flastar13 - El rincón literario
El rincón literario

Analizamos, recomendamos y comentamos obras, ya sean novelas, cuentos, comic, webcomic, mangas y series y películas de dibujos animados o actores reales, etc.

678 posts

Adoro La Moda Regencia Inglesa/imperio Francs, Le Da Un Aire Etreo Y Elegante A Su Usuaria, Gracias A

Adoro La Moda Regencia Inglesa/imperio Francs, Le Da Un Aire Etreo Y Elegante A Su Usuaria, Gracias A
Adoro La Moda Regencia Inglesa/imperio Francs, Le Da Un Aire Etreo Y Elegante A Su Usuaria, Gracias A

Adoro la moda regencia inglesa/imperio francés, le da un aire etéreo y elegante a su usuaria, gracias a su sencillez. Este vestido nació como una especie de espejo inverso de las modas mas extravagantes antes de la revolucion francesa.  

Se supone que se basa en las ropas grecorromanas, pero a mi me recuerdan mas a las del renacimiento italiano.

¿Qué opinan?

I adore English regency / French empire fashion, it gives an ethereal and elegant air to its user, thanks to its simplicity. This dress was born as a kind of reverse mirror of the most extravagant fashions before the French revolution.

It is supposed to be based on Greco-Roman clothes, but they remind me more of the Italian Renaissance.

What do you think?

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More Posts from Flastar13

3 years ago

The Princess of the Fable (Blindsprings)

Hello everyone as I said in my previous post I am going to analyze the fable of the annotation of the webcomic Blindsprings. At first it looks more like a fairy tale at first glance but Harris refers to it as a fable and not as a tale. A fable is a story or literary composition in prose or verse that provides a teaching or moral advice, a story on the other hand is a short narrative, oral or written, in which a fictional story is told with a small number of characters. an underdeveloped intrigue and a quick climax and final denouement. So history must have a teaching to be a fable.

The Princess Of The Fable (Blindsprings)

Here they tell us that the Llyn family was very evil as always, but a princess apparently Tammy was the only kind member, some readers like me will already know that Tammy supposedly according to the academics support them, so now they paint her as "the sheep White". What strikes me is the following:

The Princess Of The Fable (Blindsprings)

If you read the foreword to book 2, you know this is not true, Tammy knows another place besides the palace walls. She lived in a cloister much of her life, and Gregoire implies that it was a more humble or at least morally better place than the palace. Besides the bird, Tammy's spirit guide is a quail not a crow, this may be simply because historically crows are associated with evil, while a quail seems more defenseless and beautiful, and the guy who wrote this was possibly an academic with an intense hatred towards spirits, so I would try to make them look as bad as possible, or for another reason, but it seems unlikely to me that another person is being represented with that motif of birds, whose spirits take as a form. The other thing that seemed strange to me is Tammy's hairstyle, I know well she sometimes braids her hair in a single braid

The Princess Of The Fable (Blindsprings)
The Princess Of The Fable (Blindsprings)
The Princess Of The Fable (Blindsprings)

She never does in her time as a princess

The Princess Of The Fable (Blindsprings)
The Princess Of The Fable (Blindsprings)
The Princess Of The Fable (Blindsprings)
The Princess Of The Fable (Blindsprings)

But there is an Orphic princess with braided hair, who has always lived in the palace, has never known anything else and whose bird motif we do not know: I speak of Aliana

The Princess Of The Fable (Blindsprings)

I know she has appeared little and her behavior is anything but good, but objectively she is innocent, she has never done anything wrong apart from annoying her sister. I know the author has had a conceptual arts of Tammy as a princess with braided hair.

