of found family and cute family moments to make up for all of his trauma)

and the only fic centered around sebek ive read so far is a time travel one. but still.

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11 months ago

the interruptions..


im watching someone play book 6 for one, refresher, and two because im stuck and id just like to enjoy the story. and i like the commentary this person provides

and just.

The Interruptions..

LMFAO. so all the way back here he was getting into when they first met

and then INTERRUPTION (the screen shakes on the next bit. which. yknow who arrives.)

and then we go to the tower portions where he's explaining. and then again INTERRUPTION. (and frustrated epel cuz he wants to listen to the whole story lol)

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