got nuked off tumblr, but i'm back :D | not focusing on nfsw anymore tho | mentally unstable | join date: 5/oct/2024
11 posts
Chicken Nuggies :3
chicken nuggies :3

(pic from pinterest)
More Posts from Floweringsweetheart2

TW: Ana
I literally don't care what are your preference in looks for women. Or if you think my weight is "perfectly normal" (I'm BMI 23.3 btw, so gimme a break, you're just stupid), or even if you think that my metabolism "shouldn't" get fixed 'because it's proportional" or some shit you've just invented in the middle of the conversation because you are a stupid moron who thinks everyone's disorder gets healed when you compliment/consolate them.
I literally hate myself, so the more you try to comfort me, the worse I get, for your inconvenience ^_^ Destroying my body is fun, and one of the reasons I do that is because I want to see people actually worried and concerned about me. It doesn't matter if it's a relative or a stranger, if it's in the internet or not, I NEED TO GET WORRIED ABOUT!!!! And, yes. — I still want to look pretty, because it's the only way I can purge the bad memories my head still holds, because time can't wash it off.
I am terrible person, even though you think I am not, I am.
I deserve no love or attention, because of how ugly and gross my simple presence is, and even the air I breathe is no longer breathable. I give myself no value psicologically, but even though I really hate myself, I won't let you exploit my emotional weakness, because I do not hate myself to that point.
I want to destroy my insides out, but even if I want to be always at my worst, I'd never cut myself so yeah,, I'm a faker and I deserve no mercy because there are people who have it worse and I'm just a stupid teenage girl (obvi not in a kink way, you fucking dunce)
old men on tumblr just scare the fuck out of me
there’s an account on here that started messaging me out of the blue constantly bringing up purging and telling me to purge. i replied with just “i don’t purge” and they sent me like 6 messages about how i should start and giving me tips on how. like??? they’re giving old man with a fetish pretending to be a girl with a 3d blog. be careful on here and remember, don’t let anyone push you to do anything you don’t want to do.
How some fuckers in my DMs think abt me when I tell I'm a sub:

Fr bro, I may be a sub but NOT YOUR SUB, you fucking moron