flightdale - Muscle Men
Muscle Men

176 posts

And Know What This Is All About, Sexual Arousal ?, You Are Doing To Us Boys Because Can Not Do It To

And know what this is all about, sexual arousal ?, you are doing to us boys because can not do it to girls, right thus in terms of equality You Sir must wear shorts too, that is fair ?

My Lad, In This School All Boys Wears Short Trousers.

My lad, in this school all boys wears short trousers.

But Sir, I am already 18?!

School rules, boy.

Yes Sir.

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More Posts from Flightdale

6 months ago

Love your pictures and stories! May I ask what AI you used?

Many of images are done by Playground with some from Open Art and Night Cafe while videos are by Luma

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7 months ago

Soldier in helmet is thinking Wish they would keep that inside barracks it is awkward for everyone else to watch

flightdale - Muscle Men

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7 months ago

Alert Update

Not only have investigators found source and purpose of escape but got to capture the target who is in secure apartment with medical guard on duty 24/7 so it is now


To tell how all this happened We will hand over to Senior Leader of Elite Intelligence Squad, Master Superintendent Lord Battalion MD, "Thank You Sir", his voice has strict authority tone that make you want to obey also senual playfulness to suggest something more softer inside, this confusion is central to Lord's personality and why he is so successful at duty of police officer, "Before getting to the Mission like to give some background about myself to why got this role and are ideally suited to Mission that it could not be assigned to anybody else, will start by saying under this fancy suit and polite manner is rugged very tough dedicated officer who has committed his entire life to being best & finest in enforcement history even as baby knew what I want to be when grown up adult and there was nothing that could change it, I excel at school both physically AND academically, was made captain multiple times by displaying that had not only confidence for own abilities but respect for others to achieve similar things particularly related to security (of self, items and friends), of course had this mindset long before became the gentleman you see now in fact merely allow smooth integration of my desire to be officer with its technical requirements, Yes many people have underestimated me due to size and easy style, No do not get violent as serve no purpose but find I am extremely powerful and strong who hits with precision and impact while remaining calm and cool, nothing can distract me from allocated tasks often about law and its protocols, can be spiky, direct and relentless but that is procedural officer doing its job", Lord got folder off desk and open it "The Mission - Me and few mates had research this online and interview target's partner who said 'Things went strange after visited seemly empty storage site only for her collar to malfunction so collapse to floor and shake for 5 seconds then stood up agian at attention, salute saying On Duty Sir, her eyes were glowing white it was obvious to me some third party had gain control of collar and corrupted program, she attempted to have sex with me not like that is to happen so return to station where try it on officers there who reject advances as I did then she left to more willing candidates so that when put in report for Mission to be raised'" Lord put down the folder to pick up photo "We believe this is source of corruption"

Alert Update

"Long abandoned prototype which should of being destroyed after discover several lethal faults made any further development unlikely due to large public risk and reputation damage, Yes know our duty to law can be unpopular at times but do not want wild officer enforce the idea of sanctioned brutality, the faults made him angry grumpy and highly aggressive who is psychopathic sadist gaining great pleasure from inflicting torture (or receiving it), does brutal sexual interrogations which can result in serious injuries", Lord put down photo "No I am worry about any of this since were designed and built to withstand most impact that other robots can release and well above what human are do thus thats how it ended up on my desk as Main Office knew of my history with this type of case and more importantly how successful are at solving them with little effort but must admit did not know EIS even existed until about year ago now are this enhanced gentleman on different sort of patrol, did wear the standard uniform of police which was finding was restricting role of evidence collecting, Do Not Got me wrong love the uniform and still wear it under this suit but is scaring potential sources of information away leaving me with many open inquiries waiting" put hand to 1 side of mouth as to conseal "this suit allow me to close them all" hand was lowered, "Superior tracking ability had me on path to target quickly and met face to face soon, she thought of me as challenge and Yes I am just not the one wanted since are designed with temptations and built for hidden talents apart from listed (police, medical, court, bar, chef, wait) are diver pilot and provide entertainment in sing dance and play instrument (prefer to puck or hit but can blow despite do not breathe), of course she attempted sexual foreplay that knock back being polish and sophisticated, did feel around her hips to find male cock which then twisted and bend it is small useless compared to my, majestic proud monster that I push up hole as gyrate and pulse then dump massive load of liquid into her womb", Lord pick up other photo "This is target 4 weeks after capture"

Alert Update

"It will be another 10 weeks before birth then 7 months until get adult replica of me ready for Acadeny training as Gentleman Officer" added Lord as put down photo "She is now compliant and willing to do any thing I ask that means cleaning cooking and washing apartment plus engaging in weekly sessions that sometimes means pregnancy"

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7 months ago

OK only if you wear shorts too !!

Grandad No!

Grandad no!

No more long trousers for you, lad!


No buts! I am still a king, now!

But it was only a beer...

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7 months ago

You know this is more than just fruit to eat ?? Can show you its other uses most are sexual

flightdale - Muscle Men

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