Autopilot - Tumblr Posts
*puts body on autopilot*: time to stare off into space and do my work at the same time!
My husband was loading the dishwasher, and I had Thoughts™, so I sat down on the kitchen stepstool and started talking to him about Discworld stories (commonalities between three of the books). He was apparently interested enough in the discussion to go on autopilot.
He ran out of dishwasher space and opened the cabinet under the sink where we keep the dishwasher detergent. Still moving on autopilot, he grabbed the wrong container.
He pulled out a garbage bag, moved over to the dishwasher, unfolded it, shook it open, reached forward with it -
and paused, realizing that this wasn't quite right.
I had been watching in confusion as we discussed Discworld elves, wondering what exactly he planned to do with the trash bag and the dishwasher. When he looked at his hands in befuddlement, I realized that this was not intentional and laughed so hard I bonked my head on the counter.