Dev blog for My Inner Sins, a supernatural romance with mystery, told as an interactive fiction game.
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Would It Be Possible To Know How The ROs Would React To Accidentally Stumbling Across Some Very Poetic
Would it be possible to know how the ROs would react to accidentally stumbling across some very poetic love letters the MC wrote to/about them but never gave them? 💌
Dating STAGE
💛 Marcel
Marcel is the most cliche of the ROs when it comes to romance, so these letters would just make his day. That you took the time not only to think about him but also to put it in a form of art would be enough to make Marcel swoon. He would be so touched that you wrote these, but he would put them back where they found them. They weren't his to look at, but the following days, he might share his poetry with you.
🧡 Margaret
She would try not to read them, but in the end, she would not be able to help herself. Every single letter or poem she would hug to her chest. Margaret would try to hide that she read them, but before you even stepped through the door, she was gifting you hugs and kisses. LOL. With a small blush, she would admit that she read the letters and offered to keep them in a scrapbook of some kind so she could always read them.
❤️ Owen
The redhead would be so confused about a lot of things. First, why did you write these? The words of love and adoration when you compare him to these beautiful things that he could not even comprehend. Secondly, why hide them? Owen knew that the love you two shared was voiced and not only recognized but cherished, so he wondered why you hid your work from him. While there would be so much confusion, a great sense of love would wash over him. I don't think he would go and find you right then to talk to you about the letters; maybe in a more quiet moment when the two of you are laying in bed or eating breakfast, he would thank you for the lovely words and even some light teasing.
💙 Rosemary
Rosemary would cry. She would cherish your writing, no matter if it was even good, because you took the time to write it. Wiping the happy tears away from her eyes, she would find you, not minding the surprise gasp when she kissed you hard on the mouth.
"Thank you for the kind words." While holding up the poem.
🩵 Tai
After finding out what they were about, he would stop reading them. Although he would be blushing all day, the lines that you wrote are replaying in his head. Much like Marcel, he wouldn't tell you he found the letters, but he would want to repay you with a nice dinner or something you had your eye on. If you were to ask him why he was being nice all of a sudden, he would just kiss your forehead and ignore your questions.
💚 Zane
Zane would be in awe that you would do this; his heart would beat out of his chest as he paced, reading every word like it was a lifeline to another part of himself. This was how you saw him—how you saw your love, and a large smile would form on his face. Zane would find you, hiding his deep sincerity with smug and teasing words, not minding how you blushed before dragging you to the bedroom.
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More Posts from Florencetypemaniacs
How would the ROs react to Mc, who is very shy, who wants to have an "intimate" moment but is embarrassed to ask.
Similar Ask
💛 Marcel
Marcel would find it adorable and make sure the MC knew through calming words and gentle touches that they had nothing to be scared or shy about. Marcel would always be very patient with the MC, giving them time to express their feelings before pulling them into the bedroom.
🧡 Margaret
MC and Margaret were both flustered messes until Margaret blurted out what she was feeling with a bright blush on her face. When/if Margaret caught on to what the MC was asking, she would giggle nervously and ecstatically agree.
❤️ Owen
Owen would just pull the MC into a kiss, giving them what they desired. He doesn't want the MC to feel embarrassed for being shy, but he does want to make it clear that the MC doesn't have to be so nervous when asking for something, especially affection.
💙 Rosemary
Rosemary can read people like an open book, so she would know exactly what MC wanted. So, depending on what kind of mood she was in, she would tease or just give in. Rosemary would most likely tease with soft kisses before deepening them, giving MC what they wanted.
🩵 Tai
Tai would be a little taken aback and flustered when he finally understood what the MC was asking from him. Although he would get over the surprise quickly as he pulled his lover into a kiss,.
"No need to be so nervous...I will always want...that..."
💚 Zane
I honestly can't imagine the MC going without being intimate for very long, especially if that aspect is established in their relationship. However, if this were to happen, then Zane would be very smug and teasing.
"Oh, little lion I can't give you what you want if you don't tell me..." with a huge grin on his face.
Don't worry. He will give the MC what they want. He just wants to torture them first.
Who of the Ro's would propose first, who would wait for the MC to propose first? Also who just believes and doesn't believe in marriage/wouldn't want to be married?
💛 Marcel
Marcel would love to be married to you. Marriage is very important to him since he didn't marry out of romantic love the first time and has always dreamed about finding that special someone and making a legal commitment to each other. Marcel wouldn't care how small or big the wedding was as long as you were there beside him.
This would be a conversation that he would have with you, wanting to know how you felt about marriage, kids, etc. when you were in a more deep relationship and not wanting to cross any boundaries. If marriage was something you didn't want, then Marcel would hundred percent respect that, but he would be disappointed. Marcel wouldn't care who proposed as long as you were both on board with what you wanted.
