Don't fear death. It has no power over you.
1885 posts
Fightmebro - It's Fine - Tumblr Blog
Why pool make eyes STING please?
Your eyes sting in the pool because of chlorine. Chlorination of pools has been normal since biblical times to prevent bacterial and insect egg growth. It was first noted at the Pool of Bethesda in Jerusalem. Being Bethesda it was of course full of bugs, so to keep it clean, they poured in chlorine (known back then as "The Bile of Samael") to keep the water clear.
Soon after, people noted healing properties to the pools, and they became a pilgrimage site. Far from superstition, the chlorine was metastatic, entering the bodies of those present and having an antibiotic effect. Thus a pool's healing force can be predicted from having a high meta-chlorine count.

Weird chairs
burdened with glorious purpose (writing 2d anime man smut on the internet)
I wrote another short story and this one is very short so it is definitely normal. It has no space to be weird.
How to escape the well
i have literally zero qualms about the source of meat that i eat as long as it is clean and poses no threat to my health. turtle? let me have a lirtle. raccoon? i want some soon! belly of horse? well, of course! dog's leg? don't make me beg! i could go on but i believe you get the picture. i really don't give a shit. obviously there's ethical concerns but like if you presented me a filet of human flesh that was harvested off of someone who wanted me to eat them i'd take a bite. i would. i mean, think about it. if someone wanted you to eat their flesh, i feel like that would make it more ethical than a pig who wanted more than anything than to live. the difference between me and you, though, is that i wouldn't get hard over it. FLACCID. PENIS. the entire way through. not a drop of moisture nor tingle of sensation in my briefs. also. can we go back i forgot to put in my mom's rewards membership number.

i made a comic in google slides for some ungodly reason
writers be like; anyone gonna write this story? and then not wait for an answer. and then not write it either

Another commission I got from @gahreat !! My emo boys 🤠Maxneil when they're 16 and 17. Max is the emo one and Neil actually just autism mirrors his boyfriend bc he sees stuff and thinks "Oh Max would like this" and he ends up accidentally looking a lil emo. Also he embroidered that skull on Max's pocket for him ðŸ¤ðŸ¥°

my horrible son squangle he has every disease and is banned from running for office

girls night girls night
on wikipedia straight up "learning it". and by "learning it" i mean, lets just say.. information

reblog if you’re a writer who feels guilt whenever they’re not writing and being productive, so I know I’m not the only one lol
I love when the face is pretty and the blog content is alarming.
I love the fix-its. I love the AUs. I love the missing moments. I love the canon compliants. I love the canon divergents. I love the drabbles. I love the song-fics. I love the crack fics. I love the smut fics. I love the crossovers.
i want romance. i want intimacy. i want the 2 am love making. i want consistency, loyalty. i want the random looks of admiration. i want to know you're just for me. i want date nights. i want love so pure and true. i want it because i can return it.
can i come over and be very fucking insufferable and creepy and annoying and weird

— Arthur Miller, The Crucible
Every 500 years, the dragon who founded the Academy arrives to choose a student to tutor directly. You are the weakest mage on record and she has chosen you.