Dev blog for My Inner Sins, a supernatural romance with mystery, told as an interactive fiction game.
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How Do ROs React If MC Sensed That ROs Have Feelings For MC And Says This "If Your Feelings Are Sincere,
How do ROs react if MC sensed that ROs have feelings for MC and says this "If your feelings are sincere, show me with a kiss"?
P.S. The MC has no intention of taking initiative.
Deep Crushing Stage:
💛 Marcel
This would make Marcel's day. He knew you weren't going to take initiative with your feelings, but he would never want to overstep. So now that you were giving him permission to act on the feeling that had been brewing for quite a while, he wouldn't hesitate. Not when he has been dying to kiss you. So without a second throught, he pulled you close. The kiss would be certain and sincere, putting all his feelings into one blissful action.
🧡 Margaret
Margaret would try to stutter out a response but would fail, instead growing redder as she tried to think of something to say. She knew her feelings were sincere. They had to be! She had never felt this way about anyone before! So, with a few cautious steps, she would get closer to you before your lips touched, a shock going through her.
❤️ Owen
Owen would stop whatever he was doing, his face going serious. He didn't like the unknown, and that's why he kept his distance from the tension growing between you and him because feelings could get messy. But he wanted this. He wanted you. And here you were putting your feelings on the table and asking if he felt the same. It was the sign that he was hoping for.
"Glory, lass/duck/lad."
If you were in private, he wouldn't hesitate to bring your lips to yours. However, if you were in public, he wouldn't feel comfortable with public display of affection, so he would drag you somewhere private instead to show you how sincere he is.
💙 Rosemary
Rosemary's eyes flicked to yours, looking so intensely at you. Rosemary is good at reading people, so she would try to sense any form of lying. She had feelings for you. And she knew that you had feelings for her. It would scared her. But something deep inside her would crack as she brought your lips to her own.
Please don't let this be like the last time.
🩵 Tai
Tai's brain would have stopped working. Lol. His face would be blank as he stared at you for what felt like forever. The only indication that he hadn't stopped breathing was the rose color coating his cheeks. When the anxiety started to make you apologize for even asking, Tai would pull you close, his brain finally catching up with him as he kissed you softly.
💚 Zane
Pffff. This is complicated. It would depend on what relationship stage you are in with him. Zane is very paranoid and doesn't like to show his cards, especially if those cards are his emotions. If Zane is certain of your feelings and his own, then he will kiss you deep and hard, making you lose your breath. If he has anything other than complete certainty, then he will be a mix of anger and confusion.
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More Posts from Florencetypemaniacs
The ROs suddenly get hurt and shy MC immediately rush over to them panicked and start tending to their wounds. All inhibitions lost for a moment as they openly fret over ROs.
How do the ro's react/feel?
💛 Marcel
Marcel couldn't help but smile, no matter how bad the pain. Not only did you care, but you were showing it. Your shy nature was not strong enough to get in the way of you caring for him. Marcel would be on cloud nine when he reached out, cupping your face in a gentle hold.
"Darling, do not fret. I am alright." He said it gently, wanting the anxiety to leave your body.
Marcel's instincts of being the leader would eventually take over; his body relaxed and his voice calm. Even though he wanted to bask in this moment between the two of you, he needed you to understand that everything was going to be okay.
🧡 Margaret
The way you freaked out over her left her in surprise. She wouldn't stop you; she couldn't find it in her. Margaret would try to calm you down, trying to explain that demons heal faster and that everything was going to be okay. Margaret wouldn't realize that she was rambling, not minding the pain anymore, and only focusing on your eyes.
"I swear I'm fine! Don't worry, I will be healed before you know it."
❤️ Owen
Owen didn't even focus on the searing pain that went through his body when anger was all he felt. He was embarrassed. He was so angry. Fighting was the one thing he was good at, and he failed. The embarrassment was worse than the injury, although his thoughts stopped when he saw your scared reaction. Your hands were on Owen in a second, faster than he could blink, and he couldn't help but calm down.
You were worried about him, and he kissed you. The adrenaline, arousal, and the need to see that worried look left your face, mixing inside him like a bomb before pulling away.
"I'm fine, lass/lad/duck, now help me up so I can kill this bloody bastard."
💙 Rosemary
She would be in awe. For your worry to fuel you to be more confident, it sent a shiver down her spine. Rosemary felt her heart beat out of her chest, her adoration for you growing by the minute as you wrapped up her wound. Your shyness was gone, and Rosemary smiled, starting to tease you.
"Oh, Dollface/Angelface/Handsome, you know I like it rough, but maybe be more gentle in this instance." She winced a little, her voice teasing. She didn't want you to be worried.
🩵 Tai
Tai watched you with a look of pure amazement. You gently stopped the bleeding, swatting away Tai's own hands as he tried to sort out his wounds. He wanted to yell and ask what the hell you thought you were doing. He was the doctor here; he could sort this out himself, but the look of pure terror on your face made him stop.
Tai could berate you later if he could find it in him. Right now, he felt you needed this. To keep your hands busy, he was the same way.
Tai helped you, instructing you in a calm voice about what to do and trying to show you that everything was going to be okay.
💚 Zane
Zane would just stare at you, his body relaxed as you examined his wounds, your soft touch making Zane waver. Zane never knew anyone to care for him or to stop everything to make sure he was okay. He didn't know how to react. The blonde couldn't find it in himself to push you away, not when your touch was all he craved.
When you looked up, you would see Zane's eyes on you, his stare unblinking.
Zane shook his head, getting his thoughts in order before kissing you.
"Thank you.."
