Dev blog for My Inner Sins, a supernatural romance with mystery, told as an interactive fiction game.
301 posts
Update (6/21/2024)
Update (6/21/2024)
Hello everyone! It's me, Florence. I just wanted to let you know that writing is going smoothly, and I have so many ideas to put in Chapter Four that I want to make it longer. Lol. I had a little coding mishap, but nothing I can't fix with a few online forms and patience. Hopefully, chapter four will be done by the end of August (that's my goal). I also have been working on another Interactive fiction on the side, I don't know if I'll ever release it but it's nice to practice writing without having to feel the pressure of anyone seeing it. Lol.
Started my internship for my actual job this summer, so the writing process might slow down, but there are flexible hours, so I am not too worried about it.
To people who have been sending me an asks, sorry for the late replies. Please understand that I am using my writing time to write My Inner Sins. Please send the asks, tho, and I will get to them as soon as I can!
Now on a more serious note, to the person or people who keep sending me anti-LGBTQ+ questions and comments about my characters, I have tried to ignore them and not answer but it has gotten out of hand. This is your only and final warning before you are blocked. I try to be nice, but it puts me in a state of utter distress seeing such hateful things when I wake up.
Thank you all for reading!
- Florence
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More Posts from Florencetypemaniacs
What if someone is very actively flirting with RO, making heart eyes at them, complimenting, smiling sweetly, etc. The MC looks at them from afar. They don't like it, they are jealous and upset, but they can't say anything because they are too shy and not sure if RO likes such attention from this person or not. So, MC just sends sad glances in their direction.
What will the ROs do? (if it's a crush stage)
💛 Marcel
Marcel would smile politely at the person who is indeed flirting with him, but as soon as he sees you looking at him, he won't be able to keep the conversation going with them.
The moment your eyes met his, he felt the need to go over to you and tell you that it wasn't what it looked like, but it wasn't. And you weren't his anymore than he was yours, but he wanted to be. Gods, he wanted to be.
With a quick smile, he politely left the person and walked over to you.
"Mind if I sit down?" And he glanced at the chair next to you, hoping you understood he wasn't just talking about a seat.
🧡 Margaret
Margaret blushed at the boldness of the person coming on to them, fanning her face as she felt her nerves jitter. It was nice to be complimented, but it was all too much.
The moment Margaret's eyes met your own, they widened in understanding because Margaret had been where you sat. Looking at people who she was smitten with flirting with other people, she felt a wave of guilt hit her.
What was she supposed to do? Did you truly like her, or was it a trick of the mind? She wouldn't be able to breathe as she gave the person an almost wild look before excusing herself and going to a present she knew she would find comfort in. You. Margaret went and stood by you and gave a wary smile with a tinted blush.
❤️ Owen
Owen had to hold in a laugh at this person, usually, he would just let the jokes and flirting remarks about his figure roll off his back like a duck, and sure, it sometimes gave him a little pride.
Then his eyes caught yours from across the room, and he felt his breath catch as he held your sad gaze. He didn't understand why you were sad, but he wanted to be there for you. He wanted to hunt down the bastard who made your lips pout like that.
Not even answering the person beside him, he sat beside you, holding your surprised gaze.
"You want to get out of here, lass/duck/lad?"
💙 Rosemary
Rosemary purred in the person's ear and whispered back a flirty remark. It came as naturally as breathing. It didn't matter that it made her skin crawl to feel the person's body so close to hers because she was in control of the situation.
But the moment her eyes met yours, she had the urge to shove the person off of her. She knew jealously. Rosemary felt it herself. She even made others jealous. But the pure sadness that radiated off of you stopped her in her tracks.
You were upset because she was with someone, and that made Rosemary upset. This growing affection for you made Rosemary dizzy as she, with a flirty grin, excused herself from the person.
She needed to breathe.
Rosemary needed to feel like she was in control and not overcome by your ever-growing thoughts.
