Canine Physical Nonhuman - Tumblr Posts

Static image version of a previously posted video. All images are ALT text, but I shall also paste the text here:
COMMUNITY PSA: A reminder that those who identify physically as nonhuman are welcome and have always, and will always, be a part of the therian, alterhuman, nonhuman, otherkin, and similar communities, and can use ANY of these labels.
Whether their reason for identifying this way is spiritual, due to delusions, trauma, mental health, conditions such as lycanthropy or zoanthropy or is similar to the notion of "this is my body, and I am nonhuman, therefore my body is nonhuman" is their business and theirs alone.
People outside of the communities will always find a way to dislike us, and trying to cater to them by putting down other members of these groups will never make them fully accept us. Playing into the "Us vs Them" mindset only pushes the community apart.
All I hear when I see videos and comments from fellow therians, nonhumans, otherkin and alterhumans talking about these identities being ONLY non-physical is, "well, we OBVIOUSLY don't identify physically as animals/etc. We're not like those CRAZY people!"
Which is not only ableist but paints those who do identify physically in a bad light, whatever their reason may be. Delusions and mental illnesses that may cause them does not mean the identity of that individual is fake or wrong. So treat others nicely, even if you may not understand.
Not only that but delusions and the mental illnesses that cause them do not always equate to distressing or bad. Unlearn the idea that such things are an indicator of something being wrong and so has to be fixed because that mindset hurts many who live unbothered lives with them.
All of my accounts will always be safe spaces for those who have physical nonhuman and alterhuman identities. Just as they will be a safe space for those whose identity is non-physical. The only one who can decide what and who you are is yourself.
Stay true to yourself! Ignore, report and block the haters! Your happiness is more important than their ideas of you!