fly-ot-wall - Suffering DnD Player
Suffering DnD Player

3 posts

DnD Story: The Great Cat Massacre

DnD Story: The Great Cat Massacre

Recently my Party consisting of a Human Fighter named Bloodedge Killwulf, a Human Sorcerer who pretends to be a Cleric and calls themselves Brother Campbell, a Dwarven Monk named Braion, a Elven Druid named Bruce who is disguised as the bear that I had rescued from the Party in the past (Only my character knows they are not actually a bear), and then finally my character an Human Life Cleric who serves under Helm named Aruna. (Yes I chose a Human, DM allowed Human Variant so I could take a feat early on at the cost of all the 1+ stats)

We were offered a job to look into the recent phenomenon of 3/4 of a major town either dropping dead or suddenly standing up and leaving behind all their possessions and family with no warning. Arriving at the town we see a GIANT cemetery, so naturally we walk over there to look for any sign of what is going on. At the cemetery we see an old cabin; My character walks up to it and knocks on the door multiply times each time getting louder. Until Aruna is certain there is no one inside. The party comes to the agreement to kick down the door with Aruna trying first and succeeding. Upon entering she is faced with 8 growling cats, however, Aruna loves animals and attempts to calm them down by feeding them the Bear jerky left over from the Bear Massacre and this also succeeds. Now Aruna has 8 very hungry and very friendly cats now eating the jerky Aruna had given them.

Now you may be asking yourself how does this story turn into a Cat Massacre is all the cats are friendly. Well this is when Bloodedge, Brother Campbell, and Braion walks in (Bruce can’t fit through the door). The cats seeing these new people start hissing at them, and Brother Campbell not having time to deal with the cats kicks the nearest cat to the side so he can start investigating the house. Except he rolls very well for both to hit and damage, and the DM had given the cats little health resulting in the cat being kicked so hard into the wall that it practically exploded. Seeing the cat die so easily Bloodedge and Braion join in on killing the cats. Aruna having rolled extremely low on initiative. Looked on in horror as 6 more cats are practically obliterated until it is her turn were she basically scoops up the remaining cat and shields it from the rest of the party. 

But it doesn’t just end there. Oh no, this is when the old hard of hearing lady walks up the stairs and sees 7 of her cats DEAD and one in the arms of a stranger. She screams at Aruna to stop attacking her cats and when she goes to scream at Brother Campbell, the sly liar that he his with almost 18 Charisma. Lies to the old lady that he and the party was just trying to stop my character from killing the cats. Of course he rolls incredibly well and already having proficiency in deception and persuasion. She easily believed them and proceeded to watch as my party “arrested” Aruna. All the while she screamed that she was innocent and was actually trying to protect the old lady’s cats.

  • cheezbot
    cheezbot liked this · 5 years ago

More Posts from Fly-ot-wall

1 year ago

Backstory for one of my DND characters

This is the backstory for one of my DND characters I used in a three shot.

Before there was Marie, there was Guard, and then there was PBG. PBG was created by dwarven craftsmen to be a protector, that is willing to complete any task and protect their selected at any cost and through any means. PBG's first memories were that of standing in a sooty room and in front of them was their selected being carried by a man. The man turned to their selected and said, "This will be your new Guard, Edith, I'm sure you won't be able to terrorize this one as easily as in the past." From this PBG learned two things, my selected's name is Edith and I'm Guard. From there Guard dutifully served and protected Edith and watched as she grew from 3 to 6 and with that came a change. Edith had decided that she hated having an ugly guard following after her everywhere. So she decided to fix that problem, surely she wouldn't get into too much trouble for this. So Guard gained new child drawings of flowers of every color connected by green shaky vines. 3 more years passed and with it Edith became sick more frequently and her parents became less present. As Edith laid on her bed sick with no company for the second time that month, she made her first request to Guard. "Read me a story." From there Edith's times laying in bed changed from lonely gray moments to vibrant story filled. It was also from these moments that Guard changed to that of Marie. "You can't not have a name, it's important. It's just like what the story book says." Marie continued to stay by the side of Edith as Edith became sicker and the manor became increasingly empty of staff and items. Marie gained more tasks, until they were the sole caretaker and protector. A year passed by and Edith's parents failed to come home and went missing. Marie watched as both the manor and Edith wasted away. Until Edith gave her second and last orders to Marie, “Don’t enter this room ever again and from now on do what you want to do.” As Edith knew her time was drawing near and all Marie could do was guard the manor and her selected closed door. Countless years went by after that, but Marie still stood guarding. The manor began to decay and nature began to emerge from the floorboards. The vines and flowers twisted their way along the walls and up the still figure that is Marie. The vines and flowers resemble the faded ones drawn on in a time long since passed. “I think,” Marie said in a voice intermingling with the stagnant air, “I want to rest now.” And so Marie stilled and nature grew. Until a strong jerk of force awakened Marie once more to a world unfamiliar to what they knew.

This character was a Spore Druid if anyone was wondering lol.

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5 years ago

Proud, Yet Really Frustrated

I was DMing for some friends of mine, and for two of them it was their first time ever playing DnD. So I decided why not create a hunger games campaign, since almost everyone knows about the hunger games. Making it something that is in their comfort zone and forces me as a DM to control 5-6 other NPC’s. (I wanted to challenge myself). I also had all their characters be at level 4 because that is a fun level that they won’t get one shot in.

Anyways one of the events I had scheduled for the events in the game itself was they were attacked by many small puffy flying dandelion looking creatures and they would progressively buzz louder and louder till they started doing psych damage. I had suspected them to simply plug their ears or jump in some water to muffle it, which would have worked. But, no one wizard decided that he was not going to do that and instead casted deafness on himself and his allies. I am almost ashamed I didn’t think of that before hand. But, on the plus side they were to scared to drop the deafness until the hour was up because they kept rolling lower than a 10 on perception rolls. So I got the joy of listening to three men scream at each other that “they can’t hear what your saying” for about 10 minutes. Because they wanted to act that out...

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