🩵 Tai
Tai just stared at the person blankly, his face uninterested in what this person was saying because his eyes were on you.
It was a habit every since he got to Lockwood to keep an eye on you. To make sure that you were safe. It became a habit that he started to enjoy—the relief that would flood him when he saw you.
Now Tai started to notice that the feeling he had when he saw you was something bubbling within him. Something almost unnatural. Pure.
His eyes met yours, and he saw the sadness, and before he knew it, he was walking towards you. The pull was too strong for him to ignore as he examined you.
"What's wrong?"
💚 Zane
Zane usually loved the attention. He knew he looked good. He knew humans valued outer beauty, but Zane couldn't find it in himself to care what this person was whispering in his ear. It was all too boring. The pleased feeling he would feel at being wanted wasn't there.
Then he sees the sadness in your eyes when you look at him and he frowns. He didn't understand, not really. Why were you upset looking at him and this person?
It all stopped when you came into his life, not the fluttering feeling. No, that seemed to only triple but only when you were near. Hell, the things he wanted to do to you...
It plagued his thoughts like nothing else, and he wondered if this was some sort of plot of your own accord.
Zane would get angry.
Zane would just leave the person without so much as a word of goodbye before sitting next to you.
"What's wrong, little lion? Do I need to kill someone?"
It's the cast's birthday! So the Mc just wraps themself up in ribbons, top it off with a cute bow and wait for their lover to come home!
How would the Ro's react to it?
NSFW ⚠️ Mild
💛 Marcel
Marcel hadn't thought you had anything planned, and while he still liked to remember his birthday, he never got to celebrate it. Now he had you, and that made Marcel feel like he was walking on air.
So for his birthday, he planned the most relaxing evening with you, a nice homemade meal with the help of Tai, a pint of ice cream for each of you, and a romantic comedy that Marcel had his eye on for a while.
So when he opened the door to find you lounging on the sofa with a smirk on your face, he almost dropped the bag he was holding.
"Well, hello, birthday boy."
Everything clicked into place, and Marcel melted into a puddle of sweet affection, awaiting arousal as he sat beside you, a smile so bright on his face.
"I didn't think you had anything planned." He said, his lips ghosting over your own, and you felt yourself shiver.
"It's your special day, Marcel."
Marcel shook his head and kissed you deeply, slowly leaving you breathless before whispering in your ear.
"Every day is special with you."
🧡 Margaret
Margaret loved birthdays. Each one when she was alive made her feel like she was the most special person in the room, and her parents made sure of that.
The presents were big.
The decorations hung perfectly.
The sweets that lined the table every year.
If only she knew that such a glamorous life would be the cause of her death.
Margaret still acknowledged her birthday, it was a time to share with the people you loved and cared for, but she couldn't find it in herself to have a big party.
No. All she wanted was you.
She craved your comfort and affection like a starving man for a hot meal.
Margaret practically ran up the stairs to your room, to see you. To feel your warmth on an emotionally confusing day only to be met with yourself tied In a pretty pink ribbon that did nothing to hide your naked form.
Margaret felt her back hit the closed door, and a smug smile crossed your face.
"Well, hello, birthday girl."
And Margaret was gone, anything that she was going to say left her mind as soon as she saw you.
"What are you doing?" Margaret squeaked out, and you laughed.
"I thought I would give you your present early. Do you like it?" You twirled around, and Margaret felt like she was going to faint.
Your girlfriend took a few more deep, long breaths before looking at you with such genuine love that it took you aback.
"I don't just like it." Margaret kissed you softly and tenderly. "I love it."
❤️ Owen
Owen didn't celebrate his birthday. Parties were for the rich, for the lucky when he was alive, and there wasn't much to celebrate anyway. Hell, if his father didn't complain about selling his favorite mule every year to feed the baby he was left with, then Owen would probably never know his birthday.
