I'm tired, so I might not post much. please read the pinned post before submitting Asks.
45 posts

(All of these are part if Neil and will be introduced later)
(We also have a hatebug, lovebug, and sadbug in there!)
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More Posts from Foxi-gi
I've been drawing a lot lately.
More or less on the same project?
Anyways, here, have a teaser, whoever sees this:

Just the eyes because... yes!
As always, if you have any suggestions, questions, or comments about this drawing, please let me know! Especially the eyes are difficult for me, so I would greatly appreciate any feedback!
Have a great day everyone!
(I'm thinking about making them less red, honestly)

Some of you have been waiting for this! This piece took me about 3-4 weeks to complete and is so far my most detailed and, in my opinion, best work so far!!
This, however, is the censored version. The uncensored version can be found below!!
I'm planning to make more portraits in the future as well as full body drawings soon. But this one is important, and he will be the official protagonist of my new (and hopefully soon done) comic!
Tw: exposed bones, broken bones, machine mixed with Biology!! Do not proceed if you don't want to see it!
Oh, and also, his face opens up in the middle ??
Feel free to ask me any questions in the comments and asks! You may also want to try addressing the host in your asks ;]
Here you go!

As always! I hope you all have a good day!
My two little guys :)
Thank you for drawing them!!

@foxi-gi narrator characters! Neil and Liel Both sweethearts
Okay! So! 50% of all voters (of like...5 people (yes, I know it's tecnicaly 6 but only because I dropped my phone on voted on accident)) voted for the comic to be released first!
And if I did the math correctly (which I most likely didn't), nearly an equal amount of people wanted me to release the fanfiction!
So, what if I tried to do both somehow?
What do you think? If any of you have ideas, how I could do it, in a way you'd like to see, please let me know!
I'll write a teaser soon, so you all get to see what a chapter would look like.
Thank you for everyone who voted!
I will post the teased at drawing very soon! And I'm already working on the Comic ^^
Have an amazing day!