foxyk7 - foxyK7

{Wellcome to my art blog!} {Commissions are open!!} {You can call me Fox or Charlie/Kaith} {I'm recently discorved I'm a transman but you can use any pronouns with me! be it She/He/They} {I make a few art of my own characters and a lot from the fandoms I'm into, especially Amphibia and FNAF, I might even make a few of TOH one day}

785 posts

Happy Midnight Uwu

Happy Midnight Uwu
Happy Midnight Uwu
Happy Midnight Uwu

happy Midnight uwu

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More Posts from Foxyk7

4 years ago

I forget to reblog...;w;

Anyways happy later new year kuro!!!

I hope i can see even more of your art here, and you are also a great artist, your design and character are wonderfull just like you!! uwu

Happy new year eve everyone!

Unfortunately, I had no time to actually draw something specific, but I fullfillled this art-summary just for the record.

I also wanted to do a little shout out for friends and content creators that made my year way better and more bearable either for giving me something to look forward to, or chatting and just being the delightful people they are!-, @cihello @fukatotorin @waterstuffs @rqspberri @my-mayckenoragami @darknessdraw @coolbattlegirl (aaargh, Sorry, gonna be adding some nomes slightly after, I'm walk-typing my brain's not working very well X'D) @jimmydrawings @bluepalleteuniverse @help-im-a-gay-fish @zu-is-here @7goodangel @jakei95 @alyss-heart @oneschneepr @jann-the-bean @aur0riss @firesoul-flower @foxyk7 and so many others, including every single mutual and nice asker/visitor that passed by!

In fact, regardless if we even met, this was a hard year and you all reading this are amazing and incredible! I hope to meet, chat and befriend more of you next year!

You all are AMAZING and very cool! You better stay safe and determined! We made it through!

Happy New Year Eve Everyone!

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4 years ago


anyways, it would be a pleasure for me to have this one (even i already alot of fanchilds), she is a little bean and i really love her design! UwU

I'm also thinking of something like her having a multiverse cafeteria where not only monsters and humans from another world visit, but even some of the fanchild, as if it were a point of reference or something.

Adopt contest!

Ok, I saw a lot of people were doing Draw To Adopts, and found out it was a nice solution for what I had as a problem.

So, thing is, I doodle when I have no drawing ideas, and sometimes I make characters that are never used. These two shipkids were born this way.... One from a rare ship.

Adopt Contest!
Adopt Contest!

Basically, let's do that! To enter, reblog this post with your entry, that would be a drawing of the kid you're interest in! Along with any other info/change or ideas you might want to share, like a backstory or personality! I'll take them in consideration too, not only the art!

The contest will go on 'til 12 february!

You CAN submit more than one entry and try for both kids.

I'll pick the winner myself by the end of It, maybe with the help of some friends! If many people like it, I might do it again as a special or something!

You can change and add info, for example a new name or different ship for their parents! Gender too. Just keep some of the appearance please! ^^

Draw them as you please, you can also make them with other characters! Just nothing +18 or explicit.

Imma admit that I'm super nervous no one's gonna join.... But hey! Better try than just let them in my gallery doing absolutely nothing. -w-"

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4 years ago
Fnaf 9 Will Be Coming Soon And Like Me Who Accompanied The Story Of This Game, Wich Is More Complex Than

Fnaf 9 will be coming soon and like me who accompanied the story of this game, wich is more complex than the storys i do to my undertale Au’s (which i want to post here some day), my sister and I ended up doing this theory that we have been thinking for a while now, than can end up been a little strange, i guess…

This theory that we had is about Vanny and Vannesa being the same person, i know than may be someone have already think and talk about it, like Mairusu, in his theory his talk about Vanny and Vannesa being the same person, the only diference is that he say than Vanny is a animatronic than Vannessa have created, i didn’t agreed with it since than in my theory Vannessa have a split personality, and than is activated by some type of “trigger” which she made, since in some emails than was supposed to be send to you in the game Fnaf AR and have been found in the games files, in some of this email’s theres someone called “Luis” which keep send email’s to someone called “Ness”, which gives the impression that it would be the nickname he gave to Vannessa, in this email’s he says about Ness  not talking so much with him, not to mention that there were times when she looked for things that activated a “red flag” in the system, and that he found it strange than she search for thing with a torture theme, like “until when a human being can handle being cut in half without losing consciousness” and other things like this.

