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Findinglifeinwords - Untitled

findinglifeinwords - Untitled

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2 years ago

Það er tíminn sem þú hefir varið í rósina þína sem gerir rósina svona mikils virði.

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2 years ago

You’ve never seen an INTJ woman pissed off before, have you? Because if you have, you wouldn’t dare cross me. Welcome to hell.

2 years ago

“I have limited experience, but I know this: moments of connection with another human being are patently rare. But rarer still are those who can recognize such a connection when they see one.”

— David Arnold

2 years ago

Families will be underline toxic and then expect you to spend your holidays or free time with them. My sanity is worth more than pleasing someone who cannot respect boundaries.

2 years ago

We all wish for more time. But, we are all given the time we get.