🧡 Margaret
She has dreamed about her fairy tale wedding since she was a little girl. At her sister's wedding, she looked around at all the people and wondered how her sister could handle the attention. Margaret would like a small wedding, maybe in a church with just close friends and family. Marriage is something that Margaret has always dreamed about, but it was always going to be her future when she was alive. She knew that she was to get married to a rich man and have his children, but the idea of getting to choose what she wanted was exhilarating. She chose you. You chose her. Margaret would want you to propose to her; she doesn't think she is confident enough to propose or keep it a secret if it is something she wants to plan out. If being married was something that you didn't want, then, like Marcel, she would be disappointed but understand.
❤️ Owen
Owen wouldn't see the point. When he was alive, marriage was something that was more about getting property through families or by needing to survive. Parties and weddings were for the rich. So Owen wouldn't see a point in getting married if you both didn't need to.
But if it was something you wanted, then he would do it. Although he might grumble if the wedding was super elegant and he had to wear a damn suit, he would do it for you. On the subject of proposing, Owen would just assume that you would want him to propose to you, especially if you are female presenting, but if you expressed proposing to him, then he would gladly let you take the reigns.
💙 Rosemary
This one was complicated. Rosemary never thought of getting married; she was a wild soul on the hunt for something bigger, but then she met him, and the thoughts of fully committing herself to him legally and spiritually consumed her. So much so that it was how she died. Now she has found you, and it scares her how much those thoughts of marrying you pop into her mind. Her dreams would always involve you proposing to her or her to you with love in both your eyes.
It would be a long discussion that you two would have, but deep down, Rosemary would love to marry you, but she wouldn't half-ass it. If you and her were doing this, then she was going to plan the biggest and most amazing wedding that anyone has ever seen. A commitment of your love and a showing of what you have been through should be shared with the masses. With the spotlight on her without the subject of lust, but showing the world who she was marrying and how proud she was to call her yours.
🩵 Tai
Tai would not care either way. Tai knows that you love him and he loves you, so it would be your choice about marriage and even kids. Tai is more worried about living a safe life. While Tai isn't an easy-going guy in the slightest, he doesn't have an opinion on marriage, but when given the answer that you wanted to be married...that is when Tai would start to plan. If you wanted a wedding, then he wanted to set a date. What kind of wedding did you want? How many people were you inviting? Did you want him to propose? And is a wedding something you even want? Tai will help plan the vision you want for the proposal and wedding, if you want one at all. If you just wanted to go down to the courthouse, that would be fine with him.
💚 Zane
The simple answer would be yes. Zane never thought of getting married, nor did he want to. To be tied down to something else other than the mission was unheard of. Then he met you, and to fully realize that you were each other's soul mate was enough to make him want to tie any bond he could to you. To have people legally recognize that you are each other's lovers would be something that Zane would want. I could see Zane wanting a big wedding; a party celebrating him and you with presents would be something he would be interested in. On the proposal, Zane wouldn't care who proposed as long as it ended with a promise to be each other's forever.
Happy Birthday, Rosemary
Rosemary Short Story
Rating: Mature (smut at the end)
Summary: When MC comes back from being out on their own after taking a dangerous mission, Rosemary can't help but think her whole world could fall apart with a single misstep.
Your teeth clenched as you followed Rosemary back to your room. The congratulations from the others downstairs were drowned out by the pending doom that awaited you with each click of Rosemary's expensive heels.
You reached the door to your room and held in a flinch when Rosemary closed it behind you softly, and somehow, that was worse than her slamming it. You decided because you knew the anger was hiding under the elegant posture.
The anxiety in your stomach worsened when all Rosemary did was just stand there, her brown eyes that you came to love baring into your own with such intensity that you could hardly stand it.
"Rosie..." You started using a pet name to soften whatever words came out of you next. "I-"
But that seemed to be a mistake. At the mention of the nickname, Rosemary blinked as if coming out of a daze, and desperation crossed over her face.
"Are you a complete sap?! What in the six hells were you thinking?" Rosemary said, the words coming out in a rush, her New York accent coming out thick with the old-timey slang. It wasn't hard to figure out that the word "sap" wasn't the nicest word to call someone in the 1920s; maybe you would give in and look it up if you remembered or survived whatever Rosemary was going to do to you.
"Don't worry, Rosemary; I hardly did anything. Aunt Zinnia made sure I was safe."
"Safe?" Rosemary asked, slowly putting more distance between you two than there already was. "You think—Oh my—" You were surprised to see Rosemary lost for words; that didn't happen, but as she put her hands up to yank on her hair in frustration, she seemed to be battling with herself. "You have no idea what I'm angry about, do you?"
"Of course I do, Rosemary!" You felt your anger flare up inside, but you pushed it down as you got closer to the distressed woman. "I know you don't like me fighting, but I needed to."