Although Owen could feel you had something planned, he didn't know what, but the looks he sent you made the wheels turn in his head. First, he wondered if it was a surprise party, but Margaret didn't give away anything, which wouldn't have been possible if she was given a secret.
Then there was Marcel, who had to go report back to his Lord, and Owen knew that the sappy bastard wouldn't miss a party for his friend for anything.
So when Owen opened the door to the bedroom to find you wearing nothing but a flimsy ribbon and a bow awkwardly on your hair, he wasn't that surprised, just giving you a look up and down.
"Like what you see, birthday boy?"
"Aye, Lass/Duck/Lad. I like this present very much." Owen said, closing the door behind him with his foot.
Your boyfriend played with the ribbons, his eyes hungry, and your body began to shake with anticipation.
"Ye didn't have to go all through this trouble just for me," Owen said with a quiet, gruff tone.
"Of course I did, Owen. You deserve to have a happy birthday.
Owen took the bow off your head. "Bloody hell, lass/Duck/lad I never felt happier than with you."
💙 Rosemary
Rosemary knew you were up to something. She could read that you had some sort of trick, and knowing that it was her birthday, she had a few ideas of what that could be.
Her family was poor, so birthdays were about spending time with family, talking, and sharing, Her parents always tried to make them special.
And while she didn't celebrate her birthday other than with an acknowledgment and a few gifts, she didn't find it that big of a deal.
That was until she walked into your bedroom to find you in such a seductive state.
Rosemary smirked as she played with the ribbon. "All tied up for me, handsome/angel face/dollface?"
You nodded. "I thought it would make your birthday special."
Rosemary kissed your forehead. "Oh, love, you already make my life special by just being with me, but if you need me to prove it to you." Rosemary gracefully threw the bow to the floor. "I will just have to unwrap you."
🩵 Tai
Tai sighed as he walked through the door, his eyes drooping when he saw you.
With just a ribbon and a ridiculous bow on your head, he became wide awake.
You snickered as your boyfriend's mouth was wide open, his eyes practically bulging out of his head.
"What are you doing?" His voice came out more like a croaked-out whisper than he meant for it to.
"Oh, I thought the birthday boy would like to unwrap his present."
Tai tried to keep his face blank, but he was failing miserably as his face was a bright red. Tai honestly completely forgot that it was his birthday, much less thought you even remembered. Between work and his hellish duties, it completely slipped his mind, and now you were sitting in his office with basically nothing except that shit-eating grin.
"No need to be so smug," Tai whispered as he closed the door behind him, locking it, then stepped closer to you.
"Me? Smug? How could I not be when I won." You said, purring in his ear, and Tai breathed in your sweet smell of baked goods.
Tai's eyes narrowed at your tone. "Won what?"
You wrapped his arms around Tai's neck and gave him a light kiss. "I got the workaholic doctor to take a night off."
Tai easily picked you up, which left you gasping in surprise. "Who says what I am going to do isn't work?"
You played with his tie as he placed you on the examination table, legs apart. "You think of this as a job?" Your tone was teasing.
Tai got on his knees, kissing your most sensitive skin and letting a moan escape you.
"You're worth all the time," Tai whispered against your skin.
💚 Zane
Zane hated his birthday. First off, he never knew what it was when he was growing up. His teacher thought the idea of birthdays was a childish thing. something that was a distraction.
Zane wished he hadn't dug deeper, but he had to. To find just a small piece of himself and of his old life, only to find out that the same day he was given life was on the date that his mother's ended.
Zane hated birthdays.
So the moment he woke up that morning, he was in an angry mood, as everyone could tell. Zane's crude jokes were lacking, so he couldn't blame you when you disappeared.
The blonde opened the bedroom door, hoping that you were back from wherever you went to find you naked and lying on the bed, creasing yourself.
The green ribbon tied around you, covering nothing and still hiding anything in a way that left Zane gripping the door knob.
