81 posts
Inside of me
Because of me
Because I make sense
And Freedom
So much Freedom
Love and compassion
For myself
In the last years
A lot of times it was only about me
And it had to be that way
For everyone
Who helped me survive
For myself
Because I was there with me in my darkest moments
I was there with me when I couldn’t talk to anyone
I am here with myself
Through everything
Being able to see
The smoke clearing away
Parts lingering
Fresh air
And out
In and
For myself
That is beautiful
I am still here
And I‘ll not be going anywhere anytime soon
In myself
I survived
So many things
And I survived
Second chances
Tree branches
Not complaining
Being in this moment
Being better
And that’s a quote:
„It’s so worth it!“
There were always other people
But there is also always myself
More Posts from Freeasthewindsthatblowpastme
It feels like a puzzle piece
When you do a puzzle you sometimes have a huge space of already finished puzzle and one piece in it missing
That’s the puzzle piece
I have it in my hand
It looks like it fits
I am 90% sure it fits
But I don’t put it in
Because I am scared
Maybe it doesn’t fit
I‘m scared
Because if it fits in there
I have to resume puzzling at the outskirts of the huge finished space
And that scares me
Because I don’t know what’s there
So I sit here with my puzzle piece
I sit and watch my puzzle of myself
And I cry
Because it feels forbidden to fill that space
It‘s just a puzzle piece, right?
But it feels so huge.
It feels heavy in my hands
Sometimes finding the right puzzle piece
Is scarier than searching for it
The thing is
Yes there are positive things
How calm nature makes me feel
How the wind makes a sound in the trees
How Sport makes me feel this rush of adrenaline
How I get to be myself
How I am still living
How I can cook
And clean
And draw
How I love learning
How my dog loves me
How animals care
There is so much
Still it’s not enough
Still I am sitting here
Will it ever be enough
I don’t think so
Will I ever be able to enjoy life
Instead of just fighting to survive
I don’t know
But maybe it’s my fault
Maybe I’m running against walls that don’t even exist
In my head
Well I wann trust myself
More than anything
I wanna live
And enjoy
But who knows
If it’s my fault
Who knows
If that matters
I know
I’m here
And I know I struggle
And telling myself
I am not allowed to struggle
Isn’t gonna solve anything.
Change is hard
And I don’t know
If this time I chose too much
Of a challenge
Maybe it is my fault afterall
And maybe
I just know what I am
I don’t know
In the end
I‘m expecting too much
And hurting too much
And enjoying not enough
But I will always find something to criticise
About myself
So yeah
We‘ll see how it goes
Trying to
Move on
From the shame
Of feeling connected to a community that may be mine
Trying to allow myself to find out if the community is mine
Trying to be gentle with myself
And trying to be me
We are allowed to feel that connection afterall
We are allowed to feel home
And we are enough
Enough different
Enough normal
Enough US
And I hope one day we’ll understand that it’s okay to feel conncted even if we aren’t sure if we are a part of that community
Afterall we may be
But we can’t afford to not be a part
We can’t afford that our feelings were wrong
So what is the use in trying to find out if we can only live with one possible outcome
We will never be able to let go of that community
Because it’s the only one we feel so connected and so much at home in.
So we are trying to allow us to feel that even if we don’t know if we are allowed to feel that way.
If we are allowed to let our guard down just yet.
Ah man, we love them so much.
And we feel so safe with them.
We’ll see.
It will be fine.
Everything just feels so pointless
And I am really scared of being stuck with no help again
And I am really overwhelmed
I just want to run from everything and everyone
I just want to be left alone
But truly I want to connect to people
But I am so scared of that
I am scared of not finding help again
I am scared of loosing myself
I am scared of learning more about me
And I am scared of not learning enough
I am scared of not being taken seriously
And I am scared of being dumped
I am scared no one cares about me
And I am scared of doing something wrong
I am scared of being imperfect
Or things going wrong
I am scared of trying
And I am scared of not trying
I am scared of learning more about myself
And I am scared of not learning enough
I am so worried about manoeuvring myself into a situation I can’t get out of
And I am scared of not commuting to something
I am scared of hiding
And I am scared of not hiding
I feel lost and insecure
And I feel dissattached from parts of myself
I feel lost
And I feel like there are two different sides of me that just don’t relate at all
I am just so overwhelmed by everything.
It’s too much.
Who am I?
In all of this
Where am I?
In all of this
Where is my place?
In this world
Is there a place for me?
In this world
Am I allowed to be a fan?
Of this world
Even though it seems like there is a lot of crap going on right now
Am I allowed to celebrate the little things?
Am I allowed to celebrate people that forever changed my perspective on my life?
Am I allowed to disagree when everyone else seems to agree?
Am I allowed to feel what I feel?
And ultimately:
Am I allowed to be myself?
Am I allowed to use the words that describe my experience the best?
Am I a hypocrite?
For being myself.
Does it matter?
Does it matter if I am a bad person?
Is there such a thing as a bad person?
Are there people that are only bad?
Aren’t there multiple dimensions to anyone?
Am I allowed to be myself?
Who is myself?
Am I too much?
Too complex of a person?
Does it matter?
Am I a sum of my experiences?
Or am I more than that?
Am I allowed to find someone cute that I‘ll probably never meet?
Are there even rules to our existence?
Am I being a shitty person?
Or is the world shitty?
Are my actions shitty?
Are my actions kind?
There is no such thing as a shitty person
Noones actions are only shitty
But still there are people out there that I happily call shitty people.
So what amount of shitty actions does make a person a shitty person?
These remain
In our pride
The reason we are here today
Get up
Love for our friends
I don’t think love is a one dimensional word
I think love entails
Deep feelings for a person
And I want to run away from the perception that romantic love is deeper than any other love.
Because for me.
It is not.
And that’s ok.
My body is mine
The rest I decline
To call mine
So here we are
Thoughts are rolling around
And that’s okay
But now I make a lot of sense to myself
And I honestly don’t have to share that with anyone
If I am scared that my description of myself is dissaproved of
It is ok.
And some day
I may be out and proud about it
Like it happened with all my other self descriptions
For now it is ok
To just know who I am
And to know that the rest of my confusion is ok
It can stay
Until I have the opportunity to clear the smoke
And answer the questions
That don’t seem to have an answer right now.