flutehammer - the nothing and everything blog
the nothing and everything blog

pronouns she/herbe nice :)

969 posts

All I Have To Say Is:

All I have to say is:

“Remember, remember, the 5th of November, gunpowder treason and plot,”

no I am not British, nor do I know the origin of this rhyme. I just thought it was somewhat relevant. Go forth on your journey through the treacherous waters ahead. Or..just the trending page.

More Posts from Flutehammer

4 years ago

may i offer you a 

May I Offer You A

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4 years ago

I am moving to Antarctica where I will not have to do my math homework 

4 years ago

my dad just walked in to my house to announce he bought 60 mcnugs and a medium fry

i was just

My Dad Just Walked In To My House To Announce He Bought 60 Mcnugs And A Medium Fry
4 years ago

only as i sit here, at 11:29 pm, eating banana bread with a fork in front of my chromebook full of unfinished work, do i think, “well i should really get this work done”

and then I don’t.

4 years ago

I apologize to literally everyone for not being active for weeks and then crawling out of the gutter to say usually one thing before disappearing again