Obey Me Belphegor - Tumblr Posts

Mammon really did not waste any time, did he?
He probably even use his demonic speed to snatch that pic 😂
I sort of wonder if MC has ever thought of the demons, or angels as lucky for being demons/angels, yk for having powers and stuff like that, tbh I don't know which one I'm jealous of more, but I do wonder what y'all think and what you would prefer, either stay as human, or would like to be an angel or demon.

Just something I decided to create a random day for content 😂
I'll probably make more with other obey me characters cause it was pretty fun to do this, but for now here is Belphie sleeping in a weird place like a cat :3
God: *Deciding to make the wind blow MC's paper under Lucifer's feet* You need a family therapist my son.
*The brothers falling head over heels, becoming defensive, obsessive, and possessive over MC*
God: ...mydamn it.
Asmo: Hey MC! What color do you think I should wear?
MC: You know, I've heard from the human world that the color red can make someone look more flattering, and attractive.
*Mammon changing into red in one blink of a sec*
MC: ...
Asmo: Geez Mammon, you're such a try hard, you know?
Mammon: Shaddup!

Here is MC being a menace in the actual game
And Lucifer treating it like the worst sin that has ever been made, when he has locked up his own brother in the attic 😭
*In the library, with the Anti-Lucifer League..*
Satan: Alright time to make plans to absolutely ruin, and destroy Lucifer. Got any plans?
Belphie: We could put a curse on his pillow so he'll end up having nightmares every time he sleeps.
Satan: Ok, not bad, not bad. Mc? How about you?
Mc: Glitter.
Satan: Wha? Glitter? How is glitter supposed to ruin Lucifer?
Mc: We explode him with glitter in his room. Not only will it be a big hassle to clean off, BUT he will find glitter everywhere, everytime. Because once glitter gets on something, it never leaves. It will also keep finding random places to appear, he'll see glitter for centuries, hehehehe.
Belphie: ..You devilishly little sheep~
Satan: Alright lets do it!
I can only imaging God finally snapping at Mc..
God: *Summoning Mc to his throne*
Mc: ...What the fu-
God: Stop it.
Mc: ..Stop what?
So there has been posts about how the demon brothers would think that humans are extremely sensitive. But what about sickness?
Mc: *Cough cough*
Mammon: Mc is sick!!! I repeat they are sick!
Leviathan: What do we do!? An Otaku is NOT meant for this!!
Lucifer: It was just a cough..
Satan: I have read that humans have made a candy for coughs.
Ok, so this has been going around my mind lately.. Did Belphie kill Mc twice? Or just once? Cause, Belphie choked Mc to death over at the attic. But then, there is the other MC that Mammon held in his arms, did Mc in Mammon's arms die too.. or did they just poof before anything happened else happened..? Like what do y'all think?
Me: *Is sad, so goes to read/watch obey me on crack. Hours later I be chuckling, and simping like never before.*
It's the little things
Obey me, fluff, anxiety, comfort, self harm maybe?
When you first came to the Devildom, you might have adjusted quick, but it sure had a few changes in yourself, or maybe even entirely. But not to worry, cause the obey me boys are there for you!
Diavolo obviously researched a lot, with both Barbatos, and Lucifer. He made sure, that an ordinary human will be able to live there. Whether it is hydration, nutrition, foodration, proteinration. Everything, for the human that will have the most impact on the mission of one day having the three realms together.
Once you actually got there, boy was it was something for you. You didn't know what to do, with school, everyone else, the brothers, or even yourself. You were lost. But, even when Mammon didn't want to, he gave you tours, told you about everyone, and the bros, he was there most of the time. Having quality time together, and getting to know each other more. A distraction that loneliness wouldn't have ever given. He was practically the only one who let you process things slowly, since his brain works the same, and so he gets it all too well.
Still.. even with Mammon's silly shenanigans, they couldn't keep the thoughts, and anxiety from creeping in. Asmodeus having to catch you multiple times, picking at your lips, and skin of your fingers was just torture for him! Realizing that it's just anxiety, and that you don't even mean to do it, he still couldn't rest well knowing you're doing this to yourself! He would then take you to his room, or go over to yours himself with bags and boxes, full of all types of things, nail polish, skin care, makeup, etc. Doing skin care, and pedicures, teaching you all you need to know, for that cute dollface of yours.
