findingcolourintheworld - My sea turtle leads me to...
My sea turtle leads me to...

Hello and welcome! Swimming through my blog you can encounter sea and ocean related photos and videos, some psychology topics for self-growth and my exercises at freewriting (unburdened by logic, grammar or relevancy). Oh, and inspirational books and music will be there too.

15 posts

There Was Once A Bird, A Black Bird With A Blue Streak Over Its Head. It Flew Often High In The Sky,

There was once a bird, a black bird with a blue streak over its head. It flew often high in the sky, fluttering with its wings like a demon in disguise. It flew through the cold, the warmth of the summer sky, the staggering raindrops and white lightning. It didn’t want to stop, there wasn't any time for that. Everything was about the movement of the wings and going on and on.. she eventually forgot that she needed to eat or drink. She forgot what the body needs and just continued with her weird survival mode that has gone too far.

She got away from other birds - birds that attacked her, birds that admired her passion, nice friendly birds, but no one who shared her passion. Nobody shared her zeal for flying high up in the sky and wanting to reach the ruins of the blue feathers. The ruins that promised each passenger a key to another world, a world full of wonder and excitement. Nobody told the black bird that flying alone was not a good idea and that trying to outrun time is silly. Her strong feelings became the only fuel that was moving her forward..and losing strength more and more. She didn't truly ask for help or wondered what would happen if the ruins are there no more.

The bird is still flying, though is it a bird anymore? the body burst into flames - the ashes and the soul are wiggling along through the air.. the bird is no more as it once was. However, could she possibly acknowledge her mistakes and rise again from the ashes? The question remains unanswered.

There Was Once A Bird, A Black Bird With A Blue Streak Over Its Head. It Flew Often High In The Sky,
  • notesby19
    notesby19 liked this · 4 years ago

More Posts from Findingcolourintheworld

Sound of waves, sunshine and greenery to soothe the soul.

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Anger and frustration, what is the best cure for that?

I imagine it like a small red monster - jumpy, chaotic, bites if you come close and it's like glue, sticking to the skin of people and hard to get rid of once it gets comfortable near you. It can also easily multiply so at the end of the day you feel heavy and tired because you have been carrying it around. It's dependent of you and the more you think about it the happier it is. You know it would help if you let it go and move on. However, you have become used to it so it's scary to try to let go and you forgot how you did that before. There are less of them in the woods, they can be more easily spotted there and you can focus on the greenery and fresh air instead. Or on other people if you are in a group somewhere wandering, getting lost and finding the path again. Sometimes they get jumpy or even loud for a while, but they quiet down as time passes. The more you are walking, spending nights in a tent and looking at the stars the more you realize it isn't so big or scary and like anyone else it wants to be noticed. After talking to it you decide that you will practice spending some time with the red monster, but also not letting him jump around you all day. In the end you give him a big and gentle hug 🤗

Well, this is how I try to rationalize things in a way, though it's something to practice every day, step by step. 🚶‍♀️

A little house on a hill in the middle of the desert.. Is it a mirage or is it a real house? I am staring intently, but I can't say for sure. I have been walking in the sun almost all day and my mind might be playing tricks on me. All the light is too much, I need to close my eyes and I can only hope my lizard will somehow find me. I am resting my sight in the darkness and thinking about all the exotic plants I have seen. Light green, round plants that can flutter in the sky and spray the air with purple mist, thousands of little, blue branches that gather together to form one plant with deep roots, the tall cactus-like forms that can't be moved by any means, orange and red flowers that light up during the night and show the way to the selkvias - old trees with vertical branches whose humming can scare away the nightly predators. And there are so many more interesting ones. The desert climate is not for me, but because of them it is worth the visit.

I decided to run towards the house with my eyes closed, as crazy as that may be. I sensed the shade when I came nearby so I stopped at front of the door. I opened my eyes and realised the house was real, but there wasn't actually a door in front of me. It was above me. Almost at the same time I noticed my friend and my heart skipped with joy. The lizard was blinking at me from a distance.. he is my 'steed' in the desert. He is slower than the horses, but more fun to be around with, and he also knows the routes I am travelling. I wish I could travel with him in other places as well. I whistled so he would come closer to me and he moved through the sand like he was swimming. I knocked on the wall in front of me (couldn't reach the door), and then I actually heard a knocking sound coming from inside the house. A hoarse and quiet voice said - come through the window..

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The Comfort I Need Before Going To Sleep Also I Will Try To Remind Myself To Collect 'light Bulbs' During

The comfort I need before going to sleep 😴😴 also I will try to remind myself to collect 'light bulbs' during the next seven days - pieces of good memories, new wishes and practicing appreciation

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What to write about and when will I add some water theme photos? Well, I am taking things as I like it.. I don't want to pressure myself or approach this posts as a job

Anyway, what comes to mind...

A blue, tall mountain towering in front of me. Is there a way to reach it? If I was a snowman could I slide through the snow easily and reach it more fastly? Actually, I think I would rather be a reindeer and trot to it, in my own pace and looking at the scenery around me. There are small villages on the pathway, a big lake with a long bridge shining in the night, a small forest with young trees and a clearing near the base of the mountain.

For now I will continue walking around the villages and observe the details. What I usually like to observe is all the little things that bring a certain atmosphere, in this case a calm, colourful and creative one. At least during midday, though it is probably more noisy (let's say hectic) during other times of the day. Looking at the lamps makes me feel lighthearted and curious. Most of them have a white light burning in a frame of coloured glass and are adorned with abstract, elongated decorations made of iron. The colours of the glass vary, there are shades of cyan, light orchid, crimson, lemon yellow, sea green and dusty grey. As a kid, I would probably spend time staring at them and wondering what fairy put those lights there. Actually, in a way I am doing that now. The lamps are part of the energy moving through the streets during the day and more mysterious and flickery during the night.

The houses are ellipse shaped with a sloping roof and mostly coloured in grey. Though, the first thing I actually notice after the lamps is the floor on the main street, it has yellow tiles and a few flowery patterns that appear in a line from time to time. The borderline, or the part in front of houses and shops is covered with small, blue tiles. Already, the colours invigorate my soul and motivate me to take part in a creative workshop. Oh, there is one involving flower arrangement tomorrow, that is what the poster said.. Well, I guess that is for travellers, because I can see the folk here know how to do that, I can see that by looking at the plants on the balconies and vases in the shops. There is balance and rhythm in the arrangement, but there can also be some fun chaos and surprising combinations. The shops and people are a story for themselves, but for now I will mention one more thing. And that is the sounds... I have heard in the afternoon the refined and clear sound of flute, the muffled or bright sound of drums and the music created by drinking glasses. I have enjoyed the melodies, but what also surprised me are the church bells. During the day I have heard a rhytmic and pulsating chime coming from them that shocked me for the first time I heard it and in the evening it becomes a hushed melody. The last chime is the most quiet one and it has been able to lull me to sleep nicely.

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