☆Ezra/Balls☆ ☆He/Dog/Puppy☆☆Canine Cladotherian☆☆German Shepherdkin☆Coywolfkin☆Werewolfkin☆☆Transmasc, Bisexual☆
788 posts
Fuck Species Dysphoria.
Fuck species dysphoria.
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Hey you. Yeah, I mean you, alterhuman. You nonhuman. You creature hiding in a human skin. You being, you entity, under that human guise. You critter wearing that human outfit, you there with many true forms. You, the human, but just a little to the left. I'm talking to you.
I love you. You're super cool and I love you.

yknow what? I’m accepting that a sea wolf is one of my theriotypes. Even after loads of research I denied it because I was so exposed to the stricter side of therianthropy / the stricter therians (like therians who say “No you have to have had _____ for this to really be your theriotype!!!” Or “You have to have experienced ___!!” Yknow what I mean? Basically therians who think you need to have all this proof for it to really be your theriotype.) But it just feels.. right. You don’t need proof it’s your theriotype/kintype/ etc. If it feels right and it feels like you, then accept it. No, you don’t need to have had this deep connection all your life with it for it to be your theriotype/kintype/etc. No, you don’t need to have paragraphs of proof that it’s truly your theriotype/kintype/etc. Being a Sea Wolf Therian feels right to me. It feels like me. Have I had a deep connection to it all my life? No, maybe I just didn’t know about it, because obviously I didn’t have the knowledge that they have exist all my life (like, ofc I didn’t know sea wolves existed back when I was five years old!) Alterhumanity does not need proof as long as it feels like you. So if someone tries telling you that you really aren’t otherkin or a Therian or etc. because you don’t have enough “proof”, roll your eyes at them and be on your merry way because who are they to tell you that you aren’t you? Besides, isn’t the alterhuman community suppose to be one of the most loving and supportive communities out there? Pathetic, really, that you would try to deny someone that they aren’t a fellow alterhuman because they don’t meet your expectations or aren’t “valid” in your eyes.
Go be yourself and accept that theriotype/kintype/etc. you’ve been questioning forever and accept it as you. Oh, you got one of your theriotypes/kintypes/etc. wrong and mistaken it for something else? That’s fine. Don’t be scared to get them wrong and make mistakes. I’ve done it, many other alterhumans have done it, don’t be upset if you do it too. You will enjoy alterhumanity so much more and feel much more free once you stop letting others tell you things that make it feel restricting and what not. Any of y’all who disagree can go whine about it in the notes and reblogs or whatever and do me the favor of simply not interacting with this account. This was a post to comfort other alterhumans who felt stuck like me. (Also, if it wasn’t obvious, I didn’t know how to word most of this post but I think I most of y’all will get the point.)

"If you could have any superpower, what w-"
Shapeshifting. Shapeshifting shapeshifting shapeshifting. I'm a transgender therian, what the fuck did you think I would pick.