The Princess Of The Fable (Blindsprings)

But in the final product Tammy doesn't look like that. On the following pages, I notice something interesting

The Princess Of The Fable (Blindsprings)
The Princess Of The Fable (Blindsprings)
The Princess Of The Fable (Blindsprings)
The Princess Of The Fable (Blindsprings)

Flowers fade, thorns grow in their place, and more birds appear. This is strange the spirits are necessary for nature to flourish not wither like those flowers, it would make more sense that those were the academics whose actions have caused the slow deforestation, but again it was possibly written by an academic, they will never admit their guilt and They will use scapegoats, just as they do with the power outages in which they blame Orphic and not that by sealing them they are cutting off their own source of power. The thorns can represent those that cover Tammy's seal, and allow her to continue serving the spirits. The coloring of the room reminds me more of the colors in which Aliana is usually represented

The Princess Of The Fable (Blindsprings)
The Princess Of The Fable (Blindsprings)

A sign that the other princess is. Maybe? I know you were wondering why write a fable as the protagonist to Aliana but draw Tammy instead? Well Tammy is the closest to Gregoire, leader of the revolution, but the subject also knows Aliana and although they have not interacted yet, he seems to know her more deeply since when he comforts Tammy, he calls her by her name, explains why. his behavior looking for the precise words as if he lamented a little for her and to some extent he justifies her without ceasing to admit that his actions are cruel. Aliana may not always have been like that, but always being surrounded by unpleasant courtiers and although we still do not know the rest of her family except her mother (who is not winning the mother of the year award), maybe they can not be good people, I hope they are not abusive, this, whatever the reason he does not want to marry, made it that way and Gregoire, who already knew the Llyn, knows it and feels sorry for her.

The Princess Of The Fable (Blindsprings)

I think that the best Gregoire wrote the book or had it written at the beginning to tell the story of both princesses, not just one, although it is most possible that Tammy was the protagonist from the beginning, having more affection for her, perhaps I include to Aliana as a warning about how ancient Orphic society and its spirits rot young people like Aliana, and exploit girls like Tamaura, the work may have been longer but it was shortened as time went by like many stories in the Real life and as Tammy was the most popular, they added scenes of her sister, and omitted the presence of Aliana as she was just another member of the cruel ex-ruling family that they overthrew and now demonized. It's funny how they present Tammy perhaps agreeing to go with the spirits, when it was her mother who made that decision.

The Princess Of The Fable (Blindsprings)

The last page contains the moral lesson, in which he warns about the true nature of the pacts with the spirits, you get what you want and enormous power but in return you will be his tool for the rest of your life. Hopefully the academics understand that by oppressing the Orphics, they are only provoking more people desperate to improve their lives and that of their people, who will easily turn to spirits for their freedom but at a heinous cost. Wait is already happening with the arrival of Tammy, Ariel for wanting to protect her brother and help others has already made a contract, also Street and all the clues suggest that Imogen will dothe same. And our academic friends instead of attending to some reasonable demands of the Orphics to calm them down, only oppress them more with their Gravers, causing discontent even to their own people like Wisteria, who are already fed up with how racism prevents them from taking care of their adopted children This does not look good at all for the future, both for orphics and academics.

Until next time.

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3 years ago

Manwha recomendaciones: “La emperatriz divorciada”

Manwha Recomendaciones:La Emperatriz Divorciada

“Navier Ellie Trovi era la emperatriz perfecta en todos los sentidos: inteligente, valiente y sociable. Era amable con sus súbditos y devota de su marido. Se conformaba con vivir el resto de sus días como la sabia emperatriz del Imperio de Oriente… Pero un día, su esposo trajo a una amante y le exigió el divorcio. “Acepto este divorcio… y solicito autorización para volver a casarme”. En un giro inesperado, Navier se vuelve a casar con otro emperador y conserva su título y su sueño de ser emperatriz. Pero ¿Cómo se desarrollaron los hechos?”

