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Freeasthewindsthatblowpastme - The Message Is Hidden Between The Lines - Tumblr Blog
How cruel is it that sometimes even love isn't enough?
How cruel is it that an illness can divide us so much?
How cruel is it that I seem to be too much for everyone?
How cruel is it that even me just wanting to be in your arms is too much for you?
What are you so afraid of?
Why can't we see each other?
I miss you soo much.
And this sucks.
It sucks that people always leave when you need them the most.
It sucks that the world is so cruel.
It sucks that noone can deal with certain illnesses.
And their severity.
We all deal with life diferently.
And I just wanna hear your voice and hold your hand.
And forget about life for a while.
Is it wrong to wish for that.
Is it wrong that with you I can forget for a while who I have to be.
I am so sick of hearing from everyone how
much potential I have.
They all support me soo much.
Because they know I can reach for the stars.
But all I wanna do is live a normal life.
But wherever I go I am supposed to be some wonderkid.
Some special person.
The one who saves the world.
I can shift the momentum in an entire room of people.
But that doesn't mean that I have to.
So I sit here in silence alone
With too much feelings
And too much potential
And I get more and more agressive every
And I don't know how to put my life in regular waters again
Because time and time again I end up alone.
Because people are either starstruck by me or scared of me without me even showing them my full complex self.
It sucks to be too much.
And now I think of you
Working your ass off
And it’s crazy to think
That you’re playing first division now
I am extremely proud of you
I am happy for you
That all your hard work paid off
And I hope one day our paths will cross again
One day you’ll play A national team
Wish you all the best
An old friend
Sometimes love is a sad thing
When you love someone you are not supposed to
For the third time
When you are friends
But you want more
When there’s never gonna be more
When he looks at you like he loves you but daydream doesn’t
When you love him but don’t wanna say anything
So you stay quiet
Just suck it up
Because you don’t want to loose those precious moments
And holding each other
Because you don’t want to loose the hope that maybe one day he will love you back
Although you know he won’t
I just wanna go
Run away
Not having to put up with all of that any more
Dysphoria is annoying as hell
It just sucks so much
I just wanna go
Run away
Not know that I am not who I thaught to be
Not lose hope
Not be so fucking tired
I hate it here
But there is so much I love
I miss you so much
Everyone who ever died
Leaves a whole bigger than them
I don’t want to feel the pain anymore
It was such along time ago
I am gaining weight and I hate it
It sucks sometimes
I hate it here
Growing pains
A lit of gains
From working
From therapy
From living
If you would say those things
In a different context
It wouldn’t be okay
But us being unethical makes it okay?
Why do I have to hurt myself to live freely?
Why do I have to live a lie?
Cause no one understands it.
And you say those things to hurt us.
To claim that we can’t be human.
That your morals are more important than my life.
Why me?
And why disphoria again?
No one knows how much it hurts
To have a part that doesn’t belong
No one knows the pain and the grief
Of suffering from something that is without any logic
The pain and the joy
So close together
Who I am doesn’t change
But how you see me does
DAs einzige was hilft ist das moralisch verwerfliche und vermeintlich gefährliche
Denn medizinische Hilfe gibt es nicht
Weil die Ethik wiederspricht
Nur ominöse Torwächter
Ohne Sinn und Verstand
Der Schmerz der bleibt
Komm nimm mich an die Hand
Zeig mir die Welt wie du sie siehst
Ohne den ganzen Schmerz.
I miss you laying in my arms
I miss you catching me
I miss you hugging me tight
I miss you looking at me like we are the only two people on the planet
I miss you saying you love me
I miss sleeping cuddled into your chest
I miss you being excited whenever I am taller than you
I miss watching you
I miss holding you close
I miss you showing me comics
I miss us showing each other music
I miss your room that just breathes you
I miss you and us and we
Ich zieh sie wieder an
Meine Hülle
Die nie so richtig passt
Jeder Pullover zu kratzig
Jedes Hemd zu groß
Jede Hose zu eng
In all ihrer Endgültigkeit
Liegt sie vor mir
Die Wahrheit ist nicht schön
Die Wahrheit bringt nichts
Die Wahrheit
Ist nicht so einfach
Wir bleiben halt
Und das ist erstmal gut so.
I breathe in
I breathe out
I breathe in
I breathe out
I breathe in
I breathe out
I breathe in
I breathe out
I breathe in
I breathe out
I breathe in
I breathe out
I obsess over one thing
Then another
And another
And another
Nothing stays
Nothing goes away
Nothing leaves
And nothing stays
I change and change and change
For what?
And why?
I don’t want to change anymore
Want to stay someone
Someone else
Want to be myself
But not
Want to live
But die
It’s over
And not
I am gone
And here
Who am I ?
In all of this?