Realizing how fragile humans can be, Lucifer had so much to learn. How much water a human needs, he is surprised, so much. How much humans eat, how many times, he is surprised, so little. How much humans sleep, once again, surprised. The average human sleeps more hours a night than he ever could, with responsibility, and his brothers. Nonetheless, he always makes sure you don't pass anything, drink your water, eat your portion of food, and go to sleep!
Beel being the expert in food, he takes you out to eat once in a while, so you can explore the wonders of food in the Devildom. Of course, with you guys getting kicked out once in a while by Beel's endless stomach, you still have fun with him. And he is right, the food in the Devildom proves to be good, with some food being almost identical to human world food, which you especially loved.
Satan knows that the boredom can kill sometimes, so once in a while he sends pile of books to your door.. which take almost an hour to clear out.. Still, it keeps the time flying by when you're alone, and need something to pull you out of the reality, that somehow you ended up in hell.
Luke, Simeon, and Solomon also want in on exploring the Devildom with you. Luke being the aware, untrusting one, Simeon being chill, and laid-back one, and Solomon is of course leading the group. Most of the times in havoc, but you all had a great time together. The perfect Angel-Human quadruplet team.
You see Barbatos often. Following the Demon Lord Prince. Tho, he is invisible most of the time. Even so, he gives advice to you whenever you need it, always responding with a soft warm welcoming smile that puts you at ease. His baking, and tea do the rest of the job for you to enjoy the time there too.
So I'm not sure if it's the same with other pp, but I panic when a NEW problem comes my way, and I technically have a mental breakdown when I don't know what's gonna happen, and the effects the new problem could bring me, which does lead me to overreact. So now I'm just wondering how the brothers would react to an overreacting MC who doesn't know about something, cause they never had dealt with it before (they don't know how to deal with the problem either lmao).
MC: Thanks for the allergy pill, Mammon.
Mammon: Heh, you always got your first to rely on.
MC: ..! ...uh oh..
The brothers: 👁️👄👁️
Beel: That didn't sound good...
MC: I might've chewed the pill by accident...
Lucifer: *Tries to stay calm* What do you mean you chewed the pill by accident?!
Levi: Are you feeling ok?!
MC: I DON'T KNOW!! My mouth feels bitter, am I foaming?!
Satan: Someone call Solomon!!
Asmo: I'll do it!!
Mammon: Don't worry! I'll carry you to a hospital!
Belphie: What the fuck are the demons gonna do, bitch?!!
Mammon: I'm trying here, don't start calling your big brother names now!
*The brothers fighting in the background*
MC: *Starts having a mental breakdown*
Obey Me Masterlist (2023)

"For The Sake of a Dead Stranger"
No summary provided
Incorrect Quotes
"Sad Drunk"
"Diavolo's Wish"
"Smelling Rain"
"Small Accident"
"My Dearest Archangel" ( x Archangel! Reader)
No summary provided
Incorrect Quotes
"Something Unforgivable"
"Special Milk" ( x Belphegor) 18+
No summary provided
"Special Milk" ( x Belphegor) 18+
No summary provided
This rlly falls into the issue with the sexualization of Twins, too.