When you looked into his eyes, you were surprised to see that there was no teasing smirk but a genuine gleam in his eyes.
No, this moment meant something. The teasing could come later.
How would the ROs react if they're just going about their day and just find the MC sleeping in the weirdest spot/location? (For example when I was younger my mom used to find me asleep in my grandmama's flowerbed, on the lower shelf in the garage, in cabinets, etc.)
When I was younger, I would sleep under my grandmother's table. LOL. I am guessing this is after the ROs know this is just a little quirk about the MC and that the MC is falling asleep in safe places.
💛 Marcel
Marcel found it endearing. Every time he would find the MC in the most random places around the house, he would smile, putting a blanket over them.
🧡 Margaret
Margaret would find it cute and a little odd, but when she spotted MC on the floor, she would tip-toe around them, not wanting to disturb MC's sleeping figure.
❤️ Owen
Owen would find it a little odd but just shrug, picking the MC up and bringing them to a comfortable bed.
💙 Rosemary
Rosemary would always wake the MC and coax them into bed. Where they are sleeping could not be comfortable.
🩵 Tai
Tai would sigh; that was bad for the MC's back. They should be in bed, not on the floor or where else they find themselves. Tai would wake MC up and order them to get into bed.
💚 Zane
LOL. Depending on his mood, either Zane will leave MC wherever they are, unbothered (then go lay out on the bed), or they will curl up with MC on the floor.
How would the ROS reassure an mc who's feeling insecure, thinking the ROS find her ugly while pregnant bc she is pregnant
💛 Marcel
Marcel couldn't sit still while you felt this way. Marcel would be a mother hen, always attentive to you (almost unbearably so), so him not being able to instantly make you feel better would lay heavy on him. Although he would try his best with comforting words,
"You're the most beautiful person in the world," and "Aphrodite weeps that she can't be half as stunning as you."
🧡 Margaret
Oh, she would feel so guilty. She hated seeing you in pain. With tears in her eyes, she would pull you close. "Don't say that! You're amazing!" At rapid speed, she would tell you how much she adored you in every way and how lucky she was.
❤️ Owen
Owen would scoff and pull you close to him. "Ye are bonnie lass/lad/duck. Anyone can see it, and I'm lucky that you took a chance on me." Owen would whisper kind words in your ear, his rough voice calm. "How about I show you how much I can't get enough of you?"
💙 Rosemary
Rosemary calmly looked at you. "How can you say that about yourself?" She made you turn around to face the mirror. "Look at you. You are carrying our whole future. There is nothing more beautiful than that."
🩵 Tai
He would probably try to look at this from a more logical standpoint. Your body is going through changes and hormones, so of course, you feel a little out of place. Tai isn't the best with words, but he will do whatever he can to make you feel loved. Tai would have massages, candle dinners, and bubble baths. Anything and everything to make the process easier.
💚 Zane
Zane would be so awkward and confused. The blonde isn't the best with kind and gentle words, so he would feel out of his element. How could you not see how stunning you looked carrying your and his little spawn? He could barely keep his hands off you. Zane would come off as mean, but he is straight to the point.
"Are you an idiot? Don't you see how sexy you look right now?"
Would it be possible to know how the ROs would react to accidentally stumbling across some very poetic love letters the MC wrote to/about them but never gave them? 💌
Dating STAGE
💛 Marcel
Marcel is the most cliche of the ROs when it comes to romance, so these letters would just make his day. That you took the time not only to think about him but also to put it in a form of art would be enough to make Marcel swoon. He would be so touched that you wrote these, but he would put them back where they found them. They weren't his to look at, but the following days, he might share his poetry with you.
🧡 Margaret
She would try not to read them, but in the end, she would not be able to help herself. Every single letter or poem she would hug to her chest. Margaret would try to hide that she read them, but before you even stepped through the door, she was gifting you hugs and kisses. LOL. With a small blush, she would admit that she read the letters and offered to keep them in a scrapbook of some kind so she could always read them.
❤️ Owen
The redhead would be so confused about a lot of things. First, why did you write these? The words of love and adoration when you compare him to these beautiful things that he could not even comprehend. Secondly, why hide them? Owen knew that the love you two shared was voiced and not only recognized but cherished, so he wondered why you hid your work from him. While there would be so much confusion, a great sense of love would wash over him. I don't think he would go and find you right then to talk to you about the letters; maybe in a more quiet moment when the two of you are laying in bed or eating breakfast, he would thank you for the lovely words and even some light teasing.
💙 Rosemary
Rosemary would cry. She would cherish your writing, no matter if it was even good, because you took the time to write it. Wiping the happy tears away from her eyes, she would find you, not minding the surprise gasp when she kissed you hard on the mouth.
"Thank you for the kind words." While holding up the poem.
🩵 Tai
After finding out what they were about, he would stop reading them. Although he would be blushing all day, the lines that you wrote are replaying in his head. Much like Marcel, he wouldn't tell you he found the letters, but he would want to repay you with a nice dinner or something you had your eye on. If you were to ask him why he was being nice all of a sudden, he would just kiss your forehead and ignore your questions.
💚 Zane
Zane would be in awe that you would do this; his heart would beat out of his chest as he paced, reading every word like it was a lifeline to another part of himself. This was how you saw him—how you saw your love, and a large smile would form on his face. Zane would find you, hiding his deep sincerity with smug and teasing words, not minding how you blushed before dragging you to the bedroom.
Ahhh this looks beautiful
Title logo/screen reveal ✨
Art collab - @kyitre / me
Layout - @/tea__leaff
Effects - @/husbandogoddess