Esta historia es el típico relato en que una joven esclava/plebeya de gran belleza enamora al emperador, quien se casa con ella al darle su heredero, abandonando a su antigua esposa, una mujer fría e indiferente pero de nacimiento noble, motivo por el cual se casaron. Solo que se enfoca en la frígida emperatriz Navier, quien pese a no ser muy emocional, cumple a la perfección sus deberes como emperatriz al haber sido criada desde pequeña para el rol. Ella es cariñosa con sus sirvientes y preocupada por sus súbditos, desgraciadamente para su esposo no es suficiente, deseando a alguien más amoroso, sumiso y alegre, lo cual encuentra en Rashta, su amante y la aparentemente típica heroína otome.

La obra desconstruye el romance del emperador con su amante, pues al ser de baja cuna no tiene una familia poderosa que la respalde o apoye al imperio, es analfabeta e ingenua, convirtiendo en un blanco fácil de manipulaciones e  incapaz de hacer correctamente sus deberes como emperatriz, sin contar el enorme descontento de la nobleza al ver a la antigua esclava gobernadores, después de desplazar a la capaz Navier de distinguida familia aristocrática. Y la fría ex esposa no está interesada en maltratar a la amante u recuperar el amor de su esposo, solo en ejecutar sus responsabilidades como emperatriz, evitando a que este nuevo amorío destroce al imperio, tanto como puede.

Amo este manwha gracias a su protagonista fuerte Navier, no aguanta la mierda de su esposo

Manwha Recomendaciones:La Emperatriz Divorciada
Manwha Recomendaciones:La Emperatriz Divorciada
Manwha Recomendaciones:La Emperatriz Divorciada

Quien está absolutamente seguro que Navier acosa a su amante

Manwha Recomendaciones:La Emperatriz Divorciada
Manwha Recomendaciones:La Emperatriz Divorciada

Cuando es al revés

Manwha Recomendaciones:La Emperatriz Divorciada
Manwha Recomendaciones:La Emperatriz Divorciada
Manwha Recomendaciones:La Emperatriz Divorciada

(En serio sigo sin entender como la gente no asumió inmediatamente que Rashta fue la copiona, si Navier es la que siempre viste de rojo, mientras esa rata siempre usa blanco o tonos pasteles)

Fuera de la típica rivalidad entre mujeres provocadas por un varón imbécil, está la relación de Navier y Heirey, esta me encanta porque se basa en el respeto y  confianza mutua a diferencia del matrimonio de Navier, donde Sovieshu siempre la menosprecia e exige atención y sumisión de su parte. Heirey valora a Navier y ama su personalidad más distante pero cariñosa, logrando complementarse con el emotivo carácter del joven monarca.

Manwha Recomendaciones:La Emperatriz Divorciada
Manwha Recomendaciones:La Emperatriz Divorciada
Manwha Recomendaciones:La Emperatriz Divorciada

Y siendo sincera Heinrey es un bombón

Manwha Recomendaciones:La Emperatriz Divorciada

El dibujo es muy bonito, lleno de detalles y colores muy brillantes

Manwha Recomendaciones:La Emperatriz Divorciada
Manwha Recomendaciones:La Emperatriz Divorciada
Manwha Recomendaciones:La Emperatriz Divorciada
Manwha Recomendaciones:La Emperatriz Divorciada

Sin embargo considero mejores a los de la versión novela ligera

Manwha Recomendaciones:La Emperatriz Divorciada
Manwha Recomendaciones:La Emperatriz Divorciada
Manwha Recomendaciones:La Emperatriz Divorciada

Léanlo está en webtoon en español, les prometo que lo van a disfrutar, van a odiar a Sovieshu y a Rashta, y se enamoran de Navier y su futuro segundo esposo Heinrey.

Aquí está el link https://www.webtoons.com/es/fantasy/the-remarried-empress/ep-1/viewer?title_no=2246&episode_no=1

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3 years ago

The princess and the blue bird

Once upon a time there was a beautiful and innocent princess who lived imprisoned in the highest tower of a beautiful castle by her evil family. The princess looked every day and every night at the blue sky and wished with all her heart to feel the same wind that beat her window or moved the clouds on her face, she often wondered if she felt with the soft dew of a perfume or the steam of a hot tea.