Bro, idec know anymore at this point, I am tired of seeing sibling character x reader x sibling chatacter (for example: fred weasley x reader x George weasley, that's just an example) Even if the poly is just the two siblings sharing the other person, it's disgusting. No, NORMAL siblings would ever think of sharing someone. Most of the people who read this shit r probably just wierdos. I promise you ppl who have siblings would never agree to someone if they said, "Can I date you and your sibling?" And if you think differently, ur weird. The reason isn't just a sexual reason (that's just plain disgusting, no normal siblings want to have a threesone or whatever with someone else siblings r very repulsive in that with each other) It can also just be a romantic reason. Just being in a relationship with the same person as siblings is gross. The same thing goes for Obey Me, especially Beelzebub and Belphegor. There have been lessons where it literally mentions how whichever one of the Obey Me brothers wouldn't be okay with sharing you with another brother, but people so desperately want that to not be the case. Especially that one lesson where Belphie mentions in his sleep how he actually isn't okay with sharing MC with Beel, but people r always like, "Oh! If they talk this out, it could work!" Bro, no 😭, except that he doesn't want to, you can't have both of two r siblings. It's utterly disgusting. The times that Obey Me have moments where they're like, "We can share MC." Is all for the money frfr, there has been many lessons signaling that they actually aren't okay with that. The parts were they mention sharing has usually been in events (money grabbing 👀.) I am tired of reading Obey Me fanfic and then when I get to Beel it's like- "Beel & Belphie, why not both :)))" mf i don't want "both" I'm not a weirdo. And I'm only making this post because it's EXTREMELY NORMALIZED that it's literally impossible to ignore it. Not even fictionally, even in real life, ppl who r poly with siblings.. Nahh bruh, even if those siblings aren't dating each other, they got some weird incest shit going on, especially if they both have sex with you at the same time, mental hospital. Me and my siblings and I always mention how disgusting it is, the same thing with my friends who also have siblings. This isn't a matter of "Oh, their all consenting adults they can do whatever." I will gladly tell any p3dos, Zoophil3s, and inc3sts to |< Ý $ no questions asked if you think I'm being dramatic, please exit. If I see shit like this I'm literally just gonna either block the person or report them (which is so much work considering since it's so normalized is fucking everywhere), or literally just say shit. No actual siblings would do this, y'all.. You just really want both of them, and that's fine with other characters that r not siblings (for example if u wanna be poly with Diavolo and Lucifer go ahead), but when their siblings your fr putting a weirdass fantasy in ur head that they r okay with it n shit. And with actual Inc3st ships I've seen literally so many ppl say it's ok (most of them ended up being only children not a suprise), and at this point my stomach hurts and I feel literally sick. I just enjoy the sibling relationship, beel and belphie . Meanwhile, the comments r like, "Me when I want both," mf touch grass.
Anyways yeah I'm just irritated at this point cuz it's so normalized that it's just everywhere so I felt I needed to speak out abt it because it completely ruins the mood when I'm just tryna enjoy shit, and I'm not rlly good with words so sorry if this is layed out wierd or something. I can't be the only one who has siblings and is weirded out by this (obv not cuz I talk to ppl irl who mentions how weird it is). If you have siblings, please put yourself in a situation where someone wants both u and ur sibling at the same time.
You people are acting like those creepy people in real life who go up to twins and r like "Threesome?"💀💀💀
Im ready for the weirdos after me
MC: *in a middle of a meal with the 7 brothers thinking lewd thoughts about them*
MC: *Remembers Lucifer can read minds but is a bit unsure*
MC: Look at me in the eye if you can read my mind and know what I was thinking moments ago
Obey me has me in a brain rot chokehold.

Here are some random and oddly specific Obey me headcanons
(I’m almost done OG obey me and I haven’t touched NB yet so if these are brought up or proven wrong in game please ignore the wrong one)
-Mammon needs glasses and doesn’t know it, he bought prescription sunglasses without realizing they were he bought them because they were more expensive so they must be better and he can see better he doesn’t understand that it’s because he needs glasses
-Satan will occasionally swap Lucifer’s coffee with decaf
-Belphie can actually holds his liquor. He could beat asmo in a drinking contest but never stays awake long enough to actually make it through one not because he’s drunk but because he’s belphie
-Satan has cosplayed with Levi, once as Neko maids and the other was from a magical girl detective series (with a manga and light novel adaptation)
-Beel has a few foods he doesn’t like to eat (other than Solomon’s cooking) he doesn’t like broccoli or asparagus from the human realm he will still eat it but doesn’t particularly like how it tastes
- Lucifer knows satan swaps his normal coffee with decaf he just always can’t tell right away especially when it’s his 3rd all nighter
-Levi on occasion has asked asmo for help finding or applying make up for cosplay
-some of the brothers have very cold hands and some have super warm hands. The brothers with warm hands are Lucifer, satan, Beel, Belphie (also in the warm hand camp is Diavolo and Simeon) the brothers with cold hands are Asmo, Mammon, and Levi (also in the cold hands category is Barbatos and Solomon)
-Mammons belt feather clip is actually feathers that Lucifer dropped when they first fell and his first crows feather.