I don’t want to ask
For help
I don’t want to
Grow up
I don’t want to stay a child
I want to die
And live
And go away
And come back
Over and over and over again
I am lost
In my own brain
Forever and always
And staying
Forever and always
Over and over and over again
Still here today
Not gonna die
Who am I in all of this
Coming home
And again
And again
For all the people I know
Love for myself
Forever and always
Where am I
Where are we
Gone forever
I will never get back my childhood
I will never get back my past.
The same mistakes.
The same heartbreaks.
I have isolated myself.
I have destroyed my future.
Out of the fear of failing it.
Trying sucks.
Trying the wrong things sucks.
I am too far gone now.
I am someone who can be helped
But my contradiction
And my violence against myself is unbearable
I use myself as a tool
To get what I want
But I am wrong
And I will forever be wrong
When will I be right again?
I will forever be snippets
Found everywhere
In Books I read
In blogs I kept
On notes
In calculations
I will forever be a journey
Of contradictions
And violations
Of my principles
I will forever have
Standards too high
Friends enough
Questions too much
My idealism
Is killing
My confidence
I am and am and am
Suicidal thaughts
Never seem to
Go away
I am as my dog
Going from one place to another
Over and over and over again
Giving up
And always
Sitting around
Waiting to get help
Fearing life and fearing not getting help
The idiocy of our decisions
Beating ourselves up
The questions
As to why
We stopped
Loving everything
And anything
Being gone
Hating ourselves
Not having a reason to live anymore
If once and for all
There is only one thing I want to experience again
And that is just cuddling with you
But it doesn’t solve anything
Doesn’t solve
My lost reasons
My lost picture of myself
How gone I am
And how I am afraid of life itself
Yet I don’t want to die
But it’s the only option
I don’t believe that
But I am caught in the middle of not wanting to die
But not wanting to live
For what?
In this world of war and uncertainty
In this world of hate
And disconnection
I am not strong enough anymore
Too much happened
Too many things went wrong
And still
I am only a part of myself
I am too scared
For this
I feel like this is over now
Sooner than later
I need help and I don’t want help
The contradiction of reality
I live in
Lost in this big wide world
I don’t want to rely on anyone
Yet I need to rely on everyone
I want to feel miserable
Yet I want to find a way out of this
I feel like I am just faking how bad I am feeling
Yet I feel like no one understands how bad I am feeling
The contradiction of the believes I hold is unbearable
The positivity is gone
I don’t want to fight to live in a broken world
Yet in its brokenness lies a certain beauty
I don’t want to read peoples emotions
I don’t want to interpret peoples emotions
I feel like how I view myself is keeping me distant from everyone else
I don’t believe that I can be helped
Yet I know and hope so
Everything at once
The times
When energy
Was an endless resource
And taking care of others kept me alive
But now
Nothing is ever enough
And nothing will ever be enough
I hope it will get better
Yet I don’t believe it will
I don’t want to hope
For my dreams to crash
Now I am the problem
The people I looked down on
I now can understand them
A little bit better
My self hatred is as big as it never was before
The reasons are gone
Just to live for your hugs
Is not an option
But maybe a beginning
Of a reason
Reason 1: Your hugs
It’s stupid to resolve my world around your hugs
I didn’t even tell you what really happened
I feel so ashamed
I feel like I am not allowed to feel bad
I feel like it is all my fault.
I feel like I ruined this incredible chance I had
I feel like all of this is just my fault
And thus I am the problem
But your hugs are immaculate
Being cuddled in your arms
Is a reason to stay
I am sorry
That I am miserable
And not doing anything against it
Well my fault
Do you ever realise that you also have the chance to change things or learn out of things?
A fault isn’t a fate.
But as long as my brain is beating me up.
For every little small and big thing
There is only one reason to stay:
Your hugs
Being responsible for myself is yet freeing yet scary.
The contradiction of my existence.
Insecurity is at the start of change.
Right now
There is just
Being tired
And feeling alive.
You know
I love this place
And I need more time
I love some bits and pieces
And I wanna make them mine
I want to find the people I enjoy
I wanna stay and see how it goes
And at the same time
I am frustrated
I feel lost
I don’t want to study
I want to mourn
The life I could have had
If I wouldn’t have the life I have
This time my body keeps me alive
But I am so so tired
I can’t really sleep
Yet my heart is pounding
Heavy in my chest
The anticipation of change
Like I am moving
And the world is moving
But I don’t feel like the right parts of me are moving
But maybe they are
Life is not a straight line
And I am not straight
Yet the chaos is tiring
The feeling of never being able to do everything is tiring
I am now a person
Who isn’t that wonderkid anymore
I am now a person who is struggling
In a thing I never struggled with
This world
It‘s not for me
Nor am I for it
But my strength
Leads me to staying here
And now I understand
That something is near
The emptiness faded
My brain is lost
Will I ever stop feeling like
The world never stops
I am gone
Forever now
I don’t know
What to do
The constant changing is tiring
And I just don’t want to move
I am done
With this
I wanna give up
Let me have a heart attack
Or let me survive
This is not responsible
The issue here is
That the fear of failing is keeping me from trying
There is no reason
No reason
No reason
But what I really wanna convince myself of is that I don’t care
Don’t care
I feel too much
And I am scared of it
So I stay away
And don’t go.
