fika-drw - A Dreamer, A Reader, and A Writer
A Dreamer, A Reader, and A Writer

[They/Them] "Sometimes, simply existing is enough."

66 posts

Snarry Fairy Tale AU Rec List [ 1 ]

Snarry Fairy Tale AU Rec List [ 1 ]

If you didn't already know, I LOVE Fairy Tale AU. I gobble them like there is no tomorrow. I basically read all of the fics under 'Alternate Universe - Fairy Tale' and somehow still find more when I thought there isn't more which is a welcome surprise for sure. I wouldn't say this is a rec list per se since this is basically me just dumping all the Fairy Tale AU fics that I had read into here. If you had any Fairy Tale AU fics that aren't included here, please link them in the comment 😊


Red as Blood by Likelightinglass

Rating: Mature || Words: 9,942 || TW: Mild Gore

Summary: Once upon a time there was a strange and magical land. One filled with ordinary villages and ordinary people, a dark and forbidding Forest, and a castle shrouded in mist. In the castle lived an Evil King, whose court of Death Eaters did his evil bidding. And there was a curse. There was a curse, and a magic mirror, and a boy as white as snow. But first, there was a Huntsman.


Love, Luck, and Good Looks by ladyofsilverdawn

Rating: Explicit || Words: 11,675

Summary: For hundreds of years, the Prince family has suffered from a never-ending secret: the Grimm Curse, which has stolen the beauty and luck of countless Prince descendants. The only way Snape can, once and for all, break the ancient spell is to locate his soulmate and share with them a true-love kiss. Of course, Harry has to help when he finds out.


A Knight in Shining Armour by Alphinss

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences || Words: 1,782

Summary: Tumblr Prompt: The strongest warlock in the land uses his powers to kidnap the princess. Most people believe the is in love with her. But he’s actually in love with the knight who always comes to save her. Snarry Version...


Something Ever After by abstractconcept

Rating: Mature || Words: 17,011

Summary: Harry just wanted his happy ending. Instead, he’s stuck with a sparkly tiara and glass shoes, and the entire world seems to have gone mad.


Dirty Harry by Lomonaaeren

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences || Words: 8,910

Summary: Harry was cursed to die at birth. His parents managed to hold back part of the spell, but it means that Harry is now cursed to be seen by everyone around him as a dirty servant. Only true love’s kiss can break the curse, but how can that ever happen when Harry disgusts everyone he meets?


The Interrupted Kiss: A Fairy Tale by emynn

Rating: Explicit || Words: 24,291

Summary: Once upon a time, Severus Snape shared a kiss with Harry Potter. Then Harry had disappeared after killing the Dark Lord, leaving Severus the reluctant darling of the Wizarding world. When Dumbledore insists on throwing a ball in Severus’s honour, Severus is convinced the world has gone completely mad. But when he comes across an ashy-faced young man whose half-answers about his identity haunt his every thought, Severus realizes that a ball might be the least of his worries.


The Fall of Spring by namara_ashina

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences || Words: 1,847

Summary: How many times will Spring visit the underworld before becoming trapped?


The Nutcracker's Delight by perverse_idyll,Β rinsbane

Rating: Explicit || Words: 17,119

Summary: Severus Snape meets the Nutcracker.Β 


Jester King by Vera

Rating: Mature || Words: 8,793

Summary: In a small kingdom, blood is spilled, a king flees, and a legend is forged. AU.


Sleeping Beauty by starcrossedgirl

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences || Words: 3,137

Summary: In which the residents of Hogwarts are befallen by a mysterious affliction and Snape has to save the day (andΒ Potter). Again.


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More Posts from Fika-drw

1 year ago

I'm not good with grieving or emotion in general. I bottled everythings up. People will usually say that it isn't a good way to grieve or handling emotion. I can't feel anything, no emotion, nothing. I go on with my life as if nothing happened as if I didn't just lose someone that really amazing. I feel like I betrayed myself.

@givereadersahug or most of you know as Scarlet is a very amazing person that sadly is no longer with us. As long as I knew her, she has been this bright Lumos that lights the server of @houseofsnarry. I guess the saying of 'you never realise how important something is until you lose it' is true and the loss of Scarlet felt that way. I took granted of constant things and really took comfort in it that I forget that nothing really lasts forever.

