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Findinglifeinwords - Untitled

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2 years ago

Adults teach kids to be kind. But, there are so many adults that are unkind to each other. What a disgrace people have become to each other.

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2 years ago

“There was an age difference, but as with all great couples, whatever the discrepancies are in age, it just sort of melts away as the months and years go by.” - David Foster (describing Celine and René love)

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2 years ago

No news is the worst news. Because you’re left not knowing and creating worse case scenario until you finally get some kind of news. Bad or good. I’d rather know than be kept not knowing.

2 years ago

If management isn’t willing to take responsibility. Walk away. No job is worth your sanity.

2 years ago

Everyday is a new day to start over. What if each new day is a painful reminder that you’re no longer here. And as the days add up, I am in constant agony or completely numb just to ease the pain.

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