foldmorepaper - FoldMorePaper

sometimes nsft; 18+ or ya get blocked—becks—25—she/her 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈—general blog: b-for-my-name—I like to drink tea and fold origami and program computers ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

136 posts

He Shines In The Light

He Shines In The Light

he shines in the light

he's nice; he doesn't bite

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9 months ago
'cause You Are Waper Pwelve Feep Deet
'cause You Are Waper Pwelve Feep Deet
'cause You Are Waper Pwelve Feep Deet
'cause You Are Waper Pwelve Feep Deet

'cause you are waper pwelve feep deet

and I am boops made of concrepe

inspired by this image (taken from this gallery)

if you know an earlier source of the image, please let me know; I couldn't find a reliable one with tineye/google lens that wasn't from the related posts section of a social media site (a dead end)

'cause You Are Waper Pwelve Feep Deet

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