-Asmo hates almost all mint flavors, but on occasion will be ok with peppermint breath spray
-Belphie HATES dark chocolate
-Solomon wears boxers
-Beel has eaten aquarium rocks thinking it was rock candy
-Barbatos loves chewing mints and ice
-Diavolo bites ice cream but never experienced brain freeze
-Asmo and Mammon love maple syrup in ice coffee
-Levi has two tanks in his room he will soak in one is salt water one is fresh water
-Mammon can do more pull ups than Beel but Beel is overall stronger than Mammon
-Mammons body wash smells like Honey
-Levi showers regularly with soap and uses deodorant he doesn’t want to smell bad he has a very strong sense of smell (however the soap is very cheap ocean spray scented 3 in 1)
-Satan uses Irish spring bar soap
-Mammon tried dying his hair gold but it didn’t stick
-if Satans hair grows too long his hair will start gets black streaks or the ends will turn black so bleach and haircuts
-Luke refuses to let Beel lick the spoon because the first time he let him he ate the spoon
-Asmo loves Rose Wine from the human realm
-Mammon will only drink honey milk tea from the human realm
-Belphie and Beel love marshmallows
-Satan told Mammon and Beel that you should wash cotton candy before eating it they both did, Satan got yelled at by MC
- MC will use salt circles to keep certain things safe from Mammon and Lucifer
Since I feel like sharing my headcanons was insanely fun I’m going to be doing more! So same as before here are some more. sorry for any spelling or grammatical errors I’m having fun
MORE Random And Oddly Specific Obey Me Headcanons
Familiar Edition
All of the brothers familiars are very attached to MC however mammons Crows are the most attached to MC sometimes choosing her side over his side.
I can see MC walking back from RAD noticing a demons really pretty hair pin saying they wish they had that hairpin, later that night a crow is tapping on MCs window with a hair pin as a gift and surprise it’s the exact one she was wanting.
Contrary to popular belief I think Asmodeus familiars would be only animals he sees as beautiful and unfortunately for MCs with Arachnophobia and/or Entomophobia (like myself) most of them are surprisingly (or unsurprising) Scorpions and Spiders like peacock jumping spiders are his personal favorites he finds their colors and eyes so beautiful. And another unfortunate (or fortunate) thing depending on your views of bugs or arachnids is Devildom spiders and scorpions are big like much bigger than ones from the human realm like Australia sizes (if you know you know)
Asmo might try to help MC with any sort of Arachnophobia by showing them some of his most colorful and cutest familiars they all love her so they’ll show off all of their cool patterns or dance, but if Asmodeus senses any once of fear from MC he’ll try to find another way to introduce them to you getting an idea of maybe dressing them up in tiny clothes would work (spoiler it did not)
I know alot of people think that Lucifer’s familiar would be either Cerberus or a peacock like his animal counterpart but I think it’s much more of a he doesn’t have an “official familiar” he tends to help his brothers care of their familiars (he’s a hard working single father of 6 boys)
Satans familiars are cats I will not explain there’s no need to
Beel much like Lucifer no official familiar but he does seem to have a fondness for cows. No Beel hamburgers can’t be familiars unfortunately.
Levi has 3; Henry 1.0, Lotan, and one very timid koi fish he found in the garden pond he thought about having it and Henry 2.0 share a tank but quickly found out putting them in the same tank is asking for trouble. And no Henry 2.0 is not a familiar that’s his best friend not some animal.
Belphie has a familiar surprise! It’s not a cow, it’s not a cat, and it’s not a bat. It’s actually a tortoise he found on his way to RAD one day he thought it was cute keeping pace with his slow sleepy steps and actually bit Lucifer when he first saw him, and then ate part of his uniform as well so for belphie he was in love with the little guy.