One day the princess was awakened by the song of a beautiful blue bird that posed in the golden frame of her mirror. The bird asked her if she wanted to get out of her tower but she replied that it was all she knew.

The next morning the bird sang again and asked the princess if she wanted to leave the tower and she answered him again -It's all I know.-

The next day the princess waited for him awake curious to know how the bird entered when the windows were sealed, great was her surprise when she saw it appear out of nowhere, before she began to sing she asked him how it appeared in the tower and he said: -That's my power princess, if you allow me I can get you out of here- but she the princess told him that she only knew the tower. On the fourth day the blue bird sang again and asked the same question -Do you want to leave your tower? - and she said again -It's all I know but I would like to know how the wind feels-

-The wind feels like a fresh sigh- I reveal the little blue bird before leaving. The following days were the same, the little bird sang and then asked the same thing and the princess answered him the same- It's all I know- but now he asked about the outside world and the blue bird talked about forests full of flowers and trees, of wonderful ruins. , deserts in which the stars shone in all their glory and beaches whose sea was so crystalline that you could see their interior. The princess was in awe of her tales and she wondered if she could really get her out of that tower.

One night with a full moon, the princess was awakened by the blow of a bird's beak.

"What's up friend?" Asked the princess.

-Today you will be free princess like the rest of the birds that sing today- replied the little blue bird, while the walls disappeared and for the first time in her life the princess felt the wind on her face.

If you want to know the rest of the story, click https://www.wattpad.com/story/223266609-princesa-y-bruja

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3 years ago
Princesa Y Bruja - Captulo 8: El Ataque (on Wattpad) Https://www.wattpad.com/1066052148-princesa-y-bruja-cap%C3%ADtulo-8-el-ataque?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Flavimonse1304&wp_originator=ymhnbYD1J9ZBYs802S0S8JKEimMrhQAcsNp%2FNTQIn1hMhAlwDUEBDkVmvq1ag0svbEIAFmvMoaqyT2pczHxftRfS0GKLMICx18SbsJgSpwUQt2jjHp1PWC%2Fh4Grpc4ER

Princesa y bruja - Capítulo 8: El ataque (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1066052148-princesa-y-bruja-cap%C3%ADtulo-8-el-ataque?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Flavimonse1304&wp_originator=ymhnbYD1J9ZBYs802S0S8JKEimMrhQAcsNp%2FNTQIn1hMhAlwDUEBDkVmvq1ag0svbEIAFmvMoaqyT2pczHxftRfS0GKLMICx18SbsJgSpwUQt2jjHp1PWC%2Fh4Grpc4ER Erase una vez una astuta bruja que encarceló a una ingenua princesa, como en cualquier cuento esta fue liberada por un joven aspirante a héroe ¿Pero no habrá sido aprisionada por un buen motivo por la bruja? ¿Es que acaso nadie se ha preguntado por qué una bruja odia a una princesa? Bueno ahora sabrás las repuestas a estas preguntas.

Esta es mi historia, espero que sea de su agrado

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3 years ago

Analysis and review Blindsprings Prologue Book 2

Hello everyone, this is the first time that I will analyze a literary work, I chose Blindsprings because I love the art and history of the webcomic, I will focus on the prologue because it is very interesting for me because (Warning I am not a native English speaker, I speak only Latin American Spanish so I apologize for any misspelling): 1. It is at the time of the Orphic government, which we know very little. 2. It shows us Tammy's life as a princess and priestess before the academic revolution. 3. Three very important characters appear in the story but they have appeared minimally in the plot. These are Tammy's empress mother, Aliana the sister whose salvation is the reason why Tammy still serves the spirits and Gregoire leader of the academic revolution and creator of the great seal.

Without further ado let's get started.

