675 posts
Fuck Anyone Who Gets In My Way When I Decide That I Am No Longer Carrying Their Weight. I Am Done Going
Fuck anyone who gets in my way when I decide that I am no longer carrying their weight. I am done going above and beyond for all those who are assholes in return. Fuck you.
butchdimension liked this · 2 years ago
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There comes a time when you need to decide on what you need and what you want. And what you are willing to give up and do to get to where you want to be. With what you want, there comes certain sacrifices.
No one talks about the stress induced panic attacks. They are real and proving you need a break from life is a huge sign you need to reduced your stress immediately.
If management isn’t willing to take responsibility. Walk away. No job is worth your sanity.
No news is the worst news. Because you’re left not knowing and creating worse case scenario until you finally get some kind of news. Bad or good. I’d rather know than be kept not knowing.