"No, you don't! Why does it have to be you?" Rosemary asked, her voice cracking only for a moment. "Why can't it be Marcel, your aunt, or fucking Tai? Why can't it be any of them? Mhm?"
Rosemary knew the answer...she knew it was because it was you in the middle. You were at the center of it all, and there were no more shadows to hide in. You had to be the one to clean up whatever mess was coming.
You were at a loss for words as you stared into Rosemary's lost expression. She couldn't stop it. No amount of favors or fighting could stop you. Or stop whatever foes were before you; it scared her. You knew it scared her because she had already lost herself once.
Rosemary would break if she lost you, completely shattered, and there would be no you to pick up the pieces again. Rosemary knew how death worked: one moment you are waking up to the sun, and the next your last breath catches. She knew how quickly life went by and how one single bad decision could put you in a grave.
"What if you didn't come back to me?" Rosemary asked in a whisper. "What if your aunt couldn't keep you safe?!" Her voice was strong and tense, against the party music downstairs. "Do you know what it is like to sit here and wait for you to get back?! To watch you walk out that door with no idea if that is the last time I will see you?! Do you have any idea of the thoughts that go through my mind while you are away? The nightmares?!"
Your breath caught as you looked into Rosemary's eyes, a dark blue as her powers pulsed through her, her resolve breaking as tears ran down her face.
"I have experienced everything. I have lost. I have been betrayed." Rosemary's fingers traced her neck. "And I have died, but there is no coming back for you. You will be gone. There is no afterlife. There is an uncertainty in our lives that leaves me with the most horrible fear that I will lose you."
The words sank into the bottom of your stomach like a weight. "Rosie..." You croaked out, your arms wrapping around your girlfriend. In an embrace that kept you both from falling apart. "I had to, Rosemary. I can't avoid this. I can't sleep at night knowing that I am putting you and everyone else I love in danger. I couldn't stand it if you got hurt." You whispered into her hair, letting her tears wet your shirt.
"I can't lose you."
You squeezed tighter before pulling back to look at her, your tears falling as you stared at Rosemary. She looked so vulnerable. Like a wilted flower, she still held so much beauty that it almost took your breath away.
You gently caressed Rosemary, wiping away the tears, only to shiver when you felt the hot, flushed skin.
"You look breathtaking." You mumbled, gently grabbing her hands.
Rosemary shook her head, letting a small smile grace her lips. "If this is your way of getting out of the dog house, then you better close your yap."
"Is flattery not enough anymore?" You teased, your hand running through Rosemary's hair, the need to be touching far greater than ever before.
"Not unless I'm the one spitting the line, Dollface/Angelface/Handsome."
You didn't need to comment as you kissed Rosemary, your teeth biting down on her bottom lip.
"That won't work either," Rosemary spoke, her voice low in your ear, but the tough act was ruined by the red cheeks. Your only response was a coy smile as you started to pull away, only to be brought back in with a strong tug by the shirt.
"Don't back out of the game now, Dollface/Angelface/Handsome." The words came out on a purr, and you went to touch her face only to yell in surprise when she was pinned to the bed with an inhuman strength.
"I don't like losing," Rosemary whispered into your ear, not even having to look as she undid the buttons on your clothes.
Your breathing became heavy when you felt her fingers on your thighs, thanking the universe in your head that you were lying in bed because you were certain that your legs would have given out.
"Aren't I winning if you're doing this to me?" You asked, cheeky, and then bit back a moan when Rosemary squeezed your thigh, her fingers ever so gently leading a path to the ache inside of you.
"I'm not doing anything to you yet," Rosemary said, kissing the nape of your neck. The hickeys were placed in a pattern of Rosemary's design, but you couldn't find it in yourself to care as all your attention was on her fingers and what they seemed to refuse to touch.
With gritted teeth, you leaned your head back, not wanting to lose whatever game Rosemary was playing and making the rules as she went along. It was already on the cards for you to lose, but at least you could put up a fight.
Your legs spread wider as you felt Rosemary's finger trace your flushed flesh, and you moaned at the slow circles that she massaged into your skin.
It was torture. Slow and amazing torture.
Your breath quickens as the need to be touched becomes greater than pride. "Touch me..." You whispered, your eyes looking at the ceiling.
Rosemary smiled, the water lines where her tears felt only moments ago still on her face that paired well with her smug tone. "Sorry, I didn't quite catch that."
You jolted when you felt her lips on your thigh. Her mouth is so close to where you needed her to be, and yet so far.
"Please..." You whispered, your eyes catching Rosemary's, who stopped short, and you knew she was as close to losing the game as you were.
You moaned as your hips bucked up when Rosemary finally used her mouth, and you decided right there in pure bliss that you both won the game.
