she/her! stede bonnet irl
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I've always thought Margarita would be a beautiful name for a little girl
ofmd really said. the way to win in life is to engage in shenanigans. then it said you can do this on a ship or in an inn. you can do this as a bird even

You know how canaries were historically brought into coal mines, because if the mine was full of carbon monoxide the canary would die first and the miners would be able to escape before they died too?
I just found the greatest thing.

This is a canary resuscitator.
When the miners notice the canary getting sick with carbon monoxide poisoning, they can close that circular hatch so no more gas gets into the canary cage, and open the valve on that oxygen tank to keep the canary breathing. In other words, they made a spacesuit for birds.
By immediately giving the canary access to clean air, the miners can save it from the poison. The bird lives. To be clear, this is not for economic purposes, this was specifically created because the miners felt bad and wanted to save the bird.
Isn’t that just the perfect demonstration of what humans are like? We started sacrificing small creatures to save ourselves, and then felt bad and spent our valuable resources on saving the critters too. Because yeah the canary was the only way to test for CO, but it’s a living creature too, dammit!
I'm rewatching in bits, and: When Frenchie reports for his First Mate-ly duty and Ed tells him about the birds that never land, it's kind of a devastating repetition of Ed and Izzy's conversation about clouds last season. Ed tells the truth in metaphors and stories and games, all modes of communication that Izzy "everything is just one thing" Hands was utterly incapable of comprehending. So Izzy didn't get what Ed was trying to say about the clouds.
But Frenchie is a whole other story - he might be the straight-up smartest person on board barring Ed, he's a canny little shit, and he knows a metaphor when he hears one. He would have gotten that a cloud can be a frankfurter, and he instantly understands that the birds aren't just birds.
It's just another layer of sorrow on top of all the rest in this scene, because Ed found someone who gets him, and he is in absolutely no position to appreciate it.
I know this sounds like the deranged ramblings of a senile old man but I swear it used to be possible to look up information on the internet
for clarification if he lost his quirk in the war i don’t know about it 🩷 the war isnt even real to me <3 and its going to stay that way! thanks :)

is aizawas hair the same length as shinsous old hair with his quirk activated.... is that why they did this.... the old switcharoo...

is aizawas hair the same length as shinsous old hair with his quirk activated.... is that why they did this.... the old switcharoo...
so the conclusion to mha is… nobody was saved and nothing has changed at all…. so profound ..….. much to think about

Huh. I just noticed that Shigaraki perches on top of the van during the attack on the prison van transporting Overhaul in the same way that Eraserhead was sitting on top of a villain while catching his breath during the USJ arc. Call me Torodoki the way I'm calling this a conspiracy theory re: Eraserhead's #1 fanboy (sorry Shinsou)

it's the start of the week, there's still time!

i'm not a lesbian as far as i know and i already have a wife but thanks tumblr
In the future, children will think our ways are strange. "Why do old people always grow so much milkweed in their gardens?" they'll say. "Why do old people always write down when the first bees and butterflies show up? Why do old people hate lawn grass so much? Why do old people like to sit outside and watch bees?"
We will try to explain to them that when we were young, most people's yards were almost entirely short grass with barely any flowers at all, and it was so commonplace to spray poisons to kill insects and weeds that it was feared monarch butterflies and American bumblebees would soon go extinct. We will show them pictures of sidewalks, shops, and houses surrounded by empty grass without any flowers or vegetables and they will stare at them like we stared at pictures of grimy children working in coal mines
dead leafs? that’s called yard salad now. and it’s the new food trend.
writing is so fun
I love how in bnha fic there’s a handful of headcanons that everyone adores. I love how that makes it possible to read so many interpretations of this specific situation.

he’s matching with eri if you even care
bonus comic: (the next morning)

a few minutes later bkg decides to own it and become a rarity stan
edit: now comes with a rec list!