However, the memory of you as a great friend, a great mod, and a great person in general will always stay with us. Thank you for being our Expecto Patronum. Thank you for always being there for us, for the community you were in. Thank you for indulging the craziest ideas we have. Thank you for being our biggest cheerleader and biggest support.

This is my gift to you, I thought it is only fair that I return to do the same thing that you always did to me, recommending me any Snarry Fairytale AU that you find. I hope you like it.

Now, it is time for you to board the train. Rest well Scarlet and thank you once again for everything you had done❀️

Snarry Fairy Tale AU Rec List [ 5 ]

Gasp! I can't believe I have read fifty (Yes, you didn't misread) fairy tale theme work. While I'm well aware that all of it might not be considered 'fairy tale' enough, as long as it had a tiny implication that it is a Fairy Tale AU or inspired, it will be included. So enjoy this list!


Harry Potter and the Well at the World's End by mirawonderfulstar

Rating: General Audiences || Words: 1,272

Summary: "Once upon a time there was a young Prince named Severus. Being in possession of neither fortune nor the physical beauty and charms to secure one, he was forced to work for the cruel and violent Lord regent who had ruled his kingdom since he was a small boy…" A Snarry Fairy Tale (a Snairy Tale?) for Happy Snape Week.


The Rune King by PiperDerg

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences || Words: 11,199

Summary: Harry is a thief that works in magical runes stealing where he can and trying (sometimes) to do good with it. Until he gets caught and stuck in a marriage that he's not entirely sure he wants out of.


Silas Barnaby and the Green-Eyed Dragon Boy by suitesamba

Rating: General Audiences || Words: 13,217

Summary: Silas Barnaby enjoys a perfectly ordinary life as a museum guard in York and – until these last weeks, at least – did not see spectacled cats, ghosts in graveyards, or heads in fireplaces. What’s more, the green-eyed man in the portrait in the Dumbles gallery is definitely not winking at him. A tale of sacrifice, forgiveness and people who aren’t at all what they seem.


in time of lilacs by NecromanticNoir

Rating: Not Rated || Words: 9,799

Summary: Severus has only spent one night with the Omega - surely this melancholia cannot be… Pining Sickness?


Sleeping Beauty by DobbyRocksSocks

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences || Words: 2,796

Summary: Despite the Death of the Dark Lord, Potter still manages to get himself into trouble. Can Severus save him?


Rings of fate. by Bluemoondreams

Rating: Mature || Words: 11,373

Summary: There is a lord of the rings feel to this story. Complicated romance between elf wizards. Very much an AU. Just done for fun really, so please don't take this so seriously.


Rings of fate. by Bluemoondreams

Rating: Mature || Words: 11,373

Summary: There is a lord of the rings feel to this story. Complicated romance between elf wizards. Very much an AU. Just done for fun really, so please don't take this so seriously.


Requiem At Dusk by Femme (femmequixotic)

Rating: Explicit || Words: 48,929

Summary: Harry would do anything for his son, even follow in Orpheus's footsteps.


Prince Forgetful by agneskamilla

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences || Words: 8,747

Summary: Prince Severus lost his memories but found some new allies.


Wish not for a soul that is full of sin by SerenaEW

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences || Words: 4,798

Summary: After all, a flighty soul could not return to the water, or to the earth, asΒ theyΒ maintained all life eventually should. (What one did not have, they believed, could not be broken.) Prologue to the merman!Snape, amnesia AU no one asked for.


Harry Potter and the Monster in the Woods by wendymarlowe

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences || Words: 5,833

Summary: Harry is sent into the woods to be sacrificed to the creature who lives there in exchange for the creature lifting his curse on Harry's village. Harry is rather surprised not to be eaten. The creature is rather surprised that Harry turns out to be a tolerable life companion.


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1 year ago

Main Hub!

