foxi-gi - Oz

I'm tired, so I might not post much. please read the pinned post before submitting Asks.

45 posts

New Plant Terrarium In An Old Aquarium Is Finally Done!

New plant Terrarium in an old aquarium is finally done!

Im really happy about how it turned out. The leaning process alone already took me half a day and the planting/styling process as well.

I especially love the little fuzz plant next ti the tkny rock garden, its very bouncy!

Let me know if you have any questions in the comments, ill try to answer them asap :]

I have become obsessed with terrariums lately-

New Plant Terrarium In An Old Aquarium Is Finally Done!
New Plant Terrarium In An Old Aquarium Is Finally Done!
New Plant Terrarium In An Old Aquarium Is Finally Done!
New Plant Terrarium In An Old Aquarium Is Finally Done!
New Plant Terrarium In An Old Aquarium Is Finally Done!
New Plant Terrarium In An Old Aquarium Is Finally Done!
New Plant Terrarium In An Old Aquarium Is Finally Done!
New Plant Terrarium In An Old Aquarium Is Finally Done!
New Plant Terrarium In An Old Aquarium Is Finally Done!

More Posts from Foxi-gi

1 year ago

can you give us more info about the au you wrote in the tags of your newest post? I haven’t seen you discussed it anywhere on here, and it’s nice to see what concepts people come up with

Hello! Thanks for the question. And yes, of course! This is one of the AUs I'm working on as of late.

It's still a work in progress, and I will prehaps end up making a comic later. But it has already been partially playtested in a role-play!

Here's some explaination though:

The eye/s shown in the last post belonged to "Host". Another version of the Narrator, who Lost something that is very important to him. (You can maybe guess what?)

He's trying to get it back. No matter what.

Though, to say the least, his methods are Violent, unethical, and through and through cruel.

To keep some of the mystery while still telling of what kind of story I'm aiming for: It might contain horror and violence. And other things that I will warn about in every related post (including the one the eye teaser belonged to).

This is also one of a few AUs I have currently going on in planning, and I will probably post them in whatever order they are done since my drawing inspiration and schedule are... eh, to say the least. It's chaos.

BUT, I would love to hear what you all think i should post first for the Hosts Horrors AU!

You can also, of course, suggest stuff in the comments and anonymous asks!

If any of you want to interact with the Character Host, you can also write anonymous asks addressed to him! I will post the teased image as soon as I can, so you'll get to see his face very soon!

I hope you all have a wonderful day!

(Edit: I just noticed I should have made it a single day instead of a whole week!

So please vote in the other post as well if you want ^^)

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1 year ago


Okay, that's all. Have a great day :]


Also, I finished this while I was really tired, so please bear with me!

Just realised I messed up some colours, but standing with one arm out is the correct one.

I'll fix it later! (Will edit then)

Tags :
1 year ago
"Are Ya Cold Lad?"

"Are ya cold Lad?"



Idk why I made this but I hope you like it!

(Its really old)

For everyone who found their way here via a link:

[Tw: Includes swearing and hints at suicide]

The winds are cold, and in the morning, it howls past the walls of the lighthouse, with small droplets of salt water and rain pitter pattering against the fogged up windows of my kitchen.

Once again, I drink my tea, black with a swig of Rum in it to spice things up... for the 50th time in a row.

It wasn't tastes. It wasn't nice, but I had run out of sugar a while ago. And getting any now was pointless and, quite frankly, a waste of time I didn't have.

I finished my coffee, ate a tuna sandwich, and put on the clothes left scattered around the house where I hadn't put them, making my way down town to buy some ingredients for my stew. Of course, with ham, potatoes, and other veggies. Maybe some melted cheese to give it a bit of extra taste.

This stew had been a special meal... Had. Instead, it had become a chore, and even though I dragged myself to my car all the same and the motor once again needed exactly 3 turns of the key to start, it never became easier.

The drive was exactly 20 minutes. And on the way, I barely managed to swerve aside to not hit an animal on the road. I knew it was there, but for some reason, i was always surprised by it notherless.

Tired eyes on the surrounding areas, as I parked the old and rusty truck in front of a convenience store.

Or rather in inconvenience store, as one door always broke right as I enter.

I grab the items I want, smacking the exact amount of money needed on the counter, grumbling about how I won't need a receipt, before leaving the store, ignoring the group of women who had been trying to reach out to me every single day.

"No. I'm not interested in talking to yer scrummy arse." I yell back as the women begin to hiss back insults, but I drive off before they can continue.

It was always a small town, and a few years ago, I would have actually cared about their opinion... but now I don't anymore. It didn't matter if I was polite or impolite anyway... They wouldn't remember.

During the noon, I cut the veggies, blending some after a brief cooking with the molten cheese before letting it simmer with the meat and slowly adding different ingredients and broths to the stew. In the late noon, I go outside, with the stew on low,staring at the Sea solemnly.

"I see a storm comin." I'd say, even though my behaviour today refuses me any person to tell this to. And I'll continue watching the sea for around an hour more. Not moving. Not caring about the cold. It's not like it mattered much...

After which, I'd hurry inside, believing my stew to be overcooked, or burning, or whatever I thought it did.

It didn't, though. It was perfect. As always. Having a meal every single day caused you to do that, even unintentionally sometimes.

I sit back and eat my stew. Or I just stare at it. It's either of the two.

Today was supposed to be my birthday.

Today was supposed to be a feast for my friends, who never showed up. And yesterday was supposed to be my birthday as well. And the day before that. But no matter who I talked to that day, no matter what I did, in no version, anyone showed up.

It never mattered.

My spoon clattered against the bowl and I stare at it tiredly.

I couldn't do this anymore. I just can't take it anymore. Every day..

I look over at the boat rope, laying curled up on the Chair I had left it months ago, before this all started...

Maybe trying it again would work... maybe I'd be free.

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1 year ago

ayo, I looked through your blog and it's pretty cool! Love your drawings and how you do colors (there's room for improvements, but I believe that will come with time!) have a nice day!

Hello, and thank you for being the first to use "ask a question" on my blog!

Thank you so much for the feedback! They are mainly practice drawings for a few new techniquez I found out about a while ago.

I'm glad you enjoy my drawings as much as I do ^^

Ayo, I Looked Through Your Blog And It's Pretty Cool! Love Your Drawings And How You Do Colors (there's

(Idk why I made this, so have fun with it :])

Also, I hope you too have a nice day ^^

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