I am scared
Of what I don’t know
I don’t want to continue
To live in a world
Where I have to fight myself
To survive
Where I have to strive
To feel like I am worthwhile
Thank you for not staying silent
Thank you for your answer on here
From a long time ago
Maybe it is too much to ask
Can you help me again?
I feel lost and insecure
But I also fear
To not feel that way again
Because everything changes
At a pace
I can’t keep up with
And things I once enjoyed
Just feel mute
What is this
I run from it
In the world
I can’t swerve anymore
I have to face
The reality
The truth
But I just wanna run
One day I’m fine
The other I’m not
Everything feels like
It’s my mistake.
My fault
Will it ever change?
Every day
Softer everyday
Trying and trying and trying
Using energy
Reusing energy
Feeling too much
And not enough
Just trying to function
But it doesn’t work
The walls are up again
It’s back an forth
One day smiling
One day hiding
Running away
And coming back
And again
And again
And again
Feeling wrong everywhere
Feeling less wrong than before
Wanting to be seen
Wanting to hide
Wanting to run
This is so weird
I wanna run
And come back
And it costs so much energy
This inconsistency
And I want it to stop
But I don’t know
How to
Not hide
I don’t know
How to be myself
I know who I am
But not how to be me
I feel lost and insecure
And like repeating everything
That I ever said
Over and over and over again
I feel wrong
And right
And once again
And I need
To be
From this
Of back and forth
Can I just run forever
Or stay
I don’t know
It doesn’t leave my head
How weird it is
That I’m still here
Objectively everything is great
Subjectively I suffer
From a lot
I hate it here
And I love it here
Than ever
There was a time
When I wasn’t
Now I am here
But it feels weird
Like I am not supposed to be here
And yet I am grateful to be here
In this
I can’t help but feel
Like it’s my fault
But it’s not
It will never be my fault
What happened to me
Or what happened
I can work on myself
But I don’t have to do magic
It’s still weird
To live
In a world
That I don’t really exist in
The way I am
Is not intended in this society
But it is in
I know that I exist
And still I often feel like I don’t exist in my every day life
It doesn’t work not to be out
But I also can’t force myself to come out of the shadows of my past
Too soft
Too harsh
Too much of just functioning
Too less having fun
Never enough
Always too much
I am the contradiction
I am contradictory
And maybe
One day
One game
The feeling
Of belonging
Is so important
I wanna see
My life goes
I wanna see
How I can grow
I wanna live
And see
If I am right
If there is a chance
For you and me
To gently be
Without the fears
Of being a wrong
How can you be wrong
I love your kindness
I love how you care
For people
I love
That you care
I love that you try
I love that you don’t give up
Try and get the help
Don’t fly away
I wanna stay
This is powerful
As today
What if we run
From the sun
To the moon
And exist
We are
I love people
Sooo much
I mean
There are annoying ones
But mostly
They are kind
And sweet
And nice
And just want to connect
With each other
What if all those loud people
Are just lonely
And fear to be overlooked
Who is powerful
And who is not
I enjoy
And I hope
It continues
To inspire
And in the end
We don’t even know
What’s wrong
What’s right
Who am I
In this world
Where there is only 2 options
I wanna run away
Faster than ever
I wanna fly away
What if we can’t run any more
What if we don’t use the energy for fear
But for determination
The nervousness in my stomach will not go away
I hate it here
Except I don’t
Can’t sleep
Can’t eat
Can’t think
It feels like it’s over
But really it’s the beginning
Who am I
In all of this
Sometimes I hate existing
Sometimes I‘m amazed I still exist
Sometimes I wanna run
Everything hurts
I will never get used to the jokes
To the fact that you’re joking about my life
You are just joking, right?
But it makes me wanna die.
It makes me wanna run away.
Faster than the sun
Can burn
Your brain
If it’s a joke
Why does it hurt
I wanna go
Being with people
Mirroring your own insecurities
Will it ever get better
I don’t know
And maybe
I hate
This point again
And I wish
I decided differently
I wish I didn’t
Go here
At least
I would
Feel safe
And have people
To hug
Can we please
Stop feeling
So much shame
Feeling like it’s our fault
I am not ok
That is the truth
And I wish I was
But I am not
And I don’t know
If I‘ll ever be
What is joy
I just feel mute
Thank you for realising
That you are not ok
I don’t care
But I do care
I live
But I hit the brakes
Have you ever tried to cycle while hitting the brakes?
That’s what it feels like
I just wanna run away
And come back
Over and over again
Because it’s easier
Than staying
It takes
So much more energy
And all of my problems
Seem to much
And feel like
They are my fault
Which they are not
But yeah