My Stories [AO3]:

Updating: - My Little Harry [Hiatus] - Looking Like Harry [Soon] Snarry: - Why? - Birdnest Tamer - Wulf The Wolf - Nox - Desk - Thundershowers - Lunch - Misunderstanding - Snape In Leather Pants - Unspoken Accident - Sugar Baby Other Ships: - Chocolate For Your Trouble [SpiderFrostIron] - A Little Surprise [BlackIce] - Anam Cara [Lover's Death]

β‹‡βŠΆβŠ°β£βŠ±βŠ·β‹‡ β‹‡βŠΆβŠ°β£βŠ±βŠ·β‹‡β‹‡βŠΆβŠ°β£βŠ±βŠ·β‹‡ β‹‡βŠΆβŠ°β£βŠ±βŠ·β‹‡

My Snarry Prompts Main List

β‹‡βŠΆβŠ°β£βŠ±βŠ·β‹‡ β‹‡βŠΆβŠ°β£βŠ±βŠ·β‹‡β‹‡βŠΆβŠ°β£βŠ±βŠ·β‹‡ β‹‡βŠΆβŠ°β£βŠ±βŠ·β‹‡

Snarry Fairytale Recs List:

[ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ]

β‹‡βŠΆβŠ°β£βŠ±βŠ·β‹‡ β‹‡βŠΆβŠ°β£βŠ±βŠ·β‹‡β‹‡βŠΆβŠ°β£βŠ±βŠ·β‹‡ β‹‡βŠΆβŠ°β£βŠ±βŠ·β‹‡

Snarry Chan Recs List:

Must read before proceeding: [ Master Post ] Categories: ✧ <14: [ 1 ] ✧ 15-16: [ 1 ] ✧ 17: [ 1 ]

1 year ago



This is basically the dynamic between them and this is their way to say 'I love you'

Their pet name πŸ₯Ί

Harry 'obnoxious brat' Potter

Severus 'greasy git' Snape

β‰ͺ °❈° ≫β‰ͺ °❈° ≫β‰ͺ °❈° ≫

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1 year ago

Snarry Fairy Tale AU Rec List [ 4 ]

So I have decided to split the rec list into multiple parts so it easier to navigate (at least that was the idea). The list will naturally grew as I read and find more and more Fairytale AU fics. So keep an eye fairytale lovers! There might be a new rec list waiting on the corner πŸ‘€


Sparks or Nothing by Inkdrinkershadowsinger

Rating: Mature || Words: 5,330

Summary: Severus is cursed. Find someone to love and someone to love him in the next year or die, but how can he fall in love with anyone else when it's only ever been Harry?


head full of doubt by bleedcolor

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences || Words: 11,085

Summary: Severus spends his days methodically searching empty rooms, from the shadowy winding halls of the dungeon to the top of each spindly tower, and finds nothing more than the languishing splendour of places once well-loved, now abandoned to the vagaries of time and neglect.


The Lost World (short version) by perverse_idyll

Rating: Explicit || Words: 10,871

Summary: His son may have found the garden, but Harry's the one who keeps going back.


Severus’s Story (or, A Hero’s Tale) by avioleta

Rating: Explicit || Words: 17,458

Summary: When Harry Potter asks for help with a case, Severus finds he must deal with some very old magic, a bit of medieval romance, and far more heroism than he would like.


Briar Nose by Isis

Rating: General Audiences || Words: 3,185

Summary: A sweet and funny Potterverse version of the Sleeping Beauty fairy tale. Except she's not beautiful, she's not sleeping, and, well, maybe 'she' isn't the right word...


Dragons, Half-Goblins, and Soulmates, Oh My! (A barely-Snarry fairytale, narrated by the short attention span storyteller) by drwritermom

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences || Words: 4,201

Summary: A very lonely, mistreated dragon unites two Potter half brothers, Harry and his younger, half-Goblin brother. Their friendship ultimately saves Magical Britain, with minimal casualties. Gather round as this storyteller tells the tale.


The Prince and the Merman by babygray

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences || Words: 29,967

Summary: A Snarry retelling of the Disney interpretation of the Hans Christian Andersen story. The merman Severus has few friends. He had lost one years ago to the surface world, and the other was a shark. One night, however, he becomes obsessed with a human prince and soon after searches for a way to do Lily had done so easily: join the human world. Someone, however, has very different plans. Will Severus be able to save Harry a second time?


On the Origins of Dementors by DarkTony

Rating: General Audiences || Words: 2,662

Summary: Amidst the pages of tomes that now remain unread, there a story, a fable, a legend goes of a man made of misery…

Amidst the pages of tomes that now remain unread,

there a story, a fable, a legend goes of a man made of misery…


The Ugliness Within by Slytherinroses

Rating: Mature || Words: 10,186 ||TW: Bestiality

Summary: Ginny curses Severus into the form of a beast, hoping that Harry will be so repulsed that he will dump the Headmaster and come running to her.