Analysis And Review Blindsprings Prologue Book 2

-First on the cover we see on the left Aliana very arranged, surrounded by young noble men, and on the right side we have Tammy, surrounded by spirits and mist. Aliana's side is bright and pink in color. This is the third time the character is represented in that color

Analysis And Review Blindsprings Prologue Book 2

Tammy on the contrary is represented in green and in the dark. This is very interesting because green and pink are generally opposite colors, this is a way of telling us before reading the chapter that both sisters are opposite but at the same time they are both dressed in white and they do not look very happy in their respective places. basically not very different?

We turn the page to the first page, there Tammy is brushed by a maid whose courtesy seemed somewhat acidic to me and Tammy does not look comfortable when being attended and insists on brushing her hair herself, something rare if you are a princess, not to mention that she squeezes her hair. fists as a sign of annoyance. Another thing is that her room is blue, I know that at first glance it does not seem strange but Tammy never uses blue, she almost always chooses green, white and black, also blue is associated with the academics she hates but according to them, she I support them at the beginning. Is it true? Did she choose that color as a show of support, until she betrayed her by overthrowing her family?

Analysis And Review Blindsprings Prologue Book 2

We continue on the next page, apparently a party is being held and the nobles instead of showing respect to their princess and high priestess, are hostile and call her a bastard. Well that was a bit obvious.Tammy is a redhead and the rest of her family is brunette.

Analysis And Review Blindsprings Prologue Book 2

Leaving that awkward place, Tammy complains about the cruel comments and reveals to have arrived at the palace a few months ago, and the page text says that she was hiding in a cloister. My reaction was WHAT! According to the fable that appeared in the annotations, it is said that Tammy has lived her entire life in the palace walls and she does not know anything else but in truth she has only lived a few months. The only explanations I can find are: the academics are as I suspect unreliable narrators, it was actually symbolism or they were simply referring to another princess but they used the figure of Tammy because she was more popular. Later she goes to a kind of sanctuary of the spirits but her charming older sister has prepared a small trap for her, thorns (which reminded me of her cello but that on the contrary allows her to serve the spirits) prevent the entrance, annoying Tammy breaks the thorns but Aliana transforms them into snakes causing an understandable fear and panic in Tammy that makes her flee. Aliana laughs but to my surprise she is short lived and she feels somewhat regretful (I hope this is part of a redemption arc where she learns to treat her little sister better than her). Tammy cries for what happened, and is consoled by none other than GREGOIRE, the future leader of the academic revolution. Tammy shows that she is comfortable with him, she tells him about her problems as her sister intimidates her and that she had no say in the matter of being a priestess, Gregoire tells her that she is not to blame for anything, just Aliana is like that because she has always lived in a cruel place and knows nothing else, but she must not also become cruel and never forget where she came from. In agreement they confirm the incongruity of the fable and the reality, Tammy knows and lived in another place at least morally better than the court and Aliana did not. I wonder how long Gregoire and Tammy have known each other, he calls her by her name, he is kind unlike the rest of the court, he seems to know his past and there is a lot of trust between the two, I think that led Tammy to support him, at least at first. Also something that you notice both dress more simply than the rest of the court

Analysis And Review Blindsprings Prologue Book 2
Analysis And Review Blindsprings Prologue Book 2
Analysis And Review Blindsprings Prologue Book 2
Analysis And Review Blindsprings Prologue Book 2
Analysis And Review Blindsprings Prologue Book 2
Analysis And Review Blindsprings Prologue Book 2

I think it is to show how the two are strangers in that place, Tammy illegitimate daughter and Gregoire a common man brought by the empress to court on a whim, but they have managed to support each other, and their clothes show that connection.

Even so I still find it surprising to see Tammy in a simple white dress, I must admit I got used to that 

Analysis And Review Blindsprings Prologue Book 2

And I had expected to see Aliana instead with a simpler dress than her sister's, as she is generally represented.