All the blood rushed lower, and you knew it was only a matter of time before you were done, especially now that Rosemary's other hand was tracing herself.
Another vulnerability. Another wall that Rosemary let you see, and you pulled Rosemary up, towards your mouth, as the pleasure came crashing down on top of you.
The messy kiss lasted for what felt like hours as you rolled on top of her, the need to be close being too much as your fingers traced Rosemary's skin.
Although the subject was still on your mind, you couldn't shake it. You couldn't let Rosemary think about this later tonight as you both lay in bed.
"You won't lose me."
Rosemary's body tensed as she looked up at you, her eyes looking for any amount of lying.
You both knew you couldn't promise her that. Death hung over you like a sword on a thin string, but you would be damned if you didn't make sure that string lasted for as long as it could.
Rosemary sat up and kissed you, deep and gentle, letting her words fill the room.
"I'm holding you to that."
Now that you mentioned that the RO's have reactions to MC dating one of them... What would they think of MC dating Owen? Especially an MC that is always nice and of a sunny disposition.
I appreciate the ask! Omg, the thought of Sunny!MC × Owen is just too cute for me!!! 🥺
💛 Marcel
Marcel would be so happy for Owen. Owen is one of his dear friends, so for him to find love is heartwarming to Marcel.
I could see Marcel watching MC, who, as always, has a sunny disposition on their face, being followed by Owen and just smiling to himself.
🧡 Margaret
Happy but confused, MC and Owen are so different, so how do they make it work?
But as soon as Margaret sees Owen with MC, she can tell something is different about him, and it is a good difference that she just can't help but grin.
💙 Rosemary
Not surprised. I mean, Owen and Rosemary are close, so she would imagine that Owen would need someone to balance him out.
She would make some sly comments about MC's sunny attitude being good for the bedroom. Who doesn't like optimism? But deep down, behind the teasing, she would be glad that Owen has found someone to fall in love with again and wishes him all the happiness.
🩵 Tai
Tai would just shrug; it wasn't any of his business; however, he would be a little concerned about the consequences this union could have when dealing with the demonic court and their jobs as a whole.
There are rules in place for a reason, and while Tai would never admit this out loud, he would be devastated if something happened to Owen and MC due to some feelings that were left unchecked.
💚 Zane
As of right now? Zane couldn't care less about MC's relationship. Well, that's not true; he could use MC and Owen's feelings for each other against one another to reach his goals.
But if/when MC forms some kind of friendship with Zane, he might make a comment like...
"You two are like strawberries and cheese. You guys shouldn't mix, but you do...."
How do ROs react if MC sensed that ROs have feelings for MC and says this "If your feelings are sincere, show me with a kiss"?
P.S. The MC has no intention of taking initiative.
Deep Crushing Stage:
💛 Marcel
This would make Marcel's day. He knew you weren't going to take initiative with your feelings, but he would never want to overstep. So now that you were giving him permission to act on the feeling that had been brewing for quite a while, he wouldn't hesitate. Not when he has been dying to kiss you. So without a second throught, he pulled you close. The kiss would be certain and sincere, putting all his feelings into one blissful action.
🧡 Margaret
Margaret would try to stutter out a response but would fail, instead growing redder as she tried to think of something to say. She knew her feelings were sincere. They had to be! She had never felt this way about anyone before! So, with a few cautious steps, she would get closer to you before your lips touched, a shock going through her.
❤️ Owen
Owen would stop whatever he was doing, his face going serious. He didn't like the unknown, and that's why he kept his distance from the tension growing between you and him because feelings could get messy. But he wanted this. He wanted you. And here you were putting your feelings on the table and asking if he felt the same. It was the sign that he was hoping for.
"Glory, lass/duck/lad."
If you were in private, he wouldn't hesitate to bring your lips to yours. However, if you were in public, he wouldn't feel comfortable with public display of affection, so he would drag you somewhere private instead to show you how sincere he is.
💙 Rosemary
Rosemary's eyes flicked to yours, looking so intensely at you. Rosemary is good at reading people, so she would try to sense any form of lying. She had feelings for you. And she knew that you had feelings for her. It would scared her. But something deep inside her would crack as she brought your lips to her own.
Please don't let this be like the last time.
🩵 Tai
Tai's brain would have stopped working. Lol. His face would be blank as he stared at you for what felt like forever. The only indication that he hadn't stopped breathing was the rose color coating his cheeks. When the anxiety started to make you apologize for even asking, Tai would pull you close, his brain finally catching up with him as he kissed you softly.
💚 Zane
Pffff. This is complicated. It would depend on what relationship stage you are in with him. Zane is very paranoid and doesn't like to show his cards, especially if those cards are his emotions. If Zane is certain of your feelings and his own, then he will kiss you deep and hard, making you lose your breath. If he has anything other than complete certainty, then he will be a mix of anger and confusion.