675 posts
There Comes A Time When You Need To Decide On What You Need And What You Want. And What You Are Willing
There comes a time when you need to decide on what you need and what you want. And what you are willing to give up and do to get to where you want to be. With what you want, there comes certain sacrifices.
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Adults teach kids to be kind. But, there are so many adults that are unkind to each other. What a disgrace people have become to each other.
“Loyalty isn’t grey. It’s black and white. You’re either loyal completely, or not loyal at all. And people have to understand this. You can’t be loyal only when it serves you.”
— Sharnay
“There was an age difference, but as with all great couples, whatever the discrepancies are in age, it just sort of melts away as the months and years go by.” - David Foster (describing Celine and René love)
My family had only supported me when it has given them beneficial gain.
I have died more times than most people have lived.