Greendale - Tumblr Posts
i am SCREAMING rn !!
alright so i'm watching community 4x01, "history 101." and i am Concerned about abed. and there's this exchange where abed says he's fine, and troy asks, "f-i-n-e or f-y-n-e?" he explains to britta and annie (and to the audience) that one of them is code for not actually being fine. abed responds that he's "f-Y-n-e," and troy, comforted by the reassurance that abed is Actually Fine, leaves with britta, annie, and shirley.
here's the kicker: it's a movie reference. he built a little movie reference check-in system for abed. troy states that HE made up the code; it wasn't abed's idea! it was TROY who said, "hey, you know that movie line? can we use it so i can subtly check in on your emotional state?"
this is why troy is my favorite character. what a sweetheart.
the movie reference is to "the italian job," which i haven't seen in maybe a year, so i don't remember much about it. it's a heist movie! i'm mostly sure it has mark wahlberg in it. but early on in the movie, the younger, up-and-coming heist team leader says that he's fine. his heist team leader mentor reminds him that "fine" stands for "freaked out, insecure, neurotic, and emotional." the line comes back later in the movie, i'm mostly sure.
for troy and abed, it probably means the same thing. if abed says he's "f-i-n-e," he's referencing the movie: he's freaked out, insecure, neurotic, emotional, or otherwise Not Alright. however, if he says he's "f-y-n-e," it's not a reference; he's just fyne.
made these many moons ago but i forgot to post them so here ya go

the thing about community. is that for the first couple of seasons troy's inner monologue consists of "why doesn't abed have a girlfriend? if i were a girl i'd want to date abed. i wonder where abed would take me out on a date if i were girl..." and abed's inner monologue consists of movie quotes interspersed with "i wonder when troy will be ready for me to kiss him"

I just thought everyone needed to see Joel doing the cunty little hip thing in real life
reference list:

I feel like this screencap has untapped meme potential. Like this needs to be up there with other Community memes like “i hope this doesn’t awaken anything in me” and i draw the line at animal cruelty”

Community doodles (I just finished rewatching the show for the 6th time and the brainrot is real)
I might draw/doodle more characters later if I’m up to it
Uhhh yeah hope you like them

Since I’ve gotten so much overwhelming support for my last community doodles post, soI decided to draw Abed for y’all! I hope you guys like it, ignore the bad hand proportions and weird hair coloring lol, thanks for everything!