"I know you don't like your birthday, so I thought I would make it a little better." Your voice came out shy and sheepish, almost like you didn't know if this was somehow crossing a boundary, even though it involved you naked in his bed, a boundary that didn't exist in Zane's book. You were always welcomed in his bed.
Zane breathed in and out. He had to remember to breathe, or he would hobble over.
You were trying to make him feel better.
You were trying to make him happy.
That was enough for Zane to tear the ribbon off with his teeth.
How the ROs would react if they left MC to go get them drinks and came back to find some very flirty drunk trying to get into MCs pants? (Dating)
Your brain felt fuzzy as you took another sip of your drink. Only a little tipsy, you searched for the person you came with; you lost them in the crowd only a little bit after you assured them you were fine alone while they got you and yourself another drink.
The bar was packed, and as people watched the game, the smell of liquor was in the air as people cheered at multiple TVs around the establishment.
You turned when a chair scratched the floor beside you. A man, clearly drunk as he practically fell into the chair beside you, grinned. His breath was stale, and you could taste the cheap beer on his breath when he leaned closer. His face was frowning at yours as he put a hand on your knee.
"What's a fine person like you doing sitting off all alone? You look like you could use some company."
You were still ready to yell or hit the man, but a warmth behind you stopped your movement. Only to look up and see...
💛 Marcel
Marcel, with a smile etched across his face, had his face narrowed and his eyes narrowed with protectiveness you had never really seen before. Marcel took the man's hand off of you a little roughly, making the man squint at him in his drunken state.
"Is this man bothering you?" He asked, ever so softly, in your ear.
The look on your face told him all he needed to know as Marcel strengthened his back before you could even nod your head.
"What the hell, man?" The man's words were slurred, and Marcel put a gentle hand on your shoulder, a silent message to send you comfort.
"I was about to score." The man said it with a hiccup afterward.
Marcel shook his head. "Sir, you're drunk; how about I call you a cab?"
The man's heckles rose, and when he started to stand up, Marcel simply put a hand on the man's shoulder and pushed the bigger man down.
"I wouldn't do anything I would regret," Marcel said with a fake friendly tone, almost making you shiver as his eyes showed a fierce protectiveness over you.
"Or what?" The man said this, squirming a little under Marcel's hold.
"You don't want to know." Marcel's eyes flashed with a glint of yellow.
The man must have seen the danger in Marcel's eyes because he sobbed quickly, running away.
Marcel's body was untensed as he got on his knees, looking you over. "Are you okay?"
🧡 Margaret
Margaret frowned a little at the touching, only to see you. She tried to move your leg away from his touch, but the drunk man just gripped you tighter.
"I don't think he/they/she wants you touching his/their/her leg."
The man looked Margaret up and down, making her feel disgusted and scared as she took a step back a little in fear when he rose from his seat.
"What is a beautiful thing like you going to do, sweetheart?"
Margaret's hands shook as he backed her into a wall. She could hear your chair scratching against the floor, ready to put him in his place before she closed her eyes and pushed.
A loud crash was heard, and Margaret peaked to see that the man had ended up a few feet away from her, lying on a table.
You looked at a wide-eyed Margaret before taking her hand. "We should go." You said this, leading Margaret out the door as the owner started yelling about the mess.
❤️ Owen
Owen radiated so much anger that the drunk man's eyes widened before glaring.
"Can I help you?"
Owen took the man's hand off your knee and held it.
The man scoffed and slurred his words. "Listen, carrot top, I didn't know that the smokin' babe was yours." The man winked at you, his movements slow and awkward in his drunken state.
Owen's hand clenched around the man's, who yelped in surprise, trying and failing to pull back from Owen.
The scowl on Owen's face before taking a step back and turning away from the scene, not wanting to even dare cross the redhead who squeezed the man's hand, made you hear a loud crunch sound.
"Don't ever mess with them or anyone again," Owen said, letting go of the man and standing between you and the drunk.
The man screamed in pain and held his hand as he cursed.