In others emails he talk about she ordered 3(three) realistic human male masks, what’s make me think than she was trying to build a animatronic which would be a “human” copy of Glithtrap or even Willian Afton, since in others emails is quoted than someone was ordered some animatronic parts, maybe she was trying to collect all Willian pieces than still lost, like the same thing than you do on Fnaf Help Wanted with the tapes, that are Glitchtrap pieces than the tape girl want you to get all of them and destroy him, what actually makes you influenced by Glitchtrap. In the DLC (Fnaf help Wanted:Curse of dreadbear), in the mini-game “corn maze” of the jack-o-lantern foxy theres a place you can enter if you have the purple key (after get all the 5(five) keys), you enter a type of basement where have a bunny mask, when you get the mask it will be in the gift story (i hope this is the right name), when you use the mask and hold the Spring bonnie stuffed doll, you will hear a female voice than will start to say thing’s like “they won’t suspect anything”, which gives the impression that the character we control have been influenced by Glitchtrap.

About how the personality “exchange” occurs to Vanny, like i said before it can happen with some type of “trigger” which one i will explained.

Fnaf 9 Will Be Coming Soon And Like Me Who Accompanied The Story Of This Game, Wich Is More Complex Than

In this email than is send by someone with the name “_pizzaplex”, which one is probably a birthday list of the employees, it have Vannesa name, her first name and the first the letter of her second name which one is “Vannessa A.”, and then in parentheses it have her age than is 23(twenty three), the sector she works that would be the security sector, and probably her favorite thing that are things with a bunny shape.

Fnaf 9 Will Be Coming Soon And Like Me Who Accompanied The Story Of This Game, Wich Is More Complex Than

When i saw it i thought it was a little strange, but i end up thinking than thing with a bunny shape could be the trigger for the exchange, it may be that I am right and it may also be that I am wrong. Well, anyway, for my theory to make a lot more sence, i will talk about something called fragmented personality, which is a type of mental disorder which make the causes a person to have several distinct personalities, the fragmented personality can be caused by a type of trauma, such as a type of “body defense” that creates a secondary personality, which one can have a completely different name and personality, with this when Vannesa was influenced by Glitchtrap she end up developing some type of trauma than made her create this secondary personality called Vanny, in Fnaf Help Wanted like i say before about the mask and the Spring bonnie stuffed doll that probably was the first trigger for the exchange.

A character from another game that can be used as a reference is Toko Fukawa from Danganronpa, which has a secondary personality called Genocider Jack/Syo which is completely different from Toko, i will talk a little about her past for a little more of context, in the hospital where Toko was born another child has died, and the mothers didn’t want confirm who child has died, some time later after than they discovery that both child had the same father. When Toko was in the fundamental (i guess it was in this time), she end up fell in love with a boy of her school and she gave a love letter to him, him end up put this love letter on the school notice board and because of it developed a type of trauma, with this the Genocider Jack/Syo appear and she end up killing him, till what i saw about her is than seen blood or sneeze are the trigger for her exchange, something that can been noticed in this mental disorder is that they don’t share memory, with that it can be concluded that Vanny and Vanessa do not share any memory, but somehow Vanny keeps Vanessa quiet about it, since till what i have see Vanessa is been threatened somehow, since in one of the emails that Luis had send to her, his say somthing about her search “help” and even if in the email he said than she could talk with him if anything was wrong but she didn’t talk with him, she didn’t even try to talk with him during work, what can be because of Vanny is always in control and is not leaving her control her on body, and Vanessa may have only a short time before the next “trigger” is activated, so she may not be able to ask anyone for help.

This is everything than i have did for this theory, anyways sorry if i wrote something wrong or forget to talk about something, but i hope you like this theory i had with my sister.

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