The Prince, The Witch, and The Hatter by Crowley (Sh1ft)

Rating: General Audiences || Words: 30,923

Summary: Hadrian had an uneventful life working at his late grandfather's hat shop. Unfortunately, that all changed when he accidentally befriends the wizard Severus, who lived in a magical moving castle and came with a terrible reputation. The wicked Witch of the Waste takes an issue with their alleged relationshipβ€”she wants the man for herself. The witch casts a terrible curse on Hadrian, hoping to drive them apart. Hadrian's journey to break the curse does not quite go as he expected. Who knew he'd fall in love, gain a family, and develop a proclivity for magic along the way?


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1 year ago

Snarry Chan (15-16) Rec List [ 1 ]

Please read the [ Master Post ] before proceeding. A gently reminder that you don't have to read something if you don't like it and if you don't have anything good to say don't say it at all. That's all and enjoy!


Trust (In) Me by Lilithtje

Rating: Explicit || Words: 72,432

Summary: At the beginning of his sixth year in Hogwarts, Harry Potter is determined to apologize to Snape for invading his pensieve and to ask for more Occlumency lessons. He doesn't expect to be received with open arms... but Snape's reaction is unexpectedly extreme.


Oil and Water by PinaNaponi

Rating: Explicit || Words: 109,135

Summary: During Harry's fourth year at Hogwarts everything spirals out of control. To his surprise, the person who comes looking for him at night, when he cries all alone in the dark corridors, is Snape. Snape, who he's weirdly obsessed with. Snape, who disgruntledly takes care of him, soothes him and, inevitably, loves him. It is the only thing that keeps Harry sane. Β  A reimagining of the books Five through Seven, making sure both Harry and Severus get what they deserve. Each other. - revised version -


Dark Angel by Eriador117

Rating: Explicit || Words: 93,797

Summary: Dumbledore's methods to ensure Harry's safety after the defeat of Voldemort do more harm than good.


The Pseudo Son by pixiealtaira

Rating: Explicit || Words: 12,351

Summary: What if…??? What if Harry had grown up knowing Severus? Part of the From Dusk till Dawn Severus Snape/Harry Potter Fuh-Q-Fest Wave XII..I'm posting catch up.


Anywhere by WhenISayRun_Run

Rating: Explicit || Words: 67,670

Summary: Potter is very pale and for an unknown reason Severus is worried. He tried to find out what is wrong but Potter only ended up yelling on him. When Severus left the Halloween feast to clear his mind at the Astronomy Tower he wasn't ready for what he saw.


The Ghost of Dursley Hall by Eriador117

Rating: Explicit || Words: 22,492

Summary: Dursley Hall is rumored to be haunted, but when Severus Snape becomes the tutor of Dudley Dursley he discovers the real truth.


Sold. by CallmeKitten

Rating: Mature || Words: 22,538

Summary: "My uncle is a greedy bastard," No one corrected his language, "So he basically sold my heat."


Life as I know it by Blinded_HP

Rating: Mature || Words: 88,592

Summary: AU! Harry is not the boy everyone expected he'd be when he first entered Hogwarts. This fic is Snarry slash with Snape as Harry's Dominant


The Tutor by Snarry5evr

Rating: Explicit || Words: 69,225

Summary: Being a powerful wizard and Lord of the realm doesn't save Harry Potter from dealing with the consequences of his actions, so after being kicked out of his fourth school his godfather decides to hire one of the best tutors in the land. Unfortunately that man happens to be one Severus Snape. Severus Snape has spent years tutoring the spoiled children of the aristocracy. The job offer from Lupin shouldn't have been any different. ***Do not repost my works without my express permission*** Don’t copy to another site


The Lion and the Snake by JenTheSnarryShipper

Rating: Explicit || Words: 8,380

Summary: Being a powerful wizard and Lord of the realm doesn't save Harry Potter from dealing with the consequences of his actions, so after being kicked out of his fourth school his godfather decides to hire one of the best tutors in the land. Unfortunately that man happens to be one Severus Snape. Severus Snape has spent years tutoring the spoiled children of the aristocracy. The job offer from Lupin shouldn't have been any different. ***Do not repost my works without my express permission*** Don’t copy to another site


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