"You son of a bit-"
Owen's fist hit the man square in the nose, who fell back, out of his chair, and onto the floor. Not getting back up.
Owen just picked up the chair that the man was in and sat in it, putting the cold beer on his lips and taking a long sip.
"Don't worry, lass/duck/ lad. I won't let anything hurt you."
💙 Rosemary
Rosemary placed the two drinks she just ordered down hard on the table, making the man look at her in surprise.
"Oh well, look at it here, another fine thing."
Rosemary's lips puckered in disgust before she sat down next to you. "That ain't very gentlemanly of you."
The man raised an eyebrow. "What? I'm not buying you two a drink." His words were slurred, and Rosemary got closer, legs crossed.
"No, putting your hand on my partner's knee when they didn't ask for it."
Rosemary's voice was teasing, but you could hear the underlying anger. Before the man could even move, you saw Rosemary grip the man's hand. He yelled in surprise and looked wide-eyed at your girlfriend, who didn't look unfazed besides the glint in her eye.
"Go before I drive my Mary Jane heel down your throat." Rosemary pressed hard on his fingers, and they were just inches away from breaking.
That seemed to sober the drunk man up, who left in a hurry with wide and fearful eyes.
Rosemary kissed your forehead. "Alright, dollface/ angel face/ handsome?"
🩵 Tai
"What do you think you're doing?" You didn't even have to turn around to know that Tai was scowling.
"What does it look like, a short fry? I am talking." With the man's drunken state, his moments were too slow, as he raised an eyebrow.
The man was at least a foot taller than Tai, but that didn't discourage the young doctor, who yanked the man's hand off your thigh.
"Leave my girlfriend/partner/boyfriend alone." Tai's tone was laced with anger, totally away from his usual monotone voice.
"Or what?" The drunk man got up, and Tai got between you and the man. Before the man could so much as lift his hand, a wave of power coursed through Tai.
You felt your eyes want to droop just a little, but it was worse for the drunk man, who instantly fell and curled up as he snored.
Tai grabbed your hand. "We're leaving." You followed, still in shock, as Tai fumed, muttering under his breath the whole way.
It wasn't till you were back home that Tai's face melted into worry, looking you over.
When he saw that you weren't hurt, he gently kissed you.
💚 Zane
"How. Dare. You." Shadows filled the room and screams quickly followed.
The man instantly stepped back from a floating Zane.
"What the"
The power tentacles shot off from the shadows as they gripped the man tightly.
You shook yourself out of your surprise and grabbed your boyfriend's hand.
"Zane! Stop!"
Zane looked towards you, and his black eyes went back to their normal gray as he dropped the man's body on the ground.
He is still breathing.
You thought in relief, but coldness still animated off of Zane in waves, and you winced.
"It's okay, Zane."
You felt your hands on your waist as you were pressed against the wall, and then you were surrounded by shadows.
"Okay?" Zane said it in a whisper. "He touched what was mine." He said this, looking at you through his long lashes. You froze at the coldness. The murder in his eyes took your breath away.
"I should turn him inside out for that."
You gasped in surprise as Zane's mouth found your throat, biting.
"You are mine, little lion."
The Wayhaven Chronicles Book Four - Demo One

The Wayhaven Chronicles: Book Four
A change of career, a deepening romance, and barely any time off from training makes for a hectic time for your character!
It would be a shame if something else were added to that ever-growing pile…
But it seems the chance for a break is fast vanishing as something stirs beneath the ground of Wayhaven.
Something old.
Something powerful.
Something with a very keen interest in you.
Delve into Wayhaven once again, where a new powerful enemy is not only unleashed upon the town, but unleashes something wholly unexpected on you!
Here it is! The first demo for Book Four!!!! I'm so excited to share this with you, I really hope you enjoy it as much as I loved creating it, and I hope it teases what is yet to come! Book Four really feels like something special! https://dashingdon.com/play/seraphinite/the-wayhaven-chronicles-book-four-demo/mygame/