Analysis And Review Blindsprings Prologue Book 2

On the other hand, the empress has an argument with Aliana because the young princess chose young people reluctant to marry her for the simple fact of being even more reluctant to marry, and wanting to be a priestess again, which is why she torments to her sister. The empress only tells him that she should be grateful that she is not a priestess thanks to having legitimized Tammy. Cool this confirms that Tammy is illegitimate but has recently been recognized by her mother, probably due to as mentioned earlier in Lady Thorne's story, her other legitimate daughters are apparently sterile and Aliana is her last chance to give birth to an heir but She must first marry and we know that being a High Priestess does not allow it so Tammy should have replaced her, but why should she be grateful? Why will she be able to know herself the happiness of being a wife and mother? I don't think so, the empress seems to me to be a bit cold to refer to that, or is it like I'm afraid a sign that being a priestess is darker than it seems. Human sacrifice? Something worse? I fear for Tammy and the other girls with pacts with the spirits. The next scene is my favorite because the four of them finally get together, although their expressions are barely communicated, they say and hide so much at the same time.

Analysis And Review Blindsprings Prologue Book 2

Gregoire bows to the empress and Aliana, calls them by their title very different from how he relates to Tammy, reinforcing the closeness between the two, as well as Tammy's simplicity unlike her mother and sister. I am fascinated by how the opposites that are Gregoire and the empress are also shown, the former cares for Tammy, while her own mother does not even speak to him about her by having her in front of him. His clothes reflect the loyalty of each one, the empress wears green, a color related to the spirits her family serves, Gregoire wears blue, which, as I already mentioned, is related to academics, which he will lead in the future. Only Tammy and Aliana wear white as a sign of innocence, and a subtle omen about being caught between the struggle of these representatives of ideas so opposed to each other but strangely seem to attract each other, in a room whose windows look like cages or bars, a sign that at last after all, they are all prisoners of their papers.

Analysis And Review Blindsprings Prologue Book 2

Here, as the empress passes near them, Gregoire seems fearful of her, to the point of wanting to protect Tammy from her even if they have been ignored, this is rare, in the history of Lady Thorne he seems comfortable and safe with her , by betraying her and facing her. Hell he caresses her cheek like she's her girlfriend and not the person he's overthrowing, and she doesn't hold back her advances.

Analysis And Review Blindsprings Prologue Book 2

Gregoire seems to have a mania for touching people's shoulders.

Analysis And Review Blindsprings Prologue Book 2

That nervous face is scaring me. And what follows even more

Analysis And Review Blindsprings Prologue Book 2

Everything is obscure and Gregoire's ambiguous comment plus the fact that it is good for Alina not to be a priestess according to her mother, it gives me a bad feeling, I have the feeling that something bad can happen to Tammy I will explain it in another post as a clue that gives the webcomic is in another chapter, but it is well known that it is so bad that Gregoire is going to want to save Tammy from him and maybe that one of the reasons for his revolution, but I doubt that Tammy supports him in that, I think it will be like another Harris given the evidence that Tammy throws throughout the webcomic, about how Harris never asked her how her arm was scarred and saved by the spirits of academics.

Anyway, this prologue makes me think that maybe Gregoire is Tammy's father, he cares about her more than his family and she was his "service" to the Llyn in decadence but I'll talk about that another time, just like the fable and Tammy's possible fate as a priestess. It also shows me that at the end of the day and no matter how bully she is, Aliana, like Tammy, does not have the slightest control of her life and others always make decisions about her, only that Tammy tries to carry it with more grace but showing anger and sometimes defiance of people who try to control it. Aliana no, she shows her disgust by abusing the weakest like Tammy and never does the same to her mother, although she is the one who has the final word on who is a priestess according to what it seems so far, even so the most Close to challenging her mother she does is pick people who wouldn't marry her and try to convince her to marry Tammy (Seriously throwing your sister into an arranged marriage). Well I hope that one day she matures and joins her sister so that they can both finally take charge